I-70 in Colorado, April 13, 2002
These pictures are taken on I-70 East and US 6 East between Vail and
Denver on April 13, 2002.
One of many nice views near Vail Pass.
I think this is near Vail Pass and the ski area is Breckenridge.
One of the Denver reservoirs, near Dillon.
Headed up US 6 toward Arapahoe.
There's Arapahoe Basin.
A better view, a little way up the hill on US 6 toward Loveland Pass.
At the pass, and the divide. The highest road of the day.
Nice view from the pass.
On our way down from the pass, looking down on I-70 far below.
Almost to Denver, it's a really long downhill.
Denver is starting to come into view as we emerge from the foothills.
E-mail domain: teresco.org, username: terescoj+pics -
Wed Apr 17 19:00:43 EDT 2002
Copyright notice: All images are copyright © James D. Teresco unless otherwise specified. Unauthorized use is prohibited.