Why Do You Have So Many Pictures of Road Signs?

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Why not? This page gathers up the many pictures of road signs I've taken over the years. I used to take things like state welcome signs and others mainly as markers to make it easier to remember where other (non-sign) pictures were taken. I still do that, but now, a lot of them are taken on purpose. Some of these have been included on AARoads, and various other highway photography web sites. If you're looking for pictures of other things, follow the links to trip reports with the pictures below, or visit my travel and other pictures page.

Most pictures before March 2001, were taken with a Sony Mavica FD-7 digital camera, while some of the oldest are from scans of old film photos. Later pictures are of higher quality, mostly taken with an Olympus Camedia C2100-UZ, then an Olympus Camedia C730 Ultra Zoom, a Fujifilm Finepix S9000, and now a Fujifilm FinePix HS50.

This page describes each sign, organized by date. Click on the links to see the actual pictures. Many of the ones taken with the newer cameras have 640x480 or 800x600 overview pictures as well as closeups captured from the larger originals. Where available, links are also provided to the trip reports, containing trip details and a lot more pictures, from which the road sign pictures were gathered.

This page has outgrown its format pretty badly, now with over 37,000 links to images, all from one big page. I hope to reorganize it some time. There's some neat stuff here, but there's also a lot of junk. I am making one attempt to rate things: look for *'s in the descriptions for those I think are somewhat more interesting, more *'s for more interesting images. I haven't made it all the way through, yet.

The good news is that since all of the sign pictures are described on this page, you can use your browser's "Find in page" function (once it's done formatting over 1000 tables) to search for what you want.

In addition to the *'s, here are a few attempts at organization:

I have evidence that being a computer scientist who spends some time making a page like this might not be so bad. If it's good enough for Donald Knuth to spend time making a web page about road signs, I suppose it should be good enough for me.

Related to this is my work on the Travel Mapping Project, where I track my cumulative travels and you can track yours too.

All images are property of and copyright © James D. Teresco (unless otherwise specified) and may not be used for any purpose other than your viewing pleasure without permission.

Cross Country Trip, August 1985

August 14, 1985

Reno - Biggest Little City in the World I wasn't sure where this was, but LJ Johnson writes: "The photo was taken southbound in Downtown Reno on N. Virginia Street at it's intersection with Third Street. At the time of the photo, Virginia St. was probably signed as Business US-395. Random fact: the 'Biggest Little City' sign in the photo is the 2nd incarnation of the sign."

August 18, 1985

Overhead: Candlestick Park. Probably taken on US 101 South in San Francisco, California.

August 19, 1985

Overheads: US 101, Los Angeles, Ventura Ave, California 33, Ojai Taken on the Ventura Freeway in Ventura. [Closer View]

August 23, 1985

Mexico, plus overhead signs for Vans, Campers, Motorhomes, Camiones de Cargo, Commercial Vehicles Taken at the southern end of I-5 in San Ysidro, California.

August 25, 1985

Green sign: California 127, Death Valley Taken on I-15 North.
Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada Taken on the Strip northbound. [Closer View]
Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada Taken on the Strip northbound. (Just with a different camera)

August 27, 1985

Grand Canyon National Park Taken at the western entrance of the main park loop road.

Delaware and Philadelphia Trip, August 1998

August 1, 1998

Exit 4A, Delaware 1 and 7 South, Christiana Mall Road Taken on I-95 North in Delaware.
Onramp sign for I-76 West Taken along Broad Street northbound in Philadelphia.

Ohio Trip, August 1998

August 14, 1998

I-80 and Ohio 10 East, Ohio Turnpike, Lorain Road, Next Right Taken West of Cleveland on I-90 West.
Overhead: exit sign for Ohio 2 and I-90 West, Ohio Turnpike, Toledo Also taken West of Cleveland on I-90 West.

Mississippi Trip, November 1998

November 2, 1998

Overhead: I-59 South, New Orleans, and US 98 West exit Taken on I-59 South, near Hattiesburg, Mississippi, in the rain.
I-10 West shield Taken in Mississippi, approaching the Louisiana border.
Louisiana Welcomes You * Westbound on I-10.
Bourbon Street street sign In New Orleans, Louisiana, of course.
Mississippi Welcomes You * On US 61 North.

November 4, 1998

Mississippi River It's hard to read the sign, but it says "MISSISSIPPI RIVER", and the picture is taken crossing the Mississippi into Louisiana from Vicksburg on I-20 West.
Welcome to Louisiana Westbound on I-20.
Welcome to Arkansas A horribly blurred picture which actually says "Welcome to Arkansas, home of President Bill Clinton", taken on US 65 North.

To Amsterdam, New York, for Christmas, December 1998

December 24, 1998

Overheads: South I-87, NYS Thruway, West I-90, New York, Buffalo, and Exit 1N, I-87 North, Northway, Montreal Taken on I-90 West in Albany, New York. This part of I-90 is free, but joins up with the NYS Thruway for the rest of its way through New York at this point.
Exit 26, I-890, New York 5, New York 5S, Schenectady, Scotia, 1 mile This was taken on I-90 West in Rotterdam, New York, soon after the opening of the I-890 bridge connecting Exit 26 and I-890 to New York 5. The old sign here did not have the New York 5 or Scotia.
Exit 26, I-890, New York 5, New York 5S, Schenectady, Scotia Same idea, but now approaching the exit.

Trip from Troy, New York to Florida, December 30, 1998-January 2, 1999

December 31, 1998

Welcome to Florida * On I-95 South.

January 2, 1999

I-95 South Miami * Onramp sign in the Palm Beach area from surface streets.

Trip to Yankee Stadium, April 24, 1999

South I-87 shield On the New York State Thruway somewhere between Albany and New York.
City of New York * Taken on I-87 South crossing from Yonkers and the New York State Thruway to the Bronx and the Major Deegan Expressway. I believe this sign has been replaced.

Niagara Falls and Toronto Trip, May 28-30, 1999

May 28, 1999

I-90 West shield On the New York State Thruway somewhere in central New York.
Rochester 58, Buffalo 118 On the New York State Thruway, well, 58 miles east of Rochester.
Overheads for I-990 North, State University, Lockport, 1/2 mile Taken on I-290 West, north of Buffalo.
I-990 North, State University, Lockport Taken on I-290 West, north of Buffalo. As you know, I-990 is the highest numbered road in the interstate system.
US 62 exit, Niag Falls Blvd Taken on I-290 West, north of Buffalo. As you know, US 62 goes all the way from Niagara Falls to El Paso, Texas.
Welcome to City of Niagara Falls * Taken on the North Grand Island Bridge (I-190 North) entering Niagara Falls, New York.

May 29, 1999

Orange sign: Stop for Inspection, Enter When Clear, Arret-Inspection, Avancez Quand la Voie est Libre Taken at Canada Customs after crossing the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge from Niagara Falls, New York, into Niagara Falls, Canada.
Assorted signs, including Welcome to Ontario and To QEW Taken after crossing the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge from Niagara Falls, New York,into Niagara Falls, Canada.
Welcome to Ontario, More to Discover * Taken after crossing the Queenston-Lewiston Bridge from Niagara Falls, New York, into Niagara Falls, Canada.

Ride to Eighth Lake Campground in the Adirondacks, July 4, 1999

Overheads: South I-87, West New York 7, Albany Schenectady, and I-87 North, Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls Taken on the onramp at Exit 7 of the Northway, from US 9 in Latham.

Cross Country Trip, July 22-August 10, 1999

July 22, 1999

West I-88 shield Taken just west of the eastern terminus of I-88 in Rotterdam, New York, with a light fog in the early morning air.
Overhead: South I-81, to New York 17, Binghamton Taken on I-88 West just east of its western terminus in Binghamton, New York.
End I-88 shield Blurred, but taken on I-88 West at its western terminus in Binghamton, New York.
New York 17 West and Southern Tier Expressway shield Taken just west of Binghamton.
North New York 15, West New York 17, and Southern Tier Expressway shield Taken west of Corning. This section has since also been designated I-86.
Future I-86 shield ** Taken on New York 17 West in southwestern New York. This section has since become I-86.
Pennsylvania Welcomes You * Taken on New York 17 West as it becomes Pennsylvania 17 West. This has since become I-86.
Ohio Welcomes You * Taken on I-90 West.
I-90, Ohio 2 West, Toledo onramp marker Taken in Avon, Ohio.
West I-80, I-90 shield Taken in western Ohio.
Welcome to Indiana * Taken on I-80/90 West.
Exit 21, US 6 West, Indiana 51, I-80, I-94, Des Moines, Next Right Taken on The Indiana East-West Toll Road westbound in northwestern Indiana. This is where I-80 leaves I-90 after having been joined near Cleveland.

July 23, 1999

Oasis and McDonald's * The "Oasis" with a McDonald's above I-90 on the Northwest Tollway in Illinois.
Wisconsin Welcomes You * On I-90 West.
North I-39, West I-90, West I-94 shields Taken north and west of Madison, Wisconsin, in a heavy rain.
Exit 45, I-90, I-94, La Crosse, St Paul, Jct 2 Miles Taken on I-90/94 West in Wisconsin, approaching the split of I-90 and I-94. I-94 rejoins I-90 at I-94's western terminus in Montana.
Minnesota Welcomes You * Taken from the rest area just over the border into Minnesota on I-90 West.
West I-90 shield Taken in Eastern Minnesota. The shield includes "Minnesota".
Overheads: I-90 Sioux Falls, Exit 159A, I-35 South, Albert Lea, Des Moines, Exit 159B, I-35 North, Twin Cities Taken on I-90 West in Minnesota. The picture is a bit dark, as the sun was starting to set ahead of us in the west.
South Dakota - Great Faces Great Places * Taken by Nathan Schimke just after a nice sunset to the northwest on I-90 West entering South Dakota.

July 24, 1999

Missouri River, Lake Francis Case * Taken by Nathan Schimke on I-90 West crossing the Missouri River in Chamberlain, South Dakota.
Exit 260, Oacoma, 1 Mile Taken on I-90 West approaching Oacoma, South Dakota. Even if you've never been to South Dakota you might now be thinking "why have I heard of this town?" If you've driven I-90 across the Berkshires of western Massachusetts, you may remember a sign that reads "Highest Turnpike Elevation, 1724 Feet, Next/last highest elevation on I-90, Oacoma, South Dakota, 1729 feet." (for that sign see March 23, 2001) Well, this is Oacoma, South Dakota. That Massachusetts sign is a little weird in that somewhere in Oacoma, there is an elevation of 1725, 1726, etc. There was no 5-foot cliff on I-90 here.
Have You Dug Wall Drug Taken on I-90 West in South Dakota. This may be the only billboard I include here, but how could I not include it?
Entering Mountain Time Zone Taken on I-90 West in South Dakota. Unfortunately, part of the sign is out of the picture.
Junction of South Dakota 40 and US 16A Taken in Keystone, South Dakota. Also visible is a sign pointing us to Mount Rushmore.

July 25, 1999

Wyoming * Taken on US 16 West at the border with South Dakota.
West I-90, US 14, US 16 shields * Taken in east of Gillette, Wyoming.
Overheads: Exit 56B, South I-25, US 87, Casper, West I-90, North US 87, Sheridan ** Taken on I-90 West near Buffalo, Wyoming. US 87 follows I-25 South of here and I-90 North of here.
West I-90 West, North US 87 shields * Taken south of Sheridan, Wyoming. Also note the Speed Limit 75 sign seen in the background.
Big yellow warning sign showing routes of US 14A and US 14 through the Bighorn Mountains *** This is one of my favorite signs. Taken at Burgess, Jct., Wyoming, where US 14 and Alt US 14 (marked on the sign as US 14A) split to provide two routes down the West side of the Bighorn Mountains. We'll be taking 14A and experiencing a 10% downgrade, dropping 3600 feet in elevation in 10 miles. It's a great ride and I highly recommend it.
Observation Point, Elev 9430 ** Taken on Alt US 14 in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. This is just before the steep descent down the Western side of the Bighorns, at the Eastern end of the 10% downgrade section in the map in the previous picture.

July 26, 1999

West US 14, US 16, US 20 shields * Taken between Cody, Wyoming, and the East entrance of Yellowstone National Park. All three of these US highways take us to Yellowstone, but only US 20 emerges on the other side. Roads inside the park are not marked as US highways.
Yellowstone National Park ** Taken at the east entrance to Yellowstone, where US 14, US 16, and US 20 meet the park boundary, marking the western terminus of US 14 and US 16. And in a sense, the western terminus of the "eastern half" of US 20.
Continental Divide, Elevation 8391 ** At the Continental Divide in Yellowstone, on the main park look road between West Thumb and Old Faithful. Here we are crossing into the Pacific watershed. Just a few miles up the road, we cross back. Most of Yellowstone is in the Atlantic watershed, draining into the Mississippi via the Yellowstone and Missouri.

July 27, 1999

Entering Montana * Taken in Yellowstone National Park, just south of the north entrance near Gardiner, Montana.
45th Parallel of Latitude, Halfway Between Equator and North Pole ** Taken at the same place in Yellowstone National Park, just south of the north entrance near Gardiner, Montana.

July 28, 1999

Exit 298, Montana 291, Montana 85, Belgrade, Amsterdam, 1 Mile * Taken on I-90 West in Montana. Taken only because I grew up in an Amsterdam with an exit on I-90, but that was Exit 27 of the New York State Thruway.
South I-15, West I-90 shields Taken near Butte, Montana, where I-15 and I-90 are joined for a few miles.
The stretch of I-90 with no median ** Taken on I-90 West in western Montana. So this isn't a road sign, but it's interesting to the same people who like road signs.
Chain Up Area 1000 Ft, Use Shoulder Taken on I-90 West in western Montana, just west of the stretch of I-90 with no median.
Several signs: Exit 0, Pacific Standard Time Zone, Truck Information, Lookout Pass, Elevation 4860 ** Taken on I-90 West at the Montana-Idaho border. Lots of things going on here. An unusual "Exit 0", a state line, a time zone change, and the top of a mountain pass.
Welcome to Idaho * And we also enter Idaho at that same place, on I-90 West.
Spokane 17, Seattle 298 Taken just over the line into Washington on I-90 West.
West I-90, US 395 sign Taken in eastern Washington.
Exit 299, State Line, Port of Entry Taken by Nathan Schimke in eastern Washington on I-90 West. This is the first exit in Washington.
Overhead for I-90 West, Ritzville, Seattle Taken west of Spokane, Washington on I-90 West.
Exit 110, East I-82, Yakima, South US 97 Taken on I-90 West. Unfortunately, the windshield was pretty dirty and the sun was in front of us, so the picture isn't great. This is the western terminus of I-82.

July 29, 1999

Overheads: Washington 99 North, Aurora Ave. N., Tunnel Closed Detour When Flashing, Western Ave Taken from Pike Place Market in Seattle, Washington, overlooking Washington 99. Also seen on June 26, 2001.
To I-90 and I-5 shields Taken in Seattle, near Safeco Field and the Kingdome, both of which were standing at this time.
East I-90 and To I-5 shields, Mile 2 Taken in Seattle, near Safeco Field and the Kingdome. This is the first sign beyond the one below marking the beginning of I-90 East. Why is it mile 2? I certainly wasn't standing 2 miles away at this point.
Begin East I-90 shield *** Taken in Seattle, near Safeco Field and the Kingdome. There it is - the western terminus - the beginning (or end, from our eastern perspective) of I-90. The Mile 2 from the previous picture is in the background. Was I-90 originally intended to cross over the sound? Or just to connect up with 99 somewhere? An answer was pointed out to me by a reader of this page named Travis, who found the answer here.

July 30, 1999

North US 101 shield Blurred picture taken near Olympia, Washington. We were going north, but in the grand scheme of US 101, we were going toward California. 101 makes a loop around the Olympic Peninsula, so in this direction, 101 North eventually becomes 101 South along the Pacific coast.
West Washington 8 shield Taken west of Olympia, Washington.
US 12 End shield ** Taken in Aberdeen, Washington. The western terminus of US 12, which began in Detroit, Michigan.
North US 101 shield * Taken in Aberdeen, Washington. This time, we're going "real north" along the coast.

July 31, 1999

Mt. Rainier National Park entrance * Taken on Washington 706 as it enters the southwest corner of the park.
Welcome to Oregon Taken in the dark on I-82 East, crossing the Columbia.
Overheads: East I-84 Pendleton, West I-84 Portland, 1 mile, and Exit 10, Westland Rd Taken in the dark on I-82 East in Oregon, 1 mile before I-82 ends at I-84.
Overheads: East I-84 Pendleton, I-84 West Portland Taken in the dark on I-82 East in Oregon. This is the eastern terminus of I-82.

August 1, 1999

East I-84 and US 30 shields Taken in eastern Oregon.
Oregon Thanks You, Come Back Soon * Taken on I-84 East just before crossing into Idaho.
Idaho Taken on I-84 East crossing into Idaho. We can also see a Speed Limit 75 sign coming up.
East I-84, East US 20, US 26, US 30 shields * Taken east of Boise, Idaho. Everything shares this stretch of pavement.
Overheads: I-86, US 30 East, Pocatello, I-84 East Ogden Taken on I-84 East in Idaho, approaching the western terminus of I-86. At the time, this was the only I-86 in the interstate system.
Dust Storm Area, No Not Stop on Roadway Taken on I-84 East in Idaho, just before crossing into Utah.
Welcome Utah, Still the right place * Taken on I-84 East crossing into Utah.
Overheads: South I-15, East I-84, Ogden, Salt Lake, Exit I-15 North Pocatello Taken on I-84 East in northern Utah. Too bad the signs are cut off so badly in the picture.
South I-15 and East I-84 shields * Taken near Ogden, Utah.
Exit 311, I-80 West, Reno, S.L. Int'l Airport, 1 1/4 mile - CLOSED ** Taken on I-15 South in Salt Lake City, Utah. Many roads are being closed for work in preparation for the 2002 Olympics.

August 2, 1999

Snow Avalanche Area, Next 2 Miles Taken near Salt Lake City, Utah, on Utah 210, the road up Little Cottonwood Canyon, toward Snowbird and Alta.

August 4, 1999

Overheads: I-215 South, Belt Route, I-80 Salt Lake, Cheyenne, West 21st St. So. Taken in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the south end of Foothill Drive.
East US 6 South US 191 shields Taken southeast of Price, Utah.
East I-70, US 191, West I-70 shields Taken in Utah at the junction of US 6 and I-70. US 6 East also follows I-70 East at this point.
East I-70 shield ** Taken in Utah, just east of the junction with US 6 and 191. I like this one, because the terrain in the background is definitely Utah.
East Utah 128 shield Taken in Utah, east of Moab on this scenic alternate route back to I-70.
Welcome to Colorful Colorado, Mile 230 * Taken on I-70 East.
Exit 116 - Ski Areas, Sunlight Mtn, Snowmass, Aspen, Next Right Taken on I-70 East.
Exit 116 - Colorado 82 East, Glenwood Spgs, Aspen, Next Right * Taken on I-70 East. This exit would be much more exciting during the winter.
Exit 119 - No Name, 1/2 mile * Taken on I-70 East, just east of Glenwood Springs. There are some very minor exits out here.
Vail Pass Summit, Elev 10603 ft ** Taken on I-70 East. This is a high road. My picture of the sign at the Eisenhower Tunnel (Elev. 11,180 ft.) didn't come out because of darkness and rain.

August 6, 1999

Leaving Colorful Colorado Taken on I-70 East.
Welcome to Kansas * Taken on I-70 East.
Road Work - Next 16 Miles Taken on I-70 East in Western Kansas. The shields behind the sign are I-70 and US 40 East. That's what I was going for..
Exit 159, US 183, Hays, Plainville Taken on I-70 East at Hays, Kansas.
East (big) I-70 and (small) US 40 shields * Taken East of Hays, Kansas. This stretch had a lot of big I-70 shields with a small US 40 underneath.

August 7, 1999

East Kansas 10 shield Blurred picture taken in eastern Kansas, near Overland Park.
Missouri * Taken on I-35 North, crossing from Kansas City, Kansas, into Kansas City, Missouri.

August 8, 1999

To I-44-55-70 Next Block ** Taken in downtown St. Louis. This unusual shield has all three interstate numbers inside the same shield.
Many Big Green Signs with Interstates. Exit 251A, West I-44, South I-55, Tulsa, Memphis, North I-55, East I-64, I-70, US 40, Illinois ** Taken in downtown St. Louis. There are a lot of interstates right here, that's for sure.

August 9, 1999

Illinois State Line * Taken on I-55, I-64, and I-70, crossing the Mississippi River from St. Louis, Missouri, into East St. Louis, Illinois.
East I-64 shield Taken in western Illinois.
Welcome to Indiana, Crossroads of America * Taken on I-64 East.
Entering Hoosier National Forest Taken on I-64 East in southern Indiana.
Kentucky State Line * Taken on I-64 East, crossing the Ohio River from Indiana into Louisville, Kentucky.
Overheads: East I-64, South I-75, Lexington, Ashland and Exit 75, I-75 North, Cincinnati, Next Right Taken on I-64 East in Kentucky, approaching the junction with I-75.
East I-64 and South I-75 shields Taken near Lexington, Kentucky.
Welcome to West Virginia * Taken on I-64 East.
Overheads: I-77 North, Parkersburg, and Exit 104, I-79 North, Clarksburg Taken north of Charleston, West Virginia, approaching the I-77/I-79 split.

August 10, 1999

East I-68 shield * Taken east of Morgantown, West Virginia.
East I-68, East US 40, North US 219 shields, plus Snow Emergency Route * Taken in western Maryland.
North US 220 shield, Snow Emergency Route Taken in western Maryland, just north of Cumberland and just south of the Pennsylvania border.
Welcome to Pennsylvania, For Safety, Respect Our Speed Limits * Entering Pennsylvania on US 220 North.
To North I-99, North US 220, To Penna. Turn Pike, Business US 30 shields * Taken on US 220 North in Pennsylvania as we approach the Pennsylvania Turnpike and the southern terminus of the controversial I-99.
Overheads: I-76 East, Harrisburg and US 30 to I-70 East, Breezewood * Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound. This is where I-76 and I-70 split, with I-70 passing through surface streets before continuing east (well, south, really).
North I-81 shield Taken near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Overheads at I-81/I-78 split: North I-81 Hazleton, I-78 East Allentown Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. This is the western terminus of I-78.
East I-78 shield Taken in Pennsylvania, just after I-78 begins.
New Jersey, What a difference a state makes! Wipers On Lights On, a NJ law for your safety * Taken on I-78 East, crossing the Delaware River.
I-287 North shield Taken in New Jersey, just North of the intersection of I-78 with I-287. I wonder why they put North under I-287 on this sign.
North I-87 shield Taken on the New York State Thruway. The sign in the background indicates that this is 60 miles South of Albany.
North I-787 shield Taken in Albany, New York.

Minnesota and Maine trip, October 1999

October 15, 1999

I-35E North shield At an on-ramp in St. Paul, Minnesota.
To I-94 East overhead This is near the campus of the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.

Banff Ski Trip, January 2000

January 17, 2000

Overhead: Alberta 2 North, Deerfoot Tr This was taken when leaving Calgary International Airport.
An exit sign on Trans Canada 1 Westbound between Calgary and Banff. ** Not sure exactly where this is, but it's obviously somewhere getting close to the Rockies.

January 21, 2000

Entrance to Banff National Park, Parc national * Taken on Trans Canada 1 West.
Wildlife sign, with a big cutout elk or something: Attention, Wildlife on road, Animaux sur la route * Taken just inside Banff NP on Trans Canada 1.
Brown sign for Banff via Bow Valley Parkway, Banff via la Promenade de la vallée Bow, Trans Canada 1 Banff, and Alberta 93, Radium Hot Springs, Sources thermales Radium * The Bow Valley Parkway is a scenic route. Alberta 93 becomes BC 93, then US 93 and ends up in Arizona.

January 23, 2000

Exit/Sortie Banff 2 km Exit sign on Trans Canada 1. Inside Banff NP, many signs are in both English and French.
Banff, Trans Canada 1, Lake Louise This is arriving back at TC 1 from the Minnewanka Loop road to Lake Minnewanka.

January 24, 2000

Trans Canada 1 East shield * At Canmore, Alberta.
Trans Canada 1 East shield Between Canmore and Calgary.
Welcome to Calgary * I think we left TC 1 by this point, but I'm not sure. The skyline of Calgary is visible behind the sign.

JFK Airport and Yankee Baseball, April 28, 2000

Signs approaching the Woodbury Toll Barrier Taken on I-87 South, the New York State Thruway, approaching the Woodbury Toll Barrier at Exit 16. The yellow sign is to warn of the toll barrier, and the one on the right is for E-ZPass.
E-ZPass Only, No Cash Taken on I-87 South, the New York State Thruway, at the Woodbury Toll Barrier.
Tappan Zee Bridge Toll Barrier Taken on I-87 South and I-287 East, the New York State Thruway, at the Toll Barrier on the South/East side of the Tappan Zee Bridge. The green signs say "E-ZPass No Cash" and the red ones say "Cash Receipts".
Overheads: Cross Westchester Expressway, White Plains, and Exit 1, New York 119, Saw Mill Pkwy North Taken on I-287 East, the Cross Westchester Expressway, just after the Tappan Zee Bridge.
Overheads: Exit 3, Sprain Pkwy South, New York City, Passenger Cars Only Taken on I-287 East, the Cross Westchester Expressway.
Signs for NYC Bridges Taken outside Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. These signs are for (top to bottom) the Whitestone, Throgs Neck, Triborough, and George Washington Bridges. Too bad this is taken at a bad angle.

East Coast Road Trip, May 2000

May 27, 2000

Overheads: Exit 27, South I-95, I-495, Washington, Richmond, I-495 West, Silver Spring, Bethesda, 1/2 mile Taken from I-95 South in Maryland, approaching the DC Beltway. The quality is poor due to heavy rain falling at the time.
Old sign: To West DC-US 50, North DC-US 1, To East DC-US 50 Taken near the National Mall in Washington, DC.

May 28, 2000

Overheads: Exit 165B, I-95 North, Wilmington, Philadelphia Taken in Delaware, I believe coming north on Delaware 1.
Overheads: I-95, I-495, Wilmington, Philadelphia, and I-295, NJTP, Del Mem Br, NJ - NY Taken from I-95 North in Delaware, approaching the split between I-295 and I-95/495.
Overheads: I-95 South, Wilmington, covered with orange "Closed Use I-495", and I-495 South, Port of Wilmington, Baltimore *** Taken from I-95 South in southern Pennsylvania, approaching the Delaware border, where the road splits into I-95 and I-495. During the Summer of 2000, I-95 was completely closed for reconstruction. The barrier and construction equipment blocking I-95 are seen below the sign.

West Coast Trip, June 20-July 2, 2000

June 25, 2000

Entering Oregon * Taken on the US 101 bridge crossing from Washington into Oregon.
Entering Washington * Taken on the US 101 bridge crossing from Oregon into Washington.
North US 101 shield Taken just after crossing from Oregon into Washington.
Welcome to Washington, the Evergreen State * Taken just after crossing from Oregon into Washington on US 101.
Tsunami Evacuation Route * Taken on US 101 North in southern Washington.
Jct US 101 and Pacific Coast Scenic Byway shields * Taken near Seaview, Washington.
Use Your Ashtray Taken on US 101 North in Grays Harbor County on the Olympic Peninsula.

June 27, 2000

Overhead: I-5 Los Angeles Taken on the Golden State Freeway in Los Angeles.
Overhead: I-10 San Bernardino * Taken on the San Bernardino Freeway in Los Angeles.

June 28, 2000

Speed Limit 14 * Why? This is taken in the Disneyland parking lot, and a reader of this page pointed out that the trams can operate without seat belts under California law because the traffic speed is less than 15 MPH.

Real Millennium Trip, December 26, 2000-January 1, 2001

December 26, 2000

West Massachusetts 2 shield Taken in Williamstown.
Massachusetts green signs for West Massachusetts 2, South US 7, Pittsfield, Troy NY, and US 7 North, Pownal VT Taken in Williamstown on Massachusetts 2 West.
Welcome to Vermont On US 7 North, crossing from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Pownal, Vermont.
Overheads: North VT. 346, North US 7 On US 7 North in Pownal, Vermont.
North Vermont 346 shield Taken in Pownal.
Welcome to New York, The Empire State, Governor. And Rensselaer County, Town of Petersburgh * On Vermont 346 North crossing from North Pownal, Vermont, to North Petersburgh, New York. When George Pataki became governor of New York, he didn't want to have his name put on all of the "Welcome to New York" signs, so many of them have a blank green strip at the bottom where Mario Cuomo (and other former governors) had their names.
West New York 346, To New York 22 shields In North Petersburgh, just before the end of New York 346 at New York 22.
North New York 22, West New York 7, East New York 7 Just before the intersection of New York 22 North with New York 7, in Hoosick, New York.
Overhead: exit for New York 32 Menands Taken on I-787 South, in Menands, just North of Albany (which is visible in the background).
South I-287 shield, plus green circle with truck 102 inside Taken soon after crossing into New Jersey from New York. I believe that the green circle with the 102 truck means that trucks up to 102 inches wide are permitted on this road.
South New Jersey 31 shield, also Entering Twp of Hopewell Entering Hopewell.
Pennsylvania Welcomes You with South I-95 shield * Taken, obviously, entering Pennsylvania on I-95 South.
Overhead: West I-676, West US 30, Central Phila In Philadelphia, I believe taken from an I-95 offramp.
West I-76 shield In Philadelphia.
South I-476 shield In Philadelphia and in the dark. The Blue Route.
Welcome to Delaware On I-95 South. Too dark to say much, but I can say the line at the bottom reads "Home of Tax Free Shopping".
South I-495 shield Very dark picture, taken in Delaware.
South I-95 shield Blurred, dark, but taken in Delaware.
Maryland: Please Buckle Up, we care and it's our law Too dark also, but you can see it at least. On I-95 South.
South I-895 shield, Snow Emergency Route Dark and blurred, taken on the Harbor Tunnel Thruway just outside Baltimore.
Overheads: Pennsylvania Avenue and to I-395 Dark and blurred again, taken on Pennsylvania Avenue in DC, as we made our way from I-295 to I-395.
Welcome to Virginia Yet another dark and blurred picture, taken on I-395 South crossing from DC into Virginia.
South I-395 shield Dark but not blurred taken in Virginia, just north of the Mixing Bowl.

December 27, 2000

West I-64 shield Taken in Richmond, Virginia, just west of I-95.
Overheads for upcoming I-95/I-85 split ** Taken on I-95 South in Petersburg, Virginia. While it is too blurred to see in this picture, this is one of the I-95 signs with the very distant Miami as a control city, in addition to Rocky Mount, NC.
Overheads: I-95 South, Rocky Mount NC, Miami, South I-85, West US 460, Durham, Atlanta. ** Taken on I-95 South in Petersburg, Virginia. Again, we have Miami and Atlanta as distant control cities. This is the northern terminus of I-85.
Welcome to North Carolina Blurred. Taken on I-85 South.
South I-85 shield Taken in northern North Carolina.
I-440 and South US 1 Blurred. Taken on the Outer Loop of the Raleigh Beltline near Raleigh, North Carolina.

December 28, 2000

The current end of the US 64 bypass road Taken on US 64 East in eastern North Carolina.

December 29, 2000

Herbert C. Bonner Bridge/Oregon Inlet Taken from the side of North Carolina 12 North on the south side of the Oregon Inlet.
West US 64, West US 264, West US 158, North North Carolina 12 shields ** Taken on North Carolina 12 North at Whalebone Junction in Nags Head, North Carolina. This is the eastern terminus of three US highways: US 158, which goes as far as Winston-Salem, US 264, which can get you back to Raleigh, and US 64, which can lead you all the way to the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona.
Wright Memorial Bridge/Currituck Sound Taken from US 158 West in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina.
Welcome to Currituck County Taken from US 158 West in North Carolina.
West US 158 shield and Hurricane Evacuation Route Taken on US 158 West in North Carolina, before the intersection with North Carolina 168.
West US 158, North North Carolina 168, Elizabeth City Taken on US 158 West in North Carolina, at the southern terminus of North Carolina 168.
North Virginia 168 shield and Hurricane Evacuation Route Taken on Virginia 168 North, just into Virginia. An overpass for the nearly-complete 168 bypass toll road in this area can be seen as well. I believe the bypass has since opened.
Overheads: for I-64, Va Beach, Norfolk, Hampton, Exit 286A, Indian River Rd West ** Taken on I-64 West in Chesapeake, Virginia. Notice that there is no direction on I-64, since at this point, the road is going nearly due east, but is in fact I-64 West. This is not far from the eastern terminus of I-64, located just a little west of this point.
Overheads: Exit 282, US 13, Northampton Blvd, Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel * Taken on I-64 West in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Overheads: North US 13, Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel, East US 60, Shore Dr, Beaches, and Next Service 24 Miles ** Taken on US 13 North in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This is just before the toll booths for the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel. This one has unusual US highway shields with the direction inside the shield. The service in 24 miles is across the bridge-tunnel, though food is available at the bridge-tunnel visitor center.
To West US 50, Business North US 13 shields Taken on Business US 13 North in Salisbury, Maryland. US 50 goes under Business 13 here, and this left takes you to US 50.

January 1, 2001

Overheads: North I-95, New York and Exit 1, New Jersey 29, Trenton, Lambertville Taken on I-95 North, just after crossing into New Jersey from Pennsylvania.
New Jersey, What a difference a state makes! Wipers On Lights On, a NJ law for your safety * Taken on I-95 North, just after crossing over from Pennsylvania. This seems to be as close as New Jersey gets to welcoming travellers.
Overheads: I-287 North, Mahwah, Exit 41B, I-80 West, Del Water Gap, 1/2 Mile, Exit 41A, East I-80 to US 46, Smith Road, New York City Taken on I-287 North in New Jersey.
Welcome to New York, The Empire State * On I-287 North, entering from New Jersey.

Ride to Royal Mountain, Caroga Lake, New York, January 7, 2001

North New York 10A shield Taken near the Junction with New York 29 outside Johnstown, New York, at the southern terminus of New York 10A.
Entering Adirondack Park * Taken on New York 10A North, near Caroga Lake.
South New York 10, North New York 10 shields Taken at the northern terminus of New York 10A, near Caroga Lake. The entire road is only about 2 1/2 miles.

Ride to Ascutney Mountain, Brownsville, Vermont, January 12, 2001

Highest Elevation US 7, 1504 Feet, 458 Meters. Taken on US 7 North between Bennington and Manchester, Vermont. For a better picture, see March 4, 2001.
North Vermont 155 North Vermont 100 shields Taken on Vermont 100 North near Ludlow.
North Vermont 106, East Vermont 131, South Vermont 106 shields Taken on Vermont 131 East.
East Vermont 44, South Vermont 44A, To North I-91, To South I-91 shields Taken on Vermont 44 East.
Snowmobile crossing Blurred picture taken on Vermont 44A South.
North US 5, North Vermont 12, South US 5, South Vermont 12, To I-91 shields Dark picture taken at the southern terminus of Vermont 44A.
South I-91 shield Blurred and dark picture taken near Springfield, Vermont, on I-91 South.
West Vermont 9, South Vermont 100 shields Blurred and dark picture taken on Vermont 9 West in Wilmington.

Dartmouth and Maine Trip, January 26-29, 2001

January 26, 2001

East Vermont 9 shield Taken just east of Bennington.
East Vermont 9, South Vermont 8, To South Vermont 100 shields Taken on Vermont 9 East at the intersection of Vermont 9 and Vermont 8 in Searsburg.
Runaway Truck Ramp Taken on Vermont 9 East.
Overhead: I-91 North, To U.S. 5 North, To Vt. 9 East, Putney, Vt., Keene, N.H. * Taken on Vermont 9 East in Brattleboro. This sign seems unusual, probably because of all the punctuation.
North I-91 shield Somewhat blurred. Small "North", Big "I-91". Taken North of Brattleboro.
Overheads: North I-91, I-89 North, Barre, Montpelier, I-89 South, Airport, New Hampshire Taken in White River Junction, Vermont, at the junction of I-91 North with I-89.
North New Hampshire 120 shield Dark and blurred picture taken just south of Hanover.

January 27, 2001

Bienvenue Au Welcome to New Hampshire * Taken on I-89 South just after crossing the Connecticut River. This sign is located off the first exit ramp rather than right along the highway.
South I-89 shield Taken on I-89 South just after crossing the Connecticut River into New Hampshire.
I-89 Ends, 1/2 Mile * Taken on I-89 South approaching Concord, New Hampshire.
Overheads: I-93 Exits at the end of I-89 Taken on I-89 South approaching Concord, New Hampshire. This is the southern terminus of I-89.
Overhead for I-93/I-293 split Taken on I-93 South near Manchester, New Hampshire. The signs are hard to read, but I believe the control cities on the left are Manchester and Nashua, while the right are Salem and Boston.
South I-93 shield Taken near Manchester, New Hampshire.
East New Hampshire 101 shield Taken east of Manchester, New Hampshire.
Green sign for "A Toll Road", I-95, Portsmouth, Boston, 1 mile Taken on New Hampshire 101 East approaching the intersection with I-95.
I-95 North, Dover, Portland ME, onramp marker Taken entering I-95 from New Hampshire 101 East, entering I-95 just north of the Hampton Tolls.
Overheads: Exit 3, US 1 North, Maine 236, Coastal Route, Kittery, S. Berwick, Exit 2, South US 1, Maine 236, By-Pass US 1, Traffic Circle, Downtown, Exit 1, To Maine 103, Dennett Rd, Navy Yard, Eliot Taken on I-95 North in Maine, just over the border from New Hampshire.
Welcome to Maine, The Way Life Should Be * Taken on I-95 North.
If Your Business Were in Maine, You Would Be Home Now Taken on I-95 North.
I-95 and Maine Turnpike North shields * Taken on I-95 North in southern Maine.
South Maine 77 shield Taken in Portland.

January 29, 2001

Overheads: I-95 South, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Exit 2, US 1, Maine 236, By-Pass US 1, Kittery, S. Berwick Taken on I-95 South in southern Maine.
Overheads: I-95 South, Hampton, Boston, Exit 5, US 1, US 4, Hew Hampshire ??, Portsmouth, Newington Taken on I-95 South in New Hampshire, near Portsmouth.
Massachusetts Welcomes You * Taken on I-95 South.
South I-495 shield Taken in northeastern Massachusetts, just after the I-95/I-495 split.
Overhead: Exit 29B, Massachusetts 2 West, Leominster, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-495 South.
Overheads: Exit 29A, Massachusetts 2 East, Boston, and Exit 29B, Massachusetts 2 West, Leominster Taken on I-495 South.
West Massachusetts 2 shield Taken just west of I-495.
Massachusetts 2 West and US 202 Taken near Four Corners, Massachusetts, where US 202 South joins Massachusetts 2, and where Massachusetts 2 narrows to 2 lanes, but remains limited access for a while.
Overhead electronic sign warning of the lane drop Taken near Four Corners, Massachusetts, where US 202 South joins Massachusetts 2, and where Massachusetts 2 narrows to 2 lanes, but remains limited access.
South US 202 and West Massachusetts 2 shields Taken near Four Corners, Massachusetts.
Old style Massachusetts green signs for West 2, Greenfield 8, No. Adams 45, North 63, Northfield 8, Keene N.H. 40 Taken near Millers Falls, Massachusetts.
Overheads: South I-91, West Massachusetts 2, Springfield, North Adams, I-91 North, Brattleboro VT Taken on Massachusetts 2 West near Greenfield, Massachusetts.
Steep Hill - Curves Next Mile, Prepare to Stop ** Taken on Massachusetts 2 West just before the descent into North Adams, Massachusetts. The sign doesn't exaggerate about the hairpin turn, either.

March 4, 2001

Highest Elevation US 7, 1504 Feet, 458 Meters ** Taken southbound between Manchester and Bennington, Vermont. [Closer view]

March 6, 2001

Massachusetts 2 shield ** Taken in Williamstown after a big snowstorm.

Trip to SIAM PP'01 Conference in Portsmouth, Virginia, March 10-13, 2001

March 10, 2001

New York 22, To New York State Thruway, East New York 295, West New York 295, Taconic State Parkway sign assembly * Taken on New York 22 South in Columbia County, following a snowfall. [Closer view]
New York 295, South Taconic State Parkway, and North Taconic State Parkway shields * Taken in Columbia County. [Closer view]
The Hamilton Fish Newburgh-Beacon Bridge Taken on I-84 West, crossing the Hudson. [Closer view]
I-95 South, Central Philadelphia onramp overhead * Taken in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. [Closer view]
Drawbridge 1 Mile, Be Prepared to Stop Taken on I-95 South/I-495 Inner Loop Capital Beltway, approaching the Wilson Bridge. [Closer view]
Overheads: Exit 169A, Virginia Secondary 644 East, Franconia Rd, Franconia, I-95 South, and Exit 169B, Virginia Secondary 644 West, Old Keene Mill Rd, Springfield Taken on I-95 South just South of the "Mixing Bowl" where traffic for I-95 South through Virginia leaves the Capital Beltway. [Closer view of foreground signs]

March 13, 2001

Speed Limit 8 MPH * Taken in the parking garage of the Portsmouth Renaissance in Portsmouth, Virginia. [Closer view]
I-264 Tunnel, with tunnel restrictions * Taken approaching the I-264 (Downtown) Tunnel in Portsmouth, Virginia. [Closer view]
Red warning sign: Tank Trucks, Vehicles with Gas Bottles or Hazardous Materials, Stop for Inspection, 800 Feet * Taken approaching the Downtown Tunnel in Portsmouth, Virginia. [Closer view]
Overheads: I-64 West, Richmond, I-264 East, HOV Traffic, and I-264 East, Va Beach. Also, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel marker Taken in Virginia Beach, Virginia. [Closer view]
US 13 North, Philadelphia Taken at the rest stop/gift shop of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. [Closer view]
Excuse the darkness, tunnel lighting project under construction Taken on the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel Northbound, just before the entrance to the northern tunnel.
Welcome to Delaware * Taken on US 13 North. [Closer view]
North US 13, East US 9 shields * Taken on US 13 North at the start of US 9 East (North, in the grand scheme) in Delaware. This is the southern/western terminus of US 9. [Closer view]
Overheads: North US 13 To I-295, New Castle, NJ-NY, North Delaware 1 to I-95, Wilmington, 1/2 Mile Taken on Delaware 1 North at its last crossing with US 13. The NJ-NY bound traffic is sent through the heavily commercial area of US 13, apparently to avoid even worse congestion on I-95. [Closer view]

Trip to Lake Placid, March 16-18, 2001

March 16, 2001

North I-87 shield and sign for Exit 18, Glens Falls, Corinth, 1 Mile Taken near Glens Falls, New York. [Closer view of shield][Closer view of exit sign]
Entering Adirondack Park, A Six Million Acre State Park of Public and Private Land * Taken on I-87 North near Lake George, New York. [Closer view]
Milepost 52 with I-87 shield Taken on I-87 North near Lake George, New York. Many mile markers here now have the interstate shield above the mile number.[Closer view]
Orange sign for High Peaks Rest Area Site Preparation 2000, Facility Opening 2001, and green sign for I-87 North, Montreal Taken on I-87 North between Exits 29 and 30. This rest area has been closed for as long as I can remember, but there is definitely construction well underway on a new area. [Closer view of rest area sign] [Closer view of I-87 North Montreal green sign]
Whiteface-Lake Placid-Saranac Lake Region, Exit 30, Saranac Lake, All-America City * Taken on I-87 North approaching Exit 30. [Closer view]
US Olympic Training Center, Exit 30 Taken on I-87 North approaching Exit 30. [Closer view]
Exit 30, US 9, New York 73, Keene Valley, Keene * Taken on I-87 North. [Closer view]
Overheads: New York 73, Lake Placid, Whiteface Mt, and US 9 Elizabethtown. Also New York 73 and US 9 shields * Taken on US 9 North near I-87 Exit 30. This is an especially complicated junction for a rural area. I believe it was built for the 1980 Olympics. This is the southern terminus of New York 73. [Closer view of overhead] [Closer view of shields]
End New York 73, West New York 86, East New York 86, Parking, Information, Olympic Center, Whiteface Mountain shields in assembly * Taken in the village of Lake Placid. This is the northern terminus of New York 73. [Closer view]

March 18, 2001

I-87 Adirondack Northway, Jct 1/2 mile sign * Taken on US 9 South, approaching I-87 at Exit 30. [Closer view]
Paradox, Crown Point, Exit 28 Taken on I-87 South, approaching Exit 28. [Closer view]

Trip to Worcester, March 23-25, 2001

March 23, 2001

South Massachusetts 8 shield Taken in North Adams, just south of the intersection of Massachusetts 2. [Closer view]
Another South Massachusetts 8 shield Taken in Adams. [Closer view]
Green directional sign for Massachusetts 9 West, Pittsfield Taken in Pittsfield at the intersection of Massachusetts 8 South with Massacusetts 9. [Closer view]
Green directional sign for South US 7, East US 20, Lenox, Stockbridge Taken in Pittsfield just South of the center of town. [Closer view]
Green sign for Mass Pike, I-90, East West, MASSPIKE, Boston, Albany Taken in Lee, at the ramp from US 20 East to the Mass Pike. [Closer view]
Brown sign: Highest Turnpike Elevation 1724 Feet. Last Highest Elevation on I-90, Oacoma, South Dakota, 1729 Feet. *** Taken between Exits 2 and 3, eastbound. Of course, anyone who has been to Oacoma (see July 24, 1999) knows there is no 5-foot cliff on I-90 there. [Closer view]
Steep Grade, Next 6 Miles, Trucks Test Brakes Taken between Exits 2 and 3 of the Mass Pike eastbound. [Closer view]
East Mass Pike I-90 shields Taken between Exits 2 and 3 of the Mass Pike eastbound. [Closer view]
Exit 11A, I-495, N.H.-Maine, Cape Cod, 1/2 Mile Taken on the Mass Pike eastbound.
Overheads: Mass Pike I-90 East, Boston, and Exit 11A I-495, N.H.-Maine, Cape Cod Taken on the Mass Pike Eastbound. [Closer view]
South I-495 shield Taken on south of I-90 on I-495 in Massachusetts. [Closer view]
I-495 South Cape Cod * Taken from the I-495 South Exit 15 offramp in Plainville, Massachusetts. [Closer view]
Overhead: Exit 22, I-90 Mass. Pike, Boston, Albany NY, 2 miles * Taken on I-495 North, approaching I-90. [Closer view]
Overhead: Exit 25B, I-290 West, Worcester Taken on I-495 North, approaching I-290. [Closer view]
Overheads: I-290 West, Worcester, and Exit 26A, I-495 South, Cape Cod Taken on I-290 West, at I-495. This is the eastern terminus of I-290. [Closer view]

March 24, 2001

Shrewsbury 8, Worcester 13 Taken on I-290 West. [Closer view]
End I-290, Begin I-395 Taken on I-290 West where it becomes I-395 South, in Auburn, Massachusetts. So this is the western terminus of I-290, and the northern terminus of I-395. [Closer view]
Overhead: Exit 7, South I-395, Norwich CT, I-90 Mass. Pike, Massachusetts 12 North, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-395 South, in Auburn, Massachusetts. [Closer view]
Webster, Mass. Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, Home of the Nipmuck Indians ** Taken on Massachusetts 12 North in Webster. [Closer view]
North I-395 shield Taken in northeastern Connecticut. [Closer view]
End I-395, Begin I-290 Taken on I-395 North where it becomes I-290 East, in Auburn, Massachusetts. So this is again the western terminus of I-290, and the northern terminus of I-395. [Closer view]

April 7, 2001

North New York 278, To New York 7 shields Taken on New York 278 North near New York 2 in Brunswick. [Closer view]
South I-787 shield with Albany in the background Taken on I-787 South in Albany, New York. [Closer view]
Overhead: Exit 3A, South US 9, East US 20, Rensselaer, Empire Plaza, Exit 4B, US 9 North, Clinton Ave Taken on I-787 South in Albany, New York. [Closer view]
Overheads: South US 9, East US 20, Rensselaer, To I-787, North US 9, To New York Thruway, Troy, and Parking Garage Taken from the Empire State Plaza in Albany, New York. The signs are over the ramp leading from the plaza parking garage toward I-787. [Closer view]

April 15, 2001

Welcome to New York, The Empire State * Taken on New York 2, entering westbound from Massachusetts, near the summit of Petersburg Pass. This is the eastern terminus of New York 2 and the western terminus of Massachusetts 2. [Closer view]
Yellow sign assembly, stop ahead, T intersection, Jct Rte 7, 4 miles Taken on New York 2, looking east from the parking lot at the summit of Petersburg Pass. The state line is just over the hill. [Closer view]
South New York 103, West New York 5 shields Taken on New York 5 West in Glenville. This is at the northern terminus of New York 103, which simply crosses the Mohawk River into Rotterdam Junction and ends at New York 5S, no more than a mile or two to the south. [Closer view]
East New York 67, North New York 147, South New York 147 shields Taken on New York 67 East in Galway. [Closer view]
East New York 67, North New York 50, South New York 50 shields Taken on New York 67 East in Ballston Spa. [Closer view]
South New York 50, East New York 67 shields Taken in Ballston Spa. [Closer view]
Saratoga County 108, New York 67, North US 9, South US 9, sign assembly Taken on New York 67 East in Malta. This sign assembly was replaced in 2006 when the intersection was replaced with a roundabout. [Closer view]
Sign assembly: North US 4, South US 4, North New York 32, South New York 32, East New York 67, To New York 146 Taken on New York 67 East in Mechanicville, approaching the interesection. [Closer view]
Sign assembly: North US 4, South US 4, North New York 32, South New York 32, East New York 67, To New York 146 Taken on New York 67 East in Mechanicville, at the intersection. [Closer view]

May 20, 2001

Overheads: US 9, New York 9R, Latham, Exit 1/2 Mile, and I-87 North, Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls Taken on New York 7 West (known locally as "Alternate 7", even though the old New York 7 is now New York 2) in Latham. [Closer view]
Overheads: New York 7 West, South I-87, Schenectady, Albany, US 9, New York 9R, Latham, and I-87 North, Saratoga Springs, Glens Falls Taken on New York 7 West in Latham at I-87. [Closer view]

May 22, 2001

New York 199, Pine Plains, Red Hook exit sign Taken on the Taconic State Parkway Southbound. [Closer view]
Overheads: Exit 20N, US 6, US 202, New York 22, Brewster-Pawling, 1 1/2 Miles, and Exit 20S, I-684, White Plains, 1 Mile Taken on I-84 East. [Closer view]

Trip to Alaska, June 6-30, 2001

June 6, 2001

Entering Pownal VT Taken on US 7 North, leaving Massachusetts and entering Vermont. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 1E, East I-90, Albany, Boston and Exit 1W, South I-87, New York State Thruway, West I-90, New York, Buffalo * Taken on I-87, the Adirondack Northway, South in Colonie, New York. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 25A, I-88, New York 7, Schenectady, Binghamton, 1 Mile Taken on I-90, the New York State Thruway, West, in Rotterdam. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-81/New York 17 2 miles, Exit 2, New York 12A West, Chenango Bridge Taken on I-88 West, approaching Binghamton. [Closer view]
Overheads: South I-81, East New York 17, Scranton, New York, West New York 17, Elmira Taken on I-81 South in Binghamton. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: South I-81, Scranton, East New York 17, New York, New York 17 West, Elmira Taken on I-81 South in Binghamton. [Closer view]
Future I-86 ** Taken on New York 17 West, west of Binghamton. At this time, only the section of New York 17 west of Corning is actually I-86. [Closer view]
West New York 17, Southern Tier Expressway shields, and State Border ** Taken on New York 17 West, west of Binghamton, where New York 17 briefly crosses into Pennsylvania, as indicated by the "State Border" sign. [Closer view of New York 17/STE] [Closer view of State Border]
Overheads: West I-86 and New York 17, North New York 15, Rochester, Jamestown * Taken on the STE Westbound at Exit 44. It looks like the I-86 was squeezed in recently by putting the I-86 and New York 17 shields under the West that was previously over only a New York 17. [Closer view]
Sign assembly for West I-86, North New York 15, West New York 17, Southern Tier Expressway * Taken on the STE westbound, Mile 168. [Closer view]
Overheads: I-86 West, Erie Pa, and To New York 430, Bemus Pt Taken on I-86 West near Jamestown. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Pennsylvania Welcomes You * Taken on I-86 West. [Closer view]
Exit 1B-A, I-90, Erie, Buffalo, 1 Mile Taken on I-86 West in Pennsylvania. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
West I-90 shield, with Mile 34 in foreground, Speed Limit 65 in background Taken on I-90 West in Pennsylvania. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-90 West, Cleveland, and Exit 22B-A, I-79, Erie, Pittsburgh, 1 mile * Taken on I-90 West in Pennsylvania. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Ohio Welcomes You to the heart of it all! * Taken on I-90 West. [Closer view]
Exit 241, Ohio 7, Andover, Conneaut, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-90 West in Ohio. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 190, Express Lanes, I-271 South, Columbus, and Local Lanes, I-271 South, I-90 West, Cleveland Taken on I-90 West in Ohio. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: yellow warning sign I-71, I-90, 35 MPH, and green Exit 174B, Ohio 2 West, Downtown Cleveland ** Taken on I-90 West in Cleveland, approaching Dead Man's Curve. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 172A, I-77 South, Akron, 1/2 Mile, and Exit 173A, Prospect Ave Taken on I-90 West and I-71 South in Cleveland. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: West I-80, I-90, West Ohio Turnpike, Toledo, and West Ohio 2 to Ohio 58, Lorain, Sandusky Taken on I-90 West near Cleveland, just before I-90 joins the Turnpike. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
West I-80/I-90, Ohio Turnpike shields * Taken on the Ohio Turnpike West, just west of I-90's junction with the Turnpike. [Closer view]
Welcome to Indiana, Crossroads of America, Fasten Your Safety Belt, Its The Law * Taken on I-80/90 West. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
South Michigan 66 shield Taken in Sturgis, near the Indiana border. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Sign for I-80 and I-90, Toll Road, with Jct I-80, I-90, South Indiana 9 shields in background Taken near Sturgis, Michigan, just over the Indiana border. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

June 7, 2001

Indiana Toll Road, 3/4 mile Taken in South Bend, Indiana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-90 West To Chicago, Exit 21, I-80 West, I-94, US 6, to Illinois 51, Des Moines * Taken on I-80 and I-90 West in western Indiana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: Exit 17, I-65, US 12, US 20, Indianapolis, Dunes Hwy, 1 Mile Taken on I-90 West in western Indiana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-90 West to West, Chicago Skyway and Exit 0, US 12, US 20, US 41, Indpls Blvd * Taken on I-90 West in western Indiana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Hammond Riverboat Exit 0, and partially obscured billboard "Alaska 3236" ** Taken on I-90 in Indiana, approaching the Illinois border. The billboard behind was what we were going for, being on our way to Alaska and all. [Closer view]
Welcome to Chicago, Richard M. Daley Mayor * Taken on I-90 West, or maybe not, since this could be the Chicago Skyway gap in I-90. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: US 41 North, Lake Shore Dr, No Trucks, US 41 South, Lake Shore Dr, All Trucks * Taken on I-55 North in Chicago. This is the northern terminus of I-55. [Closer view]
End I-55 shield * Taken on I-55 North in Chicago. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Unusual North US 41 shield Taken on Lake Shore Drive North in Chicago, near Soldier Field. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 53, I-55 Stevenson Expy, St Louis, Lake Shore Dr, 1/2 Mile, and Exit 52C, 18th St, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-90/94 East (Kennedy Expressway) in Chicago. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-94 East, Indiana, Exit 53, I-55 Stevenson Expy, St Louis, Lake Shore Dr, and Exit 52C, 18th St, Taken on I-90/94 East (Kennedy Expressway) in Chicago. This is the northern terminus of I-55. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

