Needles Highway, South Dakota - July 18, 2003

Pictures from various stops along the Needles Highway from Custer State Park up toward Mt. Rushmore.

Traffic in the first tunnel. [1024x768][2048x1536]

I think this is the cathedral area. [1024x768][2048x1536]









More lichens! [1024x768][2048x1536]

Odd formation overhanging the highway. [1024x768][2048x1536]



Cathy, trying to fall. [1024x768][2048x1536]


A view just before the tunnel over to the Needles Eye. [1024x768][2048x1536]



Another chipmunk. [1024x768][2048x1536]

The Needles Eye. [768x1024][1536x2048]

The Needles Eye again. [1024x768][2048x1536]


The tunnel in the Needles Eye area. [1024x768][2048x1536]

It's the longest tunnel. [1024x768][2048x1536]
E-mail domain:, username: terescoj - Sat Jul 19 19:00:13 CDT 2003

Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.