Checking out NF, May 29, 1999
In Niagara Falls, morning of May 29, 1999. After an overpriced and
not especially good breakfast at Denny's in Niagara Falls, NY, we
checked out more of the falls from the US side. We drove out to Goat
Island, parked, and walked the outside edge of the island. By late
morning, it was time to head across the Rainbow Bridge to Canada.
Morning view from the room at the Clarion.
The Niagara River on the south shore of Goat Island, where the water decides which side to fall over.
Sea gulls in the river.
View of the Horseshoe falls from Goat Island.
Nathan down by the river on one of the Three Sisters Islands.
Horseshoe Falls.
Horseshoe Falls.
Rainbow viewed from Goat Island.
Double rainbow.
Looking down at Horseshoe Falls.
Bridal Veil Falls and American Falls from Goat Island.
People on the Cave of the Winds tour.
American Falls from Luna Island.
Tourists: Go here.
View across at a building still under construction on the Canadian side.
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Mon May 31 18:41:23 EDT 1999
Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.