June 8, 2001

Sign for I-355 North, Tollway, Western Suburbs Taken on 75th Street in Darien or possibly Woodridge, Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-355 North, Tollway, Northwest Suburbs, Illinois 56, Butterfield Rd, 3 Miles, US 34, Ogden Ave. Taken on I-355 North. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
North I-355 shield Taken on the Tri State Tollway in Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-290 West, Rockford, I-290 East, Chicago Taken on I-355 North. This is the northern terminus of I-355. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Left Lane Ends, 1 Mile, I-90, Tollway, Chicago, Rockford, Right 2 Miles, and Exit 1B, Illinois 72 Higgins Rd, To Illinois 58, Golf Rd, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-290 West. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead toll warning signs with pastel colors Taken on the Northwest Tollway (I-90) in Illinois. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Toll booth with pastel colors and I-pass Taken on the Northwest Tollway (I-90) in Illinois. This is Plaza 7, at Hampshire and Marengo. [Closer View]
Oasis Taken on the Northwest Tollway (I-90) in Illinois. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Milemarker: W I-90 Mile 144.2 Taken on I-90 West in southern Wisconsin. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 185A, Wisconsin 81 West, Beloit, 1/3 Mile and Exit 185B, I-43, Milwaukee Taken on I-90 in Wisconsin. This is the southern terminus of I-43. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: North I-39, West I-90 I-94, Wis Dells, Exit 138A, I-94 East, Milwaukee Taken near Madison, Wisconsin. I-90 and I-94 West remain multiplexed until Tomah. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: Exits 108 A-B, I-94, Wis Dells, Wisconsin 78, I-39, US 51, Wausau, Merrimac Taken in Wisconsin. I-94 is still multiplexed with I-90 at this point, though it is not on the signs. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-90, Tomah, La Crosse, Exit 1 Mile, and I-94, Eau Claire, St Paul, Ahead * Taken on I-90/94 West in Wisconsin. I-94 rejoins I-90 at I-94's western terminus in Montana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Distance sign: Menomonie 19, Hudson 58, St Paul 74 Taken on I-94 West in Wisconsin. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 59, US 12, Wisconsin 124, County EE, Elk Mound, Chippewa Falls Taken on I-94 West in Wisconsin. [Closer View]
West I-94 shield Taken on I-94 West in Wisconsin. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 253, South Minnesota 95, Ramsey County 15, Manning Ave Taken on I-94 West approaching St. Paul, Minnesota. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 242D, US 52 South, 6th St, Exit 241C, South I-35E, Exit 242B, North I-35E, West US 10 Taken on I-94 West in St. Paul, Minnesota. [Closer View]
North Minnesota 51 shield Taken in St. Paul. [Closer View]

June 9, 2001

Exit 147, Minnesota 238, County 10, Albany, 1 Mile * Taken on I-94 West in Minnesota. [Closer View]
West I-94, North US 59 shields Taken on I-94 West in Minnesota. [Closer View]
Red River Taken on I-94 West in Minnesota. [Closer View]
North Dakota, Welcome to the Valley Region * Taken on I-94 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: South Business US 81, Fargo, North Business US 81, Downtown Fargo Taken in Fargo, North Dakota. [Closer View]
North US 81 shield Taken in Fargo, North Dakota. [Closer View]
North I-29 shield * Taken near Fargo, North Dakota. [Closer View]
Welcome to Minnesota * Taken in Grand Forks, North Dakota. [Closer View]
Old overhead: To I-29, US 2, US 81, plus traffic signals and street sign for Washington St ** Taken in Grand Forks, North Dakota. [Closer View]
Exit 176, North Dakota 17, Grafton, 1 Mile Taken on I-29 North in North Dakota. [Closer View]
Exit 215, North Dakota 59, County 55, Neche, Pembina * Taken on I-29 North in North Dakota. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Canada Customs, Douanes du Canada, 1 Mile Taken on I-29 North in North Dakota. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
49th Parallel, 49e parallèle, Canada United States Border, Frontière Canada-Etats-Unis ** Taken on I-29 North in North Dakota. [Closer View]
Overheads: Manitoba 75 North, Winnipeg, truck scales, and Travel Info Taken on Manitoba 75 North, just beyond customs. (Taken by Rob Foulis) [Closer View]
Big Manitoba Sign * Taken on Manitoba 75 North, just over the US-Canada border.
Cutout: Bienvenue au Manitoba Welcomes You * Taken on Manitoba 75 North, just over the US-Canada border. [Closer View]
Manitoba 75 North/Nord shield * Taken between the U.S. border and Winnipeg. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Manitoba 421 and Manitoba 75 shields Taken on Manitoba 75 North. [Closer View]
Winnipeg Welcome Bienvenue, One Great City! * Taken on Manitoba 75 North. [Closer View]
Trans Canada 100, Perimeter Hwy, Exits 3 km Taken on Manitoba 75 North in Winnipeg. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Trans Canada 100 West, Perimeter Highway, Next Right, Trans Canada 100 East, Perimeter Highway Taken on Manitoba 75 North in Winnipeg. [Closer View]
Overheads: Av River Ave and Trans Canada 1 West/Ouest, City Route 52 North/Nord, Rue Main St Taken in Winnipeg. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: City Route 85, Trans Canada 1, Yellowhead West, Portage Ave Taken in Winnipeg. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Trans Canada 1 West/Ouest shield, and No Stopping * Taken in Winnipeg, just west of the City Centre. [Closer View]
City Route 85 West, Trans Canada 1 West, Yellowhead Route West shield assembly ** Taken in Winnipeg, just west of the City Centre. [Closer View]
Trans Canada 1 West, Yellowhead Route Ouest shields * Taken west of Winnipeg. [Closer View]

June 10, 2001

Overheads: Trans Canada 1 East, Winnipeg, Trans Canada 1 West, Brandon Taken in Portage LaPrairie, Manitoba. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Trans Canada 16 Exit * Taken west of Winnipeg on Trans Canada 1 West. [Closer View]
Jct Manitoba 459 shield * Taken on Trans Canada 1 West. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Trans Canada 1A South, Brandon, Trans Canada 1 West, Regina, and Manitoba 10 North, Dauphin Taken near Brandon on Trans Canada 1 West. [Closer View]
Remember 2-way Traffic Taken near Brandon on Trans Canada 1 West, just after it is reduced to a two-lane road. [Closer View]
Visitor Info Centre 2 km, Saskatchewan Taken on Trans Canada 1 West, approaching the Saskatchewan border. [Closer View]
Saskatchewan, Naturally * Taken on Trans Canada 1 West, entering Saskatchewan. [Closer View]
Trans Canada 1 West, Saskatchewan 8 North shields Taken on Trans Canada 1 West in Moosomin, Saskatchewan. [Closer View]
Saskatchewan 605 shield Taken on Trans Canada 1 West in Broadview, Saskatchewan. The minor routes in Saskatchewan are green, while the major routes are blue. [Closer View]
Icy roads symbolic sign Taken on Trans Canada 1 West in Saskatchewan. [Closer View]
Trans Canada 1 and Saskatchewan 47 shields Taken on Trans Canada 1 West in Saskatchewan. [Closer View]
Green sign: Trans Canada 1 West, Moose Jaw, City Centre, Saskatchewan 11 North, Saskatoon, Ring Road, 500 m * Taken on Trans Canada 1 West approaching Regina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Trans Canada 1 West, Moose Jaw, Exit 500 m, Victoria Avenue, City Centre, and Saskatchewan 6, Saskatchewan 11 North, Saskatoon, Ring Road * Taken on Trans Canada 1 West approaching Regina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Trans Canada 16 West, Circle Drive, Saskatchewan 11 North, City Centre, Exit 500 m, Trans Canada 16 East, Yorkton Taken on Saskatechwan 11 North, approaching Saskatoon. [Closer View]
Overheads: Trans Canada 16 West, North Battleford, Saskatchewan 12, Saskatchewan 11 North, Blaine Lake, Prince Albert Taken on Saskatechwan 11 North, in Saskatoon. [Closer View]
Overheads: Saskatchewan 4 South, Battleford, Trans Canada 16 West, Lloydminster Taken on Trans Canada 16, near North Battleford. [Closer View]
Trans Canada 16 West, Yellowhead Sask shields * Taken in western Saskatchewan. [Closer View]
Alberta Saskatchewan Border * Taken in Lloydminster on Trans Canada 16. [Closer View]
Alberta 41 North shield Taken in Vermilion. [Closer View]
Overheads: South Wayne Gretzky Drive, Left 225 m, West 118 Ave, North Wayne Gretzky Drive, Right 125 m ** Taken in Edmonton on Trans Canada 16 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: East 118 Ave, Wayne Gretzky Drive, West 118 Ave Only, with Stanley Cup rings billboard in the background ** Taken in Edmonton, from the parking lot of the Skyreach Centre. [Closer View]

June 11, 2001

West Edmonton Mall directional shield Taken in Edmonton. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Yellowhead Alberta shield on an overpass Taken just west of Edmonton on Trans Canada 16 West. [Closer View]
Trans Canada 16 West, Yellowhead Alberta shield * Taken just west of Edmonton. [Closer View]
Alberta 43 North, Whitecourt, Grande Prairie, Peace River, Next Exit Taken west of Edmonton on Trans Canada 16 West. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit sign and raised green sign with Trans Canada 16 West, Edson, Hinton, Jasper, and Alberta 43 North, Whitecourt, Valleyview, Grande Prairie ** Taken west of Edmonton on the exit ramp from Trans Canada 16 West to Alberta 43 North. [Closer View]
Edmonton left, Grande Prairie right Taken at a cafe on Alberta 43 near Blue Ridge, Alberta. [Closer View]
Alberta 43 North shield Taken at a cafe on Alberta 43 near Blue Ridge, Alberta. [Closer View]
Drive the Adventure of a Lifetime - Northwest Territories ** Taken at a rest area on Alberta 43 near Valleyview. [Closer View] [Even Closer View]
Overhead: Prairie Mall, Next Left, Alberta 43 West, Alaska, 600m, and City Centre *** Taken on Alberta 43 West in Grande Prairie. The first sign with Alaska as the destination. [Closer View]
Overhead: City Centre, Alberta 40 South, Wapiti Rd, and Alberta 43 West, Alaska ** Taken on Alberta 43 West in Grande Prairie. [Closer View]
Super, Natural, British Columbia Welcomes You! * Taken on Alberta 43 West. [Closer View]
Time Zone Change, Set your watch one hour back Taken on British Columbia 2 just over the border near Dawson Creek. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
British Columbia 2 North shield * Taken approaching Dawson Creek. [Closer View]
Welcome to Dawson Creek, Mile "0" Alaska Highway ** Taken on British Columbia 2 North. [Closer View]
Historical Marker: 1942-1992, NWHS, Dawson Creek, Start Alaska Highway, Mile 0 *** Taken in Dawson Creek, British Columbia. [Closer View]
You are now entering the world famous Alaska Highway, Dawson Creek, B.C. *** Taken in Dawson Creek. [Closer View]
Mile "0" Alaska Highway, zoomed in Taken in Dawson Creek. This is the ceremonial Milepost 0 of the Alaska Highway. It shows the original distance to Fairbanks of 1523 miles, plus Ft. Nelson 300, Whitehorse 918. [Closer View]
Mile "0" Alaska Highway, full view ** Taken in Dawson Creek. [Closer View]
Dawson Creek, Ft. St. John 49, Ft. Nelson 300, Whitehorse 918, Fairbanks 1523, Mile "0" Alaska Highway ** Taken in Dawson Creek. These distances are no longer true, given constant upgrading, rerouting, and straightening of the highway. However, including minor side trips, it was exactly 1523 miles for us to Fairbanks. [Closer View]
Alaska Ave. street sign ** Taken in Dawson Creek. [Closer View]
Informational signs: Dawson Creek British Columbia Historical Site and Dawson Creek Mile "0" Alaska (Alcan) Highway * Taken in Dawson Creek. You can read the text in the [Closer View]
km 4 Taken at (of course) kilometrepost 4 on the Alaska Highway North, just after leaving Dawson Creek. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

June 12, 2001

Alaska Highway Maintenence sign: Government of Canada, Alaska Highway in British Columbia Km 133 to Km 968, Owned and maintained by Public Works and Government Services Canada, and all the same in French Taken at a turnout at Mile 182 of the Alaska Highway.
Caribou-shaped sign: Caution, Caribou on Highway ** Taken northbound near Mile 182 of the Alaska Highway. [Closer View]
Bougie Creek Taken Northbound on the Alaska Highway. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Muskwa River, Lowest Point on the Highway, kilometer 456.5, Elevation 307M Taken at a turnout on the north side of the Muskwa River Bridge on the Alaska Highway, just south of Fort Nelson. [Closer View]
Sign: Travel the Liard Trail and discover the true North... the Northwest Territories ** Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway, just before the junction with the Liard Trail, British Columbia 77. [Closer View]
British Columbia 77 shield * Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway, at the junction of the Liard Trail, British Columbia 77. [Closer View]
Tetsa River No. 1, sign approaching the bridge over the Tetsa River Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway, Mile 365. [Closer View]
Historical Marker: NWHS, Summit Lake, Elevation 4250 FT. Mile 392 * Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at Summit Lake, Historical Mile 392. [Closer View]
Historic Mile 392 Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at Summit Lake, Historical Mile 392. [Closer View]
British Columbia 97 North shield Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at Summit Lake, Historical Mile 392. [Closer View]
Caution Reduce Speed, Sheep on Highway, complete with pictures of a sheep getting hit by a car ** Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway just beyond Summit Lake. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Bison warning sign Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway just beyond Liard Hot Springs. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Sign: Welcome to Yukon, Iron Creek, 10 Miles, 16 KM, Motel, Gas, RV Park, Store ** Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at the first crossing into the Yukon. The sign is in the Yukon, but the new highway alignment is not. Mile 568.
Historic Mile 585, with Yukon-B.C. border marker ** Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at the first crossing into the Yukon. The sign is in the Yukon, but the new highway alignment is not. Mile 568. [Closer View]
Historical Marker: 1942-1992, NWHS, B.C.-Yukon Border, Mile 627, with Historic Mile 627 post ** Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at the first real crossing into the Yukon. [Closer View of NWHS sign] [Closer View of Historic Mile 627]
Welcome to Canada's Yukon, The Magic and the Mystery, La Magie et Le Mystere, and Welcome to North of 60 ** Taken northbound on the Alaska Highway at the first real crossing into the Yukon. Historic Mile 627. [Closer View of Canada's Yukon] [Closer View of Welcome to North of 60]

June 13, 2001

Signpost Forest ** Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. [Closer View]
Signpost Forest ** Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. [Closer View]
Signpost Forest ** Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Signpost Forest ** Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Signpost Forest ** Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Yukon 1 West, Whitehorse, Ross River, Faro Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. [Closer View]
Yukon 1 West, Whitehorse, Yukon 1 East, Dawson Creek ** Taken in Watson Lake, Yukon. [Closer View]
Continental Divide ** Taken west of Watson Lake, Yukon, along the Alaska Highway. The sign reads: "Continental Divide. - This height of land divides two of the largest drainage systems in North America - the Yukon River and Mackenzie River watersheds. Water draining west from this point forms the Swift River. This river drains into the Yukon River and continues a northwest journey of 3,680 kilometres (2,300 miles) to the Bering Sea (Pacific Ocean). Water that drains to the east forms the Rancheria River which flows into the Liard River then the Mackenzie River. These waters flow northward and empty into the Beaufort Sea (Arctic Ocean) after a journey of 4,200 kilometres (2,650 miles)."
Super, Natural British Columbia welcomes you * Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North) around Mile 710. [Closer View]
Yukon 6 North, Ross River, Yukon 1 West, Whitehorse * Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North) at the Junction with Yukon 6, Canol Road. [Closer View]
Yukon 1 West, Whitehorse 131 Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), 131 km from Whitehorse. [Closer View]
Yukon 1 West, Whitehorse 84, Fairbanks 1065 ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), 84 km from Whitehorse. This was the first we saw Fairbanks listed on a sign. [Closer View]
Yukon River Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North) at the Yukon River Bridge.
Yukon 2 South, Klondike Hwy ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), at the Junction with the Klondike Highway. [Closer View]
Yukon 1 West, Whitehorse, Yukon 2 South, Carcross, Skagway ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), at the Junction with the Klondike Highway. [Closer View]
Welcome to Whitehorse, Capital of the Yukon ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North). [Closer View]
Yukon 1A East shield Taken in Whitehorse, near the S.S. Klondike, seen in the background. [Closer View]

June 14, 2001

Yukon 1 Alaska Highway, Haines Jct, Fairbanks, Yukon 2 Klondike Hwy, Carmacks, Dawson City ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), west of Whitehorse. [Closer View]
Haines Road, Haines Alaska, Alaska Highway, Anchorage, Fairbanks ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), at Haines Junction, Yukon. [Closer View]
Burwash Landing, Yukon dish sign Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), at Burwash Landing, Yukon. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Green sign: Welcome to Alaska *** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North). [Closer View]
Welcome to Alaska, Historic Alaska Highway - Gateway to the 49th State *** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North). [Closer View]
You are entering a different Time Zone Taken on the Alaska Highway at the U.S.-Canada border. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Tok Jct 93, Delta Jct 200, Fairbanks 298, Anchorage 421 ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), at the Canadian border. [Closer View]
Alaska 2 West shield ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), just beyond the border. [Closer View]
Alaska 2, Alaska 5, Yukon 9 shields ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North), at the junction with Alaska 5. [Closer View]
Alaska 1 and Alaska 2 shields ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North) at Tok. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

June 15, 2001

Jct Alaska 4 shield ** Taken on the Alaska Highway West (North) at near it's northern terminus at Delta Junction. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Delta Junction, Alaska. Northern Terminus of the "Alcan" Highway ** Taken at the Visitors Center in Delta Junction. [Closer View]
Marker: Crossroads of Alaska, Mile 1422, End of the Alaska Highway ** Taken at the Visitors Center in Delta Junction. [Closer View]
Marker: 5 Mi. Fort Greely, 342 Mi. Anchorage, 266 Mi. Valdez, Fairbanks 101 Mi., Prudhoe Bay 599 Mi., Mile 1422, End of the Alaska Highway ** Taken at the Visitors Center in Delta Junction. [Closer View]
Marker: Los Angeles 2856 Mi., Chicago 3321 Mi., New York 3847 Mi., Eminence Mo. 4102 Mi., Dawson Creek 1422 Mi., Mile 1422, End of the Alaska Highway Taken at the Visitors Center in Delta Junction. [Closer View]
Bison crash sign Taken at the Visitors Center in Delta Junction. [Closer View]
The Northern End of the Alaska Highway, Milepost 1422, You Have Just Left the Richardson Highway, Milepost 266 *** Taken at the Visitors Center in Delta Junction, looking toward the northern terminus of the Alaska Highway. [Closer View]
Directional signs for Tok Jct, Glennallen, Ft Greely, Valdez Taken in Delta Junction, going South/East on the Richardson Highway at the junction with the Alaska Highway. [Closer View]
South Alaska 4 shield Taken in Delta Junction, going south on the Richardson Highway just beyond the junction with the Alaska Highway. [Closer View]
Wind Area, Next 2 Miles Taken at a scenic viewpoint on the Richardson Highway, Alaska 4, just south of Delta Junction. [Closer View]
North Alaska 4, South Alaska 2 shields ** Taken on the Richardson Highway, Alaska 4, in Delta Junction. [Closer View]
Tanana River Taken on the Richardson Highway, Alaska 2, north of Delta Junction. [Closer View]
Alaska 3 South, Nenana, Denali Park, Next Right ** Taken on the Richardson Highway, Alaska 2, approaching Fairbanks. [Closer View]
Exit sign: Alaska 3 South, Nenana, Denali Park ** Taken on the Richardson Highway, Alaska 2, approaching Fairbanks. [Closer View]

June 17, 2001

Alaska US 97 shield ** Taken at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Museum. [Closer View]
Fairbanks Welcomes You * Taken on Airport Way in Fairbanks, at an underpass under Alaska 3. [Closer View]

June 18, 2001

Welcome to Fairbanks, the Golden Heart City, Mile 1523, The Official end of the Alaska Highway ** Taken in downtown Fairbanks. Also has many distances marked. The largest is Singapore, at 11,228 miles. [Closer View]
Mile 1523 monument, from the other side ** Taken in downtown Fairbanks. The largest distance on this side is Capetown, at 10,212 miles. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Ester 5, Nenana 53, Anchorage 357 ** Taken on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3, South, south of Fairbanks. [Closer View]
Alaska Native Veterans' Bridge, Tanana River Taken on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3, South, south of Fairbanks.
Nenana River Taken on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3, South, between Nenana and McKinley Park. [Closer View]
Stop sign with many bullet holes ** Taken on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3, South, between Nenana and McKinley Park, at a turnout after a bridge over the Nenana River. People seem to like shooting at signs in the far North. [Closer View]
Denali National Park and Preserve Taken on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3, South. [Closer View]
Denali National Park and Preserve *** Taken at the start of the Park Road, Denali National Park, just off the Parks Highway, Alaska 3. [Closer View]
Alaska 3 and Alaska 8 shields with State Troopers ** Taken in Cantwell, looking south (?) on Alaska 3, the Parks Highway. [Closer View]
Alaska 3 and Alaska 8 shields ** Taken in Cantwell, on Alaska 8 East. [Closer View]
Alaska 3 (missing) and Alaska 8 shields with State Troopers *** Taken in Cantwell, looking north (?) on Alaska 3, the Parks Highway. [Closer View]

June 19, 2001

Rocks Taken along the Denali National Park Park Road at the Eielson Visitor Center. [Closer View]

June 20, 2001

Denali Viewpoint, Denali State Park *** Taken at the Denali State Park viewpoint 48 miles south of Cantwell on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3. [Closer View] [Wider View]
Information board Taken at the Denali State Park viewpoint 75 miles south of Cantwell on the Parks Highway, Alaska 3. It includes the distance to Russia [Closer View of "Distance to Russia"] at 610 miles, and the nearest road system to the west [Closer View of "Nearest Road System"] at 1,674 miles away.
Distance sign: Wasilla 7, Denali Park 201, Fairbanks 319, also North Alaska 3 shield Taken at the southern terminus of Alaska 3, the Parks Highway, looking north from Alaska 1, the Glenn Highway. (Taken by Rob Foulis) [Closer View]
Anchorage, Air Crossroads of the World ** Taken in Anchorage, at the corner of F and 4th. [Closer View]
Don't Trash Alaska *** Taken on the Glenn Highway, Alaska 1, North between Anchorage and Palmer. This is definitely one of my favorites. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Palmer 5, Glennallen 145, Tok 281 Taken on Alaska 1, the Glenn Highway, North approaching Palmer. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Directional sign with Palmer, Wasilla, Denali Park, Fairbanks ** Taken on the Glenn Highway, Alaska 1, North, approaching the junction with Alaska 3, the Parks Highway. [Closer View]
Alaska 3 North and Alaska 1 North shields Taken on the Glenn Highway, Alaska 1, North, at the junction with Alaska 3, the Parks Highway. [Closer View]

June 21, 2001

Glacier Taken at Glacier View Park, off the Glenn Highway, about 100 miles from Anchorage. The glacier it points to is the Matanuska Glacier, and the road leads to the foot of the glacier, where you can go hike on it. [Closer View]
The Wrangell Mountains Taken along the Glenn Highway, approaching Glennallen. The text is easier to read in the [Closer View]
Alaska 1 and Alaska 4 shields ** Taken on the Glenn Highway North in Glennallen, at its junction with the Richardson Highway, Alaska 4. [Closer View]
Thompson Pass Open, also distance sign: Copper Center 14, Valdez 115 Taken in Glennallen, looking south on the Richardson Highway from the junction with the Glenn Highway. [Closer View of Thompson Pass Open] [Closer View of Distances to Copper Center and Valdez]
Directional sign with Valdez, Fairbanks, Canada * Taken on the Glenn Highway North in Glennallen, at its junction with the Richardson Highway, Alaska 4. [Closer View]
North Alaska 4 shield Taken North on the Richardson Highway, Alaska 4, approaching Glennallen. [Closer View]
Directional with Alaska 4 Fairbanks, Tok Alaska 1 ** Taken northbound on Alaska 4, the Richardson Highway, approaching the Tok Cutoff. [Closer View]

June 22, 2001

You are entering a different Time Zone Taken on the Alaska Highway East/South in Alaska, approaching the Canadian border. [Closer View]
Welcome to Canada's Yukon, Th Magi And The Mystery * Taken on the Alaska Highway East/South. [Closer View]
Entering Canada, Canadian Highway signs are now in Kilometres ** Taken on the Alaska Highway East/South. [Closer View]
Yukon 1 East, Burwash Landing 39, Destruction Bay 56, Whitehorse 323 * Taken on the Alaska Highway East/South in the middle of a major construction zone. [Closer View]
Sheep Mountain Vistor Centre Taken at the Alaska Highway turnoff at Kluane Lake for this visitor centre. [Closer View]
Junction Yukon 1 East, Yukon 3 South, 400 m * Taken Eastbound on the Alaska Highway, Yukon 1, approaching Haines Junction. [Closer View]
Alaska Highway, Fairbanks Alaska, Haines Road, Haines * Taken in Haines Junction, from a gas station at the corner of Yukon 1 and Yukon 3. [Closer View]
Overhead: Whitehorse City Centre, Alaska Hwy, Alaska Hwy, Hamilton Blvd West ** Taken Eastbound on Yukon 1, the Alaska Highway, approaching Whitehorse. I bet the majority of overhead highway signs in the Yukon are visible in this picture. [Closer View]

June 23, 2001

Yukon 1 East Watson Lake, Yukon 2 South Carcross, Skagway Taken eastbound on Yukon 1, the Alaska Highway. [Closer View]
Yukon 2 South, Carcross 53, Skagway 159 * Taken on the Klondike Highway, Yukon 2 South, just south of the junction with the Alaska Highway. [Closer View]
Yukon 2 South Skagway, Yukon 8 East, Alaska Hwy, Atlin, Tagish * Taken in Carcross on Yukon 2, the Klondike Highway, South. [Closer View]
When Lights are Flashing Road Closed Taken in Carcross on Yukon 2, the Klondike Highway, South. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Yukon 2 South, Entering British Columbia * Taken on the Klondike Highway, Yukon 2 South. [Closer View]
U.S.A.-Canada Border (and tons of other signs) *** Taken on the Klondike Highway, Yukon 2, South. [Closer View of U.S.A.-Canada Border] [Closer View of Snowblower Working When Lights Are Flashing] [Closer View of sign assembly on right], where the signs read: Welcome to the U.S.A., U.S. Customs and Immigration, 8 Miles Ahead, Stop and Report. Watch for Snow Plows Approaching in Your Lane, Highway Maintenance Duty Hours, 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Oct 16 to April 15. Buckle Up-For Safety.
Yukon 2 North, Canada Customs 12, Whitehorse 156 * Taken at the U.S.-Canada border on the Klondike Highway, looking back north into Canada. Note that this is a Yukon sign, even though this part of the road is in British Columbia. Since this road really connects the U.S. with the Yukon and only serves one town in British Columbia (Fraser), it appears to be maintained as a Yukon highway right from this point. [Closer View]
Welcome to Alaska and the Gateway to the Klondike ** Taken on the Klondike Highway, now Alaska 98. [Closer View]
Summit Elevation 3292 ** Taken on the Klondike Highway, now Alaska 98, looking north at the Canadian border. [Closer View]
Alaska 98 North shield *** Taken in Skagway. Why Alaska 98 when the other Alaska state highways have consecutive numbers from 1 to 11? This road goes where some people went in 1898... [Closer View]
Haines 4, Canadian Border 45, Chilkoot Lake 5, Alaska State Parks, with five parks listed. Also Welcome to Alaska. ** Taken from aboard the M/V Matanuska, docked at the Haines ferry terminal of the Alaska Marine Highway System. [Closer View]
Welcome to Juneau, Alaska's Capital City, Tony Knowles: Governor, : Mayor * Taken at the Juneau/Auke Bay Ferry Terminal of the Alaska Marine Highway System. [Closer View]
Stop. Entering Glacier Highway ** Taken at the Juneau/Auke Bay Ferry Terminal of the Alaska Marine Highway System. [Closer View]
Police 3.5 Miles, Auke Bay 1, City Center 12, End of Road 24 ** Taken at the Juneau/Auke Bay Ferry Terminal of the Alaska Marine Highway System. Yes, the road just ends in 24 miles northbound. This is Alaska 7, which is the same route number as the Haines Highway. We'll see Alaska 7 again further south. [Closer View]

June 24, 2001

City Center 3 Blocks, Museum 2 Blocks, RV/Tent Campground 5 Miles, Pats Lake 12 Miles, City Park 1 1/4 Miles, Petroglyphs 1/2 Mile, Airport 1 Mile. * Taken in Wrangell, Alaska, at the Alaska Marine Highway System ferry terminal exit. [Closer View]
City Center 2, Ward Lake 5, Settler Cove 16 * Taken in Ketchikan, Alaska, at the Alaska Marine Highway System ferry terminal exit. [Closer View]
Salmon Spawning Stream, Do Not Litter * Taken in Ketchikan. [Closer View]
Ferry ** Taken in Ketchikan. [Closer View]
Alaska 7 shield ** Taken in Ketchikan, looking north, just north of the ferry terminal. Yes, the same Alaska 7 that is in Juneau and Haines (though is is far from connected). [Closer View]

June 26, 2001

I-5 shield on square white background Taken in Bellingham, Washington, just after leaving the ferry terminal. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
I-5 North and South directional sign * Taken in Bellingham, Washington. [Closer View]
South I-5 shield Taken near Bellingham, Washington. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 168B, East Washington 520, Bellevue, Kirkland, 3/4 Mile, South I-5 Taken in Seattle, on I-5 South. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Alaskan Way street sign * Taken in Seattle, along the waterfront. [Closer View]
East I-90 To I-5 shields * Taken in Seattle, just outside Safeco Field. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Begin East I-90 shield ** Taken in Seattle, near Safeco Field. This is the onramp where I-90 East begins. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Ferries, Vashon, Southworth, Bremerton, Bainbridge, and Kingdome, Next Right Taken in Seattle, near where the Kingdome used to be located. It's was already long gone when this was taken. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Washington 99 North, Aurora Ave. N., Tunnel Closed Detour When Flashing, Western Ave Taken from a park at the north end of the Pike Place Market, looking down on Washington 99. (Taken by Rob Foulis) Also seen on July 29, 1999.

June 27, 2001

Overheads: Exit 164, To I-90 East, Bellevue, Spokane, 1/2 Mile, Exit 165A, James St., Exit 165B, Union St. Taken on I-5 South in Seattle. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-5 South, Tacoma, Portland, Exit 164, To I-90 East, Bellevue, Spokane, Dearborn St., 4th Ave S., Airport Way, Exit 165A, James St. Taken on I-5 South in Seattle. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-90 East, Bellevue, Spokane, I-5 South, Tacoma, Portland Taken in Seattle on I-5 South [Closer View]
Snoqualmie Pass Taken on I-90 East. Too bad it's such a bad picture. [Closer View]
Exit 106, US 97 North, Ellensburg, Wenatchee ** Taken on I-90 East. Why did I take this one? Well, this becomes British Columbia 97 when it gets to Canada. And when it gets to Dawson Creek, it becomes the Alaska Highway. So we were on that road way north earlier in the trip. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 East, Spokane, Exit 110, I-82 East US 97 South, Yakima * Taken on I-90 East. This is the western terminus of I-82. [Closer View]
Welcome to Moses Lake, the desert oasis, City Center 2 Miles Taken just off I-90 in Moses Lake, Washington. [Closer View]
Business Loop I-90, Washington 171 Taken in Moses Lake. [Closer View]
Idaho State Line * Taken on I-90 East. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Idaho * Taken on I-90 East. (Taken by Rob Foulis) [Closer View]
East I-90 shield Taken in Idaho, near Coeur d'Alene. [Closer View]
Entering Idaho Panhandle National Forest Taken on I-90 East. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 62, Idaho 4, Business I-90, Wallace, Burke Taken on I-90 East. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Lookout Pass, Elevation 4680 Taken on I-90 East in a torrential downpour. [Closer View]
Welcome to Montana, Montana Visitor Center, St Regis, ?raindrop-obscured? Miles * Taken on I-90 East, still in a heavy rainfall. [Closer View]
East I-90 shield, with Clark Fork sign in background * Taken on I-90 East in western Montana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Speed Limit 75, Trucks 65 Taken on I-90 East in western Montana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Clark Fork One of many such signs along this stretch of I-90. Taken on I-90 East in western Montana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 47, Montana 257, Superior Taken on I-90 East in western Montana. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
East I-90, East US 12 shields Taken in western Montana. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 219, North I-15, I-90, Butte, I-15 South, Idaho Falls * Taken in western Montana. [Closer View]
Exit 122, Rocker, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-90 East in Montana. [Closer View]
North I-15, East I-90 shields * Taken in Montana. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 124, I-115, City Center, I-15, I-90, Montana St, Harrison Ave Taken on I-15 North/I-90 East in Butte, Montana. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elevation 6393 * Taken on I-90 East in Montana. [Closer View]
Truck Information - Homestake Pass *** Taken at a pulloff from I-90 East in Montana. This definitely sounds like a dangerous descent, mentioning "Danger Area" and that "Fatal Truck Accidents Have Occurred Between Mile Post 235 and 241." [Closer View]
Trucks Speed Limit 25 Taken on I-90 East descending out of Homestake Pass in Montana. [Closer View]
Lewis and Clark State Caverns State Park and Yellowstone Nat'l Park, Next Right, and Mile 274 Taken on I-90 East in Montana. [Closer View]

June 28, 2001

Overhead: Exit 456, East I-94, Bismarck, I-90 East, Sheridan, 1 Mile Taken from a parking lot of the Flying J travel plaza outside Billings, Montana. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-94 East, Bismarck, Exit 456, I-90 East, Sheridan * Taken on I-90 East outside Billings, Montana. This is the western terminus of I-94. [Closer View]
East I-90, South US 87, East US 212 shields * Taken in Montana, between Billings and the Wyoming border. [Closer View]
Wyoming, Like No Place On Earth * Taken on I-90 East. [Closer View]
South Business I-25, East Business I-90, Business US 87 shields Taken near Buffalo, Wyoming. Apparently, these were all put up in 1998, with the small "98" on each sign. [Closer View]
To Business I-25, East Business I-90, Business US 87 shields Taken near Buffalo, Wyoming. [Closer View]
Sign with Business I-25, Business I-90, Business US 87, West US 16, To I-25 and I-90, East US 16 * Taken in Buffalo, Wyoming. [Closer View]
South Business I-25, East Business I-90, West US 16, Business US 87 shields * Taken in Buffalo, Wyoming. These look like 1999 signs. [Closer View]
Exit 124, Business I-90, West US 14 and US 16, Wyoming 50, Gillette, 1 Mile Taken on I-90 East in Gillette. [Closer View]
I-90 Closed When Flashing, Return to Moorcroft Taken on I-90 East in eastern Wyoming. [Closer View]
South Dakota, Great Faces, Great Places * Taken on I-90 East. With Wyoming Mile 207, South Dakota Mile 0. [Closer View]
Deadwood, National Historic Landmark Taken on US 85 South. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
US 14A, Detour South US 85, To US 385 Taken in Deadwood, South Dakota. [Closer View]
Entering Badlands National Park Taken on the Badlands Loop eastbound, after leaving Wall. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

June 29, 2001

Entering Central Time Zone * Taken on foggy I-90 East in South Dakota. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 260, Business I-90, Oacoma, Chamberlain, 1 Mile * Taken on I-90 East in South Dakota. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Missouri River, Lake Francis Case Taken on I-90 East in South Dakota. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-90, Exit 396B, I-29 North, Next Right, Exit 396A, I-29 South * Taken on I-90 East near Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Look, no control cities. [Closer View]
South I-29 shield * Taken near Sioux Falls, South Dakota. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-29, Exit 75, I-229 Taken on I-29 South in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Again, no control cities. [Closer View]
The People of Iowa Welcome You, Iowa, Fields of Opportunities * Taken on I-29 South. Shield visible in lower left. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-29, Council Bluffs, Exit 148, US 77 South, S Sioux City Nebr * Taken on I-29 South in Iowa. [Closer View]
Nebraska ... the good life * Taken on US 77 South, crossing the Missouri River (also visible) [Closer View]
Overhead: I-129, US 20, US 75, To Iowa Taken in South Sioux City, Nebraska. [Closer View]
Overheads: The People of Iowa Welcome You, * Iowa, Fields of Opportunities, and Exit 1B, Hospital, I-29 North, Downtown Sioux City, Next Right Taken on I-129 East crossing the Missouri River into Iowa. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
South I-29 shield Taken in Iowa, south of Sioux City. [Closer View]
Exit 75, US 30, Missouri Valley, Blair Nebraska Taken on I-29 South in Iowa. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: South I-29, West I-680, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Exit 71, I-680 East, Des Moines, 1 Mile Taken in Iowa, approaching the junction with I-680, north of Council Bluffs. [Closer View]
East I-680 shield Taken near Council Bluffs, Iowa. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 29A, I-80 East, Des Moines, I-680 Ends, Exit 29B, I-80 West, Council Bluffs * Taken in western Iowa. This is the eastern terminus of I-680. [Closer View]
East I-80 and East US 6 shields * Taken in western Iowa. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 123A, I-235, West Des Moines, Des Moines, I-80, I-35, Chicago, Minneapolis, Kansas City * Taken on I-80 East, approaching Des Moines, Iowa. [Closer View] [Closer View of sign beyond overpass]: Exit 123A, I-235 East, West Des Moines, Des Moines, East I-80, North I-35, Chicago, Minneapolis, Exit 123B, South I-35, Kansas City. [Even Closer View of sign beyond overpass]
East I-235 shield Taken in Des Moines, Iowa. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-35, Minneapolis, Kansas City, 1/2 Mile, I-80, Davenport, Council Bluffs, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-235 East, leaving Des Moines, and approaching its eastern terminus at I-35 and I-80. [Closer View]
Buckle Up For Life, It's Our Law Taken on I-80 East in eastern Iowa. [Closer View]
East I-80 shield * Taken in eastern Iowa. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 239B, I-380, US 218 North, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, 1/2 Mile, Exit 239A, US 218 South, Mt Pleasant, Keokuk Taken on I-80 East in Iowa. Notice the two different US 218 shields side by side. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 240, Iowa 965 to US 6, Coral Ridge Ave, North Liberty, Exit 239B, I-380, US 218 North, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Maximum Ramp Speed 30 MPH Taken on I-80 East in Iowa. This could be the southern terminus of I-380, though it seems to continue as a limited access highway as US 218 to the south. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80 East, Chicago, Exit 290, East I-280, East US 6, Rock Island, Moline, Next Right, Hospital Exit 290 Taken on I-80 East approaching the Quad Cities. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-80 East, Chicago, Exit 298, I-74 East, Peoria * Taken on I-80 East approaching the Quad Cities. This is the western terminus of I-74. [Closer View]
East I-74 shield with Mile East I-74 0.4 Taken on I-74 East in Iowa, 4/10 mi. from I-80, the western terminus of I-74. [Closer View]
Welcome to Illinois, Moline, Next 5 Exits * Taken on I-74 East, crossing the Mississippi River. [Closer View]
Overheads: The People of Illinois * Welcome You, Exit 3, 23rd Ave, 1 Mile, Exit 2, 7th Avenue Taken on I-74 East in Moline. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: US 6 East, Quad City Airport, Exit 5B, I-74, I-280 East, Peoria, Chicago Taken on I-74 East in Moline, Illinois. [Closer View]
I-74, I-80, Peoria, Chicago, 2 Miles Taken on I-74 East in Illinois. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-80 East, Chicago, I-80 West, Des Moines, Next Right, I-74 East, Peoria Taken on I-74 East in western Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80 East, Chicago, Exit 61, I-180, Hennepin, 1 Mile Taken on I-80 East in Illinois. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 79B, North I-39, US 51, Rockford, Exit 79A, I-39, US 51 South, Bloomington-Normal, 1 3/4 Miles, Exit 77, Illinois 351, La Salle Taken on I-80 East in Illinois. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 155, I-294 North, Wisconsin, and I-80 and I-294 East, Indiana Taken on I-80 East in Illinois. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
East I-80, South I-294 shields Blurred night picture taken South of Chicago. [Closer View]

June 30, 2001

Old-looking US 6 and US 20 shields * Taken in Cleveland, Ohio, East on US 6 and US 20. [Closer View]
Do Not Block Driveway, Lake Erie Circle Tour Taken in Cleveland on US 6 and US 20 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: East Ohio 2, to I-90, Lakeside Ave, W 6th St Taken in Cleveland. Cleveland Browns Stadium is in the background. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: East I-90, Buffalo, Exit 37, I-86 East, Jamestown. Taken on I-90 East in Pennsylvania. Backlit, unfortunately. This is the western terminus of the eastern I-86. [Closer View]
Gov Thomas E Dewey Thruway Taken on I-90 East at the New York/Pennsylvania border. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Welcome to New York State * Taken on I-90 East. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: North I-87, East I-90, Albany, Montreal, South I-87, New York, Boston, 1 Mile * Taken on I-90 East, the New York State Thruway, approaching Exit 24 in Albany. [Closer View]
Jct New York 346 shield Taken on New York 22 South in North Petersburgh. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
East New York 346, South New York 22 shields Taken on New York 22 South in North Petersburgh. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Welcome to Vermont, the Green Mountain State * Taken on New York 346 East as it becomes Vermont 346 South. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

Trip to Cleveland and Detroit, July 31-August 4, 2001

July 31, 2001

Exit 19, To New York 7, Worcester, E. Worcester Taken on I-88 West in New York. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: South I-81 to New York 17, Binghamton, I-81 North, Syracuse Taken at the western terminus of I-88 in Binghamton, New York. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: Exit 5, US 11, to I-88 East, Front St, Broome C C Taken on I-81 South in Binghamton. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: South I-81, East New York 17, Scranton, New York, West New York 17, Elmira Taken on I-81 South in Binghamton, New York. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 61, New York 34, Pennsylvania 199, Waverly, Sayre Taken on New York 17 West, near its brief crossing into Pennsylvania. This sign has a New York and a Pennsylvania route shield. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
State Border, with West New York 17, STE shields Taken on New York 17 West, where it crosses into Pennsylvania. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
State Border, with West New York 17, STE shields Taken on New York 17 West, where it crosses back into New York, less than a mile later. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Cleveland 12, Toledo 123 Taken on I-90 West in Ohio. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: 35 MPH Curve 1 Mile Ahead, and Exit 174 Ohio 2 West, Downtown Cleveland * Taken on I-90 West in Cleveland. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-71, I-90, 35 MPH Curve, Exit 174, Ohio 2 West, Downtown Cleveland * Taken on I-90 West in Cleveland at "Dead Man's Curve". (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Exit 173A stuff, Jacobs Field, Gund Arena, Tower City Taken on I-90 West in Cleveland. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
E. 9 St, and West I-90, South I-77 I-71 sign Taken in Cleveland, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 170B, I-71 South, Columbus, 3/4 Mile, and I-90 West, Toledo Taken from inside Jacobs Field, Cleveland, Ohio. [Closer View]

August 1, 2001

US 6, Ohio 101 shields Taken in Sandusky, Ohio. [Closer View]
Ohio 2 and Lake Erie Circle Tour shields, Maumee Bay Taken west of Sandusky, Ohio on Ohio 2 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-280 North, Also, South I-280 sign and shield, North I-280 shield, Lake Erie Circle Tour shield Taken on Ohio 2 West, near Toledo. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
North I-280 shield Taken near Toledo, Ohio. [Closer View]
Drawbridge 3/4 Mile Ahead Taken on I-280 North, near Toledo. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: Exit 11, Ohio 25 South, 1 Mile, Exit 10A, Ohio 65, Summit St, Downtown Taken on I-280 North, near Toledo, on the drawbridge mentioned above. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: End I-280, Jct I-75, 1 Mile, and Exit 12, Manhattan Blvd, 3/4 Mile * Taken on I-280 North, near Toledo. This is the northern terminus of I-280. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Welcome to Michigan, Great Lakes, Great Times * Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
North I-75 shield * Taken in Michigan, just over the border from Ohio. [Closer View]
North I-75 and Lake Erie Circle Tour shields Taken in Michigan, south of Detroit. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 48, I-96 West, Lansing, I-75 North, Flint, 1 1/2 Miles * Taken on I-75 North in Michigan. (Taken by Rob Foulis)

August 3, 2001

"American Road" Display, with US 1 shield, ND 22 shield Taken in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. Also in the picture is an original Merritt Parkway toll booth from Connecticut. [Closer View]
A close-up look at your new Interstate Highway System Taken in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. [Closer View]
"I-100" shield Taken in the Henry Ford Museum in Dearborn, Michigan. The sign is used to celebrate 100 years of automobile travel, and marks a path through the museum. [Closer View]
Lighted overhead: I-94 Westbound, Jackson Taken in Ann Arbor, Michigan. [Closer View]

August 4, 2001

North US 24 shield Taken in Taylor, Michigan, on Telegraph Road. [Closer View]
East US 12 shield * Taken in Detroit, on Michigan Avenue. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Michigan 10, I-94, I-96 shields * Taken in Detroit. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overheads: I-94 East, Port Huron, I-94 West, Detroit, Exit 28, 11 Mile Rd, St Clair Shores Taken on I-696 East in Roseville, Michigan. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-94, East I-69 to Michigan 25, Canada, Lexington, and Exit 271, West I-69 Flint, Business I-69 Port Huron Taken on I-94 East approaching Port Huron, Michigan. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
East I-94 and I-69 shields Taken near Port Huron, Michigan. Notice that I-69 is marked as "East" here. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-94, I-69, Freeway Ends, and Exit 274, Water St * Taken in Port Huron, Michigan. [Closer View]
Overheads: Michigan 25, Pine Grove Ave, Lexington, I-94, I-69 Ends, Bridge to Canada, Stop Ahead and Pay Fare * Taken in Port Huron, Michigan. As you can see, this is the northern/eastern terminus of I-69 and the eastern terminus of I-94. [Closer View]
Overhead: Blue Water Bridge, Cars $1.50 US / $2.00 CN, Trucks $1.75 US/Axle Taken in Port Huron, Michigan. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Welcome to Canada, The World Next Door * Taken on the Blue Water Bridge between Port Huron, Michigan, and Sarnia, Ontario. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Welcome to Ontario, More to discover * Taken just beyond Canada Customs at the Blue Water Bridge in Sarnia, Ontario, at the western terminus of Ontario 402. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Overhead: Exit 6, Ontario 40, Modeland Rd., 1 km Taken on Ontario 402 East. (Taken by Rob Foulis)
Ontario 21 North shield Taken just North of Ontario 402 in western Ontario. [Closer View]
Ontario 21 shield Taken just north of Ontario 402 in western Ontario. [Closer View]
Watford 25, Sarnia 61 Taken near Thedford, Ontario. [Closer View]
Lambton County 79 shield Taken in western Ontario. [Closer View]
Ontario 402 East shield * Taken in western Ontario. [Closer View]
Ontario 402 Ends/Fin, Ontario 401 East/Est * Taken in Ontario, near London. This is the eastern terminus of Ontario 402. (Taken by Rob Foulis) [Closer View]
Ontario 401 East/Est shield Taken in near London. [Closer View]
Niagara Falls, Follow Ontario 403 Taken on Ontario 401 East, approaching the Ontario 403 split. [Closer View]
Exit 235, Ontario 403, Brantford, Hamilton, 2 Lanes * Taken on Ontario 401 East, approaching the Ontario 403 split. [Closer View]
Overheads: Ontario 401 Toronto, This lane ends 450 m, Ontario 403, Brantford, Hamilton * Taken on Ontario 401 East, at the Ontario 403 split. This is the western terminus of Ontario 403. [Closer View]
Ontario 403 East shield Taken near Brantford, Ontario. [Closer View]
Overheads: 407 ETR Express Toll Route East, QEW Toronto, QEW Niagara * Taken on Ontario 403 East near Hamilton. This is approaching the eastern terminus of Ontario 403. [Closer View]
QEW Niagara shield * Taken just south/east of Hamilton. Since the QEW twists around Lake Ontario, the directions are given by the next major destination instead of a compass point. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 12, Amherst St, 3/4 Mile, Exit 11, New York 198, Scajaquada Expwy Taken on I-190 North in Buffalo. [Closer View]
Overheads: New York 33 East, Airport, , I-90 East to I-290, Thruway, Albany, I-90 Thruway, Westbound, Erie Taken in Buffalo. (Taken by Rob Foulis) [Closer View]
Rochester 56, Albany 268, New York 415 Taken on I-90 East, the New York State Thruway, near Buffalo. (Taken by Rob Foulis) [Closer View]

August 25, 2001

North Historic Vermont 7A shield, also Shaftsbury Ctr. 2, Arlington 10 Taken in Shaftsbury. Unfortunately, the camera was mistakenly on a manual exposure setting, and the picture is washed out. [Closer View]
North Vermont 7A and West Vermont 313 old-style shields Taken in Arlington. Again, kind of washed out, but some of the problem is because the numbers on the signs are partially worn off. [Closer View]

Drive to Cape Cod, August 29, 2001

August 29, 2001

Green directional sign for North Massachusetts 112, South Massachusetts 116, Ashfield, Conway, and Massachusetts 112 South, Goshen Taken near Ashfield. Notice that a left turn takes us both north and south. [Closer View]
Massachusetts 112 North and Massachusetts 116 South shields * Taken near Ashfield. In reality, this road is going pretty much north. [Closer View]
Green sign for End I-495, Begin Massachusetts 25 * Taken near Wareham. This is the southern terminus of I-495. [Closer View]
East US 6, South Massachusetts 28 shields Taken in Buzzards Bay. [Closer View]
Overheads: Massachusetts 25, Providence, Boston, Massachusetts 28 South, Falmouth, The Islands, also with To I-195, I-495 shields * Taken in Buzzards Bay, on the ramp approaching the Bourne Bridge. [Closer View]
Large East US 6 shield * Taken on Cape Cod, still near the Cape Cod Canal. [Closer View]

September 30, 2001

Green sign: Massachusetts 2 West, Taconic Trail, Troy New York, Next Right Taken on US 7 South in Williamstown. I believe this sign has been replaced. [Closer View]
West Massachusetts 2 shield in construction orange Taken on US 7 South in Williamstown. The junction of Massachusetts 2 West and US 7 is being reconstructed in 2001 with the installation of a runaway truck ramp, hence the construction orange shields. All new signs have since been erected. [Closer View]
Entering Petersburg N.Y. Taken on Massachusetts 2 West in Williamstown, at the New York state line. This is the back side of the Entering Williamstown sign eastbound, typical of the signs found throughout Massachusetts when crossing town lines on state and US highways. [Closer View]
Welcome to New York, the Empire State * Taken on New York 2 West in Petersburg. [Closer View] Compare to winter version, under April 15, 2001.
Town of Petersburg Taken on New York 2 West in Petersburg. This is at the summit of Petersburg Pass, which carries Rte 2 from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Petersburg, New York. [Closer View]
Use Low Gear, 4 Mi. Taken on New York 2 West in Petersburg, just beyond the summit of Petersburg Pass. [Closer View]

From the Fall Foliage collection, October 2001

October 7, 2001

North US 7 shield * Taken on US 7 North in Pownal, Vermont, just across the border from Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: U.S. 7 North Taken on US 7 North in Pownal, Vermont, approaching the old Green Mountain greyhound track. [Closer View]

October 14, 2001

West New York 7 shield ** Taken on New York 7 West in Hoosick, New York, just west of the junction with New York 22. The picture was taken primarily for the fall foliage. The highway sign is just a bonus. [Closer View]
Rensselaer County 115 shield ** Taken on Tomahannock Reservoir Road in Pittstown, New York. This is northbound, right after its junction with New York 7. [Closer View]
West New York 67 shield Taken in Schagticoke, right after the junction with New York 40. [Closer View]

Amsterdam, New York

November 3, 2001

Overheads: Downtown, Second Left, New York 5 West, New York 30 North, New York 67 East, plus NYS Thruway and I-90 shields Taken on New York 5 West on "The Arterial" in Amsterdam, New York. This is approaching Church Street. Assembly in the next picture is also visible at the corner on the right, along with a "To New York 5S" on the left side of the road. [Closer View]
Sign assembly with West New York 5, North New York 30, East New York 67, plus blue H Same interesection as above. Amsterdam's Public Safety Building is in the background. [Closer View of assembly][Closer View of other assembly, across the street with I-90, NYS Thruway, West New York 5 New York 67]
North New York 30, East New York 67 shields Taken on Church Street in Amsterdam, New York, approaching the split, near City Hall. [Closer View]
South New York 30, East New York 67 shields Taken on Church Street in Amsterdam, New York. Note that this turn is for New York 30 South, not North. This loops back around to Market Street and New York 30 South. [Closer View]
East New York 67 shield Taken on Church Street in Amsterdam, New York, just beyond the intersection with Prospect Street. [Closer View]

Ride from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Portland, Maine

November 18, 2001

Overhead: Exit 33, I-190 South, Leominster, Worcester, 1/2 Mile Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Leominster. [Closer View]
Overheads: Massachusetts 2 East, Boston, Keep Left, Exit 33, I-190 South, Leominster, Worcester, Keep Right Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Leominster. [Closer View] Compare to summer view on September 21, 2002.
Overheads: Massachusetts 2 East, Boston, Exit 33, I-190 South, Leominster, Worcester Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Leominster. This is the northern terminus of I-190. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Portsmouth NH, 2 Miles, Exit 55, Massachusetts 110 to I-95 South, Salisbury, Boston Taken on I-495 North in Salisbury, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95 North, Portsmouth NH, 1 Mile * Taken on I-495 North in Salisbury, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
End I-495, North I-95 shields * Taken on I-495 North in Salisbury, Massachusetts. This is the northern terminus of I-495. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 5, I-195 East, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, 2 Miles, 3.2 km Taken on the Maine Turnpike, I-95 North. [Closer View]
Exit 5, I-195 East, Saco, Old Orchard Beach Taken on the Maine Turnpike, I-95 North. This is the western terminus of I-195 in Maine. Since the Atlantic is just a few miles east, it's not a very long interstate. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 6A, I-295 North, South Portland, Downtown Portland, 1 Mile (1.6 km), Exit Only Taken on the Maine Turnpike, I-95 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 7, To US 1, Maine 114, South Portland, Maine Mall Rd, 1 Mile, 1.6 km, and Exit 6A, I-295 North, South Portland, Downtown Portland, 1/2 Mile (0.8 KM), Exit Only * Taken on the Maine Turnpike, I-95 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 and Maine Turnpike North, Auburn, Lewiston, Augusta, and Exit 6A, I-295 North, South Portland, Downtown Portland, Exit Only Taken on the Maine Turnpike, I-95 North. [Closer View]
Approaching the toll booth at Exit 6A. Taken in South Portland, Maine. This is approximately the southern terminus of I-295.
North I-295 shield Taken in Portland, Maine. This is the first northbound shield on I-295. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 1 South, Downtown, and To South Maine 77 Taken in Portland, just off of Exit 6A from I-295. [Closer View]

Procrastination Ride from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to northwestern Connecticut, and back

November 24, 2001

South Massachusetts 8, East Massachusetts 9 shields Taken between Pittsfield and Dalton. [Closer View]
South "US 8" shield ** Should be Massachusetts 8 South. US 8 doesn't come anywhere near Massachusetts. Taken near Dalton. There are two error signs in a row along this stretch. Both have been corrected as of June, 2003. The state seems to have the opposite problem with US 7, which has square Massachusetts shields in some places, most notably at the end of Berkshire Mall Road. [Closer View]
Jct US 20, South Massachusetts 8 shields Taken in Becket. [Closer View]
Green signs: South Massachusetts 8, West US 20, Otis, Pittsfield, and US 20 East, Springfield Taken in Becket. [Closer View]
Green signs: Massachusetts 8 South, Otis, Winsted CT, US 20 West, Lee Taken in Becket. [Closer View]
Narrow Road Sharp Curves, Next 14 Miles, and shield for South Massachusetts 8 * Taken in Becket, just South of the Massachusetts 8/US 20 split seen above. [Closer View]
Green signs: Massachusetts 23 West, Monterey, Great Barrington, South Massachusetts 8, East Massachusetts 23, plus assorted other signs in the background Taken in Otis. [Closer View]
Massachusetts 57 shield, with left arrow Taken in New Boston, on Massachusetts 8 South. [Closer View]
Connecticut Welcomes You * Taken on Massachusetts 8 South, as it becomes Connecticut 8 South. [Closer View]
Connecticut 8 shield Taken on Conencticut 8 South, just over the border from Massachusetts. [Closer View]
East US 44 and West US 44 shields Taken on Conencticut 8 South in Winsted. [Closer View]
West US 44, West Connecticut 263, North Connecticut 183 shields Taken on US 44 West in Winsted. [Closer View]
West US 44, South US 7, North US 7 shields Taken on US 44 West in Canaan, at the junction with US 7 South. [Closer View]
West US 44, North US 7 shields, with American Flag Taken on US 44 West in Canaan, at the junction with US 7 North. [Closer View]
Green signs: North US 7, North Massachusetts 41, Stockbridge, W. Stockbridge, Massachusetts 23 East, Monterey, and others Taken on US 7 North in Great Barrington. [Closer View]

Lake Tahoe Ski Trip, January 12-16, 2002

January 12, 2002

Overhead: Mt. Rose/No. Lake Tahoe 1/4, Freeway Ends Taken on US 395 South, just south of Reno, Nevada. [Closer View]
Overheads: Virginia City, Carson City, So. Lake Tahoe, and Mt Rose, No Lake Tahoe, Nevada 431 Taken on US 395 South, just south of Reno, Nevada. Mt. Rose ski area is behind the sign. [Closer View]
Warning for U curve, 20 MPH * Taken on Nevada 431, approaching the Mt. Rose area. [Closer View]
Nevada 28, End Nevada 431 shields Taken on Nevada 431 at Incline Village. Lake Tahoe is behind the signs. We were running out of daylight at the time. [Closer View]
North Nevada 28, Scenic Route shields Blurred. Taken on Nevada 28 at Incline Village. [Closer View]
Welcome to California * Taken on Nevada 28 as it becomes California 28 near Kings Beach. [Closer View]

January 13, 2002

California 89 South shield Taken on California 89 South in Tahoe City. [Closer View]

January 14, 2002

Agricultural Inspection, All Vehicles Stop 1/4 Mile Taken on California 89 South, south of South Lake Tahoe. [Closer View]
Green sign: Jct Rte 88, 11 Taken on California 89 South, south of South Lake Tahoe. There are a number of other things on the sign covered up, apparently because they require crossing closed mountain passes. Some signs in the area had all of their information covered. [Closer View]
California 89 and California 88 shields Taken on California 89 South, at the junction with California 88. [Closer View]

January 16, 2002

Avalanche Area, NO Stopping, Parking, Peds ** Taken on California 88 East between Kirkwood and the junction with California 89. [Closer View]
California 89 Jct, California 88 East, shields, Meyers, Lake Tahoe, Left Turn, 1/4 Mile Taken on California 88 East approaching the junction with California 89. [Closer View]
Icy Taken on California 88 East and California 89 South, just beyond the junction with California 89 North. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign for slippery road Taken on California 88 East and California 89 South, as we descend out of the mountains. Nice view of the canyon the road is following. [Closer View]
California 4 and California 89 shields Taken on California 88 East and California 89 South, approaching the Nevada border. California 88 East shield is barely visible in the background. [Closer View]
Welcome to Nevada, The Silver State. Also "Emergency Parking Only" * Taken on California 88 East as it becomes Nevada 88. Apparently they don't want people stopping to take pictures of the sign, unless it's an emergency. [Closer View]
East Nevada 88 shield Taken just over the border from California. [Closer View]
Green sign: Minden, Carson City, Nevada 756, Gardnerville Taken on Nevada 88 East. [Closer View]
US 395 and End Nevada 88 shields Taken in Minden. This is the eastern terminus of Nevada 88. [Closer View]
North US 395 shield Taken in Minden, Nevada, at the junction with Nevada 88. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 395, Carson City, Reno, US 50, Lake Tahoe Taken on US 395 North approaching Carson City, Nevada. [Closer View]
East US 50, North US 395 shields Taken just south of Carson City, Nevada. [Closer View]
North US 395, with small "North" Taken near Washoe City, Nevada. Washoe Lake is visible in the background. [Closer View]
Overhead: US 395 North, Reno, Fwy Only Taken just south of Reno, Nevada. [Closer View]
North US 395, with Reno in the background Taken in Reno, Nevada. [Closer View]

Williamstown to Hanover and Back, February 2-3, 2002

February 2, 2002

Entering Clarksburg Taken on Massachusetts 8 North, crossing from North Adams into Clarksburg. [Closer View]
Entering Stamford VT Taken on Massachusetts 8 North, crossing from Clarksburg into Stamford, Vermont. [Closer View]
North Vermont 100 and Vermont 8 shields Taken just over the state border into Stamford. [Closer View]
Old-style East Vermont 9, to Vermont 30 shields * Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
Shields attached to building: US 5 North to Vermont 9 East Vermont 30 Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
North US 5 shield, East Vermont 30 not visible Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
Shield assembly with South US 5, To Vermont 30, To I-91, North US 5, East Vermont 9 Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
Another shield assembly with South US 5, To Vermont 30, To I-91, North US 5, East Vermont 9 Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
Old shields: US 5, Vermont 9, To I-91 ** Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
To I-91, North US 5, East Vermont 9 shields Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]
Assembly with Saxtons River 5, Grafton 12, Walpole, N.H., Railroad Station, West Vermont 121, North US 5, To N.H. 12, and more * Taken in Bellows Falls. It is interesting how Vermont seems to use Vermont shields to represent New Hampshire state routes, by putting a small "N.H." in them. [Closer View]
Old shields: North US 5, To Vermont 103, To I-91 ** Taken north of Bellows Falls. [Closer View]
Old shields: US 5 and something unreadable ** Taken in Windsor. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-89, New Hampshire 10, W. Lebanon, Vermont, and North New Hampshire 120, Hanover Taken in Lebanon. [Closer View]
North New Hampshire 120 shield Taken in Lebanon. [Closer View]

February 3, 2002

North US 5, To US 4 shields Taken in White River Junction, Vermont. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 5 South, South I-91, To I-89, Exit 650 Ft, I-91 North, St. Johnsbury Taken in White River Junction, Vermont. [Closer View]
Massachusetts Welcomes You Taken on I-91 South. [Closer View]
South I-91 shield Taken in Massachusetts, north of Greenfield. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 27, East Massachusetts 2, Boston, Exit Left, 2 Miles, South I-91, West Massachusetts 2, Springfield Taken near Greenfield. [Closer View]
Entering Buckland Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
Green signs: West Massachusetts 2, South Massachusetts 8A, No. Adams, Windsor, Massachusetts 8A North, Heath, Next Right Taken in Charlemont. [Closer View]
Bear Xing * Taken on Massachusetts 2 West just west of Charlemont. [Closer View]
Entering Savoy Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to the Berkshires, America's Premier Cultural Resort Taken on Massachusetts 2 West in Savoy. [Closer View]
Entering Florida Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
Entering North Adams Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
Entering Williamstown Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]

Carmel, New York, to Great Barrington, Massachusetts, February 10, 2002

February 10, 2002

Green signs: New York 82 South, Hopewell Jct, Next Right, NY 82 North Taken northbound on the Taconic State Parkway. [Closer View]
New York 82 South, Hopewell Jct exit ramp sign Taken northbound on the Taconic State Parkway. [Closer View]
East US 44 shield Taken near Millbrook, New York. [Closer View]
US 44, New York 343, New York 82 shields Taken in Millbrook. [Closer View]
US 44, North New York 22, East New York 343, South New York 22, West New York 343 shields Taken in Amenia. [Closer View]
Connecticut Welcomes You Taken on US 44 East. [Closer View]
East US 44, North US 7, South US 7 shields Taken in Canaan, Connecticut. [Closer View]
Entering Sheffield Taken on US 7 North, crossing from Connecticut into Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Welcome to Massachusetts Taken on US 7 North. [Closer View]

Williamstown to New Haven, February 15, 2002

February 15, 2002

Entering Adams Taken on Massachusetts 8 South. [Closer View]
Entering Cheshire Taken on Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]
Entering Plainfield Taken on Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]
Entering Ashfield Taken on Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]
South Massachusetts 116, Conway 5, Amherst 21 Taken in Ashfield. [Closer View]
Entering Whately Taken on US 5, Massachusetts 10, and Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]

Massachusetts 2 and Boston, February 23, 2002

February 23, 2002

Rotary Taken on Massachusetts 2 East, approaching Concord. [Closer View]
East 2, Concord 3, Boston 22, West 2, Littleton 7 Taken in the rotary above. [Closer View]
East Massachusetts 2 shield Taken in Concord - this shield is apparently pretty old, as it has a circle around the 2, no longer part of Massachusetts shields. [Closer View]
Overhead: Massachusetts 2A East, Exit Only, and Massachusetts 2 East, Boston Taken in Concord. [Closer View]
Entering Lexington Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Massachusetts 2 East, Belmont, Boston, Exit 52B, I-95 North, Peabody, 1/4 Mile, Exit 52A, I-95 South, Attleboro. Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
East Massachusetts 2 shield Taken in Belmont, with the Boston skyline visible in the background. [Closer View]
Beacon St * Taken from Boston Common. [Closer View]
Green sign: Logan Airport, US 1 N, Massachusetts 3 S, I-93, Storrow Dr. West Taken from a pedestrian walkway in Boston between the Fleet Center and the Charles River. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-93, US 1 N., Tobin Br., I-93, US 1 N., Tobin Br., I-93 South, Logan, North Station Only Taken from a pedestrian walkway in Boston between the Fleet Center and the Charles River. [Closer View]
Old cutout Mass. U.S. 3 shield ** Taken on the Harvard University campus in Cambridge. [Closer View]
North US 3, West Massachusetts 2 shields Taken in Cambridge. [Closer View]

New Mexico and Colorado, April 11-13, 2002

April 12, 2002

Overheads: Exit 224B, Convention Ctr., Tourist Info., Exit 224B, University of New Mexico, Exit 224B, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Ave., 1/2 Mile Taken on I-25 North in Albuquerque. [Closer View]
North I-25 shield and overhead: Exit 225, Lomas Blvd, Local Traffic, 1/2 Mile. Taken on I-25 North in Albuquerque. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-25 North, Santa Fe, Exit 226B, I-40 West, Gallup, Exit 226A, I-40 East, Santa Rosa Taken on I-25 North in Albuquerque. Some of the new overpasses in this reconstructed interchange are seen in the background. [Closer View]
West New Mexico 528 sign Taken in Alameda. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-25 North, Las Vegas, Exit 276A-B, New Mexico 599, Next Right, Exit 276A, New Mexico 14 South to Madrid Taken on I-25 North near Santa Fe. [Closer View]
Green sign: Espanola, Los Alamos, Taos, Exit 282 Taken on I-25 North near Santa Fe. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-25, Las Vegas, Exit 284, New Mexico 466, Old Pecos Tr., 2 Miles, Exit 282, US 84, US 285 North, Santa Fe - Plaza, St. Francis Dr. Taken on I-25 North near Santa Fe. Unfortunately, cut off and blurred. [Closer View]
Exit sign: Exit 412, US 56 and 412, New Mexico 21, New Mexico 468, Springer Taken on I-25 North in northern New Mexico. I took this because of the US shield with both 56 and 412 in it. And the fact that US 412 happens to be at Exit 412. US 412 is one of those weird new US highways -- it's nowhere near US 12. This is at the western terminus of US 412. [Closer View]
Ramp marker: I-25 North, Trinidad Taken in Raton, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Small yellow sign: You are leaving New Mexico. Hasta La Vista! Taken on I-25 North, well, leaving New Mexico. [Closer View]
Welcome to Colorful Colorado * Taken on I-25 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-25, West US 160 Taken in southern Colorado. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-25, West US 50, Colo Spgs, Exit 100B, 29th Street, 3/4 Mile, Exit 100A, US 50 East, La Junta Taken in Pueblo, Colorado. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 181, to Colorado 86, Franktown, Next Right Taken on I-25 North. [Closer View]
West Colorado 470 shield Taken just west of I-25. [Closer View]
West Colorado 470 shield and overheads: I-70 West, Grand Jct, I-70 East, Denver Taken on Colorado 470 West. [Closer View]
South Colorado 391 shield Taken on Kipling St (C-391) in Wheat Ridge. [Closer View]
Jct US 40, Colfax Ave Taken on Colorado 391 South. [Closer View]
Jct US 6 shield Taken on Colorado 391 South. [Closer View]
West US 6 shield Taken in Lakewood, Colorado. [Closer View]

April 13, 2002

Exit 221, Bakerville, 1 Mile Taken on I-70 West in Colorado. [Closer View]
Exit 216, US 6 West, Loveland Pass, 1 Mile * Taken on I-70 West in Colorado. [Closer View]
Eisenhower Memorial Tunnel, Elev 11,013 Ft *** Taken on I-70 West in Colorado. [Closer View]
West I-70 shield Taken just west of the Eisenhower Tunnel. [Closer View]
Electronic overhead: Icy Conditions May Exist Taken just west of the Eisenhower Tunnel on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 195, Colorado 91 South, Copper Mtn, Leadville Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Vail Pass Summit, Elev 10,662 Ft ** Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Loveland Pass, Elevation 11,990, Continental Divide, Atlantic, Pacific *** Taken at the top of Loveland Pass on US 6 in Colorado. [Closer View]
Orange sign: Warning, Back Country Skiers, Avalanche Blasting at Anytime Using Long Range Weaponry. Also Grand Army Highway sign * Taken at the top of Loveland Pass on US 6 in Colorado. [Closer View]
Yellow Overhead: Truckers You Are Not Down Yet, Another 1 1/2 Miles of Steep Grades and Sharp Curves To Go ** Taken on I-70 East, approaching Denver. [Closer View]

Pittsburgh Trip, May 24-27, 2002

May 24, 2002

Shield assembly: To New York 17, West New York 434, North New York 26, South New York 26 Taken in Vestal. [Closer View]

May 25, 2002

New York 60 shield Taken in Jamestown. [Closer View]
South New York 60, West New York 394 shields Taken in Jamestown. [Closer View]
South New York 60, West New York 394 shields Taken in Jamestown. [Closer View]
End New York 60 shield Taken in Jamestown. [Closer View]
North US 62, South US 62 shields Taken at the southern terminus of New York 60 in Jamestown. [Closer View]
South US 62 shield Taken south of Jamestown, New York. [Closer View]
Welcome to Pennsylvania Taken on US 62 South. [Closer View]
Shields: To East US 6, South US 62, West US 6 Taken in Warren, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Green exit sign: US 62 South, Tidioute, Tionesta Taken west of Warren, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
East Pennsylvania 666 Taken in East Hickory, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Petroleum street sign and South US 62 shield Taken in Oil City, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: South Pennsylvania 8, US 62, North Pennsylvania 428, North Pennsylvania 8, also Franklin 8, Titusville 15 Taken in Oil City, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80 West, Sharon, Exit 19B-A, I-79, Erie, Pittsburgh, 1 Mile Taken on I-80 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80 West, Sharon, Exit 19A, I-79 South, Pittsburgh Taken on I-80 West. [Closer View]
South I-79 shield Taken in Pennsylvania, just south of the I-80 interchange. [Closer View]
South I-279 shield Taken near Pittsburgh, just south of the junction with I-79. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits, Mellon Arena, I-279 South, 3/4, 9th Street, 1, N. Shore 1 1/2, South I-279 Airport, Exit 8A, South I-579, Veterans Bridge, Exit 8B, to Pennsylvania 28 North, East Street Taken on I-279 South, with the Pittsburgh skyline in the background. [Closer View]
Street sign: 001 North Shore 100, Mazeroski Way * Taken in Pittsburgh, outside of PNC Park. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-579 to East I-376, Liberty Bridge, Monroeville, and North I-579, East Pennsylvania 380, Mellon Arena, Bigelow Blvd Taken in downtown Pittsburgh. [Closer View]
To West US 22, US 30 Taken in downtown Pittsburgh, walking across the Ft. Duquesne Bridge from Point State Park. [Closer View]

May 26, 2002

South Pennsylvania 60 shield Taken in Pittsburgh. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-279, I-376, and orange construction sign: Detour to North I-279, North US 19, Pennsylvania 51, Pennsylvania 60, Pennsylvania 65, West End Bridge, Left Lane, Detour to East I-376, Station Square, Downtown, Right Lane Taken in Pittsburgh on the south shore. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-279 North, North Shore, Exit 6C, Ft. Duquesne Blvd, Convention Ctr, Strip District, Exit 6B, Blvd of Allies, Liberty Ave, Civic Arena, Exit 6A, I-376 East, Monroeville Taken in Pittsburgh, northbound on the Ft. Pitt Bridge. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-376, East US 22, East US 30 Taken in or near Pittsburgh. [Closer View]
Overheads: Ohio and West, I-76 West, Harrisburg and East, I-76 East * Taken when getting on the Pennsylvania Turnpike from I-376 in Monroeville. It seems that these have been here a while. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-70, I-76, Breezewood, Harrisburg, and Exit 8, 75, New Stanton, West I-70, US 119, PA Turnpike 66, Greensburg, Wheeling WV, and Hempfield Service Plaza, Next Right Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound, approaching the junction of I-70 West. [Closer View]
Big "Penna Turn-Pike" with I-70 and I-76 shields. Also South Pennsylvania 601 shield * Taken in Somerset. [Closer View]
Allegheny Mountain, sign on tunnel entrance ** Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Descending Curves, Caution When Wet * Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound at the exit of the Allegheny Mountain tunnel. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 11, 146, Bedford, I-99, US 220, Bedford, Altoona, 1 Mile Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-99, North US 220 Taken just north of the Pennsylvania Turnpike. [Closer View]
End I-99 shield ** Taken at the current northern terminus of I-99 in Bald Eagle, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: Williamsport, East I-80, North US 220, West I-80, South US 220 Taken north of State College, Pennsylvania, but not quite at the Junction of I-80. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-80, North US 220 Taken in central Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-180, North US 220 Taken near Williamsport, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Exits 260A-B, I-81, Harrisburg, Wilkes-Barre, 2 Miles Taken on I-80 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 260B, I-81 North, Wilkes-Barre, Exit 1/2 Mi, I-80 East, Hazleton, and Exit 260A, I-81 South, Harrisburg Taken on I-80 East. Note the pedestrians walking on the exit ramp. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 260B, I-81 North, Wilkes-Barre, and I-80 East, Hazleton Taken on I-80 East. [Closer View]

May 27, 2002

Overhead: Exit 187, North I-81, To West US 6, Binghamton, To East US 6, I-84, South I-380, Carbondale, Mt Pocono, 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Scranton, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 187, North I-81, To West US 6, Binghamton, To East US 6, I-84, South I-380, Carbondale, Mt Pocono Taken on I-81 North in Scranton, Pennsylvania. This is the western terminus of the eastern I-84. [Closer View]
East I-84 shield Taken just east of Scranton, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
East I-84 shield Taken in northeastern Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Welcome to New York, The Empire State Taken on I-84 East. [Closer View]
Entering Twp of Montague Taken at the New York/New Jersey border on New Jersey 23 South, just off of I-84. [Closer View]
Entering Hancock MA Taken on New York 43 East in Stephentown as it becomes Massachusetts 43 North in Hancock. [Closer View]
Massachusetts directional signs: East Massachusetts 2, North US 7, Williamstown, North Adams, and Massachusetts 2 West, Troy N.Y. Taken on US 7 North in Williamstown, at the base of the Taconic Trail. This and other signs in the area were replaced in 2002 as part of the reconstruction of the intersection and construction of a runaway truck ramp. [Closer View]

Baseball and Work and More around the East, August 3-18, 2002

August 3, 2002

Shield assembly: North US 7, West Vermont 140, East Vermont 140 Taken in Wallingford. [Closer View]
Overhead: West US 4, Fair Haven, US 4 East, US 7 North, Rutland Taken on US 7 North approaching Rutland, Vermont. [Closer View]
Overhead: North US 7, East US 4 Taken in Rutland. [Closer View]
Shields: West Vermont F-5, North US 7 * Taken in Charlotte. F-5 is a short highway that leads to a ferry connection across Lake Champlain to New York State. Looking at old atlases, it seems Vermont used to have a lot more of these "F" routes. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 7, To I-189 Taken in South Burlington, Vermont, on US 7 North. [Closer View]
East I-189 shield Taken in Burlington, Vermont. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-89, Montpelier, St. Albans, Junction 3/4 Mile Taken on I-189 East in Burlington, Vermont. [Closer View]
Overheads: Left Lane, I-89 North, Winooski, St Albans, and Exit Only, Dorset St, Airport Taken at the eastern terminus of I-189 in Burlington. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 2, US 7, Lake Champlain Islands, Milton, Right Lane Taken on I-89 North in northern Vermont. [Closer View]
North I-89 shield Taken north of Burlington, Vermont. [Closer View]
Shields: North Vermont 207, To I-89 Taken in St. Albans. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Canada 2 * Taken on I-89 North in Vermont, well, 2 miles south of the Canadian border. [Closer View]
Bonjour! Québec ** Taken on Québec 133, after crossing into Canada from I-89. [Closer View]
Québec 133 Nord shield, plus Signalisation Métrique, 60 mph = 100 km/h Taken just across the border from Vermont. [Closer View]
Shields: Autoroute 35 Nord, Québec 133 Nord Taken in southern Québec, probably near Iberville. [Closer View]
Green sign: Autoroute de la Vallée-des-Forts Taken on Autoroute 35 North, near its southern terminus near Iberville, Québec. [Closer View]
Autoroute 35 Fin, 1 km * Taken on Autoroute 35 North in Québec, approaching its northern terminus at Autoroute 10. [Closer View]
Overheads: Chambly, Autoroute 10 Ouest, Montréal, 18-O, 500m, Autoroute 10 Est, Sherbrooke, 18-E Taken on Autoroute 35 North in Québec, at its northern terminus at Autoroute 10. [Closer View]
Overhead: Québec 134 Ouest, Boul. Taschereau, Autoroute 30, Autoroute 20, I-87, Châteauguay, Sorel, Québec, 11, 2 km * Taken on Autoroute 10 West, approaching Montréal. [Closer View]

August 4, 2002

Overheads: Autoroute 440 Fin, Avenue des Bois, Dorval, Autoroute 13 Sud, Montréal, Autoroute 13 Nord, St.-Eustache Taken on Autoroute 440 West in Laval, Québec, approaching its western terminus at Autoroute 13. [Closer View]
Autoroute 13 Sud shield Taken in Laval. [Closer View]
Overheads: Autoroute 13 Sud, Autoroute 520, Aéroport Dorval, Lachine, Autoroute 40, Montréal, Hull/Ottawa Taken on Autoroute 13 South, approaching Montréal, at the interchange with Autoroute 40. [Closer View]
Autoroute 40 Ouest shield Taken just west of Montréal. [Closer View]
Green sign: Autoroute Félix-Leclerc, and Overhead: Autoroute 40 Ouest, Hull/Ottawa Taken on Autoroute 40 West, just west of Montréal. [Closer View]
Shields: Autoroute 40 Ouest, Transcanadienne Québec Ouest Taken just west of Montréal. [Closer View]
Overheads: Autoroute 540, Autoroute 20, Ontario 401, Salaberry-de-Valleyfield, Toronto, Autoroute 40, Ontario 417, Ouest, Hull, Ottawa Taken on Autoroute 40 West, near Vaudreuil, Québec. [Closer View]
Shields: Autoroute 40 Ouest Fin, Transcanadienne Québec Ouest Taken on Autoroute 40 West, approaching the Ontario border, visible in the background. [Closer View]
Welcome to/Bienvenue en Ontario, More to discover/Tant à découvrir Taken on Autoroute 40 West as it becomes Ontario 417 West. [Closer View]
Ottawa, Population 785 000 Taken on Ontario 417 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: 118, Ontario 417 West/Ouest, Rue Nicholas St., Hull, Av. Mann Ave., To/Vers Autoroute 5 Taken on Ontario 417 West in Ottawa. [Closer View]

August 5, 2002

Overhead: Ontario 416 South/Sud, To/Vers Ontario 401, Ontario 417 West/Ouest, Kanata, Pembroke Taken on Ontario 417 West, near Ottawa. [Closer View]
Ontario 416, Veterans Memorial Highway, Lest We Forget Taken on Ontario 416 South, just south of its northern terminus near Ottawa. The sign in the background is the French version. [Closer View]
Ontario 416 South/Sud shield Taken just south of Ottawa. [Closer View]
Overhead: Ontario 401 West, Prescott, Kingston, Ontario 401 East, Cornwall Taken on Ontario 416 South at the junction with Ontario 401. [Closer View]
Overheads: Ontario 401 West/Ouest, Kingston, Ontario 401 East/Est, Ontario 16 South/Sud, To/Vers U.S.A. Taken on Ontario 416 South at the junction with Ontario 401. [Closer View]
Hill Island, Bridge to U.S.A., Interstate 81, Toll Bridge Taken on the Thousand Islands Parkway westbound in Ontario. [Closer View]
To I-81 shield * Taken on the Thousand Islands Parkway westbound in Ontario. [Closer View]
Shields: Prince Edward County 33 West, Ontario 62 North Taken in Bloomfield, Ontario. [Closer View]

August 9, 2002

Shields: Ontario 11A, The Kings Highway, To Ontario 401 Taken in downtown Toronto. [Closer View]
Ontario 2, The Kings Highway shield * Taken in Toronto. [Closer View]
Shields: QEW Toronto, QEW Niagara * Taken near St. Catharines, Ontario. [Closer View]
West New York 104, Seaway Trail shields Taken in Niagara Falls. [Closer View]
US 62 shield Taken in Niagara Falls, very near the northern/eastern terminus of US 62. [Closer View]
South New York 62 shield Taken in Niagara Falls, on US 62. There is no NY 62, although in Niagara Falls, they seem to use US and NY shields interchangeably. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 62, North New York 61, South New York 61 Taken in Niagara Falls. [Closer View]
Shields: To South New York 60, To US 20, To North New York 60, To New York 5 Taken in Fredonia at the ramp from Exit 59 of the New York State Thruway. [Closer View]
End New York 60 Taken in Dunkirk, at the northern terminus of New York 60, at New York 5. Lake Erie is visible through the trees across Rte 5. [Closer View]
New York 5, Seaway Trail Taken near Barcelona. [Closer View]
Welcome to Pennsylvania, Erie County, North East Township Taken at the western terminus of New York 5, as it becomes Pennsylvania 5. [Closer View]
West Pennsylvania 5 shield Taken just across the border from New York, at the eastern terminus of Pennsylvania 5 in North East. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-79 South, Pittsburgh, Exit Left 1/4 Mile Taken on Pennsylvania 5 West in Erie. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-79 South, Pittsburgh, West Pennsylvania 5 Taken on Pennsylvania 5 West in Erie. [Closer View]
South I-79 shield Taken in Erie, Pennsylvania, near the northern terminus of I-79. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-79 South, Pittsburgh, Exit 178B-A, I-90, Cleveland, Buffalo, 1 mile Taken on I-79 South in Erie. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-79 South, Pittsburgh, Exit 178A, I-90 East, Buffalo, 1/2 Mile, Exit 178B, I-90 West, Cleveland Taken on I-79 South in Erie. [Closer View]

August 10, 2002

Overheads: East I-90 to South I-271, Exit Only, I-90, Ohio 2 West, Cleveland, Wickliffe, Lloyd Rd Taken on Ohio 2 West near Mentor. [Closer View]
West I-90, To I-71 Taken from the concourse at Jacobs Field in Cleveland. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 233, I-80, Ohio Turnpike, Youngstown, Toledo Taken on I-71 South near Strongsville. [Closer View]
South I-71 shield Taken in northern Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 209, I-76, US 224, Lodi, Akron, Next Right Taken on I-71 South. This is at the western terminus of the eastern I-76. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-71 South, Columbus Taken at an exit not too far north of Columbus. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 107, I-70 East, Wheeling, Left 1/2 Mile, South I-71, West I-70, Cincinnati, Dayton, Exit 108B, US 40, Broad St, Exit Only Taken on I-71 South in Columbus. [Closer View]
Exit 94, US 62, Ohio 3, Harrisburg, Orient Taken on I-71 South, into the sun. [Closer View]

August 11, 2002

East Kentucky 8 shield Taken in Covington. [Closer View]
Overhead: West US 52, I-74, North US 27, Indianapolis, Jct 1 1/2 Miles Taken in Cincinnati on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 3, Hopple St, I-75 North, Dayton, West I-74, US 52, North US 27, Indianapolis, Exit Only Taken in Cincinnati on I-75 North. [Closer View]
End I-74, 1/2 Mile Taken in Cincinnati, approaching the eastern terminus of I-74 at I-75. [Closer View]
Overhead: North US 27, US 127, North I-75, Dayton, I-75 South, Lexington Taken on I-74 East, approaching its eastern terminus at I-75 in Cincinnati. [Closer View]
US 50 shield Taken in Cincinnati at Fountain Square. [Closer View]
End US 22, Ohio 3 shields Taken in Cincinnati. This is the western terminus of US 22. [Closer View]
South I-471 shield Taken in Newport, Kentucky. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 1A, East I-275, Columbus, OH, Exit 1B, to US 27, To I-75, West I-275, To I-71, Airport Taken on I-471 South in northern Kentucky. This is its southern terminus at I-275. [Closer View]

August 12, 2002

South I-71, I-75 shields Taken at the on-ramp in Florence, Kentucky. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 South, Lexington, Exit 173, I-71 South, Louisville Taken in northern Kentucky. [Closer View]
Exit 154, Kentucky 36, Owenton, Williamstown, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
Exit 126, US 62, to US 460, Georgetown, Cynthiana Taken on I-75 South in Kentucky. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-75, East I-64, Lexington, Ashland, Exit 118, I-64 West, Frankfort, Louisville, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
South Kentucky 922, To BG Parkway shields * Taken near Lexington. [Closer View]
South US 25 hanging shield Taken in Lexington, Kentucky. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 25, To I-75, I-64 Taken in Lexington, Kentucky. [Closer View]
Exit 41, Kentucky 80, Daniel Boone Parkway, London, Somerset, 1 1/2 Miles * Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
Tennessee, The Volunteer State, Welcomes You * Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
South I-75 shield Taken just over the border into Tennessee. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 107A, South I-275, East I-640, Knoxville, Asheville, 1 1/4 Mile. Exit 107B, South I-75, West I-640, Nashville, Chattanooga, 1 Mile. Taken on I-75 South, approaching Knoxville, Tennessee. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-40 to South I-75, Nashville, Chattanooga, I-40 East, Asheville, US 441 South, Henley St Taken on I-275 in Knoxville, Tennessee. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 11, US 441, East US 70, South US 11, US 441, West US 70 Taken in Knoxville. [Closer View] [Wider View of the intersection]
Overheads: I-275 North, Lexington, I-40 West, Nashville, I-40 East, Asheville. Taken in Knoxville, from city streets. [Closer View]
East I-40 shield Taken east of Knoxville. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 421, North I-81, Bristol, 2 Miles, I-40 East, Asheville, 2 Miles Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 421, North I-81, Bristol, 1/2 Mile, I-40 East, Asheville, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 421, I-81 North, Bristol, I-40 East, Asheville Taken on I-40 East. This is the southern terminus of I-81. [Closer View]
North Carolina State Line, Haywood County Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to North Carolina * Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Tunnel, Remove Sunglasses ** Taken on I-40 East in western North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 46B, I-240, Asheville, 1/4 Mile, I-40 East, Hickory, Exit 46A, East I-26, East US 74, Hendersonville, Spartanburg Taken on I-40 East, near Asheville. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 53B, I-240, West US 74A, East Asheville, 1/4 Mile, Exit 53A, US 74A East, Blue Ridge Pkwy, Bat Cave * Taken on I-40 East in Asheville, North Carolina. Bat Cave? [Closer View]
Shields: West US 70, West US 74-A Taken in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]

August 13, 2002

Entering Blue Ridge Parkway, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior * Taken in Asheville, North Carolina, at the Parkway entrance on US 70. [Closer View]
Blue Ridge Parkway North, South shield, plus Folk Art Center sign Taken in Asheville, North Carolina, at the Parkway entrance on US 70. [Closer View]
North Carolina 128 Taken just off the Blue Ridge Parkway, at the base of the road to Mount Mitchell State Park. [Closer View]
Steep Winding Road, 25 M.P.H. * Taken on North Carolina 128, just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. [Closer View]
Mount Mitchell State Park Taken on North Carolina 128. [Closer View]
North US 221 and South US 221 shields, directional sign: Blowing Rock 2, Linville 17 Taken just off the Blue Ridge Parkway near Blowing Rock, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South North Carolina 194, North US 421, North US 321 Taken near Boone, North Carolina. In reality, we're travelling mostly westbound. [Closer View]
Tennessee, The Volunteer State, Welcomes You. Johnson Co Taken on US 421 North. [Closer View]
Appalachian Trail Taken on US 421 North near Shady Valley, Tennessee. [Closer View]
Exits 1 A-B, I-81, Roanoke, Use Right Lane, Knoxville, Use Left Lane, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-381 North in Bristol, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1B, I-81 South, Kingsport, Knoxville, Left Lane, Exit 1A, I-81 North, Roanoke, Right Lane Taken on I-381 North in Bristol, Virginia. This is the northern terminus of (the very short) I-381. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-81, South US 52 Taken near Wytheville, Virginia. In reality, we are travelling mostly eastbound at this point. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 72, I-77 North, Bluefield, 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-77, North I-81, South US 52, Charlotte, Roanoke, Exit 72, I-77 North, Bluefield Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
North I-77 shield Taken in Virginia. [Closer View]
Welcome to West Virginia * Taken on I-77 North. [Closer View]

August 14, 2002

East US 460 shield Taken near Princeton, West Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 143, I-581, US 220 South, Airport, Roanoke Taken on I-81 North near Roanoke, Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-581, South US 220 Taken near Roanoke, Virginia. [Closer View]
North US 11 outline shield Taken in Roanoke, Virginia. [Closer View]
East Virginia 24 shield, Stewartsville 4, Appomattox 68, Mt Rush 87 Taken near Vinton. [Closer View]
* Entering Blue Ridge Parkway, National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior Taken at the Parkway entrance from Virginia 24, near Vinton. [Closer View]
Overlook Ahead Taken on the Blue Ridge Parkway, near Vinton, Virginia. These signs signal the numerous scenic overlooks along the Parkway. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 15, East US 60, South US 15 Taken near Sprouses Corner, Virginia. [Closer View]
East US 60 shield, Cumberland CH 14, Powhatan 35, Richmond 64 Taken near Sprouses Corner, Virginia. [Closer View]

August 15, 2002

Overhead: Exit 104, Virginia 207 to US 301, Carmel Church, Bowling Green, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 17, North US 301, South US 17 Taken near Port Royal, Virginia. [Closer View]
Harry W. Nice Memorial Bridge Taken on US 301 North in Virginia, ready to cross the Potomac into Maryland. [Closer View]
Maryland, Enjoy billboard. Also North US 301 shield, and Maryland Welcome Center 1/2 Mile Taken on US 301 North, just after crossing the Potomac from Virginia. See also May 25, 2005. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 50, US 301, Annapolis, Washington, Exit Only, Prince George's Stadium, Next Right, N. Parking Lot, Second Right Taken on US 301 North in Bowie, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 301, Wilmington, US 50 East, Ocean City, 1 1/2 Miles. Exit 45B, Nesbit Road Taken on US 50 East and US 301 North in Queenstown, Maryland. [Closer View]
North Maryland 611 shield Taken near Ocean City. [Closer View]
Welcome to Ocean City, Maryland, America's Finest Family Resort, All-America City 2001 ** Taken on US 50 East. [Closer View]
The eastern terminus of US 50, which as far as I could tell, is unmarked Taken in Ocean City. [Closer View]
Overhead directional to US 50 Taken in Ocean City, near the eastern terminus of US 50. [Closer View]
West US 50 shield * Taken in Ocean City. At the intersection, the right turn is the eastern terminus of US 50. [Closer View]
Overhead: Sacramento, Ca 3073 *** Taken in Ocean City, at the beginning of US 50 West. Unfortunately, the lighting wasn't good to get a decent picture. [Closer View]

August 16, 2002

Warning, Valid $70.00 ORV Permit Required Taken at the southern end of the paved beach parking lot at the Assateague Island National Seashore in Virginia. [Closer View]
Warning, On the Beach, Oversand Vehicles With Valid Permits and Required Equipment Only. Strictly Enforced $50 Minimum fine, All Vehicles Stay on Ocean Side of White Posts, Duneline, and Vegetation. Taken at the southern end of the paved beach parking lot at the Assateague Island National Seashore in Virginia. [Closer View]
North US 113 shield Taken in Snow Hill, Maryland. [Closer View]
North Maryland 12 shield Taken in Snow Hill. [Closer View]

August 17, 2002

North US 1 shield, Snow Emergency Route Taken in Jessup, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 13 A-B, East Maryland 100, Gibson Island, I-97, Annapolis, Baltimore, 1/2 Mile Taken on Maryland 100 East. [Closer View]

August 18, 2002

North Maryland 10, To I-695, To Key Bridge, Dundalk, 1/4 Mile Taken near Glen Burnie, Maryland. [Closer View]
I-695 Outer Loop shield with Key Bridge in the background ** [Closer View]
North I-695 Outer Loop shield Taken in Dundalk, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-95 use South I-295, 5 1/2 Miles Taken near Trenton, New Jersey. [Closer View]
End I-95, Begin I-295, 1 Mile ** Taken near Trenton, New Jersey, just as I-95 is about to disappear only to reappear magically as the New Jersey Turnpike. They should really fix this. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-295, To I-195, North I-95, Bordentown, New York, Exit 67, US 1, New Brunswick, Trenton Taken near Trenton, New Jersey, right where I-95 "ends". [Closer View]
North US 206 shield Taken in Princeton, New Jersey. [Closer View]

September 1, 2002

End New York 147 shield. Also, directional with Broadalbin 8, Saratoga 13, and West New York 29 and East New York 29 shields Taken in Galway. This is the northern terminus of New York 147. [Closer View]

September 8, 2002

South Massachusetts 146 shield Taken south of Worcester. [Closer View]
A better South Massachusetts 146 shield Taken near the Rhode Island border. [Closer View]
Welcome to Rhode Island, The Ocean State, Home of the 2003 United States Scholar Athlete Games * Taken on Massachusetts 146 South as it becomes Rhode Island 146 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: Rhode Island 246, Old Louisquisset Pike Taken on Rhode Island 146 South. [Closer View]
South Rhode Island 146 shield Taken in Providence. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1 Gas, Food, Lodging, Next Right, Exit 1, Massachusetts 114A, Seekonk, Barrington RI, 1/4 Mile, Welcome to Massachusetts Taken on I-195 East, crossing from Rhode Island into Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Massachusetts Welcomes You * Taken on I-195 East, crossing from Rhode Island into Massachusetts. [Closer View]
East I-195 shield Taken near Fall River, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
South Massachusetts 88 shield Taken near Fall River. [Closer View]
North Massachusetts 88 shield Taken near Fall River. [Closer View]
Entering Attleboro Taken on Massachusetts 118 North. [Closer View]

September 21, 2002

Entering Florida Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Steep Hill - Curves, Next 2 Miles, Prepare to Stop ** Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Florida. [Closer View]
Entering Savoy (blurred) Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Entering Charlemont Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Entering Buckland, and South Massachusetts 112 shield Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Entering Shelburne Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct I-91, Massachusetts 2A Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Greenfield. [Closer View]
Entering Gill Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
French King Bridge Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. For a winter view, see December 26, 2003. [Closer View]
Entering Erving Taken on Massachusetts 2 East, just over the French King Bridge. [Closer View]
Entering Orange Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Entering Wendell Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East Massachusetts 2, North US 202 Taken in Orange, I think. [Closer View]
Entering Athol Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 202. East Massachusetts 2 Taken in Athol. [Closer View]
Entering Phillipston Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Massachusetts 2 East, Boston, Keep Left, Exit 33, I-190 South, Leominster, Worcester, Keep Right Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View] Compare to late autumn view on November 18, 2001.

October 6, 2002

Entering Pownal VT Taken on US 7 North, crossing from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Pownal, Vermont. [Closer View]
Welcome to Pownal, Gateway to Vermont, Chartered 1760 Taken on US 7 North, crossing from Williamstown, Massachusetts, to Pownal, Vermont. [Closer View]
North Pownal Taken on Vermont 346 North. [Closer View]
Town of Hoosick Taken on New York 22 North. [Closer View]
Welcome to Hoosick, Site of Revolutionary War Battle Taken on New York 22 North. [Closer View]
Potter Hill Taken on New York 7 West in the Town of Hoosick. [Closer View]
Pittstown Taken on New York 7 West. [Closer View]
Willow Glen Taken on New York 67 West. [Closer View]
Village of Ballston Spa Taken on Ballston Ave., which is a shortcut along New York 67 in Ballston Spa. [Closer View]
Do Not Park This Side of Road ** A very odd sign, seemingly patched together by modifying a "Do Not Block Side Road" sign. One might expect a simple "No Parking This Side". Taken on Ballston Ave., which is a shortcut along New York 67 in Ballston Spa. [Closer View]
Welcome to the Town of Milton Taken from New York 67 West, though the sign is on a side road. Rte. 67 stays in Ballston Spa. [Closer View]
Welcome to Amsterdam, City of Amsterdam Taken on New York 67 West (Church Street). [Closer View]

October 12, 2002

Entering Wrentham Taken on Massachusetts 1A North. [Closer View]
North US 1 shield Taken in Wrentham. [Closer View]
Gillette Stadium, 1 Mile Taken on US 1 North in Foxboro. [Closer View]
Massachusetts 16 shield Taken in Newton. [Closer View]
Overheads: Mass. Turnpike, Boston, Massachusetts 16 East, West Newton Taken in Newton. [Closer View]
Green directional signs: North (nothing), Boston, Cambridge, 203 East, Dorchester Taken on Massachusetts 203 East in Brookline. The (nothing) used to be 1, as this was a previous route of US 1. [Closer View]
Green directional signs: 203 East, Dorchester, Quincy, and Franklin Park Taken on Massachusetts 203 East in Boston. [Closer View]
East Massachusetts 203 shield Taken in Dorchester. [Closer View]
Green directional signs: North I-93, Massachusetts 3, Boston, and Massachusetts 3A South, N. Quincy, Marina Bay Taken in Quincy, I suppose. [Closer View]
Overheads: To Massachusetts 203, Gallivan Blvd., Ashmont, Morrissey Blvd., I-93, Massachusetts 3 North, Boston Taken possibly in Quincy. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-93, North Massachusetts 3 Taken south of downtown Boston. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-93, US 1, Massachusetts 3, Boston, NH-Maine, Exit 20, I-90, Mass. Pike, South Station, Chinatown, 1/2 Mile * Taken approaching downtown Boston. At this time, I-90 West begins its journey to Seattle at this exit. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 20, I-90, Mass. Pike, Downtown, So. Station, Exit Only * Taken approaching downtown Boston. [Closer View]
Mass. Pike, I-90 West, Next Right, 200 Feet Taken from I-93, looking down the Exit 20 ramp. [Closer View]
World Trade Center Boston, Ted Williams Tunnel, Next Exit Taken on I-93 North in Boston. [Closer View]
Clearance 13'-6", Williams Tunnel, No HC, Tankers Prohibited, Auth. Veh. Only Taken on some hopefully temporary roads leading from I-93 to the Ted Williams Tunnel. [Closer View]
Entering Winthrop Taken on Massachusetts 145 North. [Closer View]
Entering Middleton Taken on Massachusetts 114 West, but badly blurred in the rainy dusk. [Closer View]
West Massachusetts 114 shield Taken near Middleton. [Closer View]

October 13, 2002

To I-95, Massachusetts 128 Taken on US 20 West in Waltham. [Closer View]
Entering Wellesley Taken on Massachusetts 16 West. [Closer View]
Entering Leicester Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering Spencer Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering W. Brookfield Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering Belchertown Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering Pelham Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering Amherst Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Squeeze Left What I thought was an unusual traffic sign approaching a construction zone on Massachusetts 9 West in Hadley. [Closer View]
Entering Northampton Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering Hadley Taken in the side mirror while waiting at the traffic light on Massachusetts 9 West crossing the Connecticut River. Not a good picture, but it was taken in the mirror. [Closer View]
Entering Goshen Taken on Massachusetts 9 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West Massachusetts 9, South Massachusetts 112 Taken in Goshen. This is the only part of Massachusetts where I've seen so many of these white circle in a black square state highway shields. [Closer View]
Entering Cummington Taken at a parking spot along Massachusetts 9, looking east. [Closer View]
Closeup of the "blue dot" in the middle of the sign above, which is really a state seal Taken at a parking spot along Massachusetts 9, looking east. [Closer View]
Entering Windsor Taken at a parking spot along Massachusetts 9, looking west. [Closer View]
Entering Pittsfield Taken on Massachusetts 8 North and 9 West. [Closer View]
Entering Lanesborough Taken on Massachusetts 8 North. [Closer View]

October 26, 2002

Eagle Mills Taken on New York 2 West in Brunswick. [Closer View]
Troy, Welcome to the Home of Uncle Sam Taken on New York 2 West. [Closer View]
Mohawk River, Town of Glenville Taken on New York 890 West. [Closer View]
Shields: End New York 890, West New York 5, East New York 5 Taken in Glenville. This is the western terminus of New York 890. [Closer View]
Hoffmans Taken on New York 5 West in Glenville. [Closer View]

November 2, 2002

Entering Hancock Taken on Massachusetts 43 South. [Closer View]
South Massachusetts 43 shield Taken in Hancock. [Closer View]
Adopt A Highway, Bob's Camper Employee Group Taken on Massachusetts 43 South in Hancock. [Closer View]
Entering Stephentown NY Taken on Massachusetts 43 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to New York, The Empire State Taken on Massachusetts 43 South in Hancock as it becomes New York 43 West in Stephentown. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 22, West New York 43, North New York 22 Taken in Stephentown. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 22, West New York 43, North New York 22 Taken in Stephentown. [Closer View]
Stephentown Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
Stephentown Center Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
West Stephentown Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
Town of Nassau Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
Alps Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West New York 43, North New York 66 Taken near Alps. [Closer View]
Town of Sand Lake, and Welcome to the Town of Sand Lake, N.Y. Taken on New York 43 West and New York 66 North. [Closer View]
Crooked Lake Taken on New York 43 West and New York 66 North. [Closer View]
Shields: West New York 43, North New York 66 Taken in Sand Lake. [Closer View]
Glass Lake Taken on New York 43 West and New York 66 North. [Closer View]
Sand Lake Taken on New York 43 West and New York 66 North. [Closer View]
Averill Park Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
West Sand Lake Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West New York 43, North New York 351 Taken in West Sand Lake. This is the southern terminus of New York 351, also known as Farm to Market Road. [Closer View]
Shields: West New York 43, South New York 150, North New York 150 Taken in West Sand Lake. [Closer View]
Town of North Greenbush Taken on New York 43 West. [Closer View]
End New York 43 shield Taken in North Greenbush. This is the current eastern terminus of New York 43. This interchange, now known as Exit 8 of I-90, was built in the late 1990s. New York 43 once extended through Albany and the Heldeberg Mountains all the way to New York 30 near Schoharie (Rand McNally 1961). West of Albany, this is now designated New York 443. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-90, Boston, I-90 West, Albany Taken in North Greenbush at the eastern terminus of New York 43 as it splits into onramps for I-90's Exit 8. [Closer View]
Capital Buildings, Use I-787 South Taken on I-90 West in North Greenbush, New York. [Closer View]
City of Rensselaer Taken on I-90 West. [Closer View]
Patroon Island Bridge, Hudson River Taken on I-90 West. The Patroon Island Bridge carries I-90 between Albany (city and county) and Rensselaer (city and county). [Closer View]
Albany County, City of Albany Taken on I-90 West on the Patroon Island Bridge. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 West, Buffalo, Exit 6, US 9, Arbor Hill, Loudonville Taken in Albany. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-90, New York Thruway, South I-87, To US 20, New York, Buffalo, and Exit 1N, I-87 North, Saratoga, Montreal, Exit Only Taken in Albany, at the junction of I-90 and I-87. [Closer View]
Montgomery County, Emergency Dial 911 Taken on New York 5 West, a few miles east of Amsterdam. [Closer View]
Welcome to Amsterdam, and Home of the Amsterdam High School Rugged Rams, New York State Class B Football Champions 1995 Taken on New York 5 West. [Closer View]

November 24, 2002

Town of Grafton Taken on New York 2 West. [Closer View]
Jct New York 351 shield Taken on New York 2 West in Brunswick. This is the northern terminus of New York 351. [Closer View]
Green distance sign: Troy 5, Poestenkill 4 Taken on New York 2 West in Brunswick, approaching the junction with New York 351. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 351, West New York 2 Taken on New York 2 West in Brunswick, at the junction with New York 351. [Closer View]
South New York 351 shield Taken in Brunswick, at New York 351's northern terminus. [Closer View]
Welcome to Poestenkill Taken on New York 351 South. [Closer View]
Jct New York 355 shield Taken in Poestenkill on New York 351 South. This is the eastern terminus of New York 355. [Closer View]
Green distance sign: West Sand Lake 4, Berlin 12, Troy 8 Taken in Poestenkill on New York 351 South at the junction with New York 355. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 351, Rensselaer County 40, West New York 355 Taken in Poestenkill on New York 351 South at the junction with New York 355. [Closer View]
West New York 355 shield Taken in Poestenkill, at New York 355's eastern terminus. [Closer View]
Wynantskill Taken on New York 355 West. [Closer View]
Jct New York 66 shield Taken on New York 355 West in Wynantskill, approaching its western terminus. [Closer View]
End New York 355 shield Taken on New York 355 West in Wynantskill, at its western terminus. [Closer View]
Jct New York 150 shield Taken on New York 66 North in Wynantskill. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 150, North New York 66 Taken on New York 66 North in Wynantskill. This is the northern terminus of New York 150. [Closer View]
Jct New York 136 shield Taken on New York 150 South in Wynantskill. This is the eastern terminus of New York 136. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 150, West New York 136 Taken on New York 150 South in Wynantskill. This is the eastern terminus of New York 136. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 150, West New York 136 Taken on New York 150 South in Wynantskill. This is the eastern terminus of New York 136. [Closer View]

November 28, 2002

Welcome to Mechanicville Taken on New York 67 West. This is actually three signs, each of which honors a Mechanicville High School athletic state championship. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct US 4, New York 32 Taken on New York 67 West in Mechanicville. [Closer View]

Boston, November 29-30, 2002

November 29, 2002

Storrow Drive Taken on, well, Storrow Drive eastbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exp'ways N-S, US 1, Massachusetts 28 North, Downtown Boston, Copley Square, Second Right, Right Lane Only Taken on Storrow Drive eastbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 24, Callahan Tunnel, Logan Airport, 1/4 Mile, and Exit 25, Haymarket Sq., Government Ctr. Taken from inside the FleetCenter. The sign is on Boston's Central Artery southbound, which carries I-93 and US 1. The Central Artery in this area is being replaced by the Big Dig. Notice the temporary supports holding up sections of highway where the main supports had to be removed for the construction. [Closer View]
South US 1 shield Taken from inside the FleetCenter. The sign is on Boston's Central Artery southbound, which carries I-93 and US 1. [Closer View]

November 30, 2002

Overheads: North I-93, Massachusetts 3, Concord NH, South I-93, Massachusetts 3, Quincy, and Downtown Boston, South Station Taken on I-90 East in Boston, about a mile from its current (at the time) terminus. [Closer View]
Turnpike Ends, 1/2 Mile ** Taken on I-90 East in Boston. I-90 has since been extended. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-93, Massachusetts 3, Concord NH, South I-93, Massachusetts 3, Quincy, and Downtown Boston, South Station ** Taken on I-90 East in Boston, approaching its current (at the time) terminus. It now continues on, through the tunnel visible ahead (and in the next picture) through more of Boston and on through the Ted Williams Tunnel to Logan Airport. [Closer View]
New I-90 Tunnel ** This isn't a sign, but interesting nonetheless. The tunnel here has since been opened to carry I-90 further east! [Closer View]
Overhead: To I-95 North A very old-looking sign on US 1 North on the Tobin Bridge.

December 14, 2002

Green directional signs: Massachusetts 8A South, W. Hawley, Windsor, Next Right, and Massachusetts 2 East, Greenfield Taken in Charlemont. The Berkshire East ski area is visible in the background. [Closer View]
Green directional signs: West Massachusetts 2A, South Massachusetts 101, Templeton, Petersham, and East Massachusetts 2A, North Massachusetts 101, E. Templeton Taken in Templeton, at the end of the offramp from Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Entering Fitchburg Taken on Massachusetts 2A East. [Closer View]
Entering Leominster Taken on Massachusetts 12 South. [Closer View]
End Massachusetts 111 shield Taken on Massachusetts 111 East and Massachusetts 2 East, approaching Concord. Too bad it was raining so hard. See June 14, 2005 for a better view. [Closer View]
End US 20 shield *** Taken in Boston at Kenmore Square. [Closer View]

December 20, 2002

19 MPH Taken on Mission Park Drive, entering the Williams College campus in Williamstown, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Cropseyville Taken on New York 2 West in the Town of Brunswick. [Closer View]
Clums Corners Taken on New York 2 West in the Town of Brunswick. [Closer View]
Green sign: West New York 2, South US 9, Left Lane, West New York 2, North US 9, Right Lane Taken on New York 2 West in Latham, approaching the Latham Circle. The sign was added in 2002 when a new (hopefully, safer) traffic pattern was installed at this busy intersection. [Closer View]
Green sign: West New York 2, South US 9, Left Lane, West New York 2, North US 9, Right Lane Taken on New York 2 West in Latham, approaching the Latham Circle. The sign was added in 2002 when a new (hopefully, safer) traffic pattern was installed at this busy intersection. This is closer to the entrance to the circle than the above. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-87, East New York 7, West New York 7 Taken on Wade Road in Latham, at the intersection with New York 7, the Troy-Schenectady Road. [Closer View]
Old shields: North I-87, East New York 7, South I-87, To New York Thruway Taken in Latham on New York 7 East. Across the overpass, New York 7 turns left to join I-87 between exits 6 and 7, while straight ahead is New York 2 East, at its western terminus. Some Rte 2 signs are visible in the lower left. Another view of these is found under August 7, 2004. [Closer View]

December 21, 2002

Shields: West I-890, East New York 7 Taken in Rotterdam during this "wrong way" multiplex. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-890 West, Schenectady, Exit 7, New York 7 East, Troy Taken in Rotterdam, at one end of this "wrong way" multiplex. [Closer View]
City of Schenectady Taken on I-890 West. [Closer View]
Town of Rotterdam Taken on I-890 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 2A, New York 337, Campbell Rd Taken on I-890 West in Rotterdam. This is the northern terminus of New York 337. [Closer View]
South New York 337 shield Taken in Rotterdam. [Closer View]
New York 337 shield Taken in Rotterdam on New York 337 North, passing by the Rotterdam Square Mall. [Closer View]
End New York 337 shield Taken in Rotterdam. This is the northern terminus of New York 337, at I-890. [Closer View]
Overheads: To I-890 West, Amsterdam, and To I-890 East, Schenectady Taken in Rotterdam on New York 337 at its northern terminus. [Closer View]
Lower Rotterdam Jct Taken on New York 5S West. [Closer View]
Rotterdam Jct. Taken on New York 5S West. [Closer View]
Shields: To New York 5, New York 5S, New York 103 Taken on New York 5S West in Rotterdam Junction. This is the southern terminus of the very short New York 103, which is mostly just a bridge across the Mohawk River. [Closer View]
West New York 5S shield, with Bike Route 5 marker Taken in Rotterdam Junction. [Closer View]
Pattersonville Taken on New York 5S West. [Closer View]
Jct New York 160 shield Taken on New York 5S West in Pattersonville. This is the northern terminus of New York 160. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 160, West New York 5S Taken on New York 5S West in Pattersonville. This is the northern terminus of New York 160. [Closer View]
Town of Princetown Taken on New York 5S West. [Closer View]
Montgomery County, Town of Florida Taken on New York 5S West. [Closer View]
City of Amsterdam Taken on New York 5S West. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct New York 30, West New York 5S Taken on New York 5S West in Amsterdam. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-90, To New York Thruway, To H, West New York 5S, South New York 30, North New York 30 Taken on New York 5S West in Amsterdam. [Closer View]
Welcome to Amsterdam, and Home of the Amsterdam High School Rugged Rams, New York State Class B Football Champions, 1995 * Taken on New York 30 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Downtown, Mall, N Y 30 North, N Y 67 East, N Y 5 East, Schenectady Taken on New York 30 North, crossing the Mohawk River in Amsterdam. [Closer View]

December 26, 2002

Schenectady County Taken on New York 5 East. [Closer View]
City of Schenectady Taken on I-890 East. [Closer View]
Old shields: New York 2, New York 66 Taken on Congress Street in Troy. This is the northern terminus of New York 66. [Closer View]

Skiing in New Hampshire, January 1-4, 2003

January 1, 2003

Overhead: Exit 1, To Maine 103, Dennett Rd, Eliot, Maine, 1 Mile (1.6 km) Taken on I-95 North in New Hampshire. The Piscatauqua River Bridge carrying I-95 into Maine is visible in the background. [Closer View]

January 2, 2003

The Blair Bridge * This is a covered bridge in Campton, New Hamphire, just east of US 3 and I-93. [Closer View of sign "Five Dollars Fine For Riding or Driving on This Bridge Faster Than A Walk"] [Closer View of sign "Yield to Vehicles on Bridge"]

January 3, 2003

Exit sign: Exit 26, US 3, New Hampshire 25, New Hampshire 3A, Plymouth, Rumney Taken on I-93 South in Plymouth, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Traffic Circle Ahead Taken on New Hampshire 3A East in Plymouth. [Closer View]
Green sign: South New Hampshire 3-A, Newfound Lake, Bristol 14, Franklin 28 Taken near Plymouth. [Closer View]

January 4, 2003

North I-93 shield ** Taken in Campton, New Hampshire. Yes, it really was snowing that hard. [Closer View]

Skiing in New Hampshire, January 16, 2003

January 16, 2003

Frost Heaves Taken on US 4 near Grafton, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Green sign: East New Hampshire 104, US 4, Bristol 10, Andover 9, Ski Area Taken on US 4 East in Danbury. This is the western terminus of New Hampshire 104. [Closer View]
East New Hampshire 104, Ragged Mountain Highway shield Taken in Danbury. This is the western terminus of New Hampshire 104. [Closer View]

Short Florida Trip, January 18-21, 2003

January 18, 2003

Hurricane Evacuation Route, Emergency Info 91.3 FM Taken near the Fort Lauderdale airport. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 10A, I-95 North, W. Palm Beach, 1/2 Mile, Exit 10B, I-95 South, Miami Taken on I-595 East in Fort Lauderdale. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-75, Miami, North I-75, Naples, Toll Florida 869 North, Coral Spgs, W Palm Bch Taken on I-595 East in Davie. This is approaching the western terminus of I-595. [Closer View]
North I-75 shield Taken just west (north) of the entrance to Alligator Alley. [Closer View]
Alligator Alley ** Taken on I-75 North near the eastern (southern) end of Alligator Alley. [Closer View]

January 19, 2003

Shields: South Collier County 881, North Collier County 881 Taken in Naples. [Closer View]
West Collier County 886 shield Taken in Naples. [Closer View]
Overheads: South US 41, South US 41, Historic District, Downtown Taken in Naples, Florida. These signs have since been replaced (see December 29, ,2005). [Closer View]
South US 41, Tamiami Trail shield * Taken in Naples, Florida. [Closer View]
Panther Crossing Next 1 Mi * Taken on US 41 South near Ochopee, Florida. [Closer View]
Entering Big Cypress National Preserve Taken on US 41 North near Ochopee, Florida. [Closer View]
North US 41, Tamiami Trail shield Taken near Ochopee, Florida. [Closer View]
Florida Scenic Highway, Tamiami Trail * Taken on US 41 North, 32 miles south of Naples. [Closer View]
Naples 32, Ft Myers 69 Taken on US 41 North. [Closer View]

January 20, 2003

Caution, Low Trees ** Taken in Naples, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 North, Tampa, Exit 228, I-275 North, St. Petersburg, 1 Mile Taken on I-75 North near Ellenton, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 North, Ocala, Florida 60, Brandon Taken on I-75 North in Brandon, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 261, I-4, Tampa, Orlando, 1 Mile, Exit 260B, Florida 574 West Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 North, Ocala, Exit 261, I-4, Tampa, Orlando Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 7, US 92 West, to US 301, Hillsborough Ave, Busch Gardens Taken on I-4 West in Tampa. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-275 North, to I-75 North, Ocala, 1 Mile Taken on I-4 West in Tampa. [Closer View]
West I-4 shield Taken in Tampa. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-275 South, Tampa Airport, St. Petersburg, Exit 45A, Downtown-East, Jefferson St, Next Right, I-275 North, to I-75 North, Ocala Taken on I-4 West in Tampa, Florida. This is the western terminus of I-4. [Closer View]
South I-275 shield Taken in Tampa, Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: I-275, I-4, Right Lane Must Turn Right Taken in Tampa, near the St. Pete Times Forum. [Closer View]
Two Way Traffic, Keep Right, Speed Limit 8 MPH * Taken in Tampa, in a parking garage at the St. Pete Times Forum. [Closer View]
Overhead: Tampa Crosstown Expressway West, Toll, St Petersburg ** Taken in downtown Tampa, Florida. [Closer View]
Very blurred overheads: I-75 South, Naples, I-75 North, Tampa Taken on I-275 South, near its southern terminus in Florida. [Closer View]

January 21, 2003

Jct Florida 951 shield Taken in Naples. [Closer View]
Entering Miccosukee Indian Reservation and Entering Broward County Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
No Exit, Official Use Only Taken on I-75 South along Alligator Alley. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 South, Miami, Toll Florida 869 North, Coral Spgs, W Palm Bch, Exit 19, I-595 East, Ft Lauderdale Taken on I-75 South near Davie. [Closer View]
Overheads: Old 10, Exit 9, Florida 84 East, 3/4 Mile, Old 9AB, Exit 8B, US 441, 1/4 Mile, Exit 8A, Florida's Turnpike, Toll Taken on I-595 East in Davie. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-595 Ends, Reduce Speed, Port Everglades, Exit 12C, US 1 North, Fort Lauderdale, Exit 12B, US 1 South, Int'l Airport * Taken on I-595 East approaching its eastern terminus in Fort Lauderdale. [Closer View]
End I-595 shield, Reduced Speed Ahead ** Taken in Fort Lauderdale on I-595 East. This is the eastern terminus of I-595. [Closer View]
North US 1 shield Taken in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. [Closer View]
North Florida A1A shield Taken in Fort Lauderdale. [Closer View]

Northern Vermont, January 25, 2003

January 25, 2003

Green sign: South Vermont 100, to US 2, South I-89, North I-89 Taken on Vermont 100 South in Waterbury. [Closer View]
Shields: North Vermont 314, To West US 2, South (missing Vermont 314) to East US 2, To I-89, and Welcome to Vermont, The Green Mountain State Taken at the ferry terminal near Pearl, Vermont. [Closer View]
Overhead: East US 2, South US 7, Winooski Taken in Winooski at the Junction of US 2 and US 7 with I-89. [Closer View]
East US 2, South US 7 shields Taken in Winooski, Vermont. [Closer View]

Skiing in Vermont, February 4, 2003

February 4, 2003

VT 108 Open to Ski Area, Closed Thru Smugglers Notch Taken in Jeffersonville. [Closer View]
Shields: West Vermont 15, East Vermont 15, North Vermont 108, To Vermont 109 Taken in Jeffersonville. [Closer View]
West Vermont 15 shield Taken near Jeffersonville. [Closer View]
West Vermont 14, North Vermont 104 shields Taken in Cambridge. [Closer View]
Grand Army of the Republic Highway Taken on Vermont 15 West in Cambridge. [Closer View]
Shields: South Vermont 2A, West Vermont 15 Taken in Essex Junction. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 2, South Vermont 2A, West US 2, To I-89 Taken in Tafts Corner. [Closer View]
Sign and shield: Ferry to N.Y. State, Ferry Operating, West Vermont F-5, Charlotte * Taken in Charlotte, approaching US 7 on the road that becomes Vermont F-5 when it crosses US 7. [Closer View]

May 11, 2003

Green sign: West Massachusetts 2, South US 7, Pittsfield, Troy NY, US 7 North, Pownal VT Taken in Williamstown on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
Town of Stephentown, Town of Stephentown Building Permit Required, Welcome to the Only Stephentown on Earth ** Taken on New York 43 East. [Closer View]
East I-890, To New York Thruway, To New York 5S, Right Lane Taken on New York 5 East in Glenville. [Closer View]
Shields: East New York 5, East I-890, To I-90, To New York Thruway Taken on New York 5 East in Glenville. The intersection is the western terminus of I-890 (actually New York 890 at this point). I-890 was extended across the Mohawk River in 1998 (?), and the new segment was designated New York 890 between the exit for I-90 on the other side of the river and New York 5. [Closer View]
East New York 890 shield Taken in Glenville just after the junction with New York 5. This is the first 890 sign on NY/I-890 East. [Closer View]

May 17, 2003

End Albany County 156 shield Taken at the north end of Fuller Rd in Albany, at its junction with New York 5. [Closer View]
Lisha Kill Taken on New York 5 West (Central Avenue) in Colonie. [Closer View]
Shields: Albany County 157, New York 155 Taken at the corner of Karner Rd. and Albany St. in Colonie. [Closer View]
City of Rensselaer Taken on US 9 South and US 20 East. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 9, East US 20, To New York 9J Taken in Rensselaer. [Closer View]
Town of East Greenbush Taken on US 9 South and US 20 East. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 4, South US 9, East US 20 Taken in East Greenbush, New York. This is the southern (western) terminus of US 4. [Closer View]
Schodack Center, Town of Schodack Taken on US 9 South and US 20 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 20, South New York 203 Taken in Nassau. This seems to be the northern terminus of New York 203. [Closer View]
Shields: North New York 66, East US 20 Taken in Nassau. This is the southern/western end of the NY 66/US 20 multiplex. [Closer View]
Brainard Taken on New York 66 North and US 20 East. [Closer View]
Shields: North New York 66, East US 20 Taken in Brainard, Town of Nassau. This is the northern/eastern end of the NY 66/US 20 multiplex. [Closer View]
Columbia County Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
West Lebanon Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
New Lebanon Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Entering Hancock MA Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Massachusetts Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Shields: US 20, Jct Massachusetts 41, Masspike Taken on US 20 East in Hancock. [Closer View]
Pittsfield, Sister City of Ballina, County Mayo, Ireland, Malpaisillo, Nicaragua, Cava de Tirreni, Italy Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Entering New Ashford Taken on US 7 North. [Closer View]

May 26, 2003

Jct New York 890 shield Taken on New York 5 West in Glenville. This is the western terminus of NY 890 (which is the extension across the Mohawk of I-890). [Closer View]
Shields: East I-890, West New York 5, To I-90, To New York Thruway Taken on New York 5 West in Glenville. This is the western terminus of NY 890 (which is the extension across the Mohawk of I-890). [Closer View]
Shields: East I-890, West New York 5, To I-90, To New York Thruway Taken on New York 5 West in Glenville. This is the western terminus of NY 890 (which is the extension across the Mohawk of I-890). This assembly is right at the intersection. To the right is Vley Road. [Closer View]

Cape Cod, May 30-31, 2003

May 30, 2003

Green sign: Exit 6, US 44, Middleboro, Plymouth, Next Right Taken on I-495 South in Massachusetts. The all caps text seems to be typical of southeastern Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 6, US 44, Middleboro, Plymouth Taken on I-495 South in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Green sign: Cape Cod Canal, Bourne Bridge, 5 Miles * Taken on Massachusetts 25 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Bourne Bridge, Falmouth, The Islands, Exit 2, US 6, Bourne, Sagamore * Taken on Massachusetts 25 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Orleans Taken at the end of the ramp from US 6 to Massachusetts 6A. [Closer View]
Entering Brewster Taken on Massachusetts 6A East. [Closer View]

May 31, 2003

West Massachusetts 6A shield Taken in Brewster. [Closer View]
Entering Dennis Taken on Massachusetts 6A West. [Closer View]
Entering Yarmouth Taken on Massachusetts 6A West. Partially obscured, unfortunately. [Closer View]
Jct Massachusetts 149 shield Taken on Massachusetts 6A West in West Barnstable. [Closer View]
Entering Sandwich Taken on Massachusetts 6A West. [Closer View]
Entering Bourne Taken on Massachusetts 6A West. Badly out of focus and cut off. A slightly better shot can be found on July 5, 2003. [Closer View]
Sagamore Bridge, Cape Cod Canal * Taken on US 6 West. [Closer View]

Baseball Road Trip, June 2-5, 2003

June 2, 2003

Town of Maryland Taken on I-88 West in New York. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 28, West I-88 Taken near Oneonta, New York. [Closer View]
Town of Oneonta Taken on I-88 West in New York. [Closer View]
City of Oneonta Taken on I-88 West in New York. [Closer View]
Town of Otego Taken on I-88 West in New York. [Closer View]
Broome County Taken on I-88 West in New York. [Closer View]
City of Binghamton Taken on I-88 West in New York. Cut off a bit, unfortunately. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81, New York 17, Scranton, New York, Exit 4N, New York 7 North, Hillcrest, Exit 4S, New York 7 South, Binghamton Taken on I-81 South/New York 17 East in Binghamton. [Closer View]
Overheads: East New York 17, New York, I-81 South, Scranton Taken on I-81 South/New York 17 East in Binghamton. [Closer View]
Susquehanna County Line, www.susqco.com Taken on I-81 South, entering Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Pennsylvania Welcomes You * Taken on I-81 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 217, Pennsylvania 547, Harford, 1 Mile, Old Exit 65 Taken on I-81 South. This was taken because of the seemingly unusual font. Turns out that Pennsylvania likes to use this font. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 South, Harrisburg, Exit 151A, I-80 East, Stroudsburg, Exit 151B, I-80 West, Bloomsburg Taken on I-81 South. This is the junction of I-81 and I-80. It was getting dusky at this point, and the picture is blurred. [Closer View]

June 3, 2003

Overheads: West I-80, Exit 4A, Pennsylvania 60 South, New Castle, Exit 1/2 Mi, Exit 4B, To Pennsylvania 18, North Pennsylvania 60, Sharon-Hermitage Taken on I-80 West in the rain. [Closer View]
Welcome to Ohio, So much to Discover! * Taken on I-80 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-80, South Ohio 11, Cleveland, Exit 227, US 422, Girard, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-80 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-80 East, New York ** This is taken from I-80 West, but the sign is off the highway, marking on onramp in the other direction. It is interesting that Ohio seems to think there's nothing worthy of marking on the sign in Pennsylvania or New Jersey. [Closer View]
Entering Mahoning County Taken on I-80 West in Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 224, Ohio 11 South, Canfield, I-80 West, Cleveland Taken on I-80 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80 West, Cleveland, I-80 West, Cleveland Taken on, you guessed it, I-80 West in Ohio. I'm not exactly sure what is the point of this one. [Closer View]
West I-80 shield Taken near Youngstown, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-76 West, Akron, I-80 West, Cleveland, Via Turnpike, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-80 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-76 West, Akron, I-80 West, Cleveland, Via Turnpike Taken on I-80 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-76 West, Akron, I-80 West, Cleveland, Via Turnpike Taken on I-80 West, as it becomes I-76 West. [Closer View]
West I-76 shield Taken in eastern Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 23A, I-77 South, Canton Taken on I-76 West in Akron, Ohio. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-77, West I-76 Taken in Akron, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-77 North, Cleveland, To I-277, West I-76, Barberton, Exit Only Taken on I-77 North and I-76 West in Akron, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 18, East I-277, East US 224, Canton, West I-76, West US 224, Barberton Taken on I-76 West in Akron, Ohio. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-76, West US 224 Taken near Akron, Ohio. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 1, I-71, Cleveland, Columbus, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-76 West in Ohio, approaching its western terminus at I-71. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-71, I-75 South, Lexington, Louisville, Welcome to Kentucky, Where Education Pays, Exit 191, Pike Street, 12th Street, Covington * Taken on I-71 and I-75 South in Covington, Kentucky. [Closer View]

June 4, 2003

Overheads: Ohio Welcomes You to the heart of it all!, Exit 72, US 52 West, Kellogg Ave, Next Right * Taken on I-275 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-275 West, Exit 49A, I-71 South, Cincinnati, Exit 49B, I-71 North, Columbus Taken on I-275 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 50, US 68, Xenia Taken on I-71 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-270, HC, Wheeling, Dayton Taken on I-71 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 23 North, High St, US 23 South, Circleville Taken on I-270 East in Columbus, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-270 Wheeling, Exit 46, US 33, Bexley, Lancaster, Exit Only Taken on I-270 near Columbus, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-270 Cleveland, Left 2 Lanes, Exits 43A-41, I-70 West, US 40, Columbus, Main St, 1/4 Mile, Exit 43B, I-70 East, Wheeling Taken on I-270 North near Columbus, Ohio. [Closer View]
Speed Limit 65 MPH, 55 Vehicles Over 4 Tons Empty Wt, Non-Comm Buses Taken on I-70 East in Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 East, Wheeling, Exit 180B, I-77 North, Cleveland, 1/3 Mile, Exit 180A, I-77 South, Marietta Taken on I-70 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-70, East US 40 Taken in eastern Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 East, Wheeling, Exit 220, US 40, National Rd, Co Rd 214, 1/2 Mile, Exit 219, I-470 East, Bellaire, Washington Pa Taken on I-70 East in eastern Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70, US 250 East, Wheeling, Exit 225, US 250 West, Ohio 7, Bridgeport Taken on I-70 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to West Virginia, Ohio County, A Certified Business Location * Taken on I-70 East. [Closer View]
East I-70, Left Lane, and Wheeling Exits, S. Wheeling 1/4, Oglebay Park 1, Washington Ave 1 3/4 Taken on I-70 East in Wheeling, West Virginia, approaching the entrance to the Wheeling Tunnel. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1B, South US 250, West Virginia 2, S. Wheeling, Moundsville, and I-70 East Taken on I-70 East in Wheeling. [Closer View]
East I-70 shield * Taken in Wheeling, West Virginia. [Closer View]
Drive Safely, Return Again Soon Taken on I-70 East, leaving West Virginia. [Closer View]
Washington County, Donegal Township Taken on I-70 East entering Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Pennsylvania Welcomes You * Taken on I-70 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-70, South I-79, New Stanton, Morgantown, Exit 18, I-79 North, Pittsburgh, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-70 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-279 North, Detour 2 Miles Ahead, Exit 4A, Old Exit 4, Pennsylvania 121, Green Tree, Mt Lebanon Taken on I-279 North south of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Orange Warning Sign: Truck Alert, Sharp Curve - Bottom of Grade, Detour North I-279, Truck Detour East I-376, To South Pennsylvania 51, 25 MPH Taken on I-279 North approaching Pittsburgh. [Closer View]

June 5, 2003

Green sign: Exit 12, 161, Breezewood, US 30 to I-70 East, Baltimore, Washington D C, 2 Miles, Next Exit 20 Miles * Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound. [Closer View]
Truck Alert, ... 3 1/2 Mile Hill on US 30 East Bad Curves ... ** Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-76 East, Harrisburg, US 30 to I-70 East, Breezewood, Baltimore * Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike eastbound. [Closer View]
Old shields: East I-70, To US 30 * Taken on the Breezewood exit from the Pennsylvania Turnpike. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 30, North Pennsylvania 915 Taken near Breezewood. [Closer View]
Sideling Hill Summit, Blue Ridge Mountain, Elevation 2195 Ft. * Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
P Heritage Route shield Taken on US 30 East near McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Sign assembly: Saltillo 20, Hancock 24, North Pennsylvania 655, South Pennsylvania 655 Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
L, Lincoln Highway * Taken on US 30 East near McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. The old Lincoln Highway is marked clearly throughout this stretch of US 30. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 522, McConnellsburg, Mount Union Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
L, Lincoln Highway Another Lincoln Highway marker taken on US 30 East near McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Tuscarora Summit, Cove Mountains, Elevation 2123 Ft * Taken on US 30 East between McConnellsburg and Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
White warning sign: Road Information, 3 1/2 Mile Hill, 9% Downgrade (etc.) ** Taken at the Tuscarora Summit on US 30 East between McConnellsburg and Fort Loudon, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
South Pennsylvania 416 shield Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
South Pennsylvania 995 shield Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
L, Lincoln Highway * Taken on US 30 East in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: North Pennsylvania 997, South Pennsylvania 997, Blue Detour Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
Street Sign: Washington St, Gettysburg, SD, 1450 Miles ** Taken on US 30 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. No, US 30 doesn't even go to South Dakota, but it's neat anyway. [Closer View]
Street Sign: Middle St, Leon, Nicaragua, 1925 Miles * Taken on Business US 15 in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I can understand the distance to Gettysburg, South Dakota, but Nicaragua? [Closer View]
North I-83 shield Taken in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-83, Capital Beltway Taken in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 46A, I-283 South, Jct 1 1/4 Miles Taken on I-83 North in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-83, West US 322, To I-81, Hazleton, Lewiston, Exit 46A, South I-283, To I-76, Turnpike, Airport Taken on I-83 North in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 51A-B, I-81, Carlisle, Hazleton, Old Exit 30, Exit 50B, US 22 West, Progress, 1/8 Mile, Old Exit ?, Exit 50A, US 22 East, Colonial Park Taken on I-83 North in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 51A, South I-81, West US 322, Carlisle, Lewiston, Exit 51B, North I-81, East I-78, Hazleton, Allentown Taken on I-83 North in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. It is actually over 25 miles to the western terminus of I-78, but it is marked here anyway. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 51A, South I-81, West US 322, Carlisle, Lewistown, Exit 51B, North I-81, Hazleton, Allentown Taken at the northern terminus of I-83 near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]

June 21, 2003

Entering Cheshire Taken on Massachusetts 8 South. [Closer View]
Entering Lanesborough Taken on Massachusetts 8 South. [Closer View]
Entering Dalton Taken on Massachusetts 8 South and Massachusetts 9 East. [Closer View]
Green signs: North Massachusetts 8A, East Massachusetts 9, Windsor, Northampton, Next Left, Massachusetts 8 South, Becket Taken in Dalton. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct Massachusetts 143, Massachusetts 8 Taken in Hinsdale. [Closer View]
Entering Becket Taken on Massachusetts 8 South. [Closer View]
Entering Chester Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Entering Westfield Taken on US 20 East. Badly blurred. Better shot on July 5, 2003. [Closer View]
Shields: US 202, Massachusetts 10 Taken in Westfield. [Closer View]

July 5, 2003

Entering North Adams Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]
Entering Savoy Taken on Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]
Entering Windsor Taken on Massachusetts 8A South. [Closer View]
Green signs: West Massachusetts 9, South Massachusetts 8A, Dalton, Pittsfield, Massachusetts 9 East, Northampton Taken on Massachusetts 8A South at its junction with Massachusetts 9 in Windsor. [Closer View]
East Massachusetts 143 shield Taken in Worthington. [Closer View]
Green signs, North 112, East 143, Chesterfield 6, Cummington 8, 112 South, To Rte 20, Huntington 15 Taken in Worthington. [Closer View]
Entering Huntington Taken on Massachusetts 112 South. [Closer View]
Green signs: US 20 East, Russell, Westfield, US 20 West, Lee Taken at the southern terminus of Massachusetts 112 South in Huntington. [Closer View]
Entering Westfield Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Bourne, Cape Cod * Taken on Massachusetts 25 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Yarmouth Taken at the bottom of the Exit 8 ramp from US 6 East, the Mid-Cape Highway. [Closer View]
Entering Dennis Taken on Massachusetts 6A East. [Closer View]
Entering Barnstable Taken on Massachusetts 6A West. Badly blurred. [Closer View]
Entering Bourne Taken on Massachusetts 6A West. Blurred. [Closer View]

Northern States Road Trip, July 7-22, 2003

July 7, 2003

Exit 45, I-490, Rochester Taken on I-90 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to New York, The Empire State * Taken in Niagara Falls at the Rainbow Bridge. [Closer View]
Picture of falls ** Taken in Niagara Falls, New York. Maybe this is the international symbol for a waterfall. But probably not. [Closer View]
Welcome to Niagara Falls * Taken in Niagara Falls, New York, at the Rainbow Bridge. Also Robert Moses State Parkway, I-190, and NY 384 shields in the background. [Closer View]
Shields: To North Robert Moses State Pkwy, To South Robert Moses State Pkwy, To I-190, South New York 384 Taken in Niagara Falls, New York, at the Rainbow Bridge. [Closer View]

July 8, 2003

East New York 104, Niagara Historic Trail Taken in Niagara Falls. [Closer View]
Shields: Train, East New York 104, South New York 61 Taken in Niagara Falls. [Closer View]
Jct. New York 265 shield Taken in Niagara Falls. [Closer View]
Overhead: To I-190, New York 104 West, Canada, Buffalo Taken in Niagara Falls. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 56, New York 179, Mile Strip Rd, Blasdell Taken on I-90 West.
Town of Dunkirk Taken on New York 60 North, near Thruway exit 59. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 37, I-86 East, Jamestown, 1 Mile Taken on I-90 West in Pennsylvania.
Green sign: Exit 32, Pennsylvania 430, Wesleyville Taken on I-90 West in Pennsylvania.
Green sign: Exit 18, Pennsylvania 832, Sterrattania, Presque Isle, 1 Mile Taken on I-90 West in Pennsylvania.
Green sign: Exit 218, Ohio 534, Geneva Taken on I-90 West in Ohio.
Overheads: 35 MPH Curve, 1 Mile Ahead, Exit 174B, Ohio 2 West, Downtown Cleveland Taken on I-90 West in Ohio, approaching Dead Man's Curve. [Closer View]

July 9, 2003

Overhead: Exit 91, Ohio 53, Fremont, Port Clinton, 1 Mile Taken on I-80/I-90 West in Ohio [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 71, I-280, Ohio 420, Stony Ridge, Toledo, 1 Mile Taken on I-80/I-90 West in Ohio [Closer View]
Shields: To US 20, To Ohio 795, To Ohio 199 Taken off Exit 64 of the Ohio Turnpike.
Overhead: I-475 West to US 23, Sylvania, Ann Arbor Taken on I-75 North in Toledo.
West I-475 shield Taken near Toledo, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: Ohio 51 East, Ohio 184, Sylvania, Next Right Taken on I-475 West near Toledo. [Closer View]
Overhead: South US 23 Keep Left, North US 23 West US 223 Keep Right Taken in Sylvania, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: North US 23, West US 223, Ann Arbor Taken in Sylvania, Ohio. [Closer View]
Welcome to Michigan, Great Lakes, Great Times * Taken on US 23 North and US 223 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Ann Arbor City Limit Taken on Business US 23 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 54B, Michigan 36, Pinckney Taken on US 23 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 150, I-675, Downtown Saginaw Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 162 A-B, Michigan 25, Downtown Bay City, US 10 Midland, 1 Mile Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 162B, US 10 West, Midland Taken on I-75 North. This is the eastern terminus of US 10. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 202, Michigan 33, Alger, Rose City Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Otsego County Old-27 shield Taken on Old 27 North in Waters, Michigan. Apparently, this was the old route of US 27. [Closer View]

July 10, 2003

Shields: West Michigan 32, South Business I-75, North Business I-75 Taken in Gaylord. [Closer View]

July 11, 2003

45th Parallel, Half Way Between Equator and North Pole Taken on I-75 North in Gaylord, Michigan. Unfortunately, in the rain this came out very blurred. [Closer View]
Gaylord City Limit Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Mackinaw City 11, St Ignace 18, Sault Ste Marie 68 Taken on I-75 North.
US 23 Ends shield ** Taken on I-75 North. The shield is on an entrance ramp in Mackinaw City, Michigan. There was a similar one for US 31 but we missed it. [Closer View]
Injure/Kill a Worker, $7500 + 15 Years Taken from the parking lot below I-75 as it approaches the Mackinac Bridge. Is this a reward or a punishment? Michigan has these at all of its construction zones. [Closer View]
Welcome to Michigan's Upper Peninsula * Taken on I-75 North just beyond the toll booths for the Mackinac Bridge. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 344B, West US 2, Lake Michigan Circle Tour, Manistique, Escanaba, 1/2 Mile, Exit 344A, Business I-75, Lake Huron Circle Tour, St Ignace Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-75, Lake Superior Circle Tour Taken in upper Michigan. [Closer View]
Overheads: Canada, Exit 394, Easterday Ave, Last Exit Before Fare ** Taken on I-75 North in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. This is the last exit on I-75 North. [Closer View]
I-75 Ends shield *** Taken on I-75 North in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, from the top of the last exit's ramp. [Closer View]
West Michigan 28, Lake Superior Circle Tour Taken near Dafter. [Closer View]
Junction Michigan 123 Taken on M-28 West. I believe this is the westernmost of the M-123/M-28 junctions. [Closer View]
North Michigan 123 shield Taken on M-28 West. I believe this is the westernmost of the M-123/M-28 junctions. [Closer View]
Shields: Michigan 117, Michigan 28 Taken near Dollarville. [Closer View]
Junction US 41 Taken on M-28 West near Harvey. [Closer View]
Shields: US 41, West Michigan 28 Taken near Harvey. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 41, West Michigan 28 Taken near Harvey. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 41, West Michigan 28, Lake Superior Circle Tour Taken probably near Marquette. [Closer View]
Junction US 141, Michigan 28 Taken near Covington. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 41, South US 141, West Michigan 28 Taken near Covington. [Closer View]
Welcome to Houghton, Gateway to the Keweenaw * Taken on US 41 North in Houghton. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 41, Lake Superior Circle Tour, and Copper Harbor 11 distance sign Taken on the Keweenaw Peninsula of Upper Michigan. [Closer View]
Junction Michigan 26 Taken on US 41 North in Copper Harbor. [Closer View]
Wooden Sign: The Beginning of US 41 ** Taken in Copper Harbor, Michigan. [Closer View]
Road Ends Taken at the northern terminus of US 41 in Copper Harbor, Michigan. [Closer View]
Seasonal Road, Not Snowplowed by the Keweenaw County Road Commission Taken at the northern terminus of US 41 in Copper Harbor, Michigan. [Closer View]
South US 41 shield Taken at the northern terminus of US 41 in Copper Harbor, Michigan. This is the first southbound shield. [Closer View]
Green signs: Eagle Harbor, Hancock, Isle Royale Ferry, Miami FL. 1990 *** Taken on US 41 South in Copper Harbor, Michigan. [Closer View]
Shields: US 45, Michigan 28 Badly blurred picture taken at Bruce Crossing. There are really only two shields here, not six... [Closer View]
Shields: Michigan 28 Ends, East US 2, West US 2 Blurred, but readable. Taken in Wakefield. [Closer View]

July 12, 2003

Shields: East US 2, Business US 2 Taken in Ironwood, Michigan. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 2, South US 51, To Wisconsin 77 Taken near the Michigan/Wisconsin border on US 2 West. [Closer View]
Wisconsin Welcomes You * Taken on US 2 West. [Closer View]
John F. Kennedy Memorial Airport Taken in Ashland, Wisconsin. No, not in New York. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 2, North Wisconsin 13 Taken near Ashland. [Closer View]
West Lake Superior Circle Tour shield Taken near Ashland, Wisconsin. [Closer View]
County G shield Taken near Ashland, Wisconsin. [Closer View]
Shields: North Wisconsin 137, West US 2 Taken near Ashland. [Closer View]
Jct US 63 shield Taken on US 2 West. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 63, West US 2 Taken on US 2 West in Wisconsin. This is the northern terminus of US 63. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct County C, To South US 53 Taken in on US 2 West. [Closer View]
County C shield and South US 53, Spooner, Eau Claire Taken on US 2 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 2, North US 53 Taken near Superior, Wisconsin. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 53, Jct I-535, Jct Wisconsin 35 *** Palindrome "5353535" taken in Superior, Wisconsin. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-535, US 53, Duluth Taken in Superior, Wisconsin. [Closer View]
Duluth, Pop 85,493 Taken on I-535 and US 53 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, 21st Ave W, North I-35, to Minnesota 61, Detour US 53 North, Right Lane Taken on I-535 and US 53 North in Duluth. I believe it's "North US 53" under the 21st Ave W sign. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-535, US 53 Taken in Duluth, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Minnesota Welcomes You * Taken on I-535 and US 53 North. [Closer View]
North I-35 shield Taken in Duluth, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Green sign: End I-35, 1/4 Mile ** Taken in Duluth, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-35, End Minnesota 61, London Rd * Taken in Duluth, Minnesota. [Closer View]
St. Louis County 889 shield Taken on Minnesota 194 West near Duluth. [Closer View]
West Minnesota 194 shield Taken near Duluth. [Closer View]
St. Louis County 845 shield Taken on US 2 West near Duluth. [Closer View]
Shields: Itasca County 429, Itasca County 25 Taken on US 2 West in Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overhead: South US 169 Taken in Grand Rapids, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overhead: Minnesota 38, Right Lane Taken in Grand Rapids. [Closer View]
Overhead: County 63 Taken in or near Grand Rapids, Minnesota.
Shields: Itasca County 137, Jct Itasca County 39, National Route Great River Road Minnesota * Taken on US 2 West. [Closer View]
Jct Minnesota 371 Taken on US 2 West in Cass Lake. [Closer View]
Green sign: End Minnesota 197, Jct US 2, US 71, 1/4 Mile Taken in Bemidji.
South US 71 shield Taken near Bemidji, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct Minnesota 200, US 71 Taken in Kabekona. [Closer View]
Shields: To Minnesota 64, Minnesota 200, US 71 Taken in Kabekona. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 71, West Minnesota 200 Taken in Kabekona. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 71, Minnesota 200 Taken near Lake Itasca. [Closer View]
East Minnesota 200 shield Taken at the north exit of Lake Itasca State Park. [Closer View]
Shields: Clearwater County 2, Great River Road Minnesota Taken at the north exit of Lake Itasca State Park. [Closer View]
North US 75 and Prairie Passage shield Taken near Crookston, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: North Dakota 15, I-29 Taken south of Grand Forks on County 81 (old US 81). [Closer View]

July 13, 2003

Overheads: East I-94 Fargo, West I-94 Bismarck Taken on US 10 West in West Fargo, North Dakota. This is the western terminus of US 10, though you'd never know it. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-94, US 52 Taken in eastern North Dakota. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 159, US 83 North, Bismarck, Minot, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-94 West. [Closer View]
Shields; Lewis and Clark Trail, North US 83 Taken in Bismarck at the top of the exit 159 ramp from I-94 West. [Closer View]
Shields: North Dakota 1804 (!), Lewis and Clark Trail ** Taken in Bismarck. This route is numbered 1804 to match the year when Lewis and Clark passed through North Dakota. [Closer View]
Theodore Roosevelt National Park ** Taken at the Painted Canyon overlook off I-94, which has to be one of the world's most scenic rest areas. [Closer View]
Theodore Roosevelt National Park * Taken in Medora, North Dakota. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 7, Home On The Range Taken on I-94 West in North Dakota. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 1, North Dakota 16, Beach Taken on I-94 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Montana * Taken on I-94 West. [Closer View][Even Closer View]

July 14, 2003

Brown sign: Yellowstone Nat'l Park, Next Right * Taken on I-90 West in near Billings, Montana. [Closer View]
Welcome to Wyoming, Shoshone National Forest ** Taken on US 212 near Beartooth Pass. [Closer View]
Welcome to Montana, Custer National Forest ** Taken on US 212 near Beartooth Pass. [Closer View]
National Forest Scenic Byway, and Grizzly Bear Area, Special Rules Apply * Taken on US 212 near Beartooth Pass. [Closer View]
Shoshone National Forest West Summit, Elevation 10,947 ** Taken on US 212 in Wyoming. [Closer View]
Wyoming 296 shield Taken on US 212 West. [Closer View]
Wyoming Scenic Byway, Beartooth Taken on US 212 West. [Closer View]
Yellow Warning Sign: Open Range, Expect Cows on the Road ** Taken on US 212 West in Wyoming. [Closer View]
Yellowstone National Park * Taken at the Northeast Entrance in Silver Gate, Montana. Also the western terminus of US 212. [Closer View]
Northeast Entrance, Elev 7365 Taken at the Northeast Entrance to Yellowstone National Park in Silver Gate, Montana. [Closer View]
Welcome to Gardiner Montana, Original Entrance to Yellowstone Park, and US 89 shield ** Taken at the North Entrance, just outside the old gate to Yellowstone. [Closer View]

July 15, 2003

Shields: South US 191, South US 287, East US 20 Taken in West Yellowstone, Montana. [Closer View]

July 16, 2003

Welcome to Idaho * Taken on US 20 West. [Closer View] [Even Closer View]
Nez Perce Trail Taken on US 20 at the Idaho/Montana border. [Closer View]
John D. Rockefeller, Jr. Memorial Parkway Taken at the South Entrance to Yellowstone National Park. [Closer View]
Grand Teton National Park * Taken on US 191, US 89, and US 287 South. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 26, North US 89, US 287, North US 191 Taken in Moran Junction in Grand Teton National Park. [Closer View]

July 17, 2003

Green sign: US 26 East, Riverton, US 287 South, Lander Taken in west central Wyoming. [Closer View]
Overheads: East US 26, North Wyoming 789, Shoshoni and Wyoming 789 South, Hudson, Lander Taken in Riverton. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 26, North Wyoming 789 Taken in Riverton. [Closer View]
Overheads: West US 20, North Wyoming 789, Thermopolis, East US 20 US 26, Casper, Boysen & Hot Springs State Parks * Taken in Shoshoni. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 20, North Wyoming 789 Taken in Shoshoni. [Closer View]
Jct. Wyoming 120, 500 Ft shield Taken in Thermopolis on US 20 West and Wyoming 789 North. [Closer View]
Shields: Wyoming 431, Wyoming 432 Taken near Worland on US 20 West and Wyoming 789 North. [Closer View]
Wyoming 433 shield Taken near Worland on US 20 West and Wyoming 789 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: West US 16 US 20, North Wyoming 789, Basin, Yellowstone, East US 16, Buffalo * Taken in Worland. [Closer View]
East US 16 shield Taken near Worland, Wyoming. [Closer View]
Powder River Pass, Elev 9666 * Taken at a pullout along US 16 in the Bighorns of Wyoming. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Wasatch FM, Kingsbury Member Eocene, 38-55 Million Years * Taken on US 16 East approaching Buffalo, Wyoming. There are a number of these signs along the passes through the Bighorns that tell the age of the rock along the road. This is very young. Some is in the billions of years. [Closer View]
End Wyoming Scenic Byway, Cloud Peak Skyway * Taken on US 16 East approaching Buffalo. [Closer View]
Overheads: Business I-25, US 87, To I-90, East US 16, Sheridan, Gillette, and Business I-25, US 87, Casper Taken in Buffalo, Wyoming. [Closer View]
White warning sign: US 14 Closed When Flashing Return to Moorcroft * Taken near Moorcroft on US 14 East. [Closer View]
Wyoming 111 shield Taken on Wyoming 111 South near Aladdin. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-90, East US 14, South South Dakota 79 Taken near Sturgis. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-90, US 14, Truck US 16, South Dakota 79, Sioux Falls, and Exit 58, Haines Avenue, 1/2 Mile, and Exit 57, I-190, US 16 West, Mt. Rushmore * Taken in Rapid City. [Closer View]

July 18, 2003

Green sign: US 16A West, Mt. Rushmore, Exit 3/4 Mile * Taken on US 16 West near Keystone, South Dakota. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 16, South US 385 Taken in Hill City, South Dakota. [Closer View]
Overheads: South South Dakota 87, Needles Highway, Sylvan Lake, Next Left, and West US 16, South US 385, Crazy Horse, Custer * Taken in Hill City. [Closer View]
Shields: US 16A, US 16, South Dakota 89, US 385 Taken in Custer. [Closer View]
Wind Cave National Park Visitor Center and Headquarters * [Closer View]
North South Dakota 87 shield Taken in the southern part of Custer State Park. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Bridge/Tunnel Clearances Ahead, Width: 8ft-7in, Height: 10ft-10in ** Taken on South Dakota 87 North, the Needles Highway. [Closer View]
Falling Rock Taken on the Needles Highway, just before entering the southernmost of its tunnels. [Closer View]
Shields: South Dakota 89, South Dakota 87 Taken at the north end of the Needles Highway. [Closer View]
Shields and signs: South South Dakota 89, Jct US 16a 6, Custer 7, To US 16, US 385, North South Dakota 87, Sylvan Lake Lodge 1, Hill City 9, Crazy Horse Mt. 12 Taken at the north end of the Needles Highway. [Closer View]
Norbeck Byway Taken on South Dakota 89 North. [Closer View]
Hairpin Turn arrow, 10 M.P.H. * Taken on South Dakota 89 North near Sylvan Lake. [Closer View]
Overheads: East US 16, North US 385, Hill City, East South Dakota 244, Mount Rushmore, Next Right * Taken south of Hill City. [Closer View]

July 19, 2003

Shields: To I-90, East US 16, South Dakota 44, South Dakota 79 Taken in Rapid City. [Closer View]
North South Dakota 377, To South Dakota 240, and South Dakota 377, South Dakota 44 Taken in Interior. Mostly cut off, too. [Closer View of 240] [Closer View of 377]
End South Dakota 377 Taken at the Badlands National Park entrance from Interior. Entering Badlands National Park sign in the background. [Closer View]
Exit 110, Badlands Loop, South Dakota 240, Wall, Badlands, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-90 East. [Closer View]
Entering Central Time Zone Badly cut off, taken on I-90 East. [Closer View]
Exit 260, Business I-90, Oacoma, Chamberlain * Taken on I-90 East. See July 24, 1999, for more about Oacoma and the Massachusetts Turnpike. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-90, South South Dakota 19 Taken in Montrose. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 Keep Left, Exit 400, I-229, Keep Right Taken on I-90 East in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. [Closer View]
Overwidth Vehicles, South I-29 Taken on I-90 East approaching Exit 400 above. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90, Exit 400, I-229 Taken on I-90 East in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. [Closer View]
South I-229 shield Taken in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-29, West US 18 Taken in southeastern South Dakota. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 143, Singing Hills Blvd, 1 Mile, I-29, Exit 144 A-B, West I-129, US 20, US 75, S Sioux City, Ft Dodge, Exit Only Taken on I-29 South in Sioux City, Iowa. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-29, Lewis and Clark Trail Taken near Sioux City, Iowa. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 53B, I-480, Omaha, Next Right, and Exit 54A, G Avenue Taken on I-29 South in Council Bluffs, Iowa. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-29 South, Kansas City, Keep Left, and Exit 53B, West I-480, US 6, Omaha Taken on I-29 South in Council Bluffs, Iowa. [Closer View 1] [Closer View 2]
Overheads: I-80 East, Des Moines, I-29 South, Kansas City, and Exit 51, I-80 West, Omaha Taken on I-29 South in Council Bluffs, Iowa. [Closer View]

July 20, 2003

Shields: East I-435, US 50 Taken in Leawood, Kansas. [Closer View]
Leaving Kansas, Come Again Taken on I-435 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Missouri, The Show-Me State * Taken on I-435 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-435, East US 50 Taken in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 71B, North US 71, North I-435, Exit 71A, I-470, US 50 East, Exit 71A, US 71 South Taken in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-470, US 50 East, Lee's Summit, Exit 4, Raytown Road, Exit 2, Blue Ridge Blvd Taken on I-470 East in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-470, East US 50 Taken in Lee's Summit, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-470, Exit 7B, Missouri 350 West, Raytown, Next Right, Exit 7A, US 50 East, Sedalia Taken on I-470 East in Lee's Summit, Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-470, North Missouri 291 Taken in Lee's Summit. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 16ABC, Junction I-70, US 40, 1 Mile Taken in Independence, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Missouri 291 North, Liberty, Use Left Lane, Exit 16B, I-70 East, St Louis, 1/4 Mile, I-470 Ends, 1/2 Mile, Exit 16A, US 40 Taken in Independence, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Missouri 291 North, Liberty, Use Left Lane, Exit 16C, I-70 West, Kansas City, 1/4 Mile, Exit 16B, I-70 East, St Louis, and Green sign: I-470 Ends Taken in Independence. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 East, St Louis, Exit 78B, US 65 North, Marshall, 1/3 Mi, Exit 78A, US 65 South, Sedalia Taken on I-70 East in Missouri. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 78B, US 65 North, Marshall Taken on I-70 East in Missouri. [Closer View]
Missouri River Taken on I-70 East in Missouri. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 128A, US 63, Jefferson City, Moberly Taken on I-70 East in Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 East, St Louis, Exit 210B, US 61 North, Hannibal Taken on I-70 East in Missouri. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-70, St Louis, Exit 224, Missouri 370 East Taken on I-70 East near St. Louis. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 East, St Louis, Exit 232A, North I-270, Chicago, Exit 232B, I-270 South, Memphis Taken on I-70 East near St. Louis. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-70 St. Louis, Exit 235B, US 67 North, Lindbergh Blvd, Next Right, Exit 235A, US 67 South, Lindbergh Blvd Taken on I-70 East near St. Louis. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-55, To I-44, North I-55, East I-64 I-70 US 40, Illinois, 2 Miles, Exit 249A, 10th St 1/2 Mile Taken in St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 251A, South I-55 To I-44, 1/2 Mile, Exit 250B, Memorial Dr, Downtown Taken on I-70 East in St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Historic Route US 66, Exit 290C * Taken on I-44 West in St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
West I-44 shield Taken in St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 276, I-270 2 Miles, Exit 277B, US 61, US 67, US 50 East, Lindbergh Blvd, 1 Mile, Exit 278, Big Bend Rd Taken on I-44 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-44, US 50, Tulsa, Exit 277B, US 61, US 67, US 50 East, Lindbergh Blvd Taken on I-44 West in St. Louis. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-44, US 50, Exit 277A, Missouri 366 East, Watson Rd, Exit 276B, North I-270, Chicago, Exit 276A, I-270 South, Memphis Taken on I-44 East in Fenton. [Closer View]
Shields: US 50, US 61, US 67, Missouri 21 Taken near St. Louis. [Closer View]
Shields: US 61, US 67, US 50 Taken near St. Louis. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 5B, West I-44, US 50, Tulsa, Exit 5A, West I-44, US 50, Missouri 366, St Louis Taken on I-270 North south of St. Louis. [Closer View]
Missouri 366 shield Taken near St. Louis. This is the old US 66 route. [Closer View]
Historic Route US 66 shield * Taken on Missouri 366 near St. Louis. [Closer View]
U-Turn to West Missouri 366 Taken on Missouri 366 East near St. Louis. [Closer View]

July 21, 2003

Overhead: US 40, I-64 East, I-70 East, I-55 North, All Lanes, Cahokia, E St Louis, Illinois 3 South, Next Right Taken in East St. Louis, Illinois.
Overheads: North I-55, East I-70 US 40, East I-64, All Lanes, and North I-55, East I-70 US 40, East I-64, E St Louis All Lanes, Exit 1, Illinois 3 South, Cahokia Taken in East St. Louis, Illinois.
Overhead: North I-55, Great River Road, East I-70, Chicago, Indianapolis Taken in East St. Louis, Illinois. The cut off sign to the left is the Welcome to Illinois sign. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-55 North, I-70 East, Chicago, Indianapolis, Exit 10, I-255, Interstate 270, Memphis Taken in East St. Louis, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-55, East I-70, East US 40 Taken in Illinois near St. Louis. [Closer View]
Shields: South Illinois 159, Historic National Road Taken in Collinsville. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-55 North, Chicago, Exit 20B, I-270 West, Kansas City, Exit 20A, I-70 East, Indianapolis Taken near Troy, Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 92A-B, Business I-55 North, I-72 West, Springfield, Jacksonville, I-55 North, I-72 East, Chicago, Decatur, Right Lanes, Exit 90, Toronto Road Taken near Springfield, Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: 6th Street, West I-72, US 36, Jacksonville, North I-55, East I-72, US 36, Chicago, Decatur Taken near Springfield, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-55, East I-72, East US 36 Taken near Springfield, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-72, East US 36 Taken near Springfield, Illinois. Corn, appropriately, in the background. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-72, North US 51 Taken near Decatur, Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-72, US 51, Champaign, Bloomington, Exit 138, Illinois 121, Decatur, Lincoln Taken near Decatur, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-57, Eisenhower Interstate System * Taken near Urbana, Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 250, US 136, Rantoul, Fisher Taken on I-57 North in Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 283, US 24, Gilman, Chatsworth Taken on I-57 North in Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 308, US 45, US 52, Kankakee, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-57 North in Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 30, Lincoln Highway, West, East Taken on the exit ramp from I-57 North. [Closer View]
East US 30 shield and Lincoln Highway Historic Route marker ** Taken near Chicago Heights, Illinois. [Closer View]
Welcome to Indiana, Crossroads of America * Taken on US 30 East. [Closer View]
US 30 shield and wooden Lincoln Highway markers ** Taken in Dyer, Indiana. [Closer View]
Historic Marker: The "Ideal Section": "Ideal Section" - 1.5 miles of Lincoln Highway, completed 1923, designed and built as a model for road construction. Funded by county, state, and U.S. Rubber Co. Features included 100 foot right-of-way, 40 foot paved width, 10 inch steel-reinforced concrete, underground drainage, lighted, landscaped, bridge, and pedestrian pathways. *** Taken in Dyer, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead shields: North US 41, East US 30, South US 41 Taken near Dyer, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80, I-94, US 6 West, US 41 North, Chicago, Exit 1/4 Mile, I-80, I-94, US 6 East, Detroit Taken on US 41 North in Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 12, I-65 North, To Toll Road, 1 Mile, Exit 11, I-65 South, Indianapolis, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-80/I-94 East.
Overheads: Exit 16, I-80 East, I-90, Toll Road, 3rd Right, Exit 15B, Indiana 51 North to US 20, Ripley St., 1/2 Mile, Exit 15A, East US 6, South Indiana 51, Ripley St., 1/4 Mile Taken on I-80/94 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90, Chicago Skyway, Indiana Toll Road West, Chicago, I-80, I-90, Indiana Toll Road East, Ohio Taken on the ramp from I-80/94 to the Indiana Toll Road in Portage. [Closer View]

July 22, 2003

Overheads: Express Lanes, North I-271 To I-90, Erie Pa, Local Lanes, North I-271, West US 422, Harvard, Chagrin, US 422 East, Warren Taken on I-480 East south of Cleveland, Ohio. [Closer View]
Pennsylvania Welcomes You * Taken on I-86 East. [Closer View]

July 26, 2003

Shields: West Vermont 313, To Historic Vermont 7A Taken on the ramp from US 7 North near Arlington. [Closer View]
Old shields: North Historic Vermont 7A, West Vermont 313 Taken in Arlington. [Closer View]

August 2, 2003

Blue Zone, No Parking, and Brooklyn Battery Tunnel, and Downtown Heliport * Taken at the southern end of Broadway in lower Manhattan, New York. [Closer View]

Ride to Albuquerque, August 20-31, 2003

August 20, 2003

Green sign: New York 217, Harlemville, Philmont Taken on the Taconic State Parkway South. [Closer View]
Shields: North Sprain Brook Parkway, New York 100C Taken in Valhalla. [Closer View]
Shields: New York 100, New York 100A, New York 100C Taken in Valhalla. [Closer View]
Jct Sprain Brook Parkway shield Taken in Valhalla. [Closer View]
South New York 9A shield Taken on the Henry Hudson Parkway in New York. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 14-15, I-95, Riverside Dr, Geo Washington Br, Cross Bronx Expwy, Use 2 Left Lanes Taken on the Henry Hudson Parkway South in New York. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 South, G W Bridge, New Jersey, Upper Level, I-95 North, Cr Bronx Expy, W 178th St, I-95 South, G W Bridge, New Jersey, Lower Level * Taken in Manhattan, getting from the Henry Hudson Parkway to the George Washington Bridge. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95, I-80, NJTP, Express, I-95, I-80, New Jersey 4, NJTP, Local, US 1, US 9, US 46 Taken on I-95 South, just across the George Washington Bridge into New Jersey. [Closer View]
Garden State Parkway shield Taken near Sandy Hook in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 6B, West New Jersey 138, New Jersey 34, To I-195, Garden State Parkway Taken on New Jersey 18 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 21, County 527, County 526, Jackson, Siloam, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-195 West in New Jersey. [Closer View]
West I-195 shield Taken in central New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 5A, US 130 South, Bordentown Taken on I-195 West in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 60A-B, I-295, To US 1, I-95, Princeton, Camden, 2 Miles, Exit 2, US 206, S Broad St, Arena Dr Taken on I-195 West near Trenton. [Closer View]
Overheads: End I-195, Begin New Jersey 29, To New Jersey 129, Trenton, and Exit 60A, I-295 South, Camden, 1/4 Mile, and Exit 60B, North I-295, US 1, Princeton * Taken on I-195 West approaching Trenton. [Closer View]
Green signs: Exits 57 B-A, US 130, Burlington, Bordentown, 1/2 Mile, and Entering Twp of Bordentown Taken on I-295 South in New Jersey. [Closer View]

