These pictures and movie were taken with my Fujifilm Finepix S9000
digital camera at Messa Rink at Achilles Center on the campus of Union
College in Schenectady, New York, on February 26, 2011, at the ECAC
Hockey game between the Princeton Tigers and the Union College
Dutchmen. With their 5-0 win, Union clinched their first-ever ECAC
regular season title, receiving the Cleary Cup. The game was followed
by Senior Night ceremonies for the Class of 2011.
Images are shown at a resolution of 640x480, but many are available in
full size or cropped from the originals or in half of original size by
clicking on the links after the captions.
In addition to the pictures below, I pasted my videos together from
the end of the game and posted them to YouTube: