Shawnee Peak, Maine - January 28, 2001

Arrival at Shawnee Peak.

In the parking lot.

Julie and her equipment.

The ticket booth.

Will and Julie still resting during my trip to get the camera from the car.

Some people at the base.

The main lodge.

A kid who was enjoying himself by sitting on a chunk of ice and sliding down a small hill.

On the way up on the Summit Triple.


View from the chair lift.

Looking from the summit toward Mount Washington, the highest peak in the center of this picture.

Zooming in on Mount Washington.

The summit area. This is where the Summit triple and the East Side Triple both let off.

More mountains, many of which are in New Hampshire.

Julie and Will skiing.

Random skier.

This could be Will.

This trail (like many) had some thin cover.

Now just sit still.

Looking through the trees to East Slope from the Summit Triple.

Julie in the lodge after skiing.

Another look from the parking lot.

The lodge and parking lot.
E-mail domain:, username: terescoj+pics - Tue Jan 30 20:58:28 EST 2001

Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.