August 21, 2003

South US 1 shield and distance sign: Stafford 7, Fredericksburg 16, Richmond 72 Taken near Quantico, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Richmond Int'l, Exit 84A, I-295 South, Rocky Mt NC, 3/4 Mile, I-95 South, Richmond, Petersburg Taken on I-95 South in Virginia. I believe this is one of the signs that used to list Miami as a control city instead of Rocky Mount. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 37A, US 360 East, Tappahannock, 3/4 Mile, Exit 37B, US 360 West, Mechanicsville, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-295 South in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 34A, Virginia Secondary 615, Creighton Rd Taken on I-295 South in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-295 to South I-95, Emporia, Rocky Mt NC, and Exit 1, North I-95 to I-85, Petersburg, 1/4 Mile Taken approaching the southern terminus of I-295 in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 11A, US 58 East, Emporia, Norfolk, and Exit 11B, US 58 West, South Hill Taken on I-95 South in Virginia. [Closer View]
Welcome to North Carolina, State Line, Northampton County * Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 180, North Carolina 48, Gaston Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 171, North Carolina 125, Roanoke Rapids Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 168, North Carolina 903, Halifax Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 119B-A, South US 117, US 264, Raleigh, Wilson, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-95 South in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green and brown sign: Exit 90, US 301, US 701, North Carolina 96, Newton Grove, Bentonville Civil War Battleground, 1 Mile Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 81B, I-40 East, Wilmington, Clinton, 1/4 Mile, Exit 81A, I-40 West, Raleigh, Durham Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
East I-40 shield * Taken just east of the I-95 interchange in North Carolina. [Closer View]
End Freeway Taken at the eastern terminus of I-40 in Wilmington, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: To North US 17, To East US 74, Jacksonville, Wrightsville Beach, and South North Carolina 132, To South US 421, To South US 17, To West US 74, Carolina Beach, Wilmington, and ILM Intl Airport Taken at the eastern terminus of I-40 in Wilmington. [Closer View]
Shield assembly: North Truck US 17, East US 74, US 76, South Truck US 17, West US 76 Taken in Wilmington, North Carolina. [Closer View]
End US 76 shield ** Taken in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shield assembly: South US 17, West US 74, West US 76 Taken in Wilmington, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 421 South, South US 17, West US 74, West US 76, North US 421, Business US 17, Downtown Taken in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 17, West US 74, West US 76, South North Carolina 133 Taken in Leland, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South North Carolina 211, South US 17, North North Carolina 211 Taken in Supply. [Closer View]
South Carolina State Line, Horry County * Taken on US 17 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to South Carolina * Taken on US 17 South. [Closer View]
South Carolina 73 shield Taken near Myrtle Beach. [Closer View]
Assembly: Conway, Georgetown, North US 501, South US 17 Taken near Myrtle Beach on US 501 North. [Closer View]

August 22, 2003

East I-26 shield Taken in Charleston, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Jct US 17, End I-26, 1 Mile Taken on I-26 East in Charleston, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Meeting St, Visitor Info, Exit 221B, US 17 North, Mt Pleasant, Exit 221A, US 17 South, Savannah, King St, Downtown Taken approaching the eastern terminus of I-26 in Charleston, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: South Carolina 700, Folly Beach, US 17 Savannah Taken on US 17 South south of Charleston, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 17 North, Charleston, and I-526 East, Airport, North Charleston Taken on US 17 south of Charleston, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: Heritage Corridor Nature Route and Hurricane Evacuation Route Taken on US 17 South in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: US 17, South Carolina 303 Taken on US 17 South near Ashepoo, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Jct US 21 shield Taken on US 17 South in Gardens Corner, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Distance signs: Beaufort 16, Savannah 51, Columbia 111, and shields: South US 21, South US 17 Taken on US 17 South in Gardens Corner, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 17, North US 21, Alt US 17 Taken on US 17 South and US 21 North in Pocotaligo, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-95, US 17 Taken on US 17 South in Pocotaligo, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 5, US 17, US 321, Hardeeville, Savannah Taken on I-95 South in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Brick sign: Thank You for Visiting South Carolina * Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Welcome, We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind, Georgia - Site of the 1996 Olympic Games * Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 102, US 80, Pooler, Garden City, Exit 1 Mile Taken on I-95 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 99B-A, I-16, Macon, Savannah Taken on I-95 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 South, Brunswick, Jacksonville, Exit 99A, I-16 East, Savannah, Exit 1/4 Mile, and Exit 99B, I-16 West, Macon Taken on I-95 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
J.O. Bacon Highway Taken off I-95 in Georgia. [Closer View]
East Georgia 204 shield Taken near Savannah off I-95. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 76, US 84, Georgia 38, Midway, Sunbury Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Business Loop I-95, Georgia 251, Darien Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 36B-A, US 25, US 341, Jesup, Brunswick Taken on I-95 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 17, US 82, Georgia 520, Brunswick, Waycross, S Georgia Pkwy Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Florida, The Sunshine State * Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-95, Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Exit 362A, Florida 9A South, Blount Island, Jax Beaches, Exit 362B, I-295 South * Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: To Exit 351C, South I-95, Jax Beaches, Daytona Beach, Exit 351B, I-10 West, Lake City, Tallahassee, Exit 351D, Stockton St Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-95, Jax Beaches, Daytona Beach, 25 MPH, Exit 351B, I-10 West, Lake City, Tallahassee Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
West I-10 shield Taken in Jacksonville, Florida. This is the first shield on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Lake City, Tallahassee, and Exit 356, I-295, Savannah, St. Augustine Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
East Florida 228 shield Taken on US 301 South. [Closer View]
Shields: East Marion County 318, West Marion County 318 Taken on US 301 South in Citra, Florida. [Closer View]
North US 441 shield Taken from Marion County 318 in Orange Lake, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 328, South Florida's Turnpike, Orlando, 1/2 Mile, I-75 South, Tampa Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 South, Naples, and Exit 274, I-275 South, Tampa, St Petersburg Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]

August 23, 2003

Green sign: Exit 207, Florida 758, Sarasota Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 210, Florida 780, Fruitville Rd, Sarasota, St Armands, 1 1/4 miles Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 North, Tampa, Exit 228, I-275 North, St Petersburg, Sunshine Skyway Closed When Flashing * Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
Shields: To South I-275, North I-275, South US 19, North US 19 Taken in the fishing pier rest area on the south end of the Sunshine Skyway near Bradenton, Florida. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 22, I-175 East, Tropicana Field, 1 Mile Taken on I-275 North in St. Petersburg. [Closer View]
Green sign: Downtown exits, I-175, 3/4, I-375, 1 1/2 Taken on I-275 North in St. Petersburg. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 23, I-375 East, The Pier, 1 Mile, and Exit 22, I-175 East, Tropicana Field Taken on I-275 North in St. Petersburg. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-275 North, Tampa, Exit 22, I-175 East, Tropicana Field Taken on I-275 North in St. Petersburg. Tropicana Field is in the background. [Closer View]
End I-375, 2000 Ft. * Taken from a surface street in St. Petersburg, Florida. [Closer View]
South Florida 595 shield Taken in St. Petersburg. [Closer View]
Shields: North Florida 687, East US 92 Taken in St. Petersburg. [Closer View]

August 26, 2003

End Florida 29 shield, and US 27 shields * Taken near Palmdale. [Closer View]
North US 27 shield Taken near Palmdale, Florida. [Closer View]
Bear warning area end sign ** Taken on US 27 North in central Florida. [Closer View]
Shield assembly: West Florida 66, North US 98, South US 98 Taken near Sebring. [Closer View]
Shields: Florida 64, Florida 636 Taken near Wauchula. [Closer View]
Overhead: Toll Florida 570 West, Polk Pkway, Tampa Taken on US 98 West approaching Lakeland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-4, Orlando, Tampa, 1 Mile, Exit 1, Clark Rd to US 92, Polk County 542, 1/2 Mile Taken approaching the western terminus of the Polk Parkway near Lakeland, Florida. [Closer View]
Old colored shield: To North Alt US 19 ** Taken in Clearwater, Florida. These were the only old colorful Florida US highway signs I saw during this visit. [Closer View]
Old colored shield: To North Alt US 19 ** Taken in Clearwater, Florida. [Closer View]
Old colored shield: To North Alt US 19 ** Taken in Clearwater, Florida. [Closer View]
North Suncoast Parkway, Toll Florida 589 shield Taken on Florida 54 near Odessa. [Closer View]
Overhead: Parkway Ends, Jct US 98, Crystal River, Exit 1 Mile, Reduce Speed Taken approaching the northern terminus of the Suncoast Parkway. [Closer View]
Overhead: Parkway Ends, West US 98, End Toll Florida 589, Crystal River, and East US 98 * Taken at the northern terminus of the Suncoast Parkway. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 19, North US 98 Taken near Homosassa Springs, Florida. [Closer View]
West Citrus County 44W shield Taken on US 19 and US 98 North near Crystal River, Florida. [Closer View]
North US 129 shield Taken on US 19 and US 98 North in Chiefland, Florida. [Closer View]
Shield assembly: North Alt US 27, US 19, US 98 Taken in Chiefland, Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 19, North US 27 Taken north of Perry, Florida. [Closer View]

August 27, 2003

Entering Jackson County, Entering Central Time Zone * Taken on I-10 West in Florida. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 130, US 231, Cottondale, Panama City, 1 Mile Taken on I-10 West in Florida. [Closer View]
Entering Washington County Taken on I-10 West in Florida. Taken because I think this was my 1000th county. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 85, US 331, DeFuniak Springs, Freeport, 1 Mile Taken on I-10 West in Florida. [Closer View]
South Florida 285 shield Taken on Elgin Air Force Base. [Closer View]
Niceville City Limit Taken on Florida 285 South, I think. It's blurred, but I decided it's a nice name so I kept it.
Overheads: 9th Ave South, Bus US 98 West, Gregory St, I-110 North to I-10, 9th Ave North, US 98 West Taken in Pensacola approaching the southern terminus of I-110. [Closer View]
North I-110 shield Taken in Pensacola, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 10A, US 29 South, Pensacola, Exit 10B, US 29 North, Cantonment Taken on I-10 West in Florida. [Closer View]
Alabama State Line * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Alabama The Beautiful * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
West I-10 shield * Taken in Alabama, near the Florida border. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Pascagoula, Tunnel Ahead, 40 MPH, Exit 26B, Water St, Downtown, 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 27, US 90 US 98, Government St Taken on I-10 West in Mobile, Alabama. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 22B, Alabama 163 South, Dauphin Island Pkwy, I-10 West, Pascagoula, Exit 22A, Alabama 163 North, Dauphin Island Pkwy Taken on I-10 West in Mobile, Alabama. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 20, West I-10, Pascagoula, I-65 North, Montgomery, 1 Mile Taken on I-10 West in Alabama. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 17 A-B, West I-10, Pascagoula, Alabama 193, Dauphin Island, Tillmans Corner Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-10, East Alabama 188, North Mobile County 11 Taken in Grand Bay. [Closer View]
Enter Jackson County Mississippi * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Mississippi Welcomes You * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 68, Mississippi 613, Moss Point, Pascagoula Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit ??, Mississippi 609 South, Ocean Springs Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 34 B-A, US 49, Hattiesburg, Gulfport Taken on I-10 West in Mississippi. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, New Orleans, Exit 34A, US 49 South, Gulfport Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 2, Mississippi 607, NASA John C. Stennis Space Center * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
St. Tammany Parish Taken on I-10 West at the Mississippi-Louisiana border. [Closer View]
Welcome to Louisiana, Bienvenue en Louisiane * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 267 A-B, I-12 West, Hammond, Baton Rouge, I-59 North, Hattiesburg, 1 Mile * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, New Orleans, Exit 267B, I-12 West, Hammond, Baton Rouge, Exit 267A, I-59 North, Hattiesburg * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 266, US 190, Slidell, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, New Orleans, Exit 263, Louisiana 433, Slidell, 2 1/2 Miles, Exit 266, US 190, Slidell Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 246 A-B, South I-510, Louisiana 47, Chalmette, Little Woods, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Louisiana 3046 shield, Causeway Taken in New Orleans. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Baton Rouge, Exit 220, I-310 South, Boutte, Houma Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Baton Rouge, I-55 North, Hammond Taken on I-10 West, approaching the southern terminus of I-55. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Baton Rouge, Exit 209, US 51, LaPlace, 1/2 Mile, Exit 210, I-55 North, Hammond * Taken on I-10 West, approaching the southern terminus of I-55. [Closer View]
North I-55 shield * Taken near I-55's southern terminus in Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-55 North, Jackson, Exit 29B, I-12 West, Baton Rouge, Next Right, Exit 29A, I-12 East, Slidell Taken on I-55 North. [Closer View]
West I-12 shield Taken between Hammond and Baton Rouge. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10, New Orleans, Baton Rouge, Exit 1B, Louisiana 1068, to Louisiana 73, Drusilla Lane, Jefferson Hwy Taken on I-12 West, approaching its western terminus in Baton Rouge. [Closer View]

August 28, 2003

Shields: South US 167, East US 90 Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Future Corridor I-49, and background sign Bienvenue a Lafayette, Welcome to Lafayette Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana, on US 167 South and US 90 East. [Closer View]
I-49 shield, part of a larger assembly that said "To I-10, I-49" Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana, on US 167 North and US 90 West. I took this one mainly because the "4" looks odd. [Closer View]
Future Corridor I-49 * Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana, on US 167 North and US 90 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-49, US 167, Opelousas, Exit 1A, I-10 West, Lake Charles, I-10 East, Baton Rouge Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana, on US 167 North and US 90 West, at the southern terminus of I-49. [Closer View]
Jct. Louisiana 102 shield Taken in Jennings, likely on Louisiana 97. Also visible is a sign directing traffic for Welsh and Mermentau to the left, and a US 90 sign in the far background. [Closer View]
West US 90 shield Taken near Welsh, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Detour North US 165, and Hurricane Evacuation Route Taken near Iowa, Louisiana. Barely visible in the background is "Iowa Corp Limit". [Closer View]
Shields: West US 90, Detour North US 165 Taken in Iowa, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Assembly: Lafayette, West Business US 90, To West I-210, East I-210 Taken approaching Lake Charles, Louisiana, on US 90 West. [Closer View]
West I-210 shield Taken in Lake Charles, Louisiana. [Closer View]
880 Exit * Taken on I-10 West, just across the border into Texas. Exit 880 means we're 880 miles from New Mexico via I-10. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly - The Texas Way * Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Exit 853A, US 96, US 287, Next Right Taken on I-10 West near Beaumont, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Exit 853A, US 69, Lufkin Taken on I-10 West near Beaumont, Texas. [Closer View]
South Beltway 8 shield Taken on the I-10 service road westbound in Houston. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 775A, South I-610 North, 1 1/2 Miles, Exit 776A, Mercury Dr Taken on I-10 West in Houston. [Closer View]

August 29, 2003

Overhead: Exit 32, East, West, Sam Houston Tollway, 1 Mile Taken on I-45 South near Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-45 South, Galveston, Exit 23, F.M. 518, League City, 2 1/2 Miles, Exit 25, NASA 1, F.M. 528, NASA, Alvin * Taken on I-45 South. [Closer View]
East NASA Road 1 shield ** Taken in Webster, Texas. [Closer View]
Jct Farm Road 270 shield Taken on NASA Road 1 in Webster, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: NASA Road 1, South Texas 3, North Texas 3 Taken in Webster. [Closer View]
South I-45 shield Taken near Galveston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Freeway Ends 1/2 Mile, Downtown, East Beach, Exit 1A, Spur 342, 61st St, West Beach Taken on I-45 South, approaching its southern terminus in Galveston, Texas. [Closer View]
Mile 0 Taken at the southern terminus of I-45 in Galveston, Texas.
No Vehicles Beyond This Point *** Taken in the parking lot at Apffel Park on the eastern end of Galveston Island. No, you aren't supposed to drive right INTO the Gulf of Mexico. As if you should be driving up to that sign in this underwater parking lot. [Closer View]
Sam Houston Tollway shield Taken on the Sam Houston Tollway around Houston. [Closer View]

August 30, 2003

Overheads: Exit 18, Irvington Blvd, Fulton St, 1/4 Mile, Exit 19B, Hardy Toll Rd North Taken on I-610 West, north of Houston. [Closer View]
North I-45, West US 190 shields Taken north of Houston. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 152, Texas OSR, Normangee Taken on I-45 North. [Closer View]
Shields: To Texas 164, US 79, North Texas 75, South Texas 75 Taken in Buffalo. [Closer View]
South US 79 shield Taken in Buffalo, Texas. [Closer View]
South I-45, Texas 79 shields Taken in Buffalo. That's an error, it's actually US 79. [Closer View]
West US 84, East US 84 shields Taken in Fairfield, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 228B, Business I-45 North, Corsicana, I-45 North, Dallas, Exit 229, US 287 South, Palestine Taken on I-45 North. [Closer View]
North Business I-45, US 287 Taken in Corsicana, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-45, West Texas 34, East Texas 34 Taken in Ennis. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 276B, I-20 East, Shreveport, 1/2 Mile, Exit 276A, I-20 West, Ft Worth, 1/4 Mile, Exit 275, Texas 310 North Taken on I-45 North approaching Dallas. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 75, Sherman, I-45 Ends, Exit 284A, I-30 Taken in Dallas, Texas. This is the northern terminus of I-45. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 44B, I-35E South, Waco, I-30 West, Ft Worth, I-35E North, Denton Taken on I-30 West in Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
West I-30 shield Taken in Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]

August 31, 2003

Overhead: Exit 15C, North I-35W, US 287, Denton, Downtown Taken on I-30 West in Fort Worth, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-35W, US 287, US 377, D/FW Airport Taken in Fort Worth, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 57B, I-820 West, Exit 57A, East I-820, Exit 56B, Melody Hills Dr Taken on I-35W North in Fort Worth. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 81, US 287 Taken north of Fort Worth, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 380, Bridgeport, Denton, Exit 1/4 Mile, Decatur Civic Center Taken on US 287 North in Decatur, Texas. [Closer View]
US 380 Traffic Slow Down, Sharp Curve Ahead Taken on US 287 North in Decatur, Texas.
Green sign: US 81 North, Bowie, Waurika Taken on US 287 and US 81 North in Bowie, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: US 82, US 287 Taken near Jolly, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 281, Texas 79 South, Jacksboro, Archer City, West US 82, North US 281, US 287, Wichita Falls Taken in Wichita Falls. [Closer View]
Overheads: West US 82, South US 277, East Spur 447, Abilene, Lubbock, Exit 1 Mile, Loop 473 Taken on US 287 North in Wichita Falls. [Closer View]
Overheads: To I-44, North US 277, US 281, North US 287, Lawton, Amarillo, Broad St Business District, and West US 82, South US 277, East Spur 447, Lubbock, Abilene Taken in Wichita Falls. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 287, Vernon, Amarillo, East I-44, North US 277, US 281, Burkburnett, Lawton, To Spur 325, Sheppard AFB * Taken in Wichita Falls. I think this was the first place that said I was on I-44. So this is approximately the western terminus of I-44. [Closer View]
Shield assembly: East I-44, North US 277, North US 281, US 287 Taken in Wichita Falls. This was the first I-44 shield that I noticed. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 3A, US 287 North, Vernon, Amarillo, 1/2 Mile, East I-44, North US 277, US 281, Lawton, Exit 2, Maurine St Taken in Wichita Falls approaching the I-44/US 287 split. [Closer View]
Green sign: East US 70, North US 183, Loop 145, Oklaunion, Frederick, Exit 1/2 Mile Taken on US 287 North. [Closer View]
Shield assembly: West US 70, South US 183, North US 287 3 out of 4 directions here near Vernon, Texas. If only we could also be going east. [Closer View]
North Farm Road 1949 Taken on US 287 North. [Closer View]
Shields: US 287, South Farm Road 91, North Farm Road 91 Taken on US 287 North in Chillicothe. [Closer View]
Shields: US 287, US 62, US 83 Taken in Childress, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: South Texas 207, North Texas 207 Taken on US 287 North in Claude. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 West, US 287 North, Amarillo, Dumas, E 3rd Ave Taken near Amarillo, where US 287 North joins I-40 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, North US 287 Taken near Amarillo, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 West, Tucumcari, I-27, US 60, Canyon, Lubbock, US 87, US 287, Dumas, 1 1/2 Mile, Exit 71, Ross-Osage St, Arthur St Taken in Amarillo, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-27, US 87, West US 60, Canyon, Lubbock, and North US 87, US 287, Dumas, East US 60, Pampa, Downtown Taken in Amarillo, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-27, West US 60, South US 87 * Taken in Amarillo. This is the first shield at the northern terminus of I-27. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 87, Dalhart, Fillmore St, Truck Route, US 287, Dumas, US 60, Pampa, Buchanan St Taken in Amarillo at the northern terminus of I-27. [Closer View]
Overheads: Business I-40 West, Next Left, US 87 North, Dumas, East Business I-40, East US 60, Next Right, and Old US 66 shield * Taken in Amarillo on US 87 North. [Closer View]
Shields: West Business Loop I-40, Ranch Road 1061 Taken in Amarillo. Apparently in this part of Texas, they're "Ranch Road"s instead of "Farm Road"s. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 37, West Business Loop I-40, Vega, with Old Route 66 shield Taken on I-40 West in Vega, Texas. [Closer View]
Old Route 66 shield * Taken in Vega, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: West Business Loop I-40, South US 385, North US 385 Taken in Vega, Texas. [Closer View]
West I-40 shield Taken in western Texas. [Closer View]
Blue sign: New Mexico Information Center, Free Maps & Literature, Rest Area Taken on I-40 West at the New Mexico border. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, "The Land of Enchantment" * Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, Land of Enchantment * Taken in the welcome center rest area for New Mexico on I-40 West. [Closer View]
West I-40 shield (with New Mexico) Taken just across the border from Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 333, US 54, Mountain Road Taken on I-40 West in Tucumcari, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 329, Business I-40 East, Historical Route 66, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 West near Tucumcari, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-40, Exit 277, Business Loop I-40, US 84, US 54, Santa Rosa Taken on I-40 West in New Mexico. [Closer View]
When Flashing, I-40 Closed, Use Next Exit Taken on I-40 near Santa Rosa, New Mexico.
Green sign: Exit 256, US 84 North, Las Vegas, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 West in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Clines Corner billboard There are a lot of these here on I-40 West, so I put one in.
Overheads: I-40 West, Exit 218A, Clines Corners, 1/2 Mile, Exit 218B, US 285, Vaughn, Santa Fe Taken in New Mexico on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Historic US 66 shield Taken in Moriarty, New Mexico. [Closer View]

Arizona Weekend, September 12-14, 2003

September 12, 2003

Purple Heart Highway Taken on I-40 West in western New Mexico. [Closer View]
Minimum Speed 65, Left Lane Taken on I-40 West in western New Mexico. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Historic US 66 Taken on I-40 West approaching Los Lunas, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elev. 7,275 Ft. Taken on I-40 West in western New Mexico. [Closer View]
West New Mexico 118 shield Taken in Gallup, New Mexico. This is Historic US 66. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 491, to New Mexico 602, Shiprock, Zuni Taken on New Mexico 118 West in Gallup. US 491 was US 666 until a few months before this. The US 666 shields were all covered up by US 491 shields, with no mention of US 666. [Closer View]
Arizona State Line, and Exit 359, Arizona Welcome Ctr, Tourist Info, Vending Machines Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Arizona - The Grand Canyon State Welcomes You Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
West I-40 shield Taken just across the border into Arizona. [Closer View]
West I-40, North US 191 shields Taken in eastern Arizona. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Exit 289, Historic US 66 Taken on I-40 West at Holbrook, Arizona. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 289, Business Loop I-40, Arizona 77, Arizona 377, US 180, Show Low, Heber, 2 Miles Taken on I-40 West at Holbrook, Arizona. [Closer View]
West I-40, US 180 shields Taken between Holbrook and Winslow, Arizona. [Closer View]
Historic US 66 shield Taken in Winslow, Arizona. [Closer View]
Jct Arizona 87 shield Taken in Winslow. [Closer View]
Entering Winslow, Elevation 4850, Founded 1880 Taken on Historic US 66 West. [Closer View]
Historic US 66 shield Taken in Winslow, Arizona. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 201, Business Loop I-40, US 89, North US 180, Flagstaff, Page, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: Business Loop I-40 West, US 180 North, Flagstaff, US 89 North, Page Taken off Exit 201 of I-40. [Closer View]
Sunset Crater National Monument Taken at the west entrance to Sunset Crater NP in Arizona. [Closer View]
Wupatki National Monument Taken at the south/west entrance to Wupatki NM. [Closer View]

September 13, 2003

Overheads: I-17, Arizona 89A South, Sedona, Phoenix, Exit 340A, I-40 East, Albuquerque, Exit 340B, I-40 West, Los Angeles Taken in Flagstaff at the northern terminus of I-17. The exit numbers on I-17 are very high, a fact explained at arizonaroads.com. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-17, Arizona 89A, South I-17 Taken at the airport exit off I-17 South in Flagstaff. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 340B, I-40 West, Los Angeles, 1/2 Mile, Exit 340A, I-40 East, Albuquerque, 1/4 Mile, Exit 339, Lake Mary Rd, Mormon Lake Taken on I-17 North in Flagstaff, near its northern terminus. [Closer View]
Exit 341 Taken on I-17 North at its northern terminus in Flagstaff. [Closer View]
Elevation 7000 Taken on I-17 South near Flagstaff. Arizona is good about marking elevations in multiples of 1000 feet along major highways. [Closer View]
Deer, Next 20 Miles Taken on I-17 South. [Closer View]
South I-17 shield Taken not far south of Flagstaff. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Trucks - Vehicles Pulling Trailers, Use Lower Gear Taken from a rest area/scenic overlook on I-17 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 259, Bloody Basin Rd Taken on I-17 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-17 South, Phoenix, Exit 214C, Loop 101, 3/4 Mile, Exit 215B, Deer Valley Rd, Rose Garden Ln Taken on I-17 South. [Closer View]

September 14, 2003

Overheads: I-10 East, Tucson, Exit 150, I-17 North, Flagstaff Taken on I-10 East in Phoenix, at the southern terminus of I-17. [Closer View]
Shields: End I-17, East I-10, US 60 Taken on I-10 East in Phoenix. It is at the end of the ramp from I-17 South to I-10 East. [Closer View]
East I-10 shield Taken near Phoenix, Arizona. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 200, Sunland Gin Rd, Arizona City, 2 1/4 Miles, Exit 199, I-8 West, San Diego, 1 Mile, Exit 198, Jimmie Kerr Blvd Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 199, I-8 West, San Diego, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-10 West, approaching the eastern terminus of I-8. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 260, I-19 South, Nogales, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
South I-19, Trucks Taken in Tucson, Arizona. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-19 South, Nogales, To I-10, Phoenix, El Paso Taken on Ajo Way in Tucson. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 101B, West I-10, Phoenix, Exit 101A, I-10 East, El Paso Taken on I-19 North at its northern terminus in Tucson. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-10, US 191 Taken in southeastern Arizona. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, The Land of Enchantment Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Caution, Dust Storms May Exist Taken on I-10 East in southwestern New Mexico. This and the subsequent signs were placed one after another. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Zero Visibility Possible Taken on I-10 East in southwestern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Do Not Stop in Travel Lanes Taken on I-10 East in southwestern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Use Extreme Caution Taken on I-10 East in southwestern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Warning, Dust Storm Area, Next 30 Mi. Taken on I-10 East in southwestern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 34, New Mexico 113 South, Playas Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
East I-10 shield Taken in southwestern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Pearl Harbor Memorial Highway Taken on I-10 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elev. 4,585 Ft. Taken on I-10 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Sign assembly: New Mexico 26, US 180, Rock Hound State Park, Silver City, Hatch, Pancho Villa State Park, Palomas Mexico International Border, New Mexico 11 Taken in Deming. [Closer View]
East New Mexico 26 shield Taken near Deming. [Closer View]
Truth or Consequences City Limit, Elev. 4,260 Taken on Business Loop I-25. [Closer View]

Taos Weekend, September 20-21, 2003

September 20, 2003

Shields: US 64, New Mexico 522, New Mexico 150 Taken near Taos. [Closer View]
Taos Ski Valley Village Limit, Elev. 9200 Taken on New Mexico 150 approaching Taos Ski Valley. Compare to winter version of February 1, 2004. [Closer View]

September 21, 2003

Elk Crossing Area Taken on New Mexico 518 south near Taos. [Closer View]
Rocks falling graphic Taken on New Mexico 518 south near Taos. [Closer View]
New Mexico 518 South shield Taken near Holman, possibly. [Closer View]
Jct New Mexico 434 shield Taken on New Mexico 518 South in Mora. [Closer View]
To I-25, End New Mexico 518 Taken in Las Vegas. [Closer View]

Four Corners Weekend, September 26-27, 2003

September 26, 2003

West I-40 sign Taken on 2nd St. in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the I-40 Frontage Road. [Closer View]
Overheads: 4th St South, I-40 West Only, 4th St North Taken on the I-40 Frontage Road west in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Historic Route US 66 sign Taken on the I-40 Frontage Road west at 4th Street in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Green sign: To I-40, US 491 North, New Mexico 602, Zuni Taken in Gallup, getting onto US 491 North, the former US 666. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-40, North US 491, Flagstaff, Shiprock, and I-40 East, Gallup, Grants Taken on US 491 North near its southern terminus in Gallup. [Closer View]
Shields: US 491, Former US 666 Taken on US 491 North near its southern terminus in Gallup. [Closer View]
Indian 9 shield Taken on US 491 North in the Navajo Nation, north of Gallup, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Green sign: Junction US 64, US 491 Taken in Shiprock, New Mexico. You can see that the US 491 was pasted over US 666. This is apparent on a lot of signs in the area. [Closer View]
Arizona, The Grand Canyon State Welcomes You Taken on US 64 West. [Closer View]
Junction US 160, 1/2 Mile Taken on US 64 West in northeastern Arizona. [Closer View]
Shields: End US 64, US 160 Taken on US 64 at its western terminus in northeastern Arizona. [Closer View]
East US 160 shield Taken in northeastern Arizona. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, Land of Enchantment Taken at the junction of New Mexico 597 and US 160 at the Four Corners. US 160 is actually already in New Mexico at this point, but they don't tell us that. [Closer View]
New Mexico 597 shield Taken just off US 160 near the Four Corners monument. [Closer View]
Welcome to Colorful Colorado Taken on US 160 East. [Closer View]
Colorado 41 shield Taken near the Four Corners, just off US 160. [Closer View]
Trail of the Ancients shield Taken on Colorado 41. [Closer View]
Welcome to Utah, Olympic Winter Games, Salt Lake 2002 Taken on Colorado 41/Utah 262. [Closer View]
Utah 262 shield Taken in southeastern Utah. [Closer View]
Shields: West Utah 163, North Utah 262 Taken in Montezuma Creek. [Closer View]
West Utah 163 shield Taken in Montezuma Creek. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 191, US 163, North US 191 Taken in Bluff, Utah. This is the northern terminus of US 163. [Closer View]
South US 191, US 163 shields Taken near Bluff, Utah. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 191, South US 163 Taken near Bluff, Utah. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 163, North Utah 261 Taken near Mexican Hat. [Closer View]
North Utah 261 shield Taken near Medicine Hat, at the southern terminus of Utah 261. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Goosenecks State Park, Natural Bridges Natl. Monument 45 Taken on Utah 261 North. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: 10% Grades, 5 M.P.H. Switchbacks, Narrow Gravel Road, 8 Miles Taken on Utah 261 North. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Not Recommended for Trucks over 10,000 L.B.S. G.W.V., RV's-Buses-Vehicles Towing Taken on Utah 261 North. [Closer View]
Mokee Dugway, Elev. 6425 Ft, 1100 Ft. Drop Next 3 Miles Taken on Utah 261. [Closer View]
Jct. Utah 95, Scenic Byway Taken at the northern terminus of Utah 261. [Closer View]
National Bridges National Monument Taken at the main entrance to National Bridges N.M. [Closer View]
East Utah 95 shield, Scenic Byway Taken near Blanding. [Closer View]

September 27, 2003

Overhead: North US 191 Taken in Blanding, Utah. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 191, East US 491 Taken on US 191 North in Monticello, Utah. This is the western/northern terminus of US 491. [Closer View]
San Juan County 131, Looking Glass shield Taken just off US 191 in Utah. [Closer View]
Shields: Old US 666, New US 491, East US 491, South US 191 Taken on US 191 South in Monticello, Utah. This is the western/northern terminus of US 491, formerly US 666. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 491, South US 191 Taken on US 191 South in Monticello, Utah. This is the western/northern terminus of US 491, formerly US 666. [Closer View]
Shields: Old US 666, New US 491 Taken on US 491 East in Monticello, Utah, near the western/northern terminus of US 491, formerly US 666. [Closer View]
South US 491 shield and Dolores County Taken on US 491 East/South approaching the Colorado border. [Closer View]
Welcome to Colorful Colorado Taken on US 491 East/South. [Closer View]
Old US 666, New US 491, Effective 7-1-03 Taken on US 491 South, just across the Colorado border. Here, they not only tell us the old and new numbers, but when the transition became official. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 160, Durango, US 491, Shiprock NM, US 160, Four Corners Taken on US 491 South in Cortez, Colorado. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 160 East, Pagosa Spgs, US 550 South, Farmington Taken on US 160 East and US 550 South in Durango, Colorado. [Closer View]
South US 550 shield Taken in Bloomfield, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elev 7380 Taken on US 550 South. [Closer View]

Grand Canyon Weekend, October 23-27, 2003

October 24, 2003

Green sign: Exit 233, Meteor Crater Rd, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-40 West in Arizona. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Primitive Road, Caution, Use at your own risk, this surface is not regularly maintained Taken just off of Meteor Crater Road near Meteor Crater in Arizona. [Closer View]
Green directional sign: Page, Grand Canyon Taken on US 89 North in Cameron, Arizona. [Closer View]
Brown directional sign: Grand Canyon National Park, North Rim, South Rim Taken on US 89 North in Cameron, Arizona. [Closer View]
Shields: West Arizona 64, North US 89 Taken on US 89 North in Cameron, Arizona. This is the eastern terminus of Arizona 64. [Closer View]
West Arizona 64 shield, Bushmaster Memorial Highway Taken near Cameron. [Closer View]
Kaibab National Forest Taken on Arizona 64 West. [Closer View]
Grand Canyon National Park Taken on Arizona 64 West. [Closer View]

October 25, 2003

Green sign: I-40 West, Los Angeles, I-40 East, Albuquerque Taken in Flagstaff, at the western end of the Historic US 66 loop. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Trucks - Vehicles Pulling Trailers, Check Brakes - Equipment, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-40 West near Ash Fork, Arizona. [Closer View]
Yellow warning signs: Trucks - Vehicles Pulling Trailers, Use Lower Gear, Next 6 Miles Taken on I-40 West near Ash Fork, Arizona. [Closer View]
Green distance sign: Jct Arizona 89 4, Ash Fork 5, Los Angeles 448 Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Exit 139, Historic US 66 Taken on I-40 West in Arizona. [Closer View]
Crookton Rd, Historic US 66, and West I-40 shield Taken off Exit 139 of I-40 in Arizona. [Closer View]
Historic Route 66, Yavapai County, AKA Crookton Rd Taken off Exit 139 of I-40 in Arizona. [Closer View]
Shields: Historic US 66, to Arizona 66, Business Loop I-40, To I-40 Taken in Seligman. [Closer View]
Historic Route 66, Yavapai County Taken on Arizona 66 West near Seligman. [Closer View]
Indian 18 shield Taken on Arizona 66 West. [Closer View]
Historic Arizona 66 shield Taken on Arizona 66 West near Peach Springs. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, US 93 South, Flagstaff, Phoenix, Left Lane, Business Loop I-40, Andy Devine Ave, I-40 West, US 93 North, Los Angeles, Las Vegas Taken on Arizona 66 West in Kingman. [Closer View]
Shields: Historic US 66, End Arizona 66 Taken in Kingman. [Closer View]
Exit 48: US 93 to Arizona 68, Beale St, Las Vegas, 2 Miles Taken on I-40 West in Kingman. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, North US 93 Taken in Kingman, Arizona. [Closer View]
Warning sign: No Trucks - Buses on US 93 over Hoover Dam, Use Alternate Route Taken on I-40 West in Kingman, Arizona. [Closer View]
Colorado River Taken on I-40 West, crossing from Arizona into California. [Closer View]
California State Line Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to California, San Bernardino County Line Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Entering Pacific Time Zone Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
West I-40 shield Taken near Needles, California. [Closer View]
Green distance sign: Needles 6, Barstow 148 Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Needles City Limit, Elev 484 Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Jct US 95 shield Taken on the offramp from I-40 West in Needles, California. [Closer View]
Historic Route 66 Taken in Needles, California. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 95 North, Searchlight, Las Vegas, Exit 1 Mile Taken on I-40 West near Needles, California. [Closer View]
Welcome to Nevada Taken on US 95 North. [Closer View]
Jct US 93 shield Taken on US 95 North in Nevada. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-515, US 93, US 95 Taken near Las Vegas, Nevada. [Closer View]

October 26, 2003

End Nevada 169 shield, and Lake Mead National Recreation Area Taken south of Overton. [Closer View]
Lake Mead National Recreation Area Taken on Nevada 169 near Valley of Fire State Park. [Closer View]
Valley of Fire State Park Taken on Nevada 169. [Closer View]
No Trucks or Buses on Hoover Dam, and South US 93 shield Taken in the Lake Mead National Recreation Area. [Closer View]
Arizona, The Grand Canyon State Welcomes You Taken on US 93 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Kingman, Az., The Heart of Historic Route 66 Taken on US 93 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, US 93 South, Flagstaff, Phoenix, Business Loop I-40, Beale St., I-40 West, Los Angeles Taken on US 93 South in Kingman. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-40, South US 93 Taken in Kingman. [Closer View]

October 27, 2003

Overheads: South Arizona 77, East US 180, Show Low, St Johns, To I-40, West US 180, Flagstaff Taken in Holbrook. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 180, South Arizona 77, To Arizona 377 Taken in Holbrook. [Closer View]
Petrified Forest National Park Taken off of US 180 at the south entrance to the park. [Closer View]
New Mexico State Line Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, "The Land of Enchantment" Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]

New Mexico and Texas, November 6-9, 2003

November 7, 2003

Shields: US 70 South US 285 Taken in Roswell, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 70, South US 285 Taken in Roswell, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: US 70, US 285, US 380 Taken in Roswell, New Mexico. [Closer View]
US 82 shield Taken on US 285 South in Artesia, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct US 62, US 180 Taken on US 285 South in Carlsbad, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 62, US 180, South US 285 Taken in Carlsbad, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Carlsbad Caverns National Park, Park Entrance 0.2 mi., Visitor Center 6.8 mi. Taken in Whites City, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Carlsbad Caverns National Park Taken at the main park entrance near Whites City, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly, The Texas Way Taken on US 62 and US 180 West. [Closer View]
Texas Farm Road 652, US 62, US 180 Taken just across the border from New Mexico on US 62 and US 180 West. [Closer View]
Guadalupe Mountains National Park Taken at the main entrance off US 62 and US 180. [Closer View]

November 8, 2003

South US 85 shield Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
East US 62 shield Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-10, US 54, Juarez, Right Lane Taken in El Paso, Texas, on surface streets. [Closer View]
Overheads: You are leaving the United States, Cordova Intl Bridge, and in the background, Welcome to, Bienvenidos a Mexico Taken from streets in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: East US 62, To I-10, Paisano Dr, and East Texas 20, Fabens Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 62, US 180 Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: West US 180, Las Cruces, Exit 22A, Texas 478, Copia St, 1 Mile, Exit 22B, US 54, Patriot Frwy, Alamogordo, Juarez, Ft Bliss, Chamizal National Memorial Taken on I-10 West in El Paso. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 85, East US 62 Taken in El Paso, Texas, right around the southern terminus of US 85 and the western terminus of US 62. [Closer View]
Overhead: West I-10, US 180, Las Cruces Taken on US 54 South in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 28A, F.M. 2316, Mc Rae Blvd, Sumac Dr Taken on I-10 East in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 32, F.M. 659, Zaragosa Rd, George Dieter Rd Taken on I-10 East in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: East Texas Farm Road 76, West Texas Farm Road 76 Taken on Texas Farm Road 659 South in El Paso. [Closer View]
Mission Trail Taken on Texas Farm Road 659 South in El Paso. [Closer View]
West Loop 375 shield Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 54 East, Alamogordo, US 62, Paisano Dr Taken on Loop 375 West in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-10, North US 85, West US 180 Taken near El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 0, F.M. 1905, Anthony Taken on I-10 West in Texas. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, "The Land of Enchantment" Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: Junction I-25 North, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-10 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 West, Deming, Exit 144, I-25 North, Albuquerque Taken on I-10 West. This is the southern terminus of I-25. [Closer View]
North I-25 shield and Mile 0 Taken in Las Cruces, New Mexico, at the southern terminus of I-25. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-25, Albuquerque, US 70, Las Cruces, Alamogordo, 1 Mile Taken on I-25 North near Las Cruces, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-25, Albuquerque, US 70 West, Las Cruces, US 70 East, Alamogordo, Del Ray Blvd Taken on I-25 North near Las Cruces, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 70 West, Las Cruces, US 70 East, Alamogordo Taken just off Exit 6 of I-25 in New Mexico. [Closer View]
US 70, Bataan Memorial Highway Taken on US 70 East in Las Cruces, New Mexico. [Closer View]
East US 70 shield Taken in Las Cruces, New Mexico. [Closer View]
You Are Entering White Sands Missile Range, Birthplace of America's Missile and Space Activity, Visit Our Museum, Gift Shop & Missile Park Taken on US 70 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
White Sands National Monument Taken on US 70 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Alamogordo Business Route, White Sands Blvd., US 54 North, US 70 East, Tularosa, US 54 South, El Paso Taken on US 70 East approaching Alamogordo. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 54, East US 70, US 82 Taken in Alamogordo, New Mexico. [Closer View]

November 9, 2003

Pre-1937 Historic US 66 Route Taken in Santa Fe, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Scenic Byway Taken on New Mexico 14 South near Santa Fe. [Closer View]
Turquoise Trail Taken on New Mexico 14 South near Madrid. [Closer View]

Wolf Creek, Colorado, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, November 15, 2003

November 15, 2003

Shields: US 160, US 84 Taken on US 160 East near Pagosa Springs, Colorado. This is the northern terminus of US 84. [Closer View]
East US 160 shield Taken near Pagosa Springs, Colorado. [Closer View]
Wolf Creek Pass Summit, 8 Miles Taken on US 160 East east of Pagosa Springs, Colorado. [Closer View]
Yellow Warning Sign: Snowslide Area Taken on US 160 West descending from Wolf Creek Pass. [Closer View]
Yellow Warning Sign: 5 Axles or More, Weight/Max Speed, 50000-65000/18, 65000-75000/13, 75000-85000/11 Taken on US 160 West descending from Wolf Creek Pass. [Closer View]
US 84 shield Taken on US 160 West near Pagosa Springs, Colorado. This is the northern terminus of US 84. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Mexico, "The Land of Enchantment" Taken on US 84 South. [Closer View]
Junction US 64 Taken on US 84 South near Chama, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: US 64, US 84, and US 64 Taken on US 84 South near Chama, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 64 US 84 Taken near Chama, New Mexico. [Closer View]

Ride from Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Williamstown, Massachusetts, November 21-26, 2003

November 21, 2003

I-40 East, Santa Rosa Taken on University Blvd. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 175, New Mexico 14, New Mexico 333, New Mexico 337, Tijeras, Cedar Crest Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 273, Business Loop I-40 East, Santa Rosa, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, Tucumcari, Business Loop I-40 East, Santa Rosa Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East Business Loop I-40, Historic US 66 Route Taken in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. [Closer View]
South US 54 shield Taken in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: East Business Loop I-40, East US 84, US 54 Taken in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. [Closer View]
South US 84 shield Taken in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: US 60, US 84 Taken in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 84, East US 60 Taken in Fort Sumner, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overhead: US 60, US 84, Texico Taken in Texico, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 60, US 84, US 70 Taken in Texico, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 60, US 84, US 70 Taken in Texico, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Jct New Mexico 348 shield Taken in Texico. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 60, US 70, US 84 split Taken in Texico, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Texas State Line Taken on US 70 and US 84 East, entering into Farwell, Texas. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas Taken on US 70 and US 84 East, entering into Farwell, Texas. [Closer View]
Texas Farm Road 746 shield Taken on US 70 and US 84 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 385, Littlefield, Levelland, Exit 1 Mile Taken on US 84 West near Littlefield, Texas. [Closer View]
Don't Mess With Texas, Up to $1000 Fine for Littering Taken on US 84 West near Lubbock. [Closer View]
East Loop 289 shield Taken in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-27, US 87, Amarillo, Ash Ave Taken on Loop 289 in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-27, South US 87 Taken in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 3, US 62 and more, obscured by Watch for Ice on Bridge Taken on I-27 South in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-27, South US 87 Taken in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: South US 87, I-27, Tahoka Taken in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-27, US 87, Lubbock, Exit 1, US 84, Loop 289, Littlefield Taken on I-27 North near its southern terminus in Lubbock, Texas. [Closer View]
Texas Farm Road 399 shield Taken on US 84 East [Closer View]
Shields: US 380, Texas 207, Texas Farm Road 651 Taken in Post. [Closer View]
Shields: US 84, Texas 208 Taken in Snyder. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 180, Roby, Lamesa, Exit 1 Mile Taken on US 84 East in Snyder, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-20, Abilene, El Paso, 1 1/4 Mile Taken on US 84 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-20, Abilene, I-20 West, El Paso Taken on US 84 East. [Closer View]
East I-20 shield and Green sign: Exit 247, Business Loop I-20, Texas 70, Sweetwater, Roby, 1 Mile Taken west of Sweetwater, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 307, US 283, Albany, Coleman, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-20 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Blurred East I-20 shield Taken in central Texas. [Closer View]
Blurred overhead: Exit 421, East I-30, Downtown Ft Worth, East I-20, Dallas, Shreveport Taken on I-20 East at the I-20/I-30 split west of Fort Worth, Texas. This is the western terminus of I-30. [Closer View]

November 22, 2003

East Texas 352 shield Taken in Mesquite. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-20, South I-635 Taken in Mesquite, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Seagoville, Use US 175 East, Exit 479B Taken on I-635 South in Mesquite, Texas. [Closer View]
End I-635, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-635 South in Balch Springs, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-20 West, Ft Worth, Exit 479B, US 175 East, Kaufman, Exit 1C, I-20 East, Tyler, Shreveport Taken on I-635 South at its southern terminus in Balch Springs, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-635 Ends Taken exiting I-635 South at its southern terminus in Balch Springs, Texas. [Closer View]
East I-20 shield Taken east of Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 589B, Texas 31 East, Downtown Longview, 1/4 Mile, East I-20, North US 259, Exit 589A, South US 259, West Texas 31, Kilgore, Henderson Taken on I-20 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 589B, Texas 31 East, Downtown Longview, I-20, US 259, Shreveport Taken on I-20 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-20, North US 259 Taken near Longview, Texas. [Closer View]
South US 59 shield Taken in Marshall, Texas. [Closer View]
Louisiana State Line Taken on I-20 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Louisiana, Bienvenue en Louisiane Taken on I-20 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 3, Louisiana 169, South US 79, Mooringsport, Carthage, Tex Taken on I-20 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 5, North US 79, US 80, Greenwood, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-20 East in Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 11, East I-220 By-Pass, East Louisiana 3133, To Alexandria, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-20 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 16A, US 171, Hearne Ave, Next Right, Willis-Knighton Medical Center, Exit 16A Taken on I-20 East in Shreveport, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Pete Harris Dr, I-49 South, Alexandria Taken on I-20 East. This is the northern terminus of I-49. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 172, US 84, Grand Bayou, Mansfield Taken on I-49 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 162, US 371, Louisiana 177, Coushatta, Pleasant Hill, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-49 South. [Closer View]
South I-49 shield Taken near Alexandria, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-49, US 167, Lafayette, Exit 18, Louisiana 31, Creswell Lane, 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 19, US 190, Baton Rouge, Opelousas Taken on I-49 South. [Closer View]
Louisiana 31 shield Taken in Opelousas. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-49, South US 167 Taken near Opelousas, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 167 South, Lafayette, I-10 East, Baton Rouge, Next Right, Exit 1A, I-10 West, Lake Charles Taken on I-49 South. This is the southern terminus of I-49. [Closer View]
Speed Limit 60, Atchafalaya Swamp Freeway Taken on I-10 East. The speed limit drops to 60 on sections of I-10 that are raised above swamps. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 155B, North I-110, Bus. District, Metro Airport, East I-10 to I-12, New Orleans, Hammond, 2 Miles Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 155A, Louisiana 30, To LSU, Nicholson Dr, Highland Rd, 1 Mile, and Mississippi River Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 159, East I-12, Hammond, I-10 East, New Orleans Taken on I-10 East. This is the western terminus of I-12. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 159, East I-12, Hammond, I-10 East, New Orleans Taken on I-10 East. This is the western terminus of I-12. [Closer View]
East I-12 shield Taken near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 35, Louisiana 1249, Baptist Pumpkin Center, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-12 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-12 East, Slidell, Exit 38B, I-55 North, Jackson, Next Right, Exit 38A, I-55 South, New Orleans Taken on I-12 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 47, Louisiana 445, Robert, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-12 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 85A-B-C, Junction I-10, I-59, 1 Mile Taken on I-12 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 85C, I-10 East, Bay St Louis, Exit 85B, I-59 North, Hattiesburg Taken on I-12 East. This is the eastern terminus of I-12. [Closer View]
Mississippi Welcomes You Taken on I-10 East. This sign was replaced by my next trip on July 30, 2005. [Closer View]
Stephen E. Ambrose Memorial Highway Taken on I-10 East in Mississippi. [Closer View]
Very blurred Alabama State Line Taken on I-10 East.
Very blurred Welcome to Alabama Taken on I-10 East.
Very blurred Florida State Line Taken on I-10 East.

November 23, 2003

Green signs: Entering Gadsden County, Entering Eastern Time Zone, Apalachacola River Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 283, US 129, Live Oak, Jasper, 1 Mile Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 296AB, I-75, Tampa, Valdosta, Jct 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Jacksonville, Exit 296B, I-75 North, Valdosta, 1/4 Mile, Exit 296A, I-75 South, Tampa Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East Florida 326, West Marion County 326 Taken in Zuber. [Closer View]

November 25, 2003

Overhead: Exit 265, Florida 582, Fowler Ave, Temple Terrace Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]

November 26, 2003

We enjoyed your company, Please Come Back! Taken on I-95 North, leaving Maryland. [Closer View]
Welcome to Delaware, Small Wonder, The First State, Home of Tax-Free Shopping, Delaware Turnpike, Buckle Up, It's The Law! Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct Palisades Interstate Parkway, Jct Seven Lakes Drive Taken on US 6 East near Bear Mountain, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 6, North Palisades Interstate Parkway, To Bear Mountain Bridge Taken near Bear Mountain, New York. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 9W North, West Point, East US 6, Bear Mountain Bridge, East US 202, South US 9W, West US 202, Haverstraw Taken near the Bear Mountain Bridge in New York. [Closer View]
Overhead: New York 9D, Cold Spring, US 6, US 202, Peekskill Taken on the Bear Mountain Bridge, New York. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 9, Fishkill, South US 6, US 9, US 202, Peekskill Taken in New York. [Closer View]
Shields: Bear Mountain Pkwy, East US 6, To Taconic State Pkwy, South US 9, East US 202 Taken near Peekskill, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: New York 6N, US 6 Taken in Peekskill. [Closer View]
Shields: New York 312, I-84 East, I-84 West Taken in downstate New York. [Closer View]

December 20, 2003

Green sign: I-25 South, Belen Taken on the I-25 Frontage Road South, just south of Montgomery Blvd. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-25 South, Las Cruces, Exits 226A-B, I-40, Gallup, Santa Rosa, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-25 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-25 South, Las Cruces, Exit 225, Lomas Blvd, 1/2 Mile, Exit 226A, I-40 East, Santa Rosa, Exit 226B, I-40 West, Gallup Taken on I-25 South at "The Big I" in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-40 West, Grants, Exit 155, Coors Rd., Rio Rancho, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-40, US 66 West, Gallup, I-40 East, Santa Rosa Taken southbound on Paseo Del Volcan in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is interesting that US 66 is signed as a regular US route at this intersection. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 66 East, Central Ave., I-40, US 66 West, Gallup Taken southbound on Paseo Del Volcan in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Historic US 66 Route shield Taken at the west end of Central Ave. eastbound in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]

Ride to Maine, December 26-27, 2003

December 26, 2003

Entering Greenfield Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
French King Bridge Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. For a summer view, see September 21, 2002. [Closer View]
Green sign: Notice, I-495 Ends, Entering I-95 North Taken on I-495 North near Salisbury, Massachusetts. This sign seems to be fairly new. I don't remember seeing it on previous trips. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Hampshire, The Granite State, Bienvenue Taken on the ramp from I-95 North to the New Hampshire Welcome Center rest area. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 4, Spaulding Turnpike, US 4, New Hampshire 16, N H Lakes, White Mts, and I-95 North, Portsmouth, Maine Points Taken on I-95 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, To All Maine Points, Exit 5, Bypass US 1, Portsmouth Circle, 1/4 Mile (0.4 km) Taken on I-95 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overhead on bridge: State Line, Maine, Vacationland Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Welcome to Maine, The Way Life Should Be Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Red sign: Maine Turnpike, The Maine Gold Star Memorial Highway, Dedicated 1965 Taken on I-95 North in southern Maine. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-95, North Maine Turnpike Taken in southern Maine. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-95, Maine Turnpike North Taken at Exit 6A near Portland. [Closer View]

December 27, 2003

Shields: South Maine Turnpike, South I-95 Taken near Portland. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Hampshire, The Granite State Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-93 South, Derry, Boston, and Manchester Airport, North I-293, West New Hampshire 101, Manchester, Bedford Taken on New Hampshire 101 West and I-93 South in Manchester. [Closer View]
Overhead: West New Hampshire 101, Everett Turnpike, to US 3, Bedford, Nashua, North I-293, Manchester, Concord, 1/2 Mile Taken in Manchester, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overheads: West New Hampshire 101, Everett Turnpike, to US 3, Bedford, Nashua, I-293 North, Manchester, Concord Taken in Manchester. [Closer View]
West New Hampshire 9 shield Taken near Keene. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-91, West Vermont 9, North US 5, South US 5 Taken in Brattleboro. [Closer View]

Ride to Albuquerque, January 22-25, 2004

January 22, 2004

Shields: West New York 7, North New York 142 Taken in Brunswick. This is the southern terminus of New York 142. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-87, New York Thruway, East I-287, Tappan Zee Br, New York City, Exit 15, South I-287, South New Jersey 17, New Jersey Taken on I-87 South in New York. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 41A-B, I-80, Del Water Gap, New York City, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-287 South in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 21A-B, I-78, Easton PA, New York City, 1 Mile Taken on I-287 South in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-287 South, Perth Amboy, Exit 21A, I-78 East, New York City, 1/4 Mile, Exit 21B, I-78 West, Easton PA Taken on I-287 South in New Jersey. [Closer View]
West I-78 shield Taken on I-78 in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-78, US 22 Taken in western New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-78 West, Pennsylvania, Exit 3, US 22, New Jersey 122, Phillipsburg, Alpha Taken on I-78 West in western New Jersey. [Closer View]
Pennsylvania Welcomes You Taken on I-78 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to West Virginia Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: Ohio Welcomes You, Exit 4, Ohio 7, Bellaire, Bridgeport, Next Right Taken on I-470 West near Wheeling, West Virginia.
Blurred overheads: I-470 West, Cambridge, Columbus, and something too blurred to see Taken on I-470 West in Ohio, just across the border from West Virginia.
Blurred West I-470 shield Taken on I-470 West in Ohio, just across the border from West Virginia.
Overhead: I-70 West, Columbus, Exit 1, Banfield Rd, Mall Rd Taken in eastern Ohio.
Green sign: Exit 186, US 40, Ohio 265, Senecaville, Old Washington Taken on I-70 West.
Overheads: Exit 180A, I-77 South, Marietta, 1/3 Mile, and Exit 180B, I-77 North, Cleveland Taken on I-70 West.

