Utah 261, The Moki Dugway - September 26, 2003
This looks innocent enough on the map. Sure, there's a squiggly part
and it's marked as "unpaved" for a short distance, but it's a state
highway, right? Actually, it's not so bad, but it is definitely an
interesting ride.
Yes, it's Utah 261.
And it goes where I want to get to.
Sounds like fun.
Seems OK for me.
It starts out going across a flat area with more great scenery.
Amazingly enough, the road is heading straight for that cliff!
Yes, it's going up there, somehow.
They're not kidding about some 5 MPH turns. I think there were only 2 that were really that sharp.
Part way up, we see the gravel road along the ledge and the road down in the valley floor.
One of those sharp turns.
Most of the way up now, a good look at the road to this point.
The road doesn't go over there.
At the top, they tell us about the elevation. Apparently, it's called the Moki Dugway (despite this spelling). The 1100 ft. drop is for the southbound travelers.
There's the road way down there.
And now it goes around one more turn and it's the top.
On top, it flattens out to more of what you might expect of a state highway.
And eventually, it ends at Utah 95.
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Fri Jun 24 14:40:13 EDT 2005
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