Mississippi Trip - November 1-5, 1998
These pictures were taken with my Sony Mavica FD-7 digital camera in
the Deep South between November 1 and November 5, 1998.
All images are 24-bit JPEGs and should be viewed on a 24-bit display.
Quality is likely to be very poor when viewed on an 8-bit display.
- November 1, 1998. The trip out. I have no pictures, but
the flight from Albany to Atlanta was especially interesting. There
were clouds at first, but when we emerged over northwestern New
Jersey, my side of the plane had a clear view of the entire New York
City metro area. Clearly visible were the buildings of NY itself, the
Tappan Zee Bridge, and most impressively, the shapes of the coastline,
including New York Harbor, Staten Island, the western part of Long
Island, and the northern Jersey shore. Amazing view. Plus it was
late afternoon, so the buildings of NYC were lit from the West, where
I was looking from. As we went further south, I got good views of
Philly, the Delaware Memorial Bridge, and a good chunk of Chesapeake
Bay before we went into the clouds. Things cleared up before Atlanta,
and we circled the city and came in right over downtown Atlanta at
dusk. Very impressive.
- November 2, 1998. The long sightseeing trip.
- November 3, 1998. Vicksburg National Military Park.
- November 4, 1998. A shorter sightseeing trip.
- November 5, 1998. The uneventful trip home.
E-mail domain: teresco.org, username: terescoj+pics
Thu Nov 5 22:42:45 EST 1998
Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.