January 23, 2004

Overheads: I-70 West, Columbus, Exit 108A, South I-270, Cincinnati, Exit 108B, North I-270, Cleveland Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-71 South, I-70 West, Cincinnati, Dayton, Exit 100B, US 23 Fourth St, Downtown, 2 Miles, Exit 101A, I-71 North, Cleveland, 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 101B, US 40, Broad St Taken in Columbus, Ohio.
Overheads: Exit 99A, I-71 South, Cincinnati, Exit 99B, North Ohio 315, 1/4 Mile, I-70 West, Dayton, Exit 99C, Rich St, Town St, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-70 West in Columbus. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-675 South, Cincinnati, Spangler Rd Taken on I-70 West near Fairborn, Ohio. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 33B, I-75 North, Toledo, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 33A, I-75 South, Dayton, 1/4 Mile, Exit 33B, I-75 North, Toledo Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-70, West US 35 Taken in western Ohio. [Closer View]
Thank You For Visiting Ohio Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Indiana State Line, and Overheads: Exit 156A, US 40 West, National Rd., Exit 156B, US 40 East, Lewisburg, OH Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Indiana, Crossroads of America Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-465 South, I-465 North Taken on I-70 West, approaching Indianapolis. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 West, I-65 South, Exit 83A, Michigan St., Ohio St., Fletcher Ave., Exit 83B, I-65 North, Chicago Taken on I-70 West in Indianapolis. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-65 South, Louisville, Exit 110B, I-70 West, St. Louis, 1/2 Mile, Exit 110A, East St., 1/4 Mile Taken on I-70 West in Indianapolis. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 West, Terre Haute, St. Louis, Exit 73A, I-465 South, I-74 East, 1/4 Mile, Exit 73B, I-465 North, I-74 West Taken on I-70 West, leaving Indianapolis. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-70 West, St. Louis Taken in western Indiana. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Brazil 19, Terre Haute 32, St. Louis 200 Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 7, US 41, US 150, Evansville, Terre Haute, 1 Mile Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Illinois State Line Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
The People of Illinois welcome you Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-70 East, Terre Haute Taken in eastern Illinois. [Closer View]
South Illinois 1 shield Taken in eastern Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: To I-70, US 40 1 Mi, Marshall 2 Mi Taken in eastern Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-70 West, Effingham Taken in eastern Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-57 South, I-70 West, Memphis, St. Louis, Exit 98, I-57 North, Chicago Taken near Effingham, Illinois. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 162, US 45, Effingham, Sigel Taken on I-70 West and I-57 South. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-57, West I-70 Taken in central Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-57, Memphis, I-70 West, St Louis Taken in central Illinois. [Closer View]
Historic National Road shield Taken near Effingham, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: To Illinois 185, US 51 Taken in central Illinois. [Closer View]
Overhead shield assembly: East US 40, East Illinois 185, South US 51, West US 40, West Illinois 185 Taken in Vandalia, Illinois. [Closer View]

January 24, 2004

Shields: West I-44, US 50 Taken in eastern Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: Business Loop I-44, Missouri 5, Missouri 32, Missouri 64 Taken in Lebanon. [Closer View]
Historic Missouri US 66 Shield Taken in Lebanon. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 100, Missouri 38, County W, Marshfield Taken on I-44 West. [Closer View]
Trail of Tears Auto Route Tour Taken on I-44 West in Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-44 West, Tulsa, Exit 82A, US 65 South, Branson, Next Right, Exit 82B, US 65 North, Sedalia Taken on I-44 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-44 West, Joplin, Exit 80A, Business Loop I-44, Glenstone Ave, Next Right, Exit 80B, County H, Pleasant Hope Taken on I-44 West in Missouri. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 18B, US 71 North, Carthage, Kansas City, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-44 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-44 West, US 71 South, Joplin, Exit 18A, Missouri 59 South, Diamond, Exit 18B, US 71 North, Carthage, Kansas City Taken on I-44 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 15, Business Loop I-44, West Missouri 66, 7th Street, 1 Mile Taken on I-44 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: East I-44, North US 71, Springfield, Kansas City Taken on the ramp from I-44 West onto Missouri 66 West near Joplin. [Closer View]
Welcome to Kansas Taken on Missouri 66 West, formerly US 66. [Closer View]
Historic Kansas US 66 shield, and Kansas 66 and Kansas 26 shields Taken in or near Galena. [Closer View]
West Kansas 66 shield Taken in Galena. [Closer View]
Old US 66 shield, and Historic Kansas US 66 shield Taken in Galena. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 400, South Alt US 69, West US 400, North Alt US 69, Historic Kansas US 66, and End Kansas 66 in the background Taken in southeastern Kansas. [Closer View]
Shields: Alt US 69, US 166 Taken in Baxter Springs?, Kansas. [Closer View]
Leaving Kansas, Come Again Taken on Alt US 69 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Oklahoma, Native America Taken on Alt US 69 South, which is also Historic US 66. [Closer View]
Shields: South Oklahoma 69A (should be Alt US 69?), To I-44, South US 69 Taken in northeastern Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Historic Oklahoma US 66 shield Taken on US 69 South near the Kansas border in northeastern Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Shields: East Oklahoma 10, West Oklahoma 10 Taken on US 69 South in or near Miami. [Closer View]
Overhead: Historic Oklahoma US 66 Route, Downtown Business District Taken on US 69 South in or near Miami. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 33A, US 412 East, Chouteau, Siloam Springs, 1 Mile, Exit 34, West I-44, US 412, Oklahoma 66, Tulsa, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-44 West approaching Tulsa. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-44, West US 412 Taken near Tulsa, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-44, US 412, Oklahoma 66 Taken near Tulsa. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-44, Oklahoma 66, Sapulpa, Okla. City, West I-244, US 412, Sand Springs, Enid Taken near Tulsa. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 233, East 21st St, 3/4 Mile, Exit 234, US 169, Broken Arrow, Owasso Taken on I-44 West in Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-44, Oklahoma 66, Okla. City, Exit 232, Memorial Dr., E. 31st ST., Exit 233B, E. 21St ST. Taken near Tulsa. [Closer View]
Pikepass Only Taken on I-44 West between Tulsa and Oklahoma City. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, West I-44, Okla. City, Downtown, Exit 3/4 Mile, Kilpatrick Turnpike, Exit 3/4 Mile, North I-35, Wichita, Exit 3/4 Mile Taken on I-44 West in Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Oklahoma City City Limits Taken on I-35 South and I-44 West.
Shields: South I-35, West I-44 Taken in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-35 South, Okla. City, Dallas, Exit 133, West I-44, Lawton, Amarillo Taken in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, West I-40, Dallas, Amarillo, East I-40, US 270, Ft. Smith Taken in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
US 270, Follow I-40 Taken on I-35 South and I-44 West in Oklahoma City. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 126, I-40 West, Amarillo, I-235 North, State Capitol, Edmond Taken from I-40 West looking up at an overpass in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, US 270 Taken west of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 138-139, Oklahoma 4, Mustang Rd., Yukon, Mustang, Kilpatrick Turnpike East Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Chisholm Trail sign Taken on I-40 West in western Oklahoma. (blurred)
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly - The Texas Way, Texas State Line, Wheeler County Line Taken on I-40 West (and badly blurred). [Closer View]

Ride from Albuquerque to Taos and back, January 31-February 1, 2004

January 31, 2004

Overheads: I-25 North, Santa Fe, Exit 233, Alameda Blvd., 3/4 Mile Taken on I-25 North in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
North New Mexico 599 shield Taken near Santa Fe. [Closer View]
Overhead: North US 84, US 285, Espanola, US 84 US 285 South, Santa Fe Taken on New Mexico 599 at the northern terminus of the "Santa Fe Relief Route". [Closer View]

February 1, 2004

Taos Ski Valley Village Limit, Elev 9200 Taken on New Mexico 150 "uphill". Compare to summer version of September 20, 2003. [Closer View]
Carson National Forest, Welcome to Taos Ski Valley Taken on New Mexico 150. [Closer View]

Ride from Albuquerque to Wolf Creek Ski Area and back, February 7-8, 2004

February 7, 2004

North US 550 Taken between Bernalillo and Cuba, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Elevation 7000 Feet Taken just north of Cuba, New Mexico, on US 550 North. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elev 7380 Taken just north of Cuba, New Mexico, on US 550 North. [Closer View]
New Mexico 537 shield and green sign: Lindrith, Dulce Taken just north of Cuba, New Mexico, on US 550 North. [Closer View]
US 537 shield Taken on New Mexico 537 North. This is an error - there is no US 537 here or anywhere. [Closer View]

February 8, 2004

East US 160 shield Taken on the way up Wolf Creek Pass, Colorado, in a steady snow. [Closer View]

San Francisco Bay Area, February 24-29, 2004

February 24, 2004

Green sign: US 101 South, San Jose Taken in Brisbane, California. [Closer View]
Freeway Entrance, US 101 South Taken in Brisbane, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 101, San Jose, North Access Road, San Bruno Avenue, SF Intl Airport, West I-380, to I-280, San Bruno Taken on US 101 South. [Closer View]

February 25, 2004

San Francisco City and County Taken on US 101 North. [Closer View]

February 26, 2004

I-80, US 101, Bay Bridge Taken on King Street in San Francisco, California. [Closer View]
Jct. I-80 shield and overhead: Ninth Street, Civic Center, I-80 Bay Bridge, To US 101 North Taken on US 101 North in San Francisco, California. This is the western terminus of I-80. [Closer View]

February 27, 2004

Overheads: Freeway, US 101 North, San Francisco, West I-380 to I-280, San Bruno, US 101 South, San Jose, Long term Parking Taken leaving the rental car garage at San Francisco International Airport. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-280, San Jose, and San Francisco, North I-280 Taken in San Bruno, California on I-380 West at its western terminus. [Closer View]
North I-280 shield Taken in Daly City, California, I think. [Closer View]
South California 1 shield Taken in Pacifica. [Closer View]
Green sign: San Francisco, California 1, Half Moon Bay, Santa Cruz Taken in Pacifica. [Closer View]

February 28, 2004

US 101 shield Taken on Van Ness Street in San Francisco, California. [Closer View]
Green sign: Mill Valley, California 1 North, Stinson Beach, Muir Woods, Mt Tamalpais Taken in Mill Valley. [Closer View]
California 1, Narrow Road, Vehicles Over 35 Feet Not Advised Taken on California 1 North near Mill Valley. [Closer View]
Muir Woods National Monument Taken on California 1. [Closer View]
Muir Woods National Monument Taken, well, at the entrance to Muir Woods. [Closer View]
Green sign: Santa Rosa, US 101, San Francisco Taken near Mill Valley, California. [Closer View]
Overhead: Richmond bridge, Francisco Blvd, I-580 Taken on US 101 North in San Rafael, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 101, Eureka, Santa Rosa, South Novato Boulevard, Vallejo, Napa, California 37 Taken on US 101 North in Novato. [Closer View]
Petaluma Blvd So, Next Exit, Downtown Petaluma Taken on US 101 North. [Closer View]
Ice Arena, Cafe, Gifts, Next Right, Schulz Museum, Second Right Taken in Santa Rosa, California. [Closer View]
Charles M. Schulz Museum and Research Center Parking Taken in Santa Rosa, California. [Closer View]
Welcome to Ukiah Taken on US 101 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-80 San Francisco Badly blurred, but taken in Vallejo, California.
Overheads: I-580, Oakland, I-880, San Jose, I-80 San Francisco, 3 Right Lanes, Powell Street, Emeryville Taken on I-80 West in Emeryville, California. [Closer View]

February 29, 2004

Tight Turn Ahead, Trucks and Buses Not Advised, and Coit Tower, Telegraph Hill Taken in San Francisco, California. [Closer View]
Prevent Runaways, Curb Wheels, Park in Gear, Set Brake Taken in San Francisco, California. [Closer View]
No Noise, Do Not Enter Taken at the base of the crooked part of Lombard Street in San Francisco, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: California 35, Skyline Blvd, To South I-280, San Jose, North California 1, Pacifica, Santa Cruz, South California 1 Taken in Daly City. [Closer View]
South I-280 Shield Taken in Daly City, California. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-380, US 101, S F Intl Airport, Exit 1 Mile Taken on I-280 South in San Bruno, California. [Closer View]

Albuquerque to Williamstown, March 16-18, 2004

March 16, 2004

Distances: Santa Rosa 70, Tucumcari 129, Amarillo 239 Taken on I-40 East in New Mexico.
Distances: US 84 North 26, Santa Rosa 44, Tucumcari 103 Taken on I-40 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
East I-40 shield Taken in eastern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 329, Business Loop I-40, East US 54, Historic US 66, Historical Route 66 Taken on I-40 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Texas State Line Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Entering Central Time Zone Taken on I-40 East, crossing from New Mexico into Texas. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly The Texas Way Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Exit 22, Old Route 66, East Business Loop I-40, Adrian, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Texas. [Closer View]
East I-40 shield Taken near Adrian, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 78, US 287 South, Fort Worth Taken on I-40 East near Amarillo, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, Oklahoma City, Exit 78, US 287 South, Fort Worth Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Old Route 66, Exit 110, East Business Loop I-40, Groom, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Exit 161, Business Loop I-40, Shamrock Taken on I-40 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Shamrock City Limit, Pop. 2029 Taken on Business Loop I-40 and Old Route 66 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Jct. US 83 shield Taken in Shamrock, Texas. [Closer View]
Exit 176, Spur 30 East, Texola Taken on I-40 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Oklahoma, and Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway, Purple Heart Trail Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
East I-40 shield Taken in western Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Exit 20, East Business Loop I-40, US 283, S. 4th St., Mangum, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Exit 32: East Business Loop I-40, South Oklahoma 34, Elk City, Mangum, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Chisholm Trail, West Branch Crossed Here Taken on I-40 East in Oklahoma. [Closer View]
East I-40, US 270 shields Taken in central Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 147B, East I-44, West Oklahoma 3, Tulsa, Wichita, Exit 147A, West I-44, East Oklahoma 3, Lawton, Dallas, Right Lane, Exit 146, Portland Ave Taken on I-40 East in Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Shields: To North I-235, South I-235 Taken in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1A, North I-35, East I-40, US 62, Wichita, Ft Smith, I-35 South, Dallas, Exit 1B, I-40 West, Amarillo Taken on I-235 South approaching its southern terminus in Oklahoma City. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-40, US 270, Ft Smith Taken on I-40 East near Oklahoma City. [Closer View]
Blue info sign: See Shawnee! Historic Depot, Museums, Antique Shops, Art Galleries, Indian Nations Taken on I-40 East in Oklahoma. Many of the towns along the interstates in Oklahoma seem to have these kinds of signs.
Green sign: Exit 181, US 177, US 270, Oklahoma 3W, Shawnee, Tecumseh Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 266, North Oklahoma 2 Blurred. Taken at an exit off I-40 East in eastern Oklahoma.

March 17, 2004

Shields: North US 59, West US 64, East US 64 Taken in Sallisaw, Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Leaving Cherokee Nation Taken on I-40 East leaving Oklahoma. [Closer View]
Welcome to Arkansas, The Natural State, Buckle Up For Safety Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, Little Rock, Exit 3, Lee Creek Rd., Next Right, Tourist Information, Rest Area Taken on I-40 East near Fort Smith, Arkansas. [Closer View]
North Arkansas 59, South Arkansas 59, Siloam Springs, Van Buren Taken off of Exit 5 on I-40 in western Arkansas. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, East I-40, North Arkansas 59, To I-540 Taken off of Exit 5 I-40 in western Arkansas. [Closer View]
Shields: South Arkansas 59, East I-40, West I-40 Taken off of Exit 5 I-40 in western Arkansas. [Closer View]
East I-40 shield Taken in eastern Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 12, I-540 North, Fayetteville, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 13, US 71, Alma, 1 Mile, Exit 12, I-540 North, Fayetteville Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Exit 74: Arkansas 333, London Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Exit 125, North US 65, South US 65B, Conway, Greenbrier, Harrison Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Exit 129, US 65B, Arkansas 286, Conway Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-40, South US 65, Little Rock, Memphis, Exit 147, I-430 South, Texarkana Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas. [Closer View]
West I-30 shield Taken in Little Rock, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 139B, I-630, 3/4 Mile, Exit 140, 6th St., 9th St., 1/2 Mile, Exit 141A, Arkansas 10, Cantrell Rd., Markham St., 1/4 Mile Taken on I-30 West in Little Rock. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-630, West I-630 Taken in Little Rock, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1, 15th St., Next Left, and Exit 139A-B, I-30 East, I-30 West, North Little Rock, Texarkana, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-630 East in Little Rock, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1, 15th St., Next Left, and Exit 139A, I-30 East, North Little Rock, Exit 139B, I-30 West Texarkana Taken on I-630 East at its eastern terminus in Little Rock, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-30, Jct. I-40, Exit 142, 15th St., 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 141B, US 70, Broadway, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-30 East in Little Rock, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 143A, West I-40, North US 65, Arkansas 107, Fort Smith, Exit 143B, North US 67, US 167, East I-40, Memphis Taken on I-30 East approaching its eastern terminus. [Closer View]
Exit 159, Jct I-440, Arkansas 440, Jacksonville, Texarkana Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, Memphis, Exit 159, I-440, Arkansas 440, Jacksonville, Texarkana Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Exit 193: Arkansas 11, US 63, Hazen, Des Arc Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, North Arkansas 11, East I-40, Little Rock, Des Arc, Memphis Taken off Exit 193 of I-40.
Exit 216: Arkansas 17, US 49, Brinkley, Cotton Plant, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
South Arkansas 1 shield, and Welcome to Forrest City Taken in Forrest City. [Closer View]
Overheads: North Arkansas 1, Wynne, I-40 West, Little Rock, 1/4 Mile Taken on Arkansas 1 North in Forrest City. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-40, South I-55, Memphis, Exit 277, I-55 North, Blytheville, St. Louis Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-40, South I-55, North I-55, Memphis, Ingram Blvd, Race Track Taken from I-40 East and I-55 South in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 279B, East I-40, Memphis, Nashville, I-55 South, Memphis, Jackson Miss. Taken on I-40 East and I-55 South in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, Nashville, Exit 1, Riverside Dr, Front St Taken on I-40 East in Arkansas, approaching the Tennessee border. [Closer View]
Tennessee State Line Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Tennessee, The Volunteer State, Welcomes You Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 West, Little Rock, I-40 East, Nashville Taken in Memphis. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-40, Nashville, I-240 South, Jackson Miss Taken on I-40 East near Memphis. [Closer View]
Exit 24-25, Tennessee 205, Tennessee 385, Arlington, Collierville, Millington Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Exit 79, US 412, Jackson, Next Right Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Exit 82A-B, US 45, Jackson, Milan, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Exit 126, Tennessee 69, US 641, Camden, Paris, Parsons Taken on I-40 East. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 176, Tennessee 840 East, Local Traffic, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-40 East. This is a very big exit ramp for "Local Traffic", but that's just because this is a future Nashville bypass to swing well to the south of the city. [Closer View]
Exit 196, US 70S, Bellevue, Newsom Station, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 206, East I-40, Nashville, 1 Mile, I-440 East, Knoxville, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 208B, North I-65, Louisville, Exit 208A, East I-40, South I-65, Knoxville, Huntsville Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 209B, US 70S, US 431, Broadway, Demonbreun St, Next Right, Exit 209A, Church St Taken on I-40 East and I-65 South in Nashville. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 210, East I-40, To East I-24, Knoxville, Chattanooga, South I-65, Huntsville, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 East and I-65 South in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-40, South I-65 Taken in Nashville, Tennessee. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 211B, West I-24 to North I-65, Clarksville, Louisville, Exit 211A, East I-40, East I-24, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Exit 210C, US 31A South, US 41A, 4th Ave, 2nd Ave Taken on I-40 East in Nashville, Tenneseee. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 211B, West I-24 to North I-65, Clarksville, Louisville, Exit 211A, East I-40, East I-24, Knoxville, Chattanooga Taken on I-40 East in Nashville, Tenneseee. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 East, Knoxville, Exit 213A, I-24 East, Chattanooga, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-40 and I-24 East near Nashville, Tennessee. [Closer View]
Exit 238, US 231, Lebanon, Hartsville Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Blurred overheads: I-40 East, I-70 North, Knoxville, I-75 South, Chattanooga Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee.
Blurred overhead that includes East I-40 and a bunch of stuff too hard to read. It probably says Oak Ridge and something else Taken on I-40 East in Tennessee.

March 18, 2004

Overheads: Exit 57B, I-181 North, US 23, Kingsport, 3/4 Mile, Exit 57A, East I-26, South US 23, Johnson City, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Tennessee. It looks like there was no place to put the "East" on this sign when I-181 south of this point became I-26, an east-west road. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 57B, I-181 North, US 23, Kingsport Taken on I-81 North in Tennessee. [Closer View]
Welcome to Virginia Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-81, East US 58 Taken in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 3, I-381 South, Bristol Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-77 South, Charlotte, Exit 81, 10 miles, I-77 North, Bluefield, Exit 72, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-77, North I-81, North US 11, South US 52 Taken on all those roads at once, actually travelling primarily east, in Virginia. [Closer View]
Charlotte, Exit 81, Right Lane Only, I-77 South, Exit 81, Right Lane Only Taken on I-77 South and I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-81, North US 11, Roanoke, Exit 81, I-77 South, Charlotte Taken on I-77 South and I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 118A-B-C, US 11, US 460, Christiansburg, Blacksburg, 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Roanoke, Lexington, Exits 118A-B-C, US 11, US 460, Christiansburg, Blacksburg Taken on I-81 North in Virginia.
Overheads: I-81 North, Salem, Roanoke, and more Taken on I-81 North in Virginia.
Overhead: Exit 150A, South US 220A to East US 460, Cloverdale, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Entering Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Be a friend of the Chesapeake Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Winchester, Exit 188B, US 60 West, Lexington, 1/5 Mile, Exit 188A, US 60 East, Buena Vista Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 South, Roanoke, Exit 1/3 Mile, US 60, Lexington, I-81 North, Staunton Taken on US 60 West in Virginia. [Closer View]
Exit 191, I-64 West, Charleston, Left Exit, 1 1/2 Miles Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 191, I-64 West, Charleston, East I-64, North I-81, Winchester Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-64, North I-81 Taken in Virginia. [Closer View]
Exit 213, US 11, US 340, Greenville Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Winchester, Exit 222, US 250, Staunton, Fishersville, 1 Mi, Exit 221, I-64 East, Richmond Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Cutout shields: South US 11, West (on) Virginia 254, North US 11 Taken in Staunton, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 247B, US 33 West, Harrisonburg, Second Right, Exit 247A, US 33 East, Elkton, Next Right Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Exit 264, US 211, New Market, Timberville, Luray Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Exit 296, US 48, Virginia 55, Strasburg Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Winchester, Exit 300, I-66 East, Front Royal, Washington Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Exit 313, US 17, US 50, US 522, Winchester, 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Welcome to West Virginia Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Exit 14, West Virginia 13, Dry Run Rd., Tennessee Ave. 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Exit 20, West Virginia 901, Spring Mills Rd., 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Maryland Welcomes You, Enjoy Your Visit Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 4, I-70 East-West, Frederick, Hancock, Exit 2, US 11, Williamsport Taken on I-81 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Hagerstown, Harrisburg, Exit 4, I-70 East-West, Frederick, Hancock. Taken on I-81 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-70 West, Hancock, I-70 East, Frederick Taken from I-81 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Exit 1: PA 163, Mason Dixon Rd, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-81 North approaching the Pennsylvania line. [Closer View]
Pennsylvania Welcomes You, Edward G. Rendell, Governor Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Keep Min 2 Dots Apart Taken on I-81 North in southern Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Maintain Safe Following Distance Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Exits 52 A-B, US 11, to I-76, Penna Turn Pike, Middlesex, New Kingstown, 1 Mile Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-81, South I-83, East US 322, To Penna Turn Pike, Hershey, York, 1 Mile, Exit 69, Progress Avenue Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 70, North I-81 To I-78, Hazleton, Allentown, South I-83, East US 322, To Penna Turn Pike, Hershey, York Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
East Pennsylvania 39 Hershey shield Taken near Hershey. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Wilkes-Barre, Exit 151 A-B, I-80, Stroudsburg, Bloomsburg Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Wilkes-Barre, Exit 151B, I-80 West, Bloomsburg, Exit 151A, I-80 East, Stroudsburg Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-81 North, Binghamton, Exit 184, To Pennsylvania 307, River St Taken on I-81 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-84, South I-380, Mt Pocono, Milford Taken on I-81 North in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-84 East, Milford, Exit 4, I-380 South, Mt Pocono Taken on I-84 East in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-84 East, Milford, Exit 4, I-380 South, Mt Pocono Taken on I-84 East in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]

Florida, March 26-28, 2004

March 26, 2004

Orange shields: South US 41, North US 41 Taken on Rattlesnake Hammock Rd in Naples, Florida. [Closer View]

March 27, 2004

North Florida 789 shield Taken near Sarasota. [Closer View]
Florida Scenic Highway, Bradenton Beach Taken (maybe) on Florida 789. [Closer View]
Gulf Coast Heritage Trail Taken in Bradenton Beach, Florida. [Closer View]

Colorado, April 3, 2004

April 3, 2004

Colorado 149 North, Creede, Lake City, US 160 East, Del Norte Taken on US 160 East in South Fork. [Closer View]
Colorado 149 shield Taken on US 160 East in South Fork. [Closer View]
Shields: US 285, US 160, Colorado 15 Taken in Monte Vista. [Closer View]
Shields: US 160, US 285 Taken in Monte Vista, Colorado. [Closer View]

April 4, 2004

North New Mexico 47 shield Taken south of Albuquerque. [Closer View]
Jct New Mexico 500 shield Taken on New Mexico 47 North, south of Albuquerque. [Closer View]
Right Turn on Green Only Taken on New Mexico 47 North in Albuquerque. This is apparently a new way to say "No Turn on Red". [Closer View]

Frozen Four in Boston, April 8 and 10, 2004

April 8, 2004

Faneuil Hall, North I-93, Atlantic Ave, North End Taken in Boston, Massachusetts. [Closer View]

April 10, 2004

Green signs: US 7 South, Stockbridge, Gt. Barrington, US 20 East, Lee, Mass Pike Taken on US 7 South and US 20 East in Lenox, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Entering Lee Taken on US 20 East. [Closer View]
Exit 4, I-91, US 5, Springfield, Holyoke, 1/2 Mile, Next Exit 4 Miles Taken on I-90 East in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 East, Worcester, Boston, Exit 4, I-91, US 5, Springfield, Holyoke Taken on I-90 East in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
East Mass Pike, I-90 shield Taken near Springfield, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Exit 6, I-291, Springfield, Hartford Taken on I-90 East in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Exit 9, I-84 to US 20, Sturbridge, Hartford, 2 Miles Taken on I-90 East in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 East, Worcester, Boston, Exit 9, I-84 to US 20, Sturbridge, Hartford Taken on I-90 East in Massachusetts. This is at the eastern terminus of I-84. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-90, Framingham, Boston, Exit 10, I-395, Massachusetts 10, I-290, Auburn, Worcester Taken on I-90 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 East, Boston, Logan Airport, Exit 14, I-95, Massachusetts 128, N.H.-Maine, South Shore Taken on I-90 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 24 A-B-C, I-93, S. Station, North, South, Curve Ahead, East I-90, Tunnel Ahead Taken on I-90 East in Boston. This was previously the eastern terminus out I-90, but it now continues through the Ted Williams Tunnel to Logan Airport. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 24C, South I-93, Quincy, 1/2 Mile, Exits 24 A-B, S. Station, North I-93, Concord NH, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-90 East in Boston. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 24C, South I-93, Quincy, Exits 24 A-B, S. Station, North I-93, Concord NH, East I-90, South Boston, Logan Airport Taken on I-90 East at its former eastern terminus. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 24C, South I-93, Quincy, Exit 24B, I-93 North, Concord NH, Exit 24A, South Station Taken on the ramp from I-90 East to I-93. [Closer View]

Williamstown to Albuquerque, April 25-May 2, 2004

April 26, 2004

Overheads: US 422, Ohio 87, Ohio 175, Chagrin Blvd, Harvard Rd, Richmond Rd, Exit 1 Mile, Express lanes, South I-271, to I-480, Exit LEFT 1/2 Mile Taken on I-271 South express lanes southeast of Cleveland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-480 East, Toledo, South I-271, East I-480, Columbus Taken on I-271 South southeast of Cleveland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-271 South, Akron, Columbus, Exit 21, I-480, Ohio 14 East, Youngstown Taken on I-271 South and I-480 East southeast of Cleveland. [Closer View]
Exit 10: I-77, Akron, Cleveland, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-271 South in Ohio. [Closer View]
South I-271 shield Taken south of Cleveland, Ohio. [Closer View]
I-271 Ends, 1 1/2 Mile Taken on I-271 South, south of Cleveland, Ohio. [Closer View]
Exit 209, I-76, US 224, Lodi, Akron Taken on I-71 South in Ohio. This is at the western terminus of the eastern I-76. [Closer View]
I-71, Disabled American Veterans Memorial Highway Taken at a rest area in southern Ohio. [Closer View]
West US 40 shield Taken near Centerville, Indiana. [Closer View]
Historic National Road shield Taken on I-40 West in eastern Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-70 East, Columbus OH Taken in New Lisbon, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 49 A-B, I-74 East, Cincinnati, Southeastern Ave., 1 Mile, and Exit 47, US 52 East, Brookville Rd. Taken on I-465 near Indianapolis, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 53 A-B, I-65, Indianapolis, Louisville, 2 Miles, Exit 52, Emerson Ave. 1/2 Mile Taken on I-465 near Indianapolis, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 53A, I-65 North, Indianapolis Taken on I-465 near Indianapolis, Indiana. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-465, West I-74, South Indiana 37 Taken near Indianapolis. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-465 North, I-74 West, Exits 11 A-B, Indpls. Int'l Airport, Airport Expwy, 1 1/2 Miles, Exits 9A-B, I-70 Indianapolis, St. Louis Taken on I-465 and I-74 west of Indianapolis, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 9B, I-70 West, Terre Haute, St. Louis, Exit 9A, I-70 East, Indianapolis Taken on the ramp from I-465 to I-70 near Indianapolis, Indiana. [Closer View]
Exit 7, US 41, US 150, Evansville, Terre Haute, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-70 West in Indiana. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 41, North US 41 Taken on the ramp from I-70 in Terre Haute, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead shields: To West US 40, West US 150, North US 41, North Indiana 63, East US 40 Taken in Terre Haute. [Closer View]
Overhead shields: West US 40, West US 150, North US 41, North Indiana 63 Taken in Terre Haute. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 10, I-255, Memphis, Interstate 270, Next Right, Exit 11, Illinois 157, Collinsville, Edwardsville Taken on I-70 West. The use of "Interstate 270" as a control city seems fairly odd. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-55 South, I-70 West, St Louis, Exit 10, I-255, Memphis, Interstate 270 Taken on I-55 and I-70 in Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 2, East I-64, North Illinois 3, Louisville, West I-64, I-70, South I-70, Great River Road, St Louis, Exit 2C, M L King Bridge Taken on I-70 and I-55. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-64, US 40, St Louis, Exit 40C, West I-44, South I-55, Tulsa, Memphis, I-70 West, Kansas City, Memorial Dr Taken on all those roads, crossing the Mississippi into St. Louis. [Closer View]
City Limit St Louis, Missouri State Line Taken on I-64, US 40, I-55, and I-70 crossing the Mississippi River. [Closer View]
Welcome to Missouri, The Show-Me State Taken on I-64, US 40, I-55, and I-70 crossing the Mississippi River. [Closer View]

April 27, 2004

Shields: East I-70, West I-70 Taken in St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Exit 117, O, J, Harrisburg, Huntsdale, 1 Mile Taken on I-70 West in Missouri. [Closer View]
George Brett Super Highway Taken on I-70 West near Kansas City. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-70, Exit 8A, I-435 South, Wichita, Exit 8B, North I-435, Des Moines Taken on I-70 West in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Alt I-70, West I-670, I-35, Topeka, Wichita, 2 Miles, Exit 4B, 18th St, 1/2 Mile, Exit 4C, 23rd St Taken on I-70 West in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 2L, Alt I-70, West I-670, South I-35, Topeka, Wichita, West US 24, North I-29, I-35, US 71, St Joseph, Des Moines, Exit 2K, Harrison St, Troost Ave, Next Right Taken on I-70 West in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-70, US 24, US 40, Topeka, South I-35, Wichita, Exit 2G, I-29, I-35, US 71 North, St Joseph, Des Moines Taken on I-70 West in Kansas City, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 423C, I-70, US 169, Topeka, US 24, Minnesota Ave, 3/4 Mile, Exit 423D, Fairfax District, and Welcome to Kansas, Kansas City City Limit Taken on I-70 West crossing from Kansas City, Missouri, to Kansas City, Kansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-70, Kansas Turnpike, Exit 411A, I-435 South, 1/2 Mile, Exit 411B, I-435 North Taken on I-70 West in Kansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Toll Plaza, Stop for Ticket, K-Tag only, 20 MPH Taken on I-70 West in Kansas, entering the Kansas Turnpike. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 183, South Kansas Turnpike, I-335, West I-470, South Topeka, Wichita, West I-70, US 40, Kansas 4, Topeka, Salina, Toll Plaza Taken on the Kansas Turnpike near Topeka. [Closer View]
Topeka, Capital City Taken on I-470 West and the Kansas Turnpike. [Closer View]
West I-470, Kansas Turnpike shields Taken near Topeka. [Closer View]
Exit 177, I-470, I-70, US 75, South Topeka, 1 Mile Taken on I-470 West and the Kansas Turnpike. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-335, Kansas Turnpike, Wichita Taken on I-470 West and the Kansas Turnpike. [Closer View]
South I-335, Kansas Turnpike shields Taken south of Topeka. [Closer View]
Exit 127, North I-35, US 50, Emporia Taken on I-335 South and the Kansas Turnpike. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-35, Kansas Turnpike South, Wichita Taken on the Kansas Turnpike near Emporia. [Closer View]
South I-35, Kansas Turnpike shields Taken south of Emporia. [Closer View]
Warning sign: Range Burning Area, Do Not Drive Into Dense Smoke, Park on Right Shoulder Taken on I-35 South between Emporia and Wichita. [Closer View]
Exit 50, US 54, US 400, Kellogg Ave, Wichita Taken on I-35 South in Kansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 54, US 400, Washington Ave, Exit 1 Mile, I-135, US 81, Kansas 15, Oklahoma City, Salina Taken on US 54 and 400 West in Wichita. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-235 South, Exit 1/4 Mile, I-235 North Taken on US 54 and 400 West in Wichita, Kansas. [Closer View]
West US 54, US 400 shields Taken west of Wichita, Kansas. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 54, US 400, Kansas 61 Taken in Pratt. [Closer View]
Shields: US 54, US 400, US 281 Taken in Pratt, Kansas. [Closer View]
Shields: US 54, US 400, US 183 Taken in Greensburg, Kansas. [Closer View]
Jct US 56, US 283 shields Taken in Fort Dodge, Kansas. [Closer View]
Shields: Business US 50, US 400, US 56, US 283 Taken in Dodge City, Kansas. [Closer View]
Dodge City City Limit Taken on Business US 50 West in Kansas. [Closer View]

April 28, 2004

Shields: Business US 83, Business US 50 Taken in Garden City, Kansas. [Closer View]
West US 50, US 400 shields Taken in western Kansas. [Closer View]
Leaving Kansas, Come Again Taken on US 50 and US 400 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Colorful Colorado Taken on US 50 and US 400 West. [Closer View]
Shields: Santa Fe Trail Auto Tour Route, Scenic Byway, Santa Fe Trail Taken on US 50 and US 400 West in eastern Colorado. [Closer View]
Shields: US 50, US 385 Taken in Granada, Colorado. This is also the official western terminus of US 400, though I saw no signs for US 400 after crossing into Colorado. [Closer View]
Overheads: Colorado Welcome Center, South US 287, US 385, Springfield, West US 50, North US 287, La Junta, Eads Taken in Lamar, Colorado. [Closer View]
US 50, US 287 shields Taken in Lamar, Colorado. [Closer View]
North US 287 to I-70, Eads, Kit Carson Taken on US 50 West and US 287 North near Wiley, Colorado. [Closer View]
Overheads: West US 350, Trinidad, West US 50, Pueblo Taken on US 50 West in La Junta, Colorado. [Closer View]
Shields: US 50, Colorado 71, Colorado 266 Taken in Rocky Ford. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-25 South, Pueblo Central Business District, North I-25, West US 50, Denver, Canon City Taken on US 50 West approaching Pueblo, Colorado. [Closer View]
South I-25, Pueblo Cen Bus Dist, Left Lane, North I-25, West US 50, Denver, Canon City, Right Lane Taken on US 50 West approaching Pueblo, Colorado. [Closer View]
Monarch Pass Summit, 6 Miles Taken on US 50 West in Colorado. [Closer View]
Monarch Pass Summit, Elev 11312 Taken at the store at the summit of Monarch Pass along US 50 in Colorado. [Closer View]
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park Taken on Colorado 347. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 550 South, Ouray, Colorado 90 West, US 50 West, Grand Jct (shields for same routes in background) Taken on US 50 West in Montrose. This is the northern terminus of US 550. [Closer View] [Closer View of shields]

April 29, 2004

I-70 West, Green River Taken in Grand Junction, Colorado. [Closer View]
West I-70 shield Taken in western Colorado. [Closer View]
Leaving Colorful Colorado Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Utah!, Olympic Winter Games, Salt Lake 2002 Taken on I-70 West. [Closer View]
West I-70 shield Taken on I-70 West in eastern Utah. [Closer View]
Speed Limit 75, Dust Storm Speed Limit 30 Taken on I-70 West in eastern Utah. [Closer View]
Exit 190, Ranch Exit, No Services Taken on I-70 West in Utah. [Closer View]
Exit 180, US 191, Crescent Jct, Moab Taken on I-70 West in Utah. [Closer View]
West Utah 313, Scenic Byway shields Taken along the road to Canyonlands National Park. [Closer View]
Canyonlands National Park, United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service Taken at the northern entrance. [Closer View]

April 30, 2004

Come Back Soon to Scenic Utah Taken on US 163 South. [Closer View]
Arizona, The Grand Canyon State Welcomes You Taken on US 163 South. [Closer View]
Shields: Arizona 264, US 160 Taken in Tuba City. [Closer View]

May 1, 2004

To West I-8, To West I-10 Taken in Casa Grande, Arizona. [Closer View]
Tucson, San Diego, with I-8 shields in the background Taken near Casa Grande, Arizona. [Closer View]
I-8 East, Tucson Taken near Casa Grande, Arizona. [Closer View]
East I-8 shield Taken near Casa Grande, Arizona. [Closer View]
East I-8 to I-10 shields Taken near Casa Grande, Arizona. [Closer View]
Exits 178A-B, I-10, Phoenix, Tucson, 2 Miles Taken on I-8 East in Arizona. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 178B, I-10 West, Phoenix, and Exit 178A, I-10 East, Tucson, with shields below Taken at the western terminus of I-8 East near Casa Grande, Arizona. [Closer View] [Closer View of shields below]
Shields: To I-10, To I-19 Taken near Tucson, Arizona. [Closer View]
Exit 306, Pomerene Rd, Benson, 1 Mile, and "The Thing?" annoying billboard Taken on I-10 East in Arizona. [Closer View]
East I-10 shield Taken in southwestern New Mexico. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elev. 4,585 Ft. Taken on I-10 West in New Mexico. [Closer View]

New Mexico Loop, May 9, 2004

May 9, 2004

Exit 165, Eubank Blvd. Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Exit 164, Wyoming Blvd. 1 Mile Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
I-25 South, 5 Miles, International Airport, Exit 222 A Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 162, Louisiana Blvd. Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 159B-C, I-25, Santa Fe, Las Cruces, 1 Miles, Exit 159D, University Blvd, 2nd - 4th St, Local Traffic, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 West, Gallup, Thru Traffic, Left 3 Lanes, Exit 159B, I-25 South, Las Cruces, 1/2 Miles, Exit 159C, I-25 North, Santa Fe, 1/2 Mile, Exit 159D, University Blvd, 2nd - 4th St, Local Traffic, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-40 West in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Exit 195, I-25, Belen, 1 Mile Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico. No, I-25 doesn't exit here. That should be Business Loop I-25. [Closer View]
Exit 195, Business Loop I-25, Belen Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-25, West US 60 Taken between Belen and Socorro. Most of the US 60 shields during this multiplex were marked "South" but the one I got a picture of had the more reasonable "West". [Closer View]
National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Very Large Array, Radio Telescope & Visitor Center, Exit 147 Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico. [Closer View]
US 60 West, Business Loop I-25, Socorro, Magdalena Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico. [Closer View]
South US 60 shield Taken in Socorro, New Mexico. This would make more sense as "West". [Closer View]
West US 60 shield Taken in Socorro, New Mexico. This is a mile or two from where US 60 was marked as "South". [Closer View]
Historic Magdalena Trails End Taken on US 60 West in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Next Gas-Food at Winston, 59 Miles Taken near the VLA just off US 60 in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Continental Divide, Elev 7796 Ft Taken on US 60 West in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Fence Lake, Grants, and New Mexico 36 shield Taken on US 60 West in Quevado, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Next Services 80 Miles Taken on New Mexico 36 North in Quevado. [Closer View]
Jct New Mexico 117 shield Taken on New Mexico 36 North. [Closer View]
Entering El Malpais National Monument, No Hunting or Collecting Taken on New Mexico 117 North. [Closer View]
The Narrows Taken on New Mexico 117 North in El Malpais National Monument. Here, the highway sits between lava flows on the left and sandstone bluffs on the right. [Closer View]
Historic US 66, Rio Puerco Bridge, Next Right Taken on I-40 East in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Historic US 66 Route Taken in Rio Puerco, New Mexico. [Closer View]

San Diego, May 15-16, 2004

May 15, 2004

Overhead: I-5 Fwy Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
I-805 North shield Taken in the La Jolla section of San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Freeway Entrance, I-5 North Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
South I-5 shield Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-5 South, Exit 20, I-8, El Centro, Rosecrans St Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-5 South, I-8 East, El Centro, South Rosecrans St, Right Lane Taken on I-5 South in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Embarcadero, Maritime Museum, Cruise Ship Terminal, Use Airport Exit Taken on I-5 South in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Caution, Watch for Pedestrians on Ramp, Speed Limit, 4 MPH Taken in the parking garage for a mall in San Diego.

May 16, 2004

North I-5 shield Taken in northern San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-5 South, Exit 1A, San Diego, Oceanside, Vista Way, I-5 North, Exit 1B, Los Angeles Taken on California 76 East at its western terminus in Oceanside. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-5 South, Exit 1A, San Diego, Vista Way Taken on California 76 East at its western terminus in Oceanside. [Closer View]
Historic US 101 Route Taken in Oceanside, California. [Closer View]
Encinitas Taken on Historic US 101 South in California. [Closer View]
Dahlia Drive street sign, and odd "Hwy 101" shield Taken in Solana Beach, California. [Closer View]
Welcome to Del Mar Taken on Historic US 101 South in California. [Closer View]
Overheads: Sports Arena Blvd, I-8 Only, Sea World Drive, I-5 North Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: Sports Arena Blvd, I-8 Only Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Right Lane I-8 East Only Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Freeway Entrance, I-8 East Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Shields: I-5, I-8 Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-8, I-8, I-5, I-5, Rosecrans Taken in San Diego, California. [Closer View]

May 22, 2004

Futures for Children Taken on Tramway Blvd. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
New Mexico 528 shield Taken on Fourth Ave. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
West Paseo Del Norte Taken on Coors Blvd. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
East Business Loop I-40, US 66 Taken on Central Ave. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]

Albuquerque to Williamstown III, May 23-June 2, 2004

May 23, 2004

South I-25 shield Taken on the ramp at San Mateo Blvd. in Albuquerque, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Truth or Consequences 41, Las Cruces 121 Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico. [Closer View]
To I-10, Deming, Next Right Taken on I-25 South in Hatch, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-25, El Paso, Exit 6, US 70, Las Cruces, Alamogordo Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-25 North, Albuquerque, I-25 South, El Paso Taken in Las Cruces, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, El Paso, I-10 West, Deming Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico, approaching its southern terminus. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, El Paso, I-10 West, Deming Taken on I-25 South in New Mexico, approaching its southern terminus. [Closer View]
East I-10 shield Taken south of Las Cruces, New Mexico. [Closer View]
Texas State Line Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Texas "monument" Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly the Texas Way Third indication of entry into Texas on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-10, South US 85, East US 180 Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Van Horn, Paisano Dr. US 62, US 180, 1/2, Trowbridge Rd, 1, Exit 23A, Raynolds St. Taken in El Paso, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: West Texas 20, I-10, Spur 148 Taken on Texas 20 in Fort Hancock. [Closer View]
Exit 78 Taken on I-10 East in Texas. The Rio Grande is visible in the background. [Closer View]
Sierra Blanca 27, San Antonio 510 Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Bullet-ridden Shields: West I-10, East I-10 Taken at a small offramp in west Texas. [Closer View]
Inspection Station, All Vehicles Exit 1 Mile When Flashing Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Culberson Co, Entering Central Time Zone Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, San Antonio, Exit 138, I-10 Business, Golf Course Dr, Van Horn Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
East I-10 shield and Mile 138 Taken in Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: Blue H, North Texas 54, East US 90 Taken in Van Horn, at the western terminus of US 90. [Closer View]
East US 90 shield Taken in Van Horn, Texas, at the western terminus of US 90. This is the first US 90 East shield. [Closer View]
Texas Mountain Trail Taken on I-10 East near Van Horn, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-20 East, Fort Worth, Dallas, I-10 East, San Antonio, and Reeves County Line Taken on I-10 East approaching the western terminus of I-20 in western Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-20 East, Fort Worth, Dallas, I-10 East, San Antonio Taken on I-10 East at the western terminus of I-20 in western Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 248, US 67, F.M. 1776, Alpine, Big Bend National Park Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
La Entrasa al Pacifico, IH 10 Texas-Western Mexico Trade Route Taken on I-10 in Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-10, North US 67 Taken in western Texas. [Closer View]
South US 285 shield Taken in Fort Stockton, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: East Business Loop I-10, North US 385 Taken in Fort Stockton, Texas. [Closer View]
East I-10, North US 67 Taken in Fort Stockton, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-10, North US 67. Also, Speed Limit 75, Night 65 Taken in western Texas, east of Fort Stockton. [Closer View]

May 24, 2004

Ozona, Biggest Little Town in the World Taken in the town square area of Ozona, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-10, Texas 163, East Business Loop 466, West Business Loop 466 Taken in Ozona, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 404, R.M. 864, R.M. 3130, Fort McKavett, Next Right Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Speed Limit 75, Night 75, and Truck Speed Limit 70, Night 65 Taken on I-10 East in central Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, San Antonio, Exit 477, US 290 East, Fredericksburg, 1/2 Mile, Exit 477, Service Rd Taken on I-10 East in Texas. Two Exit 477's. [Closer View]
East US 290 shield Taken in central Texas at the western terminus of US 290. This is the first shield eastbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Kerrville, San Antonio, Exit 501, F.M. 1338 Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-10, South US 87 Taken in central Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-10, South US 87, San Antonio, Houston Taken approaching San Antonio, Texas, on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 565A, Crossroads Blvs, Balcones Hts, 1 1/2 Miles, Exit 564, East I-410, West I-410, 3/4 Mile, HC Must Follow I-410 Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Lower Level, North I-35, Austin, Upper Level, South I-35, US 87, East I-10, Laredo, Houston Taken on I-10 East in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, Laredo, Exit 153, East I-10, US 90, South US 87, Houston, West US 90, Del Rio, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-10 East and I-35 South in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-10, US 90, South US 87, Houston, Victoria Taken on I-10 East in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 574, North I-37, US 281, Johnson City, South I-37, US 281, Corpus Christi Taken on I-10 East in San Antonio, Texas.[Closer View]
Overheads: North I-37, US 281, Int'l Airport, Johnson City, Exit 140A, Carolina St, Florida St Taken on I-37 North in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 142B, South I-35, Laredo, 2 1/2 Miles, Exit 142A, North I-35, Austin, 2 1/4 Miles, Exit 140B, HemisFair Plaza, Institute of Texan Culture, Next Right Taken on I-37 North in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-35, Left Lane, North I-37, Left Lane Taken in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-37, Left Lane, North US 281, Left Lane, To I-35, Left Lane Taken in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 142B, South I-35, Laredo, Exit 142A, North I-35, Austin Taken on I-37 North at its northern terminus in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 166, West I-410, South Loop 368, 1 Mile, Exit 165, F.M. 1976, Walzem Rd Taken on I-35 North in Texas. [Closer View]
North US 79 shield Taken near Round Rock, Texas. [Closer View]

May 25, 2004

Red River St. street sign Taken in Austin, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Texas 71 East, Austin-Bergstrom Int'l Airport, US 183 North, Exit 1/4 Mile, US 183 South, Lockhart Taken on Texas 71 East in Austin. [Closer View]
Farm Road 955 shield Taken on Texas 71 East somewhere east of Austin. [Closer View]
Overhead: West I-10, US 90, San Antonio, Weimar Taken on Texas 71 East at its junction with I-10. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 768B, I-45 South, Galveston, I-10 East, Beaumont, Exit 769A, Downtown Destinations, Smith St Taken on I-10 East in Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Beaumont, Exit 828, Texas 73, Texas 124, Winnie, Port Arthur Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
East Texas 73 shield Taken near Port Arthur. [Closer View]
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Bridge Taken on Texas 82 East near Port Arthur. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly the Texas Way, and West Texas 82 shield Taken on Texas 82 at Sabine Pass. [Closer View]
Creole Nature Trail National Scenic Byway Taken on Louisiana 82 East near the Texas line. [Closer View]
Shields: Spur Louisiana's Outback Creole Nature Trail, and Chemins Pittoresques de Louisiane, Louisiana Scenic Byways Taken on Louisiana 82 East near the Texas line. [Closer View]
East Louisiana 82 shield Taken near the Texas border. [Closer View]
North Louisiana 27 shield, and Louisiana's Outback Creole Nature Trail shield Taken near Holly Beach. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 25, East I-10, Lake Charles, I-210 East, Lake Charles Loop Taken on I-10 East near Lake Charles, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-10, US 90, Lafayette, Exit 31A, US 90 Business, Enterprise Blvd, 1 1/2 Miles, Exit 29, Louisiana 385, Downtown Area Taken on I-10 East in Lake Charles, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Exits 103A-B, I-49, US 167, Lafayette, Opelousas, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-10 East near Lafayette, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 103B, North I-49, US 167, Opelousas, Exit 103A, South US 167 to US 90, Lafayette Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 167, Future Corridor I-49 Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 167, East US 90 Taken in Lafayette, Louisiana. [Closer View]
US 90 East, Morgan City Taken in southern Louisiana between Lafayette and Morgan City. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 200, Louisiana 311, 1 Mile Taken on US 90 East near Morgan City. [Closer View]
Green sign: North I-310, North Louisiana 3127, Donaldsville, New Orleans, Next Left Taken on US 90 East in Kenner. [Closer View]

May 26, 2004

Overheads: Exit 230, I-610 East, Slidell, I-10 East, New Orleans Business District Taken in New Orleans, Louisiana. [Closer View]
East I-610 shield Taken in New Orleans, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East Slidell, Exit 240B, US 90 East, Chef Hwy, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-10 East in Louisiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 267B-A, I-12, I-59, Hammond, Hattiesburg, 1 1/2 Miles, I-10 East, Bay St. Louis, Exit 266, US 190, Slidell Taken on I-10 East in Slidell, Louisiana. [Closer View]
Mississippi Welcomes You Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Mobile, Exit 46B, North Mississipi 15 Taken on I-10 East in Mississippi. [Closer View]
Alabama State Line Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
To East I-10 shield Taken in the rest area at the Alabama welcome center. [Closer View]
Welcome to Alabama the Beautiful, Governor Bob Riley Taken in the rest area at the Alabama welcome center on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 20, I-65 North, Montgomery, I-10 East, Pensacola Taken on I-10 East in Alabama. This is the southern terminus of I-65. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Pensacola, Exit 23, Michigan Ave., 1 Mile, Exit 22, Alabama 163, Dauphin Island Pkwy Taken on I-10 East in Alabama. [Closer View]
Overheads: This Lane Ends Merge Right, I-10 Tunnel, Reduce Speed Ahead, Exit 26B, Water St, Downtown, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-10 East in Mobile, Alabama. [Closer View]
Overheads: Too Fast When Flashing, Too Fast When Flashing Taken on I-10 East in Mobile, Alabama. [Closer View]
Florida State Line, Escambia County Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Florida, The Sunshine State Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
East Alt US 90 shield Taken near Pensacola, Florida. [Closer View]
I-10 East, Pensacola Bch., Tallahassee Taken in Pensacola, Florida. [Closer View]
North US 29 shield Taken in Pensacola, Florida. [Closer View]
Escambia Bay Taken on I-10 East in Pensacola, Florida. [Closer View]
Exit 56, Florida 85, Crestview, Niceville Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
East US 98 shield Taken near Panama City, Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 319 Begin, East US 98 Taken in Eastpoint, Florida. This is the southern terminus of US 319, which just begins along US 98 at this point, right after crossing over the inlet from Apalachicola. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 319, East US 98 Taken near St. Teresa, Florida. [Closer View]

