Lake Placid - March 16-18, 2001

These pictures were taken with my Olympus C2100-Z digital camera on a trip to the ECAC Men's Hockey Tournament in Lake Placid, New York, March 16-18, 2001. Along for the trip were Andy Weise and Rob Foulis.

All images are 24-bit JPEGs and should be viewed on a 24-bit display. Quality is likely to be very poor when viewed on an 8-bit display. Most images are shown at a resolution of 640x480, but are available in 800x600 and full 1600x1200 sizes by clicking on the links after the captions.

Friday, March 16, 2001

We had to miss the Thursday night play-in game (won by Dartmouth over Vermont, 3-2, in overtime) because of my Friday morning teaching schedule. I picked up Rob in Troy and met up with Andy in Clifton Park around noon and we were on our way. The ride up [15 Pictures] was made by Andy in a record 1 hour, 55 minutes (it always used to be 2 hours 10 minutes).

We checked in to our usual location, the Town and Country Motor Inn, then got some pizza on our way to the games [Picture]. We got to the arena [2 Pictures] in plenty of time for the games. In the first game [7 Pictures], Cornell defeated Harvard, 5-2, and in the second [2 Pictures], St. Lawrence shut out Dartmouth, 2-0.

Saturday, March 17, 2001

It was an absolutely perfect day to ski Whiteface [2 Pictures] and we did. Lots of great snow, bright sunshine, no wind, and mild temperatures made for skiing about as good as it gets in the East. We skied from 9:00 until about 3:00. I wish I could have brought my camera up on the mountain because the views were spectacular. Some clouds just started to come in as we were leaving, and they stayed with us the rest of the day.

After skiing, we drove back to town [5 Pictures] to get ready for hockey. We didn't rush to see the whole consolation game, but we did want to see some of it. Before heading to the game, we had the traditional meal at the Thirsty Moose [Picture]. We made it for most of the third period of the consolation game, then waited around for over an hour for the start of the championship, won by St. Lawrence, 3-1 [9 Pictures].

Sunday, March 18, 2001

We were on our way from the motel before 10, and had a nice ride back [5 Pictures], getting to Andy's in Clifton Park before noon. Another successful trip to the ECAC's in Lake Placid.

E-mail domain:, username: terescoj+pics Mon Mar 19 18:47:58 EST 2001

Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.