Utah 261, The Moki Dugway - September 26, 2003

This looks innocent enough on the map. Sure, there's a squiggly part and it's marked as "unpaved" for a short distance, but it's a state highway, right? Actually, it's not so bad, but it is definitely an interesting ride.

Yes, it's Utah 261. [2048x1536]

And it goes where I want to get to. [2048x1536]

Sounds like fun. [2048x1536]

Seems OK for me. [2048x1536]

It starts out going across a flat area with more great scenery. [2048x1536]



Amazingly enough, the road is heading straight for that cliff! [2048x1536]

Yes, it's going up there, somehow. [2048x1536]

They're not kidding about some 5 MPH turns. I think there were only 2 that were really that sharp. [2048x1536]

Part way up, we see the gravel road along the ledge and the road down in the valley floor. [2048x1536]


One of those sharp turns. [2048x1536]


Most of the way up now, a good look at the road to this point. [2048x1536]


The road doesn't go over there. [2048x1536]

At the top, they tell us about the elevation. Apparently, it's called the Moki Dugway (despite this spelling). The 1100 ft. drop is for the southbound travelers. [2048x1536]

There's the road way down there. [2048x1536]

And now it goes around one more turn and it's the top. [2048x1536]

On top, it flattens out to more of what you might expect of a state highway. [2048x1536]

And eventually, it ends at Utah 95. [2048x1536]
E-mail domain: teresco.org, username: terescoj - Fri Jun 24 14:40:13 EDT 2005

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