May 27, 2004

Overheads: Exit 254, US 301, Riverview, 1/4 Mile, Exit 256, Toll Florida 618, Selmon Crosstown Expressway, Toll, Tampa, Port of Tampa Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]

May 29, 2004

East Florida 994 shield Taken on Florida 997 South in Miami-Dade. [Closer View]
Shields: To US 1, West Florida 9336 Taken on Florida 997 South in Homestead. [Closer View]
Jct. US 1 shield Taken in Homestead, Florida. [Closer View]
Green sign: Florida's Turnpike North, Orlando, Miami Intl Airport Taken on US 1 North in Homestead. [Closer View]
Ronald Reagan Turnpike, Designated by 1998 Legislature of Florida Taken on Florida's Turnpike Homestead Extension. [Closer View]
Monkey Jungle, Exit 11 Taken on Florida's Turnpike Homestead Extension. [Closer View]
North Florida's Turnpike shield Taken on Florida's Turnpike Homestead Extension. [Closer View]
Overheads: Prepaid Tolls Only, Sun Pass, Exact Change, Cars Only Taken on Florida's Turnpike Homestead Extension. [Closer View]
Green sign: To West Palm Beach, Orlando, Toll Florida 869, via I-75 North Taken on Florida's Turnpike Homestead Extension. [Closer View]
Overheads: Florida's Turnpike North, Ft Lauderdale, Orlando, Exit 39, I-75 North, Naples, Exit 1/2 Mile Taken on Florida's Turnpike Homestead Extension. [Closer View]

May 30, 2004

Welcome to Fort Myers Beach, Your Family Island Taken on Florida 865 South.
South Florida 865 shield Taken in Fort Myers Beach. [Closer View]

June 1, 2004

Overheads: I-75 North, Ocala, Exit 261, I-4, Tampa, Orlando Taken on I-75 North. [Closer View]
West Florida 100 shield Taken near Starke. [Closer View]
Welcome, We're glad Georgia's on your mind, Governor Sonny Perdue Taken on Georgia 121 North, entering from Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: North Georgia 121, Georgia 23 Taken just across the border from Florida. [Closer View]
Shield assemblies: North US 1, US 23, US 301, Georgia 4, Georgia 15, Georgia 23, Georgia 121, South US 1, US 23, US 301, Georgia 4, Georgia 15 Taken in Folkston. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 1, US 23, Waycross, US 301, Jesup Taken just north of Folkston, Georgia. [Closer View]
Shields: US 301, US 82 Taken on US 301 North in Nahunta, Georgia. [Closer View]
Shields: US 341, Georgia 27 Taken on US 301 North in Jesup. [Closer View]
North US 341 shield Taken on US 301 North in Jesup, Georgia. [Closer View]
Shields: US 301, US 25, US 84, Georgia 57, To I-95 Taken in Ludowici. [Closer View]
To I-16 shield Taken on US 301 North in Georgia. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-16, East I-16 Taken on US 301 North in Georgia. [Closer View]
Shields: US 301, US 80, US 25, Georgia 67 Taken in Statesboro. [Closer View]
South Carolina State Line, Soil and Water Conservation Dist., and Welcome to South Carolina Taken on US 301 North. [Closer View]
Shields: US 301, US 278, South Carolina 125 Taken in Allendale. [Closer View]
Orangeburg 44, Columbia 76, Walterboro 40, US 301, South Carolina 641 Taken near Allendale. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 301, US 321 Taken in Ulmer, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 301, US 601 Taken near Bamberg, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Orangeburg 18, Denmark 7, Branchville 14, US 78, US 601, US 301 Taken in Bamberg, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Jct Business US 178 shield Taken in Orangeburg, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Santee, St. Matthews, Columbia, Fairgrounds, US 601, Business US 21, US 301 Taken in Orangeburg, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Walterboro 47, Santee 23, Manning 44, US 21, US 301, US 178 Taken in Orangeburg, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Columbia, Charleston, West I-26, East I-26 Taken on US 301 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
North I-95 shield Taken in Santee, South Carolina. [Closer View]

June 2, 2004

Overheads: I-95 North, Benson, I-95 South, Lumberton Taken in Fayetteville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 73, US 421, North Carolina 55, Dunn Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95, Rocky Mount, Exit 81, I-40, Raleigh, Wilmington Taken on I-95 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Welcome to Virginia Taken on I-95 North. This sign has since been replaced. [Closer View]
Green sign: Washington I-95, I-295, Petersburg Taken on I-95 North approaching the Richmond bypass in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 46, I-295 North, Washington, 1 Mile, and North I-95 shield Taken on I-95 North approaching the Richmond bypass in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Petersburg, Richmond, Exit 46, I-295 North, Washington Taken on I-95 North approaching the Richmond bypass in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 28, I-64, US 60, Norfolk, Richmond Taken on I-295 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 43A, I-95 North, Washington Taken on I-295 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 43A, I-95 North, Washington, I-295 to West I-64, South I-95, Richmond, Charlottesville Taken on I-295 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: West (on) Virginia Secondary 606, To US 1, East Virginia Secondary 606 Taken just off I-95 in Thornburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-95, North I-95, Richmond, Washington Taken in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-95, North US 17 Taken in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Washington, Exit 161, No Reentry, US 1 North, Ft Belvoir, Mt Vernon Taken on I-95 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 170A, I-395 North, Washington, Exit 170B, I-495 North, Tysons Corner, North I-95, East I-495, Baltimore Taken on I-95 North approaching the Washington Beltway. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95, I-495 North, Baltimore, Exits 2A-B, I-295, Indian Head, Washington Taken on the Washington Beltway Outer Loop. [Closer View]
Maryland Welcomes You, Enjoy Your Visit!, Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., Governor Taken on the Washington Beltway Outer Loop. This sign has since been replaced (along with the bridge undeneath it). [Closer View]
Overhead: Beltway West I-495, Silver Spring, 1 Mile, I-95 North, Baltimore Taken on the Washington Beltway Outer Loop. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-195, BWI Airport 1, I-695, Beltway 4, Exit 46, I-895 North, Harbor Tun. Taken on I-95 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 49B, I-695 West, To I-70 & I-83, Towson, I-95 North, Baltimore, New York, Exit 49A, I-695 East, Glen Burnie, Key Bridge Taken on I-95 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Ft. McHenry Tunnel, Exit 53, I-395 to ML King Blvd, Downtown Taken on I-95 North in Baltimore, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 64B, I-695 West, Towson, I-95 North, New York, Exit 64A, I-695 East, Essex Taken on I-95 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-95, North US 202, Wilmington, I-495 North, Port of Wilm., Philadelphia Taken on I-95 North in Delaware. [Closer View]
Overheads: To New Jersey Turnpike, East US 40, North I-295, Delaware Memorial Bridge, New Jersey - New York, Delaware 9 North, Wilmington Taken on I-295 North in Delaware. [Closer View]
Overheads: N J Turnpike, US 40 East, Atlantic City Taken northbound approaching the southern end of the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Jersey, New Jersey Turnpike, James E. McGreevey, Governor Taken northbound approaching the southern end of the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]
North I-295 shield Taken off Exit 4 of the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]
I-95 shield Taken on the New Jersey Turnpike northbound south of I-195. [Closer View]
Overheads: Pay Toll 1/2 Mile, Exit 142, I-78 to NJTP, Springfield, Newark Int'l Airport, First Exit Beyond Toll, Food, Fuel Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 145, I-280 to NJTP, The Oranges, Newark, Harrison, 2 Miles, Exit 144, County 510, South Orange Ave, 3/4 Mile Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 155P, New Jersey 19 to West I-80, Paterson, 1 Mile, Exit 154, Garden State Parkway North, US 46 East, Clifton, 3/4 Mile Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-80, Saddle Brook, G. Washington Br., Next Right Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: Express E-ZPass, No Cash, Maintain Speed, Cash, E-ZPass Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Thank you for traveling the Garden State Parkway Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Welcome to New York, the Empire State Taken on the Garden State Parkway northbound. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 14B-61, North I-87, West I-287, Albany, Exits 14-1, South I-87, East I-287, New York City Taken at the northern terminus of the Garden State Parkway. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-87, East I-287, Tappan Zee Bridge, Nanuet Taken southbound on the New York Thruway. [Closer View]

Denmark and Sweden, June 18-25, 2004

June 20, 2004

Rådhuspladsen, 144 Frie pladser, City N-V-Ø, 1680 Frie pladser Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark. Major parking lots in Copenhagen have displays of how many spaces are available. [Closer View]
Ensrettet Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark. "One way" in Danish. [Closer View]
Direction sign: E20, O2, 21 Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark. [Closer View]
Warning sign: car falling off into water Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark. [Closer View]
Another warning sign: car falling off into water Taken in Copenhagen, Denmark. [Closer View]

June 21, 2004

Directional sign: Lyngby Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]
Directional sign: Lundtofte 1, DTU Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]
Directional signs: 2 Virum, 2 Sorgenfri Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]
Directional signs: Lundtofte, Klampenborg 7, Fortunen 2 Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]

June 23, 2004

Overhead: Klampenborg, E47n, E55n, 19n, Lundtofte, 19s, E47s, E55s, Rødby, København Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]
Overheads: E47, E55, 19 (crossed out), Klampenborg, E47, E55, 19, Rødby, København Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]
Overheads: 19n, E55n, E47n, Klampenborg, 19s, E47s, E55s, Lyngby C Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]
Blue and green signs: 15, Lundtofte, 1400m, 14 Nærum, 3 Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. The signs are on the motorway, which I think is E47 and E55. [Closer View]
Blue sign: 15, Lundtofte, Hjortekær, 350m Taken from an overpass in Lyngby, Denmark. The signs are on the motorway, which I think is E47 and E55. [Closer View]
Directional signs: Lyngby, Ørholm, Lundtofte Taken in Lyngby, Denmark. [Closer View]

June 24, 2004

Green sign: Sturup, E65 Taken from a train in southern Sweden, near Malmö. [Closer View]
Overhead: E6, E20, E22, Göteborg, Kalmar, E65, Ystad, Hamnen, E6, E22, Trelleborg, Malmö, Svågertorp, 1000 m Taken from a train in southern Sweden, near Malmö. [Closer View]
Overheads: E6, E20, E22, Göteborg, Kalmar, E65, Ystad, Hamnen and, E6, E22, Trelleborg, Malmö, Svågertorp Taken from a train in southern Sweden, near Malmö. [Closer View]
E6, Hamnen, Stortorget Taken in Malmö, Sweden. [Closer View]
Overheads: E6, Trelleborg, E20, Köpenhamn, Limhamn, V Hamnen, Mässan Stadion, Centralstationen, E6, Göteborg, Hamnen Taken in Malmö, Sweden. [Closer View]
Overheads: E6, Hamnen, Centralstation, Turistbyrå, Centrum Taken in Malmö, Sweden. [Closer View]
Overhead: E20, Köpenhamn, Kastrup, Avgisftsbelagd väg, Toll road, Malmö V, Limhamn, Utsiktsplats, Öresundsbron, Sista aviart i Sverige, Last exit in Sweden Taken from a train in southern Sweden, near Malmö. [Closer View]
Overhead: E20, Köpenhamn, Kastrup, Avgisftsbelagd väg, Toll road Taken from a train in southern Sweden, near Malmö. [Closer View]
Overheads: Kontanter/Kort, Cash/Cards, and Kontanter/Kort Brobizz, Cash/Cards Taken from a train in southern Sweden, approaching the Øresundsbrun. [Closer View]

June 25, 2004

Overheads: E20, Odense, E47, E55, København N-V, 20, København C, O2 Taken from a cab on the way to the airport in Copenhagen, Denmark. [Closer View]

New Hampshire, July 9-10, 2004

July 9, 2004

Entering Ayer Taken on Massachusetts 2A East. [Closer View]
Jct Massachusetts 225 shield Taken in Groton. [Closer View]
Shields: West Massachusetts 119, North Massachusetts 111 Taken in Groton. [Closer View]
Entering Pepperell Taken on Massachusetts 111 North. [Closer View]
Green sign: Massachusetts 113 East, Dunstable, Tyngsboro Taken on Massachusetts 111 North in Pepperell. [Closer View]
Entering Hollis, New Hampshire Taken on Massachusetts 111 North. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Hampshire, The Granite State Taken on New Hampshire 111 North. [Closer View]

July 10, 2004

Junction US 3, Everett Turnpike, New Hampshire 111 Taken in Nashua. [Closer View]
Overheads: To New Hampshire 111, North US 3, Everett Turnpike, Nashua, Manchester, South US 3, Everett Turnpike, Boston Ma Taken in Nashua. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 7W, West New Hampshire 101A, Amherst, Milford, 1/4 Mile, Exit 7E, North US 3, East New Hampshire 101 A, Nashua Downtown Taken on the Everett Turnpike in Nashua. [Closer View]
Overhead: North Everett Turnpike, To I-93, I-293, Manchester, Concord Taken in Nashua, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overheads: Everett Turnpike North, Manchester, Concord, A Toll Road, Exit 8, West New Hampshire 101A, Amherst, Milford Taken in Nashua. [Closer View]
To South I-93 Taken on New Hampshire 111 East in Windham. [Closer View]
Massachusetts Welcomes You Taken on I-93 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-93, Boston, Exit 47, Pelham St., 1/2 Mile, Exit 48, Massachusetts 213, Loop Connector, Methuen, Haverhill Taken on I-93 South. [Closer View]
Massachusetts 213 Ends, 1 1/2 Miles Taken approaching I-495 near Lawrence. [Closer View]
Shields: West Massachusetts 286, North Massachusetts 1A Taken in Salisbury Beach, right at the New Hampshire border. The junction with 286 is actually in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Hampshire, The Granite State, Bienvenue Taken on Massachusetts 1A North. [Closer View]
New Hampshire 286, New Hampshire 1-A, Hampton Taken on New Hampshire 1-A North. [Closer View]
North US 1 shield Taken in southeastern New Hampshire. [Closer View]
$2.00 Toll Ahead, Exact Fare Saves Time Taken on I-95 North in New Hampshire, approaching the Hampton Tolls. The northbound toll is doubled and the southbound toll is suspended for busy summer travel days. [Closer View]
Passenger Cars 2.00 Taken on I-95 North in New Hampshire, approaching the Hampton Tolls. The northbound toll is doubled and the southbound toll is suspended for busy summer travel days. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95 North, Portsmouth, Newington Taken on I-95 North in New Hampshire at the Hampton Tolls. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-93, West New Hampshire 101, Manchester, Boston, North I-93, Concord Taken on New Hampshire 101 West approaching Manchester. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-93 South, Salem, Boston, 1000 Feet Taken on New Hampshire 101 West near Manchester. [Closer View]
To I-293, Queen City Ave, To I-293 Taken in Manchester, New Hampshire. At this intersection, all directions lead to I-293. [Closer View]
South US 3 shield Taken in Manchester, New Hampshire. [Closer View]

Oregon Trip, July 13-20, 2004

July 14, 2004

Overheads: Exit 299B, I-405, US 26 West, City Center, Beaverton, I-5, I-84 East, The Dalles, Seattle, Exit 299A, Oregon 43, US 26 East, Ross Is. Br., Macadam Ave. Taken on I-5 North in Portland. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 300, I-84, US 30 East, Portland Airport, The Dalles Taken on I-5 North in Portland, Oregon. This is the western terminus of I-84. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-84, US 30, Jct I-205 5, Hood River 59, The Dalles 80 Taken on I-84 East in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
North I-5 shield Taken in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overhead: Oregon 99E South, Oregon City Taken in Portland. [Closer View]
South Oregon 99E shield Taken in Portland. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-405 North, US 30 West Taken in downtown Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Green sign: Kittridge Ave., US 30, St. Helens, Astoria Taken in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Shields: Detour US 30 By., West US 30 Taken in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overheads: Oregon 10, Oregon 99W, Barbur Blvd, US 26, Oregon 43, Ross Is. Br., Lake Oswego Taken in Portland. [Closer View]

July 15, 2004

Shields: To South I-5, East I-84 Taken in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-5, East I-84, US 30, To Freeway Taken in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-5, Salem, Exit 300B, US 26 East, Oregon 99E, OMSI, Oregon City, Exit 301, I-84, US 30 East, The Dalles Taken on I-5 South in Portland. [Closer View]
South I-5 shield Taken in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-5 South, Salem, Exit 300B, US 26 East, Oregon 99E, OMSI, Oregon City Taken on I-5 South in Portland. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-405, City Center, Beaverton, US 26, I-5 South, Salem Taken on I-5 South in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-405, US 26 West, City Center, Beaverton Taken on I-5 North in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-405 North, US 30, St. Helens, Exit 2B, Everett St., 1/2 Mile, Exit 2A, Salmon St., PGE Park Taken on I-405 North in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]

July 16, 2004

Troutdale, Mt. Hood C.C, Hood River, East I-84, US 30 Taken east of Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Shields: Oregon Trail National Historic Trail Info Center, Historic Columbia River Highway Taken in Troutdale, Oregon. [Closer View]
Entering Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Taken on I-84 East in Oregon. [Closer View]
West I-84 shield Taken east of Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 9, South I-205, North, Salem, Seattle, I-84 US 30 West, Portland Taken on I-84 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-5, Salem, I-5 North, Seattle Taken on I-84 West approaching its western terminus in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overhead: US 30 West, Next Right Taken on I-84 West approaching its western terminus in Portland, Oregon. [Closer View]
Overhead: Leaving Portland, and City Center, 6th Street, Exit 1B, East Washington 14, Camas, Exit 1A Taken on I-5 North, approaching the Washington line. [Closer View]
Entering Washington Taken on I-5 North, crossing the Columbia River. [Closer View]
Welcome to Washington Taken on I-5 North. [Closer View]

July 17, 2004

Overhead: Castle Rock 7, Olympia 63, Seattle 123 Taken on I-5 North in southern Washington. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Mount St Helens National Volcanic Monument Visitors Centers, Seaquest State Park, Next Right Taken on I-5 North in Washington. [Closer View]
Green sign: Washington 411 South, Castle Rock, Washington 504 East, Toutle Taken off Exit 49 of I-5. [Closer View]
Castle Rock Visitor Info., Mt. St. Helens Visitor Centers Taken off Exit 49 of I-5 in Washington. [Closer View]
End Washington 504 shield Taken approaching the Johnston Ridge Visitor Center at Mt. St. Helens in Washington. [Closer View]
Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Taken on Washington 504. [Closer View]
Washington 411 South, Castle Rock, I-5 South, Portland Taken on Washington 504 West approaching I-5. [Closer View]
South Washington 411 shield Taken at I-5. [Closer View]
South I-5 shield Taken in southern Washington. [Closer View]
End Washington 4, and Lewis and Clark Trail Taken in Kelso. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-5 North, Seattle Taken in Kelso, Washington. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-5 South, Vancouver, Portland, Exit 7, I-205 South to Washington 14, I-84, Salem Taken on I-5 South in Washington. [Closer View]
South I-205 shield Taken in southern Washington. [Closer View]
Entering Oregon Taken on I-205 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 22, East I-84, US 30, The Dalles Taken on I-205 South in northwestern Oregon. [Closer View]
Green sign showing routes up the Columbia valley: Cascade Locks, I-84, Waterfall Area, Exit 22, Historic Highway, Exit 17 Taken on I-84 East in Oregon. [Closer View]
Green sign: West I-84, US 30, Portland, Hood River, East I-84, US 30 Taken on the historic Columbia River highway. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 64, Oregon 36, Mt. Hood Hwy, White Salmon, Govt. Camp Taken on I-84 East in Hood River. [Closer View]
Glass Dr., Hood River County Tour Route Taken on Oregon 35 South near Hood River. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 26 East, Madras, Bend, US 26 West, Portland Taken near Government Camp, Oregon. [Closer View]

July 18, 2004

South US 97 shield Taken in Bend, Oregon. [Closer View]
Green sign: Oregon 138, Diamond Lake, Medford, Roseburg Taken on US 97 South. [Closer View]
Volcanic Legacy, Oregon Scenic Byway Taken on Oregon 138. [Closer View]
Road closure information sign: Medford, Roseburg, Oregon 230, Oregon 138, Crater Lake, Oregon 138 Taken north and east of Crater Lake National Park. [Closer View]
Distances: Diamond Lake 22, Crater Lake 33, Roseburg 101, and West Oregon 138 shield Taken north of Crater Lake. [Closer View]
Crater Lake National Park, North Entrance Taken, well, at the North Entrance of Crater Lake National Park. [Closer View]
Jct. US 99 shield Taken in southern Oregon. US 99 hasn't existed in a while. [Closer View]

July 19, 2004

City Center, Old Town, Beacon Dr., South US 199 Taken in Grants Pass, Oregon. [Closer View]
North Oregon 99 shield Taken in Grants Pass. [Closer View]
Elk Creek, and South US 199 shield Taken in southwestern Oregon. [Closer View]
Distance signs: Gasquet 22, Crescent City 40, Eureka 119. Taken on US 199 South at the Oregon-California border. [Closer View]
Welcome to California Taken on US 199 South. [Closer View]
South US 199 shield Taken in northern California. [Closer View]
Redwood National and State Parks Taken on US 199 South. [Closer View]
Shields: US 199, California 197 Taken near Crescent City. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 101 South, Crescent City, US 101 North, Oregon Coast Taken just north of Crescent City, California. [Closer View]
North US 101 shield Taken in northern California. [Closer View]
Welcome to Oregon Taken on US 101 North. [Closer View]
N. Bank Rogue Rd., Post Office, Refuse Disposal, Wedderburn, North US 101 shield, County 575 Taken in southern Oregon. [Closer View]
Caution, High Winds Next 27 Miles When Flashing Taken on US 101 North in southern Oregon. [Closer View]
Pacific Coast Scenic Byway Taken on US 101 North in Oregon. [Closer View]
Elk Next 2 1/2 Miles Taken on US 101 North in Oregon. [Closer View]
Speed 40 A typical Oregon speed limit sign taken on US 101 North. [Closer View]
Historic Bridge, McCullough Mem. Bridge Taken on US 101 North near Coos Bay, Oregon. [Closer View]
Leaving Tsunami Hazard Zone Taken on US 101 North in central Oregon. [Closer View]
Tsunami Evacuation Route and US 101 shield Taken in central Oregon, near Reedsport. [Closer View]
Warning: Look for Vehicles Before Crossing Taken in Reedsport, Oregon, possibly. [Closer View]
Lincoln City 22, Library, Court House, Toledo 7, Corvallis 52, Begin East US 20 Taken on US 101 North in Newport, Oregon. This is the western terminus of US 20. [Closer View]
Begin East US 20 Taken on US 101 North in Newport, Oregon. This is the western terminus of US 20. [Closer View]
Jct. US 101 shield Taken out the back window in Newport, Oregon. This is at the end of US 20 West. [Closer View]
US 20 East shield Taken near US 20's western terminus in Newport, Oregon. [Closer View]
US 20, US 20 Bus. Toledo Taken on US 20 East in Toledo, Oregon. [Closer View]
Green sign: Oregon 99E, Albany, Junction City Taken on US 20 East in Albany, Oregon. [Closer View]
Salem, Eugene, North I-5, South I-5 Taken near Albany, Oregon. [Closer View]
I-5 North, Salem, Right Lane Taken near Albany, Oregon. [Closer View]
Exit 233, US 20 Santiam Hwy., Albany, Lebanon, Exit 1 Mile Taken on I-5 North in Oregon. [Closer View]

July 22, 2004

West I-90 shield Taken in Albany, New York, just west of the I-787 interchange. Most New York shields do not have the state name, but this one does. [Closer View]

August 7, 2004

Overhead: Exit 3, GE Truck Terminal Take on I-890 East in Schenectady, New York. [Closer View]
Exits 4A-B, GE Plant, Erie Blvd, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-890 East in Schenectady, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: To New York 146, East New York 7 Taken on New York 7 East in Schenectady. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-87, South I-87, East New York 7, To New York Thruway Taken on New York 7 East in Latham. These are also in an picture on December 20, 2002. [Closer View]

Philadelphia Trip, August 10-11, 2004

August 10, 2004

Welcome to New Jersey, Garden State Parkway, Governor James E. McGreevey Taken on the Garden State Parkway southbound. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 159, I-80, Saddle Brook, Paterson, G Washington Br. Taken on the Garden State Parkway south in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-80 East, G Washington Bridge, I-80 West, Paterson, Saddle Brook Taken on the Garden State Parkway south in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 153, East New Jersey 3, Lincoln Tunnel, 3/4 Mile, South Garden State Parkway Taken on the Garden State Parkway south in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overhead: New Jersey Turnpike, I-95, NJ Turnpike, Del. Mem. Br., US 9, I-287, New Jersey 440, Woodbridge, Perth Amboy Taken when exiting the Garden State Parkway. [Closer View]
Overhead: New Jersey Turnpike, I-95, N J Turnpike Taken when exiting the Garden State Parkway. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 6, 1 Mi, US 130, I-276, Penn Turnpike, Florence, Pearl Harbor Memorial Turnpike Extension Taken on the New Jersey Turnpike South. [Closer View]
Overheads: N J Turnpike South, Exit 6 for Pennsylvania Turnpike Taken on the New Jersey Turnpike South. [Closer View]
Toll Road, Penna Turn Pike, Stop Ahead Taken westbound entering the Pennsylvania Turnpike on I-276. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-276 West, Harrisburg, Delaware Valley, US 13, Levittown, Bristol Taken on I-276 West, the Pennsylvania Turnpike, in eastern Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Welcome to Pennsylvania, Penna Turn-Pike Taken on I-276 West, the Pennsylvania Turnpike. [Closer View]
West I-276 shield Taken in eastern Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Green sign: South Pennsylvania 611, Willow Grove, Pennsylvania 611 North, Doylestown, NAS JRB Willow Grove, Horsham, Abington Taken exiting the Pennsylvania Turnpike near Willow Grove. [Closer View]
South Pennsylvania 611 shield Taken near the Pennsylvania Turnpike in Willow Grove. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-95, Trenton, I-95 South, Central Phila, US 13, Bristol Pike Taken on Woodhaven Road at the junction with I-95. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 22, To I-676, US 30, Ben Franklin Br, PA Convention Ctr Taken on I-95 South in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 22, South I-95, I-676, US 30, Central Phila, Independence Hall, Callowhill St, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-95 South in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 20, Columbus Blvd, Washington Ave, Left 1/4 Mile, I-95 South, Phila Int'l Airport Taken on I-95 South in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 19, I-76 East, Walt Whitman Br, Packer Avenue, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-95 South in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
South I-95 shield Taken in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95 North to I-76 East Taken near the stadium/arena area in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]

August 11, 2004

Penna Turn-Pike Taken just north of Abington. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-276 East, New Jersey, Exits 351-359, West I-276, to I-76, I-476, Harrisburg, Allentown, West Exits 339-2, North Exits 31-131 Taken on the onramp to the Pennsylvania Turnpike north of Abington. Note that the I-476 is overlaying what was probably an old Pennsylvania 9 marker. [Closer View]
Welcome to New Jersey, New Jersey Turnpike, James E. McGreevey Governor Taken on I-276 East, the Pennsylvania Turnpike. [Closer View]
Overhead: New York, North, Keep Left, Camden, South, Keep Right Taken on the Pennsylvania Turnpike/I-276 in New Jersey, approaching the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]

September 11, 2004

Overhead: East I-195, US 6, Cape Cod, I-95 Taken on I-95 South in Providence, Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 9, South Rhode Island 4, North Kingstown, 2 Miles, I-95 South, and Exit 10A, Rhode Island 117 East, Warwick Taken on I-95 South near Warwick. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 8, Rhode Island 401, to Rhode Island 2, I-95, East Greenwich Taken on Rhode Island 4 South. [Closer View]
End Rhode Island 4 shield Taken near Allenton. [Closer View]
Jamestown Verrazzano Bridge Taken on Rhode Island 138 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Rhode Island 138 East, Fall River, Cape Cod, Rhode Island 238 South, Scenic Newport Taken in Newport. [Closer View]
North Rhode Island 138A shield Taken in Newport. [Closer View]
Entering Fall River Massachusetts Taken on Rhode Island 24 north, entering Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Welcome to Massachusetts and North Massachusetts 24 shield Taken on Massachusetts 24 North, entering from Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Massachusetts Welcomes You Taken on Massachusetts 24 North, entering from Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 3, I-195 West, Providence, R.I., North Massachusetts 24, East I-195, New Bedford, Boston Taken on Massachusetts 24 North. [Closer View]
Massachusetts 103 West shield Taken just off I-195 near Swansea. [Closer View]
Entering Swansea Taken on Massachusetts 103 West. [Closer View]
Entering Warren, Rhode Island Taken on Massachusetts 103 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Rhode Island, the Ocean State, Home of the 2005 United States Scholar Athlete Games Take on Route 103 West, entering from Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Welcome to Massachusetts Taken on Route 136 North, entering from Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Jct. US 6 shield Taken on Massachusetts 136 North in North Swansea. [Closer View]
Green signs: To I-195, Providence R.I., Fall River, West 6, Seekonk, and US 6 shield Taken in North Swansea, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-195, Welcome to Rhode Island Taken entering from Massachusetts. [Closer View]

October 2, 2004

Overhead: I-89 North, Dartmouth, Lake Sunapee Region, Next Right [Closer View] Taken on I-93 North in Concord, New Hampshire.
Overheads: I-93 North, Concord, Plymouth, I-89 North, Lebanon, White River Jct Vt Taken on I-93 North in Concord, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-93, West US 4, Plymouth, Littleton Taken near Concord, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Brake for Moose, It could save your life. Hundreds of Collisions. Taken on I-93 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overheads: Franconia Notch Parkway, I-93, Exit 33, US 3, No. Woodstock, No. Lincoln Taken on I-93 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Welcome to Franconia Notch State Park Taken on I-93 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Brown sign: Old Man Historic Sites, Next 2 Rights Taken on I-93 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Directional sign: North I-93, US 3, Franconia Notch Pkwy Taken at the Old Man viewing area in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
East US 302 shield Taken near Twin Mountain, New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Kancamagus Pass, Elevation 2855, Entering Merrimack River Valley, White Mountain National Forest Taken on the Kancamagus Highway in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Shields: To US 3, West New Hampshire 112, to South I-93 Taken in Lincoln, New Hampshire. [Closer View]

Minnesota Trip, October 9-11, 2004

October 9, 2004

Overheads: South I-35W, Minnesota 62, I-35W North, Minneapolis Taken on Minnesota 62 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Closer View]
North I-35W shield Taken in Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 16A, Minnesota 65, Downtown Exits, 1 1/2 Miles, I-35W Taken on I-35W North in Minneapolis. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 16A, West I-94, Exit 16B, East I-94 Taken on I-35W North in Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 16B, East I-94, St Paul, 1 Mile Taken on I-35W South in Minneapolis, Minnesota. [Closer View]

October 10, 2004

Overhead: West I-694, US 10 Taken in Arden Hills, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overhead: West I-94, To South I-35E Taken in St. Paul, Minnesota. [Closer View]
North I-35E shield Taken in St. Paul, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overheads: West US 10, North US 61, and East US 10, South US 61 Taken in St. Paul, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, East US 10, National Route Great River Road Minnesota Taken in St. Paul. [Closer View]
Detour West I-494 shield Taken in St. Paul, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, East US 10 Taken in St. Paul Park, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overhead: East US 10, South US 61 Taken just north of Hastings, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, North National Route Great River Road Minnesota Taken just north of Hastings, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct. US 61, End Minnesota 316, Great River Road Minnesota Taken in Hastings. [Closer View]
Welcome to Hastings, and North US 61, Great River Road Minnesota shields Taken on US 61 in Hastings. [Closer View]
Overheads: South US 61, US 63, North US 63, South Minnesota 58 Taken in Red Wing. [Closer View]
Overhead: To Wisconsin, Follow US 63 North Taken in Red Wing, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Welcome to Red Wing Taken along the Mississippi River in Red Wing, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, US 63, Great River Road Minnesota Taken in Red Wing, Minnesota. [Closer View]
North US 63 shield Taken in western Wisconsin just across the Mississippi River from Red Wing, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Wisconsin Welcomes You Taken on US 63 North. [Closer View]
North Great River Road Wisconsin, South Great River Road Wisconsin shields Taken on US 63 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North Wisconsin 35, North US 63, South Wisconsin 35 Taken in western Wisconsin, just across from Red Wing, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: South Wisconsin 35, South Great River Road Wisconsin Taken on US 63 North, just across from Red Wing, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: County AA, Rustic Road Taken on Wisconsin 35 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Minnesota Taken crossing the Mississippi River into Wabasha, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Jct. US 14 Taken on US 61 South near Winona, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overheads: South US 61, East US 14, West US 14 Taken in Winona, Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, East US 14, Disabled American Veterans Highway, Great River Road Minnesota Taken in Winona. [Closer View]
Green sign: To I-90 West, Dakota Taken on US 61 South in Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-90, US 14, South US 61, Disabled American Veterans Highway, Great River Road Minnesota Taken in eastern Minnesota. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-90, US 14, South US 61, Great River Road Minnesota Taken in eastern Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 Madison, Exit 275, US 14, US 61, LaCrescent Taken on I-90 East in Minnesota. [Closer View]
US 52 shield, Laura Ingalls Wilder Historic Highway, Winneshiek County Taken in southeastern Minnesota. [Closer View]
The People of Iowa Welcome You Taken on US 52 South. [Closer View]
Shields: US 52, Minnesota 44 Taken just across the border from Iowa, near Prosper. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 52, Amish Byway Taken in southeastern Minnesota. [Closer View]
Horse and Buggy cautionary sign Taken on US 52 in southeastern Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-90 West, Austin, Exit 1/4 Mi, I-90 East, LaCrosse Taken on US 52 North in Minnesota. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 70, I-35E South North, Albert Lea, St. Paul Taken on US 52 North approaching the Twin Cities of Minnesota.
Overheads: I-494, Minnesota 5, Exit 5B, I-35W South, Albert Lea, 1/4 Mile, Exit 5A, I-35W North, Minneapolis Taken on I-494 and Minnesota 5 in Bloomington. [Closer View]

October 11, 2004

Overhead: Bradley International, Welcome to Connecticut, Enjoy Your Visit, M. Jodi Rell Governor Taken on the way out of Bradley Airport. [Closer View]
To I-91 shield Taken on the way out of Bradley Airport in Connecticut. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-91 North, Springfield, I-91 South, Hartford Taken on the way out of Bradley Airport in Connecticut. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-91 North, Holyoke, Greenfield, US 20 West, W. Springfield, Westfield Taken on I-91 North in Springfield, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 12, North I-91, Greenfield, 1/2 Mile, I-391 North, Chicopee, Holyoke Ctr Taken on I-91 North in Springfield, Massachusetts. [Closer View]

New Bennington Bypass, October 16, 2004

October 16, 2004

Welcome to Vermont, the Green Mountain State Taken on US 7 North. This is a new sign, with the old one replaced as part of the renovations of US 7 from the state line to North Pownal. [Closer View]
Shields: North New York 22, East New York 7 Taken in Hoosick. [Closer View]
Shields: To Vermont 279, East New York 7, To Vermont 9 Taken in Hoosick, New York, at the western end of the new Bennington Bypass (Vermont 279). [Closer View]
Distance sign: Rutland 60, Bennington 5, Brattleboro 44 Taken in Hoosick, New York, at the western end of the new Bennington Bypass (Vermont 279). [Closer View]
To Vermont 279 shield Taken in Hoosick, New York, on the new Bennington Bypass. [Closer View]
Welcome to Vermont, the Green Mountain State Taken eastbound on the new Bennington Bypass as it becomes Vermont 279. [Closer View]
East Vermont 279 shield Taken eastbound on the new Bennington Bypass crossing from New York. [Closer View]
Green sign: Vermont 67A to Historic Vermont 7A, Bennington, North Bennington, 1 Mile Taken on Vermont 279 East in Bennington. [Closer View]
Overheads: Vermont 279 to US 7, Bennington, Manchester, and Vermont 67A, Bennington, North Bennington Taken on Vermont 279 East in Bennington. [Closer View]
Shields: West Vermont 279, North Vermont 67A Taken on Vermont 67A in North Bennington. [Closer View]
Shields: To NY 7, West Vermont 279, North Vermont 67A Taken on Vermont 67A in North Bennington. [Closer View]
Distance sign: Bennington 1, Troy NY 29 Taken on Vermont 67A in North Bennington. [Closer View]
Shields: To Historic Vermont 7A, To US 7, To NY 7, South Vermont 67A, East Vermont 279, West Vermont 279 Taken on Vermont 67A South in North Bennington. [Closer View]

Ride to Providence, Rhode Island, November 27, 2004

November 27, 2004

Green sign: Rte 2 East, Boston, Use I-91 North Take on Massachusetts 2 East in Greenfield. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-91, South I-91 Take on Massachusetts 2 East in Greenfield. [Closer View]
Green signs: North I-91, East Massachusetts 2, Brattleboro VT, North Adams, Massachusetts 2A East, Greenfield Ctr Taken on the Rte 2/I-91/Rte 2A rotary in Greenfield. [Closer View]
Green signs: Massachusetts 2 East, Orange, Boston, Turners Falls Next Right Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Gill. [Closer View]
South Massachusetts 140 shield Taken in central Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Rider crossing yellow warning sign Taken on Massachusetts 140 South in central Mass. [Closer View]
Entering Princeton Taken on Massachusetts 140 South. [Closer View]
To I-190 shield, Green sign: Massachusetts 140 South, Sterling, W. Boylston, and Massachusetts 31 shield Taken in Princeton. [Closer View]
Entering Sterling Taken on Massachusetts 140 South. [Closer View]
Green signs: I-190 South, Worcester, Next Right, I-190 North, Fitchburg Taken on Massachusetts 140 South in Sterling. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-190 South, Worcester Taken on Massachusetts 140 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-290 East, Shrewsbury, Marlboro, I-290 West, Auburn Taken on I-190 South at its southern terminus in Worcester, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 12, Massachusetts 146 South, Brosnihan Sq, Milbury Taken on I-290 West in Worcester, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 20, I-90, Mass Pike, Boston, Springfield, Exit 1 Mile Taken on Massachusetts 146 South in Auburn. [Closer View]
Overhead: US 20, I-90, Mass Pike, Boston, Springfield Taken on Massachusetts 146 South in Auburn. [Closer View]
To I-95, US 6 shields Taken in Providence, Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Permit Parking Only, 30 Min. Limit, 8 AM to 6 PM, Tow Zone, and No Parking, Reserved for the Mayor Taken in Providence, Rhode Island. [Closer View]

Another ride to Providence, Rhode Island, December 4, 2004

December 4, 2004

Entering Sunderland Taken on Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Amherst Taken on Massachusetts 116 South. [Closer View]
Entering Hadley Taken on Massachusetts 116 South? [Closer View]
Entering Pelham Taken on Massachusetts 9 East. [Closer View]
South Massachusetts 202 error shield Taken on US 202 South near Belchertown. [Closer View]
Entering Palmer and Massachusetts 181 shield Taken on Massachusetts 181 South. [Closer View]
End Massachusetts 181 shield, Mass. Pike, US 20 shield Taken in Palmer. [Closer View]
Entering Monson Taken on US 20 East in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Entering Sturbridge Taken on US 20 East in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Entering Southbridge Taken on Massachusetts 131 East. [Closer View]
Connecticut Welcomes You (blurred) Taken on Massachusetts 131 East. [Closer View]

December 12, 2004

North Easton Taken on New York 40 North. [Closer View]
Shields: East New York 29, North New York 40 Taken in Middle Falls. [Closer View]
Middle Falls Taken on New York 29 East and New York 40 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North New York 40, East New York 29, traffic circle signal Taken in Middle Falls. [Closer View]
Village of Greenwich Taken on New York 40 North. [Closer View]
Jct. New York 372 shield Taken in Greenwich. [Closer View]
New York 372 shield Taken in Greenwich. [Closer View]
End New York 372 shield Taken in Greenwich. [Closer View]
Saratoga County, Village of Schuylerville Taken on New York 29 West. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 4, North New York 32, West New York 29, To I-87 Taken in Schuylerville. [Closer View]

December 22, 2004

Overheads: West Vermont 67A, North Vermont 7A Taken in North Bennington. [Closer View]
Shields: To US 7, East Vermont 279, West Vermont 279, North Vermont 67A Taken in North Bennington. [Closer View]
Shields: West Vermont 279, North Vermont 67A Taken in North Bennington. [Closer View]
Shields: To NY 7, West Vermont 279, North Vermont 67A Taken in North Bennington, Vermont. [Closer View]
Shields: End Vermont 279, To New York 7 Taken on the Bennington Bypass, northwest of Bennington, Vermont, approaching the New York border. [Closer View]
Welcome to New York, The Empire State Taken on the Bennington Bypass, Vermont 279, near Bennington. [Closer View]
Jct. New York 7 shield Taken at the western terminus of the Bennington Bypass in Hoosick. [Closer View]
Shields: To Vermont 9, New York 7 Taken at the western terminus of the Bennington Bypass in Hoosick, New York. [Closer View]
Troy 26, Bennington 5, Brattleboro 44 Taken at the western terminus of the Bennington Bypass in Hoosick, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: East New York 7, To Vermont 9, West New York 7 Taken at the western terminus of the Bennington Bypass in Hoosick, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: New York 9R, North US 9, South US 9 Taken in Latham. [Closer View]

December 23, 2004

Green sign: US 20 West, To Rte 41, Albany NY, Massachusetts 9 East, Center Street Taken in Pittsfield. [Closer View]
West US 20 shield Taken near Pittsfield, Massachusetts. [Closer View]

Florida Road Trip, December 25, 2004-January 2, 2005

December 26, 2004

State Line, Madison County, Sams Gap Taken on I-26 East crossing from Tennessee into North Carolina. [Closer View]
Welcome to North Carolina (blurred) Taken on I-26 East.
Shields: South US 19, South US 23 Taken on I-26 East (and US 19/23 South) in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct. Business US 19, Future East I-26 Taken in western North Carolina. This is most likely actually I-26 at this point. [Closer View]
Shields: Future East I-26, South US 19, South US 23, South US 25, East US 70 Taken in western North Carolina. This is most likely actually I-26 at this point. [Closer View]
Future East I-26 shield Taken in western North Carolina. This is most likely actually I-26 at this point. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 19, South US 23, South US 25, East US 70 Taken on I-26 East in western North Carolina. [Closer View]
To I-26, To I-40 shields Taken on I-26 East in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-240, East US 70, Expwy, and US 19, US 23, West I-240, W. Asheville Taken on I-26 East in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-240, I-40, West I-240, I-40, West US 74-A Taken in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: I-240, South US 19, South US 23 Taken in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 3A, US 19, US 23, and West I-240, East I-26, To I-40, Right 2 Lanes Taken in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Asheville Airport, I-26 East, Hendersonville, Spartanburg, and Old Exit 1B, Exit 31B, I-40 West, Canton, Knoxville Taken in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
East I-26 shield Taken in western North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-26 East, Spartanburg to Greenville, Old Exit 13, Exit 44, US 25, Fletcher, Mtn Home Taken on I-26 East in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 176, Saluda, E. Flat Rock Taken on US 25 South in western North Carolina. [Closer View]
Welcome to South Carolina Taken on US 25 South. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct. South Carolina 11, Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway, To I-26 Taken on US 25 South in western South Carolina. [Closer View]
East South Carolina 414 shield Taken on US 25 South near Greenville. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 276, South US 25 Taken near Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Distances: Pickens 16, Greenville 5, and US 25, South Carolina 183 Taken near Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
To I-85 shield Taken on US 25 South near Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Jct. US 123 shield Taken on US 25 South near Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Direction signs: Greenville, Easley. Shields: North US 123, South US 123 Taken on US 25 South near Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Direction sign: Atlanta. Shields: South US 29, South I-185 Taken on US 25 South in Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 14 B-A, I-85, Spartanburg, Atlanta Taken on I-185 in Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 14A, I-85 North, Spartanburg, 1/4 Mile, Exit 14B, I-85 South, US 29, Atlanta Taken on I-185 South in Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-185 Toll Road, Columbia Taken in Greenville, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-85, US 29 Taken in western South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 19B-A, US 76, South Carolina 28, Clemson, Anderson, 1 Mile, Exit 21, US 178, Liberty, Anderson Taken on I-85 South in South Carolina. [Closer View]
South I-85 shield Taken in western South Carolina. [Closer View]
Tugaloo River, Hartwell Lake Taken on I-85 South crossing from South Carolina into Georgia. [Closer View]
Georgia State Line, Hart County, and Welcome, We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind, Georgia - Site Of The 1996 Olympic Games. Sonny Perdue, Governor Taken on I-85 South. [Closer View]
Mile 179 and South I-85 shield Taken just across the border into Georgia on I-85 South. [Closer View]
Ernest Vandiver Highway Taken on I-85 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
South US 441, Georgia 15 shields Taken in Banks Crossing. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct. Business US 441, Alt. Georgia 15 Taken on US 441 South north of Athens. [Closer View]
South US 441, Georgia 15 shields Taken near Athens. [Closer View]
Georgia Heritage US 441 shield Taken near Athens on US 441 South. [Closer View]
North US 129, Georgia 10 shields Taken on US 441 South near Athens. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 129, US 441, Georgia 10 Taken near Athens. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 441, US 129, Loop Georgia 10 Taken near Athens. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 7, College Station Rd, University of Georgia, Exit 1 Mile, Exit 8, West Bus US 78, East US 78, Georgia 10, Oconee St, Lexington Rd Taken on US 441 South in Athens. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 4A, South US 129, South US 441, South Georgia 15 Taken on US 441 South near Athens. [Closer View]
Lots of overhead shields: South US 129, West US 278, South US 441, West Georgia 12, South Georgia 24 Taken in Madison. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 278, Georgia 12, South US 129, US 441 Taken in Madison. [Closer View]
To I-20 shield Taken on US 441 (and others) South in Madison, Georgia. [Closer View]
To I-16 shield Taken on US 129 South near Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 23, South US 129, South Georgia 11, North Georgia 19, South Georgia 49 Taken near Macon. [Closer View]
West I-16 shield Taken in Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 1, I-75 South, Valdosta, Keep Left, I-75 North, Atlanta, Keep Right Taken on I-16 West in Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
End I-16 shield Taken on I-16 West at its western terminus in Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads; South I-75, Valdosta, Exit 164, Bus US 41, Georgia 19, Hardeman Ave., Forsyth St., Downtown Taken on I-75 South in Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
South I-75 shield Taken near Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
South I-75 shield Taken south of Macon, Georgia. [Closer View]
Florida State Line, Hamilton County Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Florida, The Sunshine State Taken at the welcome center along I-75 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 451, US 129, Jasper, Live Oak Taken on I-75 South in northern Florida. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 435, I-10, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, 2 Miles Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 435, I-10, Jacksonville, Tallahassee Taken on I-75 South. [Closer View]

December 29, 2004

Shields: To US 41, Lee County 865, To I-75 Taken in Estero, Florida. (probably) [Closer View]
North US 17, to I-75 Taken on US 41 South in Punta Gorda, Florida. This is the southern terminus of US 17. [Closer View]

December 31, 2004

Slow Speed, 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays. All Remaining Times, Manatee Zone, 30 MPH in Channel, Slow Speed Out of Channel All Remaining Times Taken in Naples Bay. OK, so it's not a road sign, but it's an interesting sign. [Closer View]

January 1, 2005

Overhead: Exit 167, Charlotte County 776, Port Charlotte, Charlotte Harbor Taken on I-75 North. Note the hurricane damage to an old sign and to the trees. [Closer View]
End I-275, Junction I-75 North Taken on I-75 North north of Tampa. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 27, US 301, US 441, East Florida 40, Silver Springs, South US 27, US 301, US 441 Taken in Ocala. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 27, US 301, US 441 Taken in Ocala, Florida. [Closer View]
I-10 East, Jacksonville Taken on US 301 North in Baldwin, Florida. [Closer View]
I-10 West, Lake City Taken on US 301 North in Baldwin, Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 90, North US 301 Taken in Baldwin, Florida. [Closer View]
5% grade yellow warning sign Taken on a bridge (!) on US 301 North in northeastern Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 301, US 23, US 1, South US 1, US 23, and Florida A1A Taken in Callahan. [Closer View]
Shields: Florida A1A, East Florida 200 Taken in Callahan. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95 North, Savannah Taken on Florida A1A in Yulee. [Closer View]
Welcome, We're Glad Georgia's On Your Mind. Georgia - Site of the 1996 Olympic Games, Sonny Purdue, Governor Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
North I-95 shield Taken in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-95, Airport, Florence S C, Exit 99B, I-16 West, Macon, Exit 1/4 Mile, Exit 99A, I-16 East, Savannah Taken on I-95 North in Georgia. [Closer View]
Welcome to South Carolina Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]

January 2, 2005

Overheads: I-95 South, Benson, I-95 North, Richmond Taken in Rocky Mount, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Entering Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Be a friend to the Chesapeake Taken on I-95 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 51, South I-85, West US 460, Durham, Blackstone, 2 1/4 Miles Taken on I-95 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: To Exits 50A-B-C-D, US 460 East, Crater Rd, Wythe St, Washington St, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-95 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 52, Bank St 3/4 Mile, Exit 51, South I-85, West US 460, South Hill, 1/4 Mile, North I-95, South I-85, West US 460, Richmond, South Hill, Exit 50D, Downtown, Wythe St, Washington St, Exit Only Taken on I-95 North in Petersburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Richmond, Exit 51, South I-85, West US 460, South Hill, Blackstone Taken on I-95 North in Petersburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Thru Traffic, I-64 East, Williamsburg, Va Beach, Use Exit 75 Taken on I-95 North in Richmond, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 75, I-64 East, 7th Street, Norfolk, 1 Mile, Exit 74C, US 33, US 250, Broad St, 1/2 Mile, Exit 74A, Toll Virginia 195 to North I-195, Downtown Expressway Taken on I-95 North in Richmond. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-64 West, Charlottesville, Use I-95 North, Exit 75, Richmond International Airport Taken on I-95 North in Richmond, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 75, I-64 East, Norfolk, Williamsburg, 7th Street, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-95 North in Richmond, Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-95, West I-64 Taken in Richmond, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 79, West I-64, South I-195, To Powhite Pkwy, Charlottesville, 1 Mile Taken on I-95 North and I-64 West in Richmond, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Washington, Exit 79, West I-64, South I-195, To Powhite Pkwy, Charlottesville Taken on I-95 North and I-64 West in Richmond, Virginia. [Closer View]
To I-95 Shield (with Virginia state name) Taken in a rest area in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
North I-295 shield Taken in Washington, D.C. [Closer View]
Overhead: To I-95 North, US 50 East, To I-395, Washington Navy Yard, Downtown Taken on I-295 North in Washington, D.C. [Closer View]
Overhead: End I-295 Taken in Washington, D.C. [Closer View]
Shields: To North I-95, To US 50 Taken on DC 295 North. [Closer View]
Pennsylvania Ave. West Taken on DC 295 North. [Closer View]
North DC 295 shield Taken in Washington, D.C. [Closer View]
Overheads: Balt Wash Pkwy North to I-95, Baltimore, US 50 West, New York Ave, US 50 East, Annapolis Taken on Maryland 295 North. [Closer View]
Baltimore Washington Parkway, No Trucks, To Baltimore Taken on Maryland 295 North. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95, I-495 North, Baltimore, College Park Taken on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overhead: Balt.-Wash. Parkway, Baltimore, Maryland 197, Laurel, Bowie, 1/2 Mile Taken on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-195 West, Catonsville, Exit 1/2 Mile, and I-195 East, BWI Airport Taken on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway North. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-695 South, Towson, Glen Burnie Taken on the Baltimore-Washington Parkway North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 5, Maryland 648, Balt-Annap Blvd, Ferndale, 1/2 Mile, Exit 6A, Exit 6B, Maryland 170, Camp Meade Rd, North N Linthicum 1/4 Mile, South Linthicum Taken on I-695 south of Baltimore. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 4, I-97 South, Annapolis, Bay Bridge, 1/2 Mile, I-695 East, Glen Burnie, Exit 6A, Maryland 170, Camp Meade Rd, N Linthicum Taken on I-695 East in Maryland. [Closer View]
Exit 4, South I-97 Taken on I-695 East in Maryland. [Closer View]
Shield: East I-695, Outer Loop, Key Bridge Taken south of Baltimore, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-695 To I-95, Dundalk, Exit 2, Maryland 10 South, Severna Park Taken south of Baltimore, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overheads: Maryland 7, Phila. Rd. 1/2, I-95 Jct. 1 1/4, Exit 35A, US 40 West, Baltimore, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-695 east of Baltimore. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 33A, I-95 South, Baltimore, Washington, Exit 33B, I-95 North, New York Taken on I-695 east of Baltimore, Maryland. [Closer View]
Millard E Tydings Memorial Bridge, Susquehanna River Taken on I-95 North in Maryland. [Closer View]
Overhead: Pay Toll Ahead, E-ZPass Members Only Use Yellow Lane, Cash, Cars $5, E-ZPass, Use Green Lane Taken on I-95 North in Maryland approaching the Tydings Bridge. [Closer View]
Overhead: Toll Plaza 1 Mile, Express E-ZPass Only, No Ticket, Ticket, E-ZPass, All Lanes Thru Taken northbound at the southern end of the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]
Overhead: Toll Plaza 1500 Ft, Express E-ZPass Only, No Ticket, Ticket, E-ZPass, All Lanes Thru Taken northbound at the southern end of the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]
E-ZPass Express Lanes, Speed Limit 55 Taken northbound at the southern end of the New Jersey Turnpike. [Closer View]

SIAM CSE05 in Orlando, Florida, February 11-15, 2005

February 11, 2005

Welcome to New York, The Empire State Taken on Rte 2 West in Petersburg. Winter scene in this one. [Closer View]

February 15, 2005

Overhead: To I-4, US 192, and shields: US 192, I-4 Taken in Walt Disney World, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: To I-4 West - Tampa, Int'l Airport Via Florida 417, Celebration, and US 192 to I-4 East - Orlando Taken on US 192 East just outside of Walt Disney World, Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 192 East to I-4 East, Orlando, Kissimmee, and US 192 West to US 27 Taken on US 192 East just outside of Walt Disney World, Florida. [Closer View]
West Osceola Parkway, Follow The Sun, Disney World Taken in Kissimmee, Florida. [Closer View]
West Toll Osceola County 522, To I-4 Taken on the Osceola Parkway in Kissimmee, Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-4, Jct. Toll Florida 417 Taken on the Osceola Parkway in Kissimmee. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-4 West, Tampa, Left Lane, Disney World, I-4 East, Orlando Taken on the Osceola Parkway approaching Walt Disney World in Florida. [Closer View]

March 13, 2005

Welcome to New Hampshire, The Granite State Taken on New Hampshire 9 East, crossing from Vermont. [Closer View]
North New Hampshire 10 shield Taken north of Keene. [Closer View]
Welcome to Vermont, The Green Mountain State Taken after crossing from New Hampshire on NH 12. [Closer View]
Green sign: Vermont 131, I-91 intersection Taken in Weathersfield, just across the Connecticut River from New Hampshire 12. [Closer View]

