Ontario - August 4, 2001
Leaving Ontario 402 to take Ontario 21 North to Lake Huron.
Here's Ontario 21 North.
And we found this great beach - Ipperwash Beach.
A small town in Ontario, possibly Thedford.
And across the countryside.
On Lambdon County Road 79.
To get back to 402.
And now on 401.
Approaching the 401/403 split.
We'll take 403.
And here we are.
Then the QEW.
Toward Niagara.
Lake Ontario - the third Great Lake we've seen in just a few days.
OK, so this is not Ontario, but it's just over the border in Buffalo.
E-mail domain: teresco.org, username: terescoj+pics
Wed Aug 15 20:20:04 EDT 2001
Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.