Newberry National Volcanic Monument, Oregon - July 18, 2004

The entrance area and heading up Lava Butte.



The road up toward Lava Butte. [2048x1536]

The chipmunks are too friendly up at the top. [2048x1536]


This cone last erupted 6000 years ago. [2048x1536]

Chipmunks everywhere. [2048x1536]

Looking into the crater from the top of Lava Butte. [2048x1536]



Looking out over an older lava flow - 12,000 years old. [2048x1536]


Mt. Bachelor. [2048x1536]

Diamond Peak in the distance. [2048x1536]

Helpful map of the mountains to the west. [2048x1536]

The Three Sisters. [2048x1536]

From the top of the observation tower on Lava Butte. [2048x1536]



The nearby 6000-year old lava flow, next to US 97. [2048x1536]

From the trail around the rim, a look back at the observation tower. [2048x1536]

Look down at the walking trail through the lava field. [2048x1536]

Kipukas: islands of trees surrounded by the lava flow. [2048x1536]

There are some kipukas in this flow. [2048x1536]


Andrew will lift this large volcanic rock. [2048x1536]


The rock, or at least one pretty similar. [2048x1536]
E-mail domain:, username: terescoj - Tue Jul 20 09:33:26 PDT 2004

Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.