The Saturn turns 100,000 miles, 3/7/2000

These pictures were taken with my Sony Mavica FD-7 digital camera on I-93 in New Hampshire, as my 1994 Saturn SL-1 approached and turned 100,000 miles.

All images are 24-bit JPEGs and should be viewed on a 24-bit display. Quality is likely to be very poor when viewed on an 8-bit display.

As part of a weekend trip for hockey, an interview, and skiing, my car approached 100,000 miles.

And then it really approached it.

Coming up on the junction of I-89 North while driving up I-93 North near Concord, NH....

We turn 100K. And I need a gas station.
E-mail domain:, username: terescoj+pics Sat Mar 11 22:33:48 EST 2000

Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.