March 24, 2005

Shields: East Vermont 11, North Vermont 100, South Vermont 100 Taken in Londonderry. [Closer View]
Shields: North Vermont 103, North Vermont 100, South Vermont 103, South Vermont 100, To I-91 Taken in Ludlow. [Closer View]
Green sign: To Vermont 279, Right Lane Taken on US 7 South in Bennington. [Closer View]

April 23, 2005

End Massachusetts 103 shield Taken in Somerset. [Closer View]
Massachusetts green signs: East US 6, South Massachusetts 138, Fall River, No. Tiverton R.I., US 6 West, Swansea, Providence, R.I. (error: US 6 shown as MA 6) Taken in Somerset. [Closer View]
West US 6 shield Taken in Somerset, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Entering Swansea Taken on US 6 West. [Closer View]
Green signs: Massachusetts 118 North, Rehoboth, To I-195 Taken on US 6 West in Swansea. [Closer View]
Green signs: Massachusetts 136 South, Warren R.I., Newport R.I., Next Left, Massachusetts 136 North, Providence, R.I., Next Right Taken on US 6 West in Swansea. [Closer View]
Entering Rehoboth Taken on US 6 West. [Closer View]
Entering Seekonk Taken on US 6 West. [Closer View]
Welcome to Rhode Island, The Ocean State Taken on US 6 West. [Closer View]
West US 44 shield, with "West" inside the US shield Taken in Providence, Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 1, West US 44 Taken in Providence, Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 6 West, US 6A West, Johnston, Exit 1/4 Mile, Rhode Island 128, Killingly St. Taken on US 6 West leaving Providence. [Closer View]
Overheads: Junction I-295, Exit 2 Miles, Rhode Island 5, Atwood Ave., Exit 1 Mile, US 6A West, Johnston Taken on US 6 West leaving Providence. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 6, West US 6A Taken on US 6 West in Johnston, Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-295 North, Woonsocket, Exit 6C, US 6 West, Hartford Ct. Taken on I-295 North in Johnston, Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Green sign, Rhode Island 101, Hartford Pike, US 6 to I-395 Taken on US 6 West. [Closer View]
South Rhode Island 102 shield Taken from Rhode Island 101. [Closer View]
Connecticut Welcomes You Taken on Route 101 West entering from Rhode Island. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-395 South, I-395 North, Worcester Taken on Connecticut 101 West. [Closer View]
Hartford 41, Abington 2, and shields: West US 44, East US 44 Taken on Connecticut 101 West at its western terminus. [Closer View]
Green sign: Connecticut 74 to I-84, Next Right Taken on US 44 West in West Ashford. [Closer View]
Shields: West Connecticut 74, South/North Connecticut 320 Taken on Connecticut 74 West in Willington. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-84, West Connecticut 74, South/North Connecticut 32 Taken on Connecticut 74 West in West Willington. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-84 West, I-84 East, Boston Taken on Connecticut 32 North. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-84 West, Hartford Taken on Connecticut 32 North. [Closer View]
Shields: West Connecticut 190 to US 5, Jct I-91 Taken on Connecticut 190 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-91 North, Springfield Taken on Connecticut 190 West. [Closer View]

May 15, 2005

If signal is out, please notify Williamstown police dept immediately, 413-459-5733 Taken on US 7 South and Massachusetts 2 West at a bridge replacement project with a temporary one lane bridge in Williamstown. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-90, New York Thruway, South I-87, to US 20, New York, Buffalo, Exit 1N, I-87 North, Saratoga, Montreal Taken on I-90 West in Albany, New York. [Closer View]
Exit 25A, I-88, New York 7, Schenectady, Binghamton Taken on I-90 West in Rotterdam. [Closer View]
Exits 23-1, to South I-87, Mass Pike East, New York, Boston, Keep Right Taken on I-90 East in Albany, New York, approaching Exit 24. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 24, North I-87, East I-90, Albany, Montreal, South I-87, New York Thruway, To Mass Pike, New York, Boston Taken on I-90 East in Albany, New York. [Closer View]

Trip to ICCS05 in Atlanta, Georgia, May 20-26, 2005

May 20, 2005

Overheads: Exits 1-22, South I-87, New York, Mass Tpke, Exits 24-61, I-87 North, Montreal, Buffalo Taken at Exit 23 of the New York Thruway just beyond the toll booths in Albany, New York. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-87, New York City, Exit 21A, To I-90 East, Mass Tpke, Boston Taken on I-87 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: Washington Ave, East I-587, New York 28, Kingston, New York 28 West, Pine Hill to US 209, Kingston Rhinecliff Bridge Taken just off Exit 19 of the New York Thruway. [Closer View]
Entering Catskill Park, A 700,000 Acre State Park of Public and Private Land, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Taken on New York 28 West near Kingston. [Closer View]
Overheads: New York 28, Pine Hill, Straight Ahead, US 209 South, Ellenville, US 209 North, Rhinecliff Bridge Taken on New York 28 West near the intersection with the New York Thruway. [Closer View]
South US 209 shield Taken in Hurley, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: To East New York 213, West New York 213 Taken on US 209 South in Stone Ridge. [Closer View]
Ulster County 3 shield with county outline Taken on US 209 South near Stone Ridge, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct US 44, Jct New York 55 Taken on US 209 South in Kerhonskon. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 44, To New York Thruway, East New York 55, West New York 55 ** Taken on US 209 South in Kerhonskon. This is the western terminus of US 44. [Closer View]
Wawarsing Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
Village of Ellenville Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
Shields: New York (should be US) 209, East New York 52, West New York 52, Truck to West New York 52 Taken on US 209 South in Ellenville. [Closer View]
Village of Wurtsboro Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
Shields: Detour to East New York 17 (upside-down!), South US 209, West New York 17 Taken on US 209 South in Wurtsboro. [Closer View]
Orange County, Town of Deer Park Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
Cuddebackville Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
Shields: US 209, New York 211 Taken in Cuddebackville. [Closer View]
Godeffroy Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
Huguenot Taken on US 209 South. [Closer View]
East US 6, West US 6 Taken on US 209 South in Port Jervis, New York. [Closer View]
Shields: US 6, New York 42, US 209, New York 97 Taken in Port Jervis. [Closer View]
Jct. I-84 shield Taken on US 209 South in Matamoras, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: South US 206 Bridge, New Jersey, South US 209 Taken on US 209 South in Milford, Pennsylvania. This is the western terminus of US 206. [Closer View]
Entrance to Bridge, New Jersey, New York Taken on US 209 South in Milford, Pennsylvania. This is the western terminus of US 206. [Closer View]
Entering Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area Taken on US 209 South in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: US 209, South Pennsylvania 739, North Pennsylvania 739 Taken in northeastern Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct. I-80, Jct. Pennsylvania 447 Taken on US 209 South near Stroudsburg. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-80, South US 209 Taken in eastern Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Green sign: Pennsylvania 512, Wind Gap, Bath, Exit 1/2 Mile Taken on Pennsylvania 33 South. [Closer View]
Overheads: Jct. I-78, New York City, Harrisburg, Exits 4 Miles, US 22 East, Easton, Exit 1/2 Mile, US 22 West, Bethlehem, Allentown Taken on Pennsylvania 33 South. [Closer View]
Jct. US 222 shield Taken in Trexlertown, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
South US 222 shield Taken between Allentown and Reading, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Horse and Carriage sign Taken on US 222 South near Reading, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Green sign: Pennsylvania 737, Krumsville Taken on US 222 South. [Closer View]
Fleetwood 3, Shoemakersville 8, South Pennsylvania 662, North Pennsylvania 662 Taken on US 222 South on Moseleum Springs. [Closer View]
Overhead: US 422, South US 222, Lancaster, Lebanon, Pottstown, 1/2 Mile Taken near Reading, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: US 422 East, Pottstown, South US 222, West US 422, Lancaster, Lebanon, 1/4 Mile Taken near Reading, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: South US 222, West US 422, Lancaster, Lebanon Taken near Reading, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Pennsylvania 724, Sinking Spring, Shillington Taken on US 222 South near Reading, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Shields: East Pennsylvania 568, South Pennsylvania 272 Taken on US 222 southwest of Reading. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-76, Pennsylvania Turnpike, Pennsylvania 272, Pa Turnpike, Denver Taken on US 222 South. [Closer View]
US 322 Ephrata Exit 1 Mile Taken on US 222 South in Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overhead: Downtown Lancaster Exits, Via US 30 East, New Holland Ave, Walnut St. Pennsylvania 23, Via US 30 West, Lititz Pike, Pennsylvania 501, US 222, Fruitville Pike Taken on US 222 South. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-83 North, Harrisburg Taken on US 30 West near York, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-83 South, Baltimore Taken on US 30 West near York, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Overheads: South Pennsylvania 616, New Salem, Next Left, US 30 West, Gettysburg Taken on US 30 West. [Closer View]
South Pennsylvania 616 shield Taken near Gettysburg. [Closer View]
Overhead street sign: Lincoln Hwy Taken in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Lincoln Highway sign Taken in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Maryland Welcomes You, Enjoy Your Visit! Taken on US 15 South. [Closer View]
115th Infantry Regiment Memorial Hwy Taken on US 15 South in Maryland. [Closer View]
Crossroads Next 20 Miles, Speed Limit 55 Taken on US 15 South in Maryland. [Closer View]

May 21, 2005

Overheads: US 40 East to I-270 South, I-70, Exit 1/4 Mile, North US 15, West US 40, Gettysburg Taken in Frederick, Maryland. [Closer View]
Scenic Byway, Catoctin Mountain Hwy Taken on US 15 South near Frederick, Maryland. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 15, West US 340 Taken south of Frederick, Maryland. [Closer View]
Overhead: South US 15, Leesburg, US 340 West, Charles Town, 1 Mile Taken south of Frederick, Maryland. [Closer View]
Potomac River Taken on US 15 South. [Closer View]
Welcome to Virginia Taken on US 15 South. [Closer View]
Loudoun County 1757, Enjoy Your Stay Taken on US 15 South in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Virginia Secondary 658 shield Taken on US 15 South in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 15 Leesburg, Warrenton, Dulles Greenway, Toll East, Dulles Airport, Washington Taken on US 15 South in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 50, South US 15, West US 50 Taken in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-66, South US 15, West I-66 Taken in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
East I-66, Washington Taken on US 15 South in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Street signs: John Marshall Hy, James Madison Hy Taken on US 15 South in northern Virginia, just beyond the I-66 interchange. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 29, South US 15, South US 29 Taken in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Business US 15, Business US 29, To West US 211, Warrenton, Luray, Second Right, US 17 North, Winchester, Next Right Taken on US 15 and US 29 South in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 15, South US 29, South US 17 Taken in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-95, South US 17, South US 15, South US 29 Taken on US 15, US 17, and US 29 South in northern Virginia. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 522, Virginia 3, Culpeper, Fredericksburg Take on US 15 and US 29 South in Culpeper, Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South Business US 29, South Virginia 231, North Virginia 231 Taken in Madison. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 29, West US 33 Taken in Ruckersville, Virginia. [Closer View]
To I-64 shield Taken on US 29 South near Charlottesville, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South Business US 29, Emmet St, East Bypass US 250, Next Right, South Bypass US 250, West Bypass US 250, To I-64, Lynchburg, Staunton, Richmond Taken on US 29 South in Charlottesville, Virginia. [Closer View]
South US 29, West US 250 shields Taken in Charlottesville, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 29 South, Lynchburg, I-64 East, Richmond, Exit 1/3 Mile, I-64 West, Staunton Taken on US 29 South in Charlottesville, Virginia. [Closer View]
West (on) Virginia 6Y shield Taken on US 29 South south of Charlottesville. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 60 Amherst, Exit 3/4 Mile Taken on US 29 South in Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: Virginia Secondary 793, Virginia Secondary 792 Taken (probably) on Business US 29 South in Amherst, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 3A-B, South US 221, Bus US 460, Bus US 501, Exits 1/2 Mile, Exit 2, Grace Street, Exit 500 Feet Taken on US 29 South in Lynchburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South Business US 501, East Business US 460, North Business US 501, North US 221 Taken in Lynchburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: East Business US 460, South Business US 501, US 29 North, Charlottesville, Next Right, US 29 South, Danville Taken in Lynchburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 29 South, Danville, US 460 East, Appomattox, Next Right, US 460 West, Roanoke Taken in Lynchburg, Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: South Virginia 293, Business West US 58, To Business US 29, To South Virginia 86, North Virginia 293, East Virginia 360 Taken in Danville. [Closer View]
Shields: South Business US 29, South Virginia 86, Greensboro Taken in Danville. [Closer View]
Welcome to North Carolina, Caswell County Taken on US 29 South. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 158, North Carolina 14, Reidsville, Eden, Yanceyville Taken on US 29 South in northern North Carolina. [Closer View]
Future I-785 Corridor Taken on US 29 South near Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
East US 70 shield, Wendover Ave East Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
East US 70 shield Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shield: Future I-840, Second Right Taken on US 70 East in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: Future East I-840, To I-85, To I-40 Taken on US 70 East in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Future I-840 Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-40, North I-85, South Business I-85, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigh, 1 Mile Taken on Future I-840 East in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-85, Charlotte, Exit 21, I-40, North I-85, South Business I-85, Greensboro, Durham, Raleigh Taken on Future I-840 East in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-40, North I-85, Durham, Raleigh, West I-40, South Business I-85, Greensboro Taken on Future I-840 East in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, South Business I-85 Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Old Exit 126, Exit 38, US 421 South, Sanford, 1 1/4 miles Taken on I-40 West in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, South Business I-85, South US 29, West US 70, South US 220, North US 421 Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: South Business I-85, South US 29, West US 70, High Point, Charlotte, Old Exit 123, Exit 36A, West I-40, South 220, North US 421, Winston-Salem Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-40, US 421, Winston-Salem Taken in Greensboro, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-40, Winston-Salem, Statesville Taken between Greensboro and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 196, US 311 South, High Point Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 Statesville, Exit 188, East Business I-40, US 421, Winston-Salem, Yadkinville, Wilkesboro Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 170, US 601, Mocksville, Yadkinville Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 152A, I-77 South, Charlotte, 1/4 Mile, Exit 152B, I-77 North, Elkin Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 West, Morganton, Asheville, Exit 125, Hickory Taken on I-40 West in Hickory, North Carolina. [Closer View]
North US 321 shield Taken in Hickory, North Carolina. [Closer View]

May 22, 2005

West I-40, Hickory, Asheville Taken in Hickory, North Carolina. [Closer View]
I-40, No Trucks, 3 Axles or more, Left Lane, Next 6 Miles Taken on I-40 West between Hickory and Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-40, West US 70 Taken approaching Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Entering Pisgah National Forest Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Eastern Continental Divide, Elev 2786 Ft Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 46A, East I-26, East US 74, Hendersonville, Spartanburg, 1 1/2 Miles, To I-240, Exit 47, North Carolina 191, W. Asheville, Famers Market, 1 Mile Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 46A, East I-26, East US 74, Hendersonville, Spartanburg, West I-40, West US 74, Canton, Knoxville Taken on I-40 West in Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: South North Carolina 191, West North Carolina 112 Taken near Asheville. [Closer View]
Entering Blue Ridge Parkway Take near Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Blue Ridge Parkway, North, South Taken near Asheville, North Carolina. [Closer View]
South US 276, North US 276, Brevard 18 mi., Cradle of Forestry, 4 mi., Waynesville, 22 mi. Taken just off the Blue Ridge Parkway in western North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: East US 64, West US 64, East North Carolina 280, South US 276 Taken near Pisgah Forest. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 64, South US 276 Taken near Pisgah Forest, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Truck Advisory, Road Narrows, 20 MPH Curves, Next 40 Miles Taken on US 64 West west of Brevard, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Narrow Shoulders, Limited View Curves, Next 40 Miles Taken on US 64 West west of Brevard, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Cashiers, Rosman, Pickens, US 178 shield Taken on US 64 West west of Brevard, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Eastern Continental Divide, Elev 2694 Ft Taken on US 64 West near Cashiers, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Jct North Carolina 106 shield Taken in Highlands. [Closer View]
Ski area directional sign: Scaly Taken in Highlands, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Georgia State Line, Rabun County Taken on North Carolina 106 South. [Closer View]
Welcome, We're glad Georgia's on your mind Taken entering Georgia from North Carolina on North Carolina 106/Georgia 246. [Closer View]
West Georgia 246 shield Taken just across the border from North Carolina. [Closer View]
Yellow warning sign: Caution, Steep Grade Ahead, Trucks Use Lower Gear Taken on Georgia 246 West just across the border from North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: US 23, US 441, Georgia 246 End Taken in Dillard. [Closer View]
Overheads: South US 123, South Georgia 17, South Georgia 365, Toccoa, Lavonia, South US 23, South US 441, South Georgia 365, Gainesville, Atlanta, North Georgia 17, Clarkesville, Helen, Next Right Taken on US 23 and US 441 South. [Closer View]
Appalachian Foothills Parkway Taken on US 23, US 441 South in northern Georgia. [Closer View]
US 123 End shield Taken near Gainesville, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South US 441, Commerce, Athens, South US 23, South Georgia 365, Gaineville, Atlanta Taken near Gainesville. [Closer View]
South I-985 shield Taken in northern Georgia. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 22, US 129, Gainesville, Jefferson, Exit 1 Mile Taken on I-985 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 107, Georgia 120, To Georgia 316 East, Duluth, Lawrenceville Taken on I-85 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-85, Atlanta, and Exit 107, Georgia 120, To Georgia 316 East, Duluth, Lawrenceville Taken on I-85 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 95A, I-285, East Bypass, Augusta, Macon, Exit 1 1/2 Miles, Exit 95B, I-285 West Bypass, Chattanooga, Birmingham, Exit 3/4 Mile, Exit 96, Pleasantdale, Northcrest Taken on I-85 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-85, Atlanta, Exit 95A, I-285 East Bypass, Augusta, Macon Taken on I-85 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 85, I-75 North, Marietta, Chattanooga, Exit 2 Miles Taken on I-85 South in Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-75, I-85, Macon, Montgomery, Exit 249C, Williams St, Downtown, Georgia Dome, Exit 1 1/2 Miles, Exit 249D, US 78, US 278, North Ave, Georgia Tech, Exit 1 Mile Taken on I-75 and I-85 South in Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 247, I-20, Augusta, Birmingham, Exit 2 Miles, Exit 249A, Courtland St, Georgia State University, Exit 3/4 Mile, Exit 249C, Williams St, World Congress Ctr, Georgia Dome Taken on I-75 and I-85 South in Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]
Shields: I-85, I-75, I-20 Taken in downtown Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overhead: To Spring St, I-75-85-20 (all in one shield) *** Taken in Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 251, North I-85, To Georgia 400, Greenville, I-75 North, Marietta, Chattanooga Taken on I-75 and I-85 North in Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]

May 23, 2005

Overheads; I-20 West, Birmingham, Exit 58A, Capitol Ave, Downtown, Exit 1 Mile, Exit 58B, Hill St, Turner Field, Exit 3/4 Mile Taken on I-20 West in Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 57, South I-75, I-85, Macon, Montgomery, North I-75, I-85, Chattanooga, Greenville, Exit 1 Mile, Exit 58A, Capitol Ave, Downtown Taken on I-20 West in Atlanta, Georgia. [Closer View]

May 25, 2005

Overhead: Exit 33, I-85, Greenville, Atlanta, Exit 3/4 Mile Taken on I-285 North on the northeast side of the Atlanta, Georgia, area. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-85 North, Greenville Taken on I-285 North on the northeast side of the Atlanta, Georgia, area.
Overhead: Exit 113, North I-985, Gainesville, Exit 1 Mile, I-85 North, Greenville Taken on I-85 North in Georgia. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 1, South Carolina 11, Cherokee Foothills Scenic Highway, 2 1/2 Miles Taken on I-85 North in Georgia, approaching the South Carolina border. [Closer View]
Welcome to South Carolina Taken on I-85 North. [Closer View]
South Carolina Welcomes You Taken on I-85 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85, South Carolina 11, Westminster, Walhalla Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
North I-85 shield Taken near Anderson, South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Spartanburg, Exit 42, I-185 North, US 29, Downtown Greenville, I-185 South, Toll, Columbia Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Exit 51, I-385, Columbia, Greenville Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Charlotte, Exit 69, Business I-85 Freeway Loop, Spartanburg Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Exit 70, I-26, Columbia, Asheville, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Charlotte, Exit 70, I-26, Columbia, Asheville Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-26, Asheville, I-26 East, Columbia Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 72, US 176 to I-585, Spartanburg, Inman Taken on I-85 North in South Carolina. [Closer View]
Welcome to North Carolina, State Line, Cleveland County Taken on I-85 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 30, South I-485 to South I-77, Pineville, 1 Mile, Exit 29, Sam Wilson Rd, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Charlotte/Douglas Intl Airport, Greensboro, Exit 30, South I-485 to South I-77, Pineville Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 33, US 521, Billy Graham Pkwy, Charlotte/Douglas Intl Airport, 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 32, Little Rock Rd Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 38, I-77, US 21, Statesville, Columbia, Exit 37, Beatties Ford Rd Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 39, Statesville Ave, Statesville Rd, 1/2 Mile, Exit 38, I-77 North South US 21, Statesville, Columbia Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Greensboro, Exit 43, City Blvd, 1/2 Mile, Exit 42, To US 29, To North Carolina 49 Taken on I-85 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Greensboro, Exit 58, US 29, US 601, Kannapolis, Concord Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-85, North US 601 Taken near Kannapolis, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 60, Dale Earnhardt Blvd, Copperfield Blvd Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-85, North US 29, East US 70, North US 52 Taken near Salisbury, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: To I-40 East, North I-85, Durham, Raleigh, Exit 120, To West I-40, North Business I-85, North US 29, North US 70, Greensboro Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 132, Mt Hope Church Rd, 1 Mile, Exit 131, West I-40, South Business I-85, To US 70, Greensboro Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-40, North I-85, Raleigh, Durham, Exit 131, West I-40, South Business I-85, To US 70, Greensboro Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Shields: East I-40, North I-85 Taken between Greensboro and Durham, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 163, North I-85 Durham, East I-40 Raleigh, 2 Miles Taken on I-40 East and I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 163, North I-85 Durham, East I-40 Raleigh Taken on I-40 East and I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 Durham, Exit 163, I-40 Raleigh Taken on I-40 East and I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: To South US 15, To South US 501, Chapel Hill, Duke Univ, Exit 172 Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Durham, Petersburg, Exit 172 Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-85 North, Richmond, Exit 215, By-pass US 158 East Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 220, US 1, US 158, Norlina, Fleming Rd Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 233, US 1, US 401, Wise, 1 Mile Taken on I-85 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Welcome to Virginia Taken on I-85 North. [Closer View]
Welcome to Virginia (in rest area) Taken on I-85 North. [Closer View]
North I-85 shield (on black background) Taken in southern Virginia. [Closer View]
Shields: North I-85, East US 460 Taken in southern Virginia. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-95, Rocky Mt NC, Richmond, 1 3/4 Miles Taken on I-85 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: To I-95 North, Richmond, Exit 68, South I-95, East US 460, Rocky Mt NC, Norfolk Taken on I-85 North in Virginia at its northern terminus. [Closer View]
Overheads: End I-85, North I-95, 1/2 Mile, Exit 69, Downtown, Wythe St, Washington St, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-85 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95 North, Richmond, Exit 69, Downtown, Wythe St, Washington St Taken on I-85 North in Virginia at its northern terminus. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 301, North US 301 Taken on Virginia 207 North in Bowling Green. [Closer View]
Shields: Begin US 301, End Virginia 207 Taken on Virginia 207 North in Bowling Green. There is no US 301 terminus here, just that the road that was Virginia 207 has become US 301 North. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 17, North US 301, South US 17 Taken in Port Royal, Virginia. [Closer View]
Welcome, Governor Henry W. Nice Memorial Bridge, Maryland Transportation Authority Taken approaching the Potomac River on US 301 North in Virginia. [Closer View]
Maryland, Enjoy Taken on US 301 North, entering Maryland. See also August 15, 2002. [Closer View]
East Maryland 234 shield Taken near Newport. [Closer View]
North Maryland 2-4 shield Taken in Prince Frederick. [Closer View]
Shields: North Maryland 2, Maryland 4 Taken near Prince Frederick. [Closer View]
East Maryland 259 shield, Scenic Byway Anne Arundel Colonial Tour, Reenock, Annapolis Taken in Bristol. [Closer View]
East Maryland 408 shield Taken in Lothian. [Closer View]

May 26, 2005

Overheads: I-95 to I-280, New Jersey 3, Exits 15W-18W, Geo Washington Br, To US 46, I-80, Exits 15E-18E, Lincoln Tunnel Taken on I-95 North in New Jersey where the New Jersey Turnpike splits near Kearny. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 15W, 1 Mi, I-280, Newark, Kearny Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-80 West, Hackensack, Paterson, North I-95, New Jersey Turnpike, Jct US 46, Fort Lee, G Washington Br Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95, New Jersey Turnpike North, Fort Lee, G Washington Br, US 46, The Ridgefields, Palisades Park Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-80 West, Paterson, Express, Hackensack, Lock Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North. [Closer View]
To I-87, Major Deegan Expressway, Use Local Lanes, Keep Right Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North. [Closer View]
Overhead: North I-95, George Washington Bridge, Upper Level Express, Lower Level, Fort Lee, Local Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-95, George Washington Bridge, Upper Level, All Trucks to NY, Lower Level, Fort Lee Taken on I-95 and the New Jersey Turnpike North.
Overhead: I-95 North, George Washington Bridge, I-95 North, All Trucks To NY Upper Level, NJ Exits Lower Level Taken on I-95 North in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 72, US 9W, Palisades Parkway, Fort Lee, I-95, US 1, US 9 North, George Washington Bridge Taken on I-95 North in New Jersey. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 1, H Hudson Pkwy, W 178 St, Thru Traffic I-95 Taken on I-95 North on the lower deck of the George Washington Bridge crossing from New Jersey into New York.
US 1 Use I-95 Taken on I-95 North on the lower deck of the George Washington Bridge crossing from New Jersey into New York. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 2, Harlem Riv Dr, to FDR Dr, Manhattan, I-95 North, Cr Bronx Expwy Taken on I-95 North in New York City. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 2, Harlem Riv Dr, to FDR Dr, Manhattan, North I-95, Exit 3, I-87 Maj Deegan Expwy Taken on I-95 North in New York City. [Closer View]
North I-95, Left Lane, Exit 1C, I-87, Both Lanes Taken on I-95 North in New York City. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 1C, I-87, Maj Deegan Expwy, Albany, Queens Taken on I-95 North in New York City. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 3S, South I-87, Queens, Exit 3N, I-87 North, Albany Taken on I-95 North in New York City. [Closer View]

June 4, 2005

Overhead: Exit 40A, I-93 South, Boston, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-495 North in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 40B, I-93 North, Concord NH, 1/4 Mile, Exit 40A, I-93 South, Boston Taken on I-495 North in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-93, Concord N.H., Exit 46, Massachusetts 110, Massachusetts 113, Lawrence, Dracut, 1 Mile, Exit 45, River Rd, S. Lawrence Taken on I-93 North in Massachusetts. [Closer View]
North I-93 shield Taken in northern Massachusetts or southern New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overhead: Manchester Airport, North I-293, West New Hampshire 101, Bedford, Manchester, North I-93, East New Hampshire 101, Concord, Seacoast, 1 Mile Taken on I-93 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overheads: West New Hampshire 101, Everett Turnpike, to US 3, Bedford, Nashua, North I-293, Manchester, Concord, 1 Mile (1.6 km), Exit 2, Manchester Airport, New Hampshire 3A, Brown Ave Taken on I-293 North in New Hampshire. [Closer View]
Overheads: North US 3, West New Hampshire 101, Milford, New Hampshire, East New Hampshire 101, To I-293, Everett Turnpike, Boston, Concord Taken in the Manchester area. [Closer View]

June 14, 2005

End Massachusetts 111 shield Taken in Concord. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exits 52A-B, I-95, Attleboro, Peabody, 1 Mile Taken on Massachusetts 2 East. [Closer View]

June 16, 2005

Massachusetts green sign: East 2-20, Kenmore Square Taken in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Massachusetts green signs: 2 East, Boston Common, 20, Kenmore Sq. 1 Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Boston.
To 2, Cambridge, Points West Taken on Massachusetts 2 East in Boston. [Closer View]
Shields: To West I-90, South I-93 Taken in Boston, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: South I-93, Quincy Taken in Boston, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: East I-90, Logan Airport Taken in Boston, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Overhead: To Massachusetts 1A, Use East I-90 Taken in Boston. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-90, Exit 26, Logan Airport Taken on I-90 East in Boston, Massachusetts nearing its new eastern terminus. [Closer View]
End I-90 *** Taken in East Boston, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
North Massachusetts 1A shield Taken in East Boston. [Closer View]
Overheads: Massachusetts 60 West, to US 1, Malden, N.H.-Maine, Massachusetts 1A North, Revere Beach, Lynn Taken on Massachusetts 1A North in Revere. [Closer View]
Massachusetts green signs: West Massachusetts 60, To US 1, Saugus, N.H.-Maine, Massachusetts 1A North, Revere Beach, Lynn. Taken on Massachusetts 1A North in Revere.
Overheads: Downtown Lynn, Salem, Massachusetts 1A N, Nahant, Swampscott Taken in Lynn. [Closer View]
Entering Nahant Taken entering Nahant from Lynn. [Closer View]
Entering Swampscott Taken entering from Lynn. [Closer View] [Still Closer View]
West Massachusetts 129 shield Taken in Lynn. [Closer View]
Entering Lynn Taken at the Lynn-Swampscott line. [Closer View]
End Ahead Massachusetts 114 ** Taken in Marblehead. [Closer View]
End Massachusetts 114 shield Taken in Marblehead. [Closer View]
Entering Salem Taken on Massachusetts 114 North. [Closer View]
Entering Marblehead Taken on Massachusetts 114 South. [Closer View]
Massachusetts green signs: North Massachusetts 1A, West Massachusetts 114, Beverly, Peabody, Masschusetts 1A South, Lynn Taken in Salem. [Closer View]
Entering Peabody Taken on Massachusetts 1A North. [Closer View]
Massachusetts green signs: 128 North, Beverly, Gloucester, Next Right, 128 South, Burlington, 2nd Right Taken in Peabody. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95, Massachusetts 128 South, Waltham, Exit 29, I-95 North, N.H. Maine Taken on Massachusetts 128 South in Peabody. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-95, Massachusetts 128 South, Waltham, Exit 44, US 1, Danvers, Boston Taken on I-95 South. [Closer View]
South Massachusetts 99 shield Taken in Saugus. [Closer View]
Entering Melrose Taken on Massachusetts 99 South. [Closer View]
Entering Malden Taken on Massachusetts 99 South. [Closer View]
Massachusetts green signs: Massachusetts 60 West, Malden, Medford, Next Right, Massachusetts 60 East, Revere, Next Left Taken on Massachusetts 99 South. [Closer View]
West Massachusetts 60 shield Taken in Malden. [Closer View]
Elderly Crossing Taken in Malden, Massachusetts. [Closer View]
Massachusetts green signs: South I-93, Boston, North I-93, Lawrence, 60 West, Medford Sq. Taken on Massachusetts 60 West. [Closer View]
Revere's Ride Taken on Massachusetts 60 West. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 3, East Massachusetts 2A Taken in Arlington. [Closer View]
Entering Lincoln Taken on Massachusetts 2 West. [Closer View]
Overhead: West Massachusetts 111, West Massachusetts 2, Massachusetts 27 Taken in Acton. [Closer View]

June 18, 2005

Shields: East New York 155, Albany County 157, West US 20, East US 20 Taken in Westmere. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 20, East New York 146, To New York Thruway Taken in Guilderland. [Closer View]

July 16, 2005

Village of Galway Taken on New York 147 North. [Closer View]
Welcome to the Gateway of the Adirondacks, Fulton County, Town of Broadalbin Taken on New York 29 West. [Closer View]
Village of Mayfield Taken on New York 30 South. [Closer View]
Jct. New York 30A shield Taken on New York 30 South in Mayfield. This is the northern terminus of New York 30A. [Closer View]
Shields: South New York 30, West New York 349 Taken on New York 30 South in Mayfield. This is the eastern terminus of New York 349. [Closer View]
Vail Mills Taken on New York 30 South. [Closer View]
Shields: East New York 29, South New York 30, West New York 29 Taken on New York 30 South in Vail Mills. [Closer View]
Town of Perth Taken on New York 30 South. [Closer View]

Trip to USNCCM 8 in Austin, Texas, July 20-August 7, 2005

July 20, 2005

Shields: South New York 28, West I-88 Taken in Oneonta. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 65, New York 17C, New York 434, Owego Taken on New York 17 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 62, New York 282, Nichols Taken on New York 17 West. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct New York 17, Southern Tier Expressway, Jct New York 34, End Pennsylvania 199 Taken in Sayre, Pennsylvania. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 59, New York 427, Chemung, Wellsburg Taken on New York 17 West. [Closer View]
Town of Olean Taken on I-86 West in New York. [Closer View]
Town of Allegany Taken on I-86 West in New York. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 209, I-76, US 224, Lodi, Akron Taken on I-71 South in Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 109A, I-670, Airport, Dayton Taken on I-71 South in Ohio. [Closer View]

July 21, 2005

Overheads: Exit 52A, US 68 South, Xenia, 1/4 Mile, Exit 52B, US 68 North, Urbana Taken on I-70 West in Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 26A, I-70, Ohio 4 East, Springfield, Columbus Taken on I-675 South near Dayton. [Closer View]
Shields: Alt I-70, South I-675 Taken near Dayton, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75, Cincinnati, Toledo, Jct. 3/4 Mi, Ohio 4, Ohio 201, Ohio 202, Valley St, Troy St Taken on Ohio 4 in Dayton. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-75 South, Cincinnati, I-75 North, Toledo Taken on Ohio 4 in Toledo, Ohio. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 36, US 127, Mt. Healthy Taken on I-275 West, north of Cincinnati in Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 28, I-74, US 52 East, Cincinnati, 1 Mile, West I-74, US 52, South I-275, Indianapolis Taken on I-275 northwest of Cincinnati. [Closer View]
I-275 South, Cincinnati Bypass to Kentucky, I-71, I-75, Keep Right Taken on I-275 northwest of Cincinnati. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 52, West I-74, South I-275 Taken approaching the Indiana border in Ohio. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 52, I-74 West, Indianapolis, Exit 5, I-275 South, Kentucky Taken on I-275 northwest of Cincinnati, Ohio. [Closer View]
Welcome to Indiana, Crossroads of America Taken on I-275 South. [Closer View]
Exit 16, US 50, Greendale, Lawrenceburg, Aurora, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-275 South in Indiana. [Closer View]
Perfect North Slopes Ski Area, Riverboats, Lawrenceburg, Rising Sun, Exit 16 Taken on I-275 South in Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 50 West, Lawrenceburg, Greendale, Aurora, US 50 East, Ohio Taken just off I-275 in southeastern Indiana. [Closer View]
Ohio River Scenic Byway shield Taken on US 50 West in or near Lawrenceburg, Indiana. [Closer View]
Shields: US 421, US 50 Taken in Versailles, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead shields: South US 31, West US 50, To I-64, North US 31 Taken in Seymour, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead shields: US 50, US 31, To I-65 Taken in Seymour, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-65 South, Louisville, 1/4 Mile, I-65 North, Indianapolis Taken on US 50 West in Seymour, Indiana. [Closer View]
South I-65 shield Taken on US 50 West in Seymour, Indiana. [Closer View]
Shields: Indiana 650, US 50, with End Indiana 650 in the background Taken in south central Indiana. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 50, US 150 Taken in western Indiana, probably in or near Shoals. [Closer View]
Jct. US 231 shield Taken on US 50 West in Loogootee, Indiana. [Closer View]
Shields: US 231, US 50 Taken on US 50 West in Loogootee, Indiana. [Closer View]
US 41 South, Evansville, Exit 1 Mile Taken on US 50 West approaching Vincennes, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 41 South, Evansville, North US 41, West US 50, US 150, Terre Haute, Lawrenceville Taken on US 50 West approaching Vincennes, Indiana. [Closer View]
Overhead shields: Lincoln Heritage Trail, To Indiana 61, Business US 41 Taken in Vincennes, Indiana. [Closer View]
Lincoln Heritage Trail Taken in Vincennes, Indiana. [Closer View]
The People of Illinois Welcome You Taken just across the old (not US 50 bypass) bridge from Vincennes, Indiana. [Closer View]
West Illinois 33 shield, Lincoln Heritage Trail Taken in eastern Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: US 45, US 50 Taken near Flora, Illinois. [Closer View]
I-57 North, Effingham, I-57 South, Mt Vernon Taken on US 50 West in Salem, Illinois. [Closer View]

July 22, 2005

Sandoval Taken on US 50 West in Illinois. [Closer View]
Lincoln Heritage Trail Follow North US 51 Taken in Sandoval, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 51, North US 51, US 50 Taken in Sandoval, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: West US 50, South US 51 Taken in Sandoval, Illinois. [Closer View]
Lebanon Taken on US 50 West in Illinois.
Jct. Illinois 4 shield Taken in Lebanon. [Closer View]
O'Fallon Taken on US 50 West in Illinois. [Closer View]
Overheads: Illinois 158 West, Scott A.F. Base, I-64 East, Mt Vernon, Next Right, I-64, US 50 West, East St Louis Taken on US 50 West in O'Fallon. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-64 West, St Louis, Exit 7, I-255, US 50, Chicago, Memphis Taken on I-64 approaching St. Louis. [Closer View]
North I-255 shield Taken in Illinois. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-255 North, To I-270 (in text), Horseshoe Lake Road Taken in eastern Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-270, North Great River Road Illinois, Eisenhower Interstate System Taken in western Illinois approaching the Mississippi River. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-270, Historic U.S. 66 Taken in western Illinois approaching the Mississippi River. [Closer View]
Overheads: Welcome to Missouri, The Show-Me State, Exit 34, Riverview Dr, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-270 West, north of St. Louis. [Closer View]
Shields: Route AC, US 67 Taken in Florissant, Missouri. [Closer View]
Edward "Ted" and Pat Jones-Confluence Point State Park Taken between the Mississippi and Missouri Rivers near their confluence. [Closer View]
Welcome to Missouri Taken from a small park across the Mississippi from Alton, Illinois. The sign is along US 67 South. [Closer View]
Illinois State Line Taken on US 67 North. [Closer View]
The People of Illinois welcome you Taken on US 67 North. [Closer View]
Shields: Meeting of the Great Rivers, Illinois 143, Great River Road Illinois, Illinois 140 Taken in Alton. [Closer View]
Shields: Illinois 100, Western Branch Illinois River Road, Great River Road Illinois, Illinois 3, Meeting of the Great Rivers, Bike Route Taken in Alton. [Closer View]
Shields: Illinois 16, Illinois 100, Great River Road Illinois, Illinois River Road Taken north of Grafton. [Closer View]
Stone sign: Meeting of the Great Rivers Scenic Byway Taken on Illinois 100 South, north of Grafton. [Closer View]
Shields: Illinois 100, Great River Road Illinois, Illinois River Road, Meeting of the Great Rivers Taken north of Grafton. [Closer View]
Historic US 66 Route Taken in Illinois, near the Chain of Rocks. [Closer View]

July 23, 2005

Overheads: Exit 12A, East I-64, US 40, South US 61, St Louis, Exit 12B, West I-64, US 40, North US 61, Wentzville Taken on I-270 South outside of St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-270 Ends, 1 1/4 Miles, Continue on I-255 Taken on I-270 South near St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exits 1B-C, I-55 North, St Louis, US 61, US 67, Lemay Ferry Rd, Exit 1A, I-55 South, Memphis Taken on I-255 south of St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
South I-55 shield Taken south of St. Louis, Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-55 South, Cape Girardeau, Exit 174A, US 67, Business I-55 North, Crystal City, Exit 174B, US 67 South, Bonne Terre, Farmington Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
City Limit, Bloomsdale, Pop. 419 Taken on US 61 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, Great River Road Missouri Taken in or near Bloomsdale, Missuori. [Closer View]
City Limit Ste. Genevieve, Pop. 4,411 Taken on US 61 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
Perryville 10, Kaskaskia 5 Taken on US 61 South. [Closer View]
Illinois State Line Taken on the road to Kaskaskia, Illinois, which is now on the Missouri side of the Mississippi River. [Closer View]
Village of Kaskaskia, First Capital of Illinois, Pop. 18 Taken on the only road into Kaskaskia from Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: Missouri 51 End, Great River Road Missouri, and Horse Island Chute Taken in eastern Missouri, just across from Chester, Illinois. [Closer View]
The People of Illinois welcome you Taken in Chester, Illinois, at the Popeye park just across the Mississippi River from Missouri. [Closer View]
Welcome to Chester, Home of Popeye Taken in Chester, Illinois. [Closer View]
Missouri State Line Taken on the bridge across the Mississippi River from Chester, Illinois. [Closer View]
Welcome to Missouri, the Show-Me State Taken just across the bridge over the Mississippi River from Chester, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shield: C Taken in eastern Missouri, south of Chester, Illinois. [Closer View]
Shields: C, A, Y Taken in Altenburg, Missouri. [Closer View]
City Limit Pocahontas, Pop. 127 Taken on C south in eastern Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-55 Memphis, Exit 66A, North I-57, East US 60, Chicago, Next Right, Exit 66B, US 60 West, Dexter, Poplar Bluff Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. This is the southern terminus of I-57. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 66A, North I-57, East US 60, Chicago Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. This is the southern terminus of I-57. [Closer View]
Entering New Madrid County Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 49, US 61, US 62, Business Loop I-55, New Madrid Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: Business Loop I-55, US 61, US 62 Taken in New Madrid, Missouri. [Closer View]
Green sign: North I-55, Sikeston Taken in New Madrid, Missouri. [Closer View]
Shields: South US 61, West US 62, Business Loop I-55, Great River Road Missouri Taken in New Madrid, Missouri. [Closer View]
Welcome to Historic New Madrid, Founded 1783 Taken on US 61 and US 62 in Missouri. [Closer View]
South I-55, Portageville Taken near New Madrid, Missouri. [Closer View]
North I-55, New Madrid Taken in southeastern Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 17A, East I-55, US 412, Dyersburg Tn, Exit 3/4 Mile, South I-55, US 61, Exit 17B, West US 412, Kennett, Exit 1/2 Mile Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 17A, East I-155, US 412, Dyersburg Tn, South I-55, US 61, Memphis, Exit 17B, US 412 West, Hayti, Kennett Taken on I-55 South in Missouri. [Closer View]
South I-55, Blytheville Taken in southeastern Missouri. [Closer View]
Welcome to Arkansas, The Natural State, Buckle Up For Safety Taken on I-55 South. [Closer View]
South I-55 shield Taken in northeastern Arkansas. [Closer View]
South I-55 shield, and white sign: Pedestrians, Bicycles, Parades, and other Non-motorized Vehicles Prohibited Taken in northeastern Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: East I-40, South I-55, Memphis, Exit 8, I-40 West, Little Rock Taken on I-55 South in Arkansas. [Closer View]
West I-40 shield Taken in eastern Arkansas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 159, I-440 West, Texarkana, Next Right Taken on I-40 West in Arkansas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40 West, Little Rock, Fort Smith, Exit 159, I-440, Arkansas 440, Jacksonville, Texarkana Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 153B, West I-30, South US 65, US 67, US 167, Little Rock, West I-40, North US 65, Arkansas 107, Fort Smith Taken on I-40 West. [Closer View]
West I-30 shield Taken in North Little Rock, Arkansas. [Closer View]

July 24, 2005

West US 270 shield Taken near Hot Springs, Arkansas. [Closer View]
West US 270B shield Taken in Hot Springs, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Hot Springs National Park Taken in Hot Springs, Arkansas. [Closer View]
Shields: South Arkansas 7, Arkansas Scenic Byway Taken in Little Rock. [Closer View]
East I-30, West I-30 shields, Friendship, Little Rock, Texarkana Taken on Arkansas 7 in Caddo Valley. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 7, Arkansas 108, Mandeville Taken on I-30 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-30, South US 59, Dallas, Exit 223A, South US 71, State Line Ave., 1/4 Mile Taken on I-30 West in Arkansas, approaching the Texas border. [Closer View]
Welcome to Texas, Drive Friendly - The Texas Way Taken on I-30 West. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-30, South US 59, Dallas, Houston, Exit 222, Texas 93, F.M. 1397, Summerhill Rd, 1/2 Mile, Texas Travel Information Rest Area Taken on I-30 West. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 94A, US 69, US 380, Denison, Mc Kinney Taken on I-30 West in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: West I-30, South US 67, Dallas Taken in northeastern Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: West I-30, South US 67 Taken in northeastern Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 47B, I-45, US 75, Houston, Sherman, 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 47C, Fair Park, 1st Ave, 3/4 Mile, Exit 48A, Carroll Ave Taken on I-30 West in Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 44B, I-35E South to Waco, 1/2 Mile, I-30 West, Ft Worth, Exit 44A, I-35E North, Denton, 3/4 Mile Taken on I-30 West in Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
Airports, West I-30 To I-35E, Right Lane Taken in downtown Dallas, Texas.
Shields: I-35E, To I-30, I-45 Taken in Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: To I-30, I-45 Taken in Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-35E South, Waco, Exit 418A, I-20 West, Ft Worth, 1/4 Mile, Exit 418B, I-20 East, Shreveport Taken on I-35E South in Texas. [Closer View]
South I-35E shield Taken south of Dallas, Texas. [Closer View]
Green signs: Exit 399A, F.M. 66, F.M. 876 Taken on I-35E South in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 381, F.M. 566, Milford Rd Taken on I-35E South in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 377, F.M. 934 Taken on I-35E South in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-35W North, Ft Worth Taken on I-35E South in Texas. [Closer View]
I-35 South, Austin Taken in Texas just south of the I-35E/I-35W merge. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 299, East US 190, Loop 363, Texas 36, Gatesville, Cameron Taken on I-35 South. [Closer View]

July 28, 2005

Overhead: South I-35 San Antonio Taken approaching San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, I-410, Downtown San Antonio, Exit 166, West I-410, South Loop 368 Taken on I-35 South in San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, Downtown San Antonio, Exit 162, Brooke Army Medical Center, Binz-Engleman Rd, 1 Mile Taken on I-35 South in San Antonio. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 158A, North US 281, Johnson City, 1 1/2 Miles, Exit 158B, South I-37, US 281, Corpus Christi, 1 1/4 Miles Taken on I-35 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35, Laredo, Exit 158C, Loop 368, N. Alamo St, Broadway, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-35 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-35 Laredo, Exit 158A, North US 281, Johnson City, Next Right, Exit 158B, South I-37, US 281, Corpus Christi Taken on I-35 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-37, US 281, Corpus Christi, Rio Grande Valley, Exit 140A, Florida St, Carolina St, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-37 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 139, I-10, US 90, US 87, Houston, El Paso, 1 Mile Taken on I-37 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 133, I-410, Connally Loop, Next Right Taken on I-37 South in Texas. [Closer View]
South I-37 shield Taken south of San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: South I-37, South US 281 Taken south of San Antonio, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 40, F.M. 888, 1 Mile Taken on I-37 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: South I-37, US 77, Corpus Christi, Kingsville, Exit 17, US 77 North, Victoria Taken on I-37 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: North I-37, US 77, San Antonio, Victoria, Jct. 1/2 Mile, I-37 South, Corpus Christi, Exit 1/2 Mile Taken from the US 77 frontage road near Corpus Christi, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-37 South, Bayfront, Exit 4A, Texas 358, NAS-CCAD, Padre Island, Exit 4B, Lantana St, McBride Ln Taken on I-37 South in Corpus Christi, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-37 South, Bayfront, US 181, Texas 35, Portland, Exit 3/4 Mile, Exit 1C, Texas 286, Crosstown Expwy Taken on I-37 South in Corpus Christi, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Park 22, Padre Island, Waldron Rd, Texas 358 East, NAS-CCAD Taken in Corpus Christi. [Closer View]
Intracoastal Turnaround Exit 1/2 Mile Taken on Park 22 crossing to Padre Island, Texas. [Closer View]
East Park Road 22 shield Taken on Padre Island, Texas. [Closer View]
Padre Island National Seashore Taken on Park Road 22 South in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-37 North, San Antonio, I-37 South, Bayfront, Shoreline Blvd, Leopard St Taken on Texas 358 in Corpus Christi. [Closer View]
Shields: Texas Farm Road 624, Hurricane Evacuation Route, H, North US 77 Taken in Corpus Christi. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 5, Corn Products Rd, Valero Way Taken on I-37 South in Texas. [Closer View]

July 29, 2005

Overheads: I-37 North, San Antonio, Exit 17, US 77 North, Sinton, Victoria Taken on I-37 North in Texas. [Closer View]
US 181, Sinton, Beeville, Next Right Taken on US 77 North in Texas. [Closer View]
Refugio City Limit, Pop. 2941 Taken on US 77 North in Texas. [Closer View]
Texas Farm Road 774 shield Taken on US 77 North in Texas. [Closer View]
Texas Farm Road 445 shield Taken on US 77 North in Texas. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 59, Spur 91, North US 77, South US 59 Taken on US 77 North near Victoria, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 59 Houston, US 77 North, Victoria Taken in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 87, Port Lavaca Taken on US 59 North in Texas. [Closer View]
US 59, Senator Lloyd Bentsen Highway Taken from a rest area on US 59 near Victoria, Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: F.M. 530, Cordele Taken on US 59 North in Texas. [Closer View]
Green sign: Loop 523, F.M. 647, Louise Taken on US 59 North in Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 59, Wharton, Houston, Business US 59, El Campo Taken on US 59 North southwest of Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
North US 59 shield Taken southwest of Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Future Interstate Corridor I-69 Taken on US 59 North, approaching Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: 2+ HOV Lane, Carpools Only, 5-11 AM, Mon-Fri, Towed Trailers, Trucks Over 1 Ton Prohibited Taken on US 59 North in Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overhead: North Fort Bend Toll Road, Fort Bend Parkway Tollroad, South, Fort Bend Toll Road Taken on the Sam Houston Tollway Westbound near Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: Sam Houston Toll Road East, Sam Houston Tollway, I-45 North, Houston, I-45 South, Galveston Taken on the Sam Houston Tollway Westbound near Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-45 North, Houston, I-45 South, Galveston Taken on the ramp from the Sam Houston Tollway near Houston, Texas. [Closer View]
South Texas Farm Road 563 shield Taken near Houston. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, US 69 North, Lufkin, Baton Rouge, Exit 849, US 69 South, Washington Blvd, Port Arthur Taken on I-10 East in Texas. [Closer View]
Louisiana State Line, Calcasieu Parish Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Louisiana, Bienvenue en Louisiane Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Lafayette, Exit 31B, US 90 East to Louisiana 14, 3/4 Mile, Exit 31A, US 90 Business, Entertprise Blvd Taken on I-10 East in Louisiana. [Closer View]

July 30, 2005

Green sign: Exit 32, Louisiana 43, Albany, Springfield Taken on I-12 East. [Closer View]
Welcome to Mississippi, It's Like Coming Home Taken on I-10 East. This replaced the one previously seen here on November 22, 2003. [Closer View]
Welcome to Mississippi, It's Like Coming Home Taken in the rest area from I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 46B, Mississippi 15 North, 1/4 Mile, Exit 46A, I-110, South Mississippi 15, Biloxi, Keesler A.F.B. Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-10 East, Mobile, Exit 46B, North Mississippi 15 Taken on I-10 East. [Closer View]
Shields: To West I-10, West US 90, US 98, To East I-10, East US 90, US 98 Taken in Mobile, Alabama. [Closer View]
South Florida 71 shield Taken in northern Florida, near I-10. [Closer View]
East Florida 12 shield Taken in northern Florida, approaching I-10. [Closer View]
Distance sign: US 90, 12, Lake City 43 Taken on I-10 East in Florida.
Historic Suwannee River, with actual musical notes on the sign ** Taken on I-10 East in Florida. Unfortunately blurred since the light was low and we were doing 70 MPH on the way by. [Closer View]

August 4, 2005

Shields: To I-75, East Collier County 846, West Collier County 846 Taken on US 41 South in Naples, Florida. [Closer View]

August 5, 2005

West Collier County 896 shield Taken on Livingston Road (Collier County 881) North in Naples, Florida. [Closer View]
North Collier County 881 shield Taken in Naples, Florida. [Closer View]
Hendry County 832 shield Taken near Immokalee, Florida. [Closer View]
Moore Haven, Clewiston Taken near Immokalee, Florida. [Closer View]
North US 27 shield Taken in Moore Haven, Florida. [Closer View]
East Florida 78 shield Taken near Moore Haven, Florida. [Closer View]
Jct. Glades County 721 shield Taken on Florida 78 near Lakeport. [Closer View]
Shields: Jct. US 441, Jct. US 98 Taken in Okeechobee, Florida. [Closer View]
Big Water Heritage Trail shield Taken in Okeechobee, Florida. [Closer View]
End Florida 78 shield Taken in Okeechobee, Florida. [Closer View]
Shields: North US 98, To Florida 710, West Florida 70, East Florida 70, To Florida's Turnpike Taken in Okeechobee. [Closer View]
East St. Lucie County 712 Taken on Florida 70 East. [Closer View]
Green sign: US 1, Vero Beach 22, US 1, Fort Pierce 4 Taken on Florida 70 East. [Closer View]
Overheads: North Florida 713, To I-95, Florida's Turnpike Taken in Fort Pierce. [Closer View]
Green sign: I-95, W Palm Bch, Daytona Bch Taken in Fort Pierce, Florida. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95 South, W Palm Bch Taken in Fort Pierce, Florida. [Closer View]
Overhead: I-95 North, Daytona Bch Taken in Fort Pierce, Florida. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exit 173, Florida 514, Palm Bay, Malabar Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
East Brevard County 516 shield Taken near Melbourne, Florida. [Closer View]
Green sign: Exits 260AB, I-4 West, Florida 400 East, Orlando, South Daytona, Jct 1 Mile Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 261, US 92, DeLand, Daytona Beach, Exit 1 1/4 Miles, Exit 260B, I-4 West, Orlando, Exit 1/2 Mile, Exit 260A, Florida 400 East, South Daytona Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Green sign: To I-95, West Florida 100, Bunnell, Next Left Taken on Florida A1A in Flagler Beach. [Closer View]
Shields: Florida Scenic Highway, North Florida A1A, South Florida A1A ** Taken in Flagler Beach. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 298, US 1, St. Augustine Taken on I-95 North in Florida. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 337, North I-95, Jacksonville, Savannah, North I-295, East Florida 9A, Orange Park, Jax Beaches, 1 Mile Taken on I-95 North. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 351B, To I-10 West, 1 3/4 Miles, I-95 North Taken on I-95 North in Florida. [Closer View]
Overheads: Exit 351B, West I-10, Lake City, 3/4 Mile, I-95 North, Int'l Airport, Savannah, Exit 351A, Park St, 1/4 Mile Taken on I-95 North in Florida. [Closer View]

August 6, 2005

Green sign: Exit 58, Future I-295, North US 13, To US 401, Newton Grove Taken on I-95 North in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overhead: Exit 301, Outer I-440, To East US 64, 1 Mile Take on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: I-40, Inner I-440, To West US 64, Durham, Exit 301, Outer I-440, To East US 64, 1/2 Mile Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Green sign and shields: I-440 Inner Beltline, South and West Raleigh, Downtown, I-440 Outer Beltline, East and North Raleigh Taken on I-