Banff National Park - Minnewanka Loop
January 23, 2000. Our main Sunday afternoon activity was a drive
around the Minnewanka Loop.
Well, in the winter it's not actually a loop. Part of the loop is closed and left to the snowmobiles and cross country skis.
There are lots of elk in Banff.
Big elk.
Looking out over frozen Lake Minnewanka.
Don't let the bears eat the trash.
Walking on the lake. It's too bad this camera is so bad with shadows. It wasn't that dark.
A crack in the frozen lake.
We also took the side trip to Johnson Lake.
Mike walking down onto Johnson Lake.
The outflow from Johnson Lake.
Looking out over Johnson Lake.
Very nice, but cold.
It's those elk again.
Back at the highway.
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Wed Jan 26 21:17:53 EST 2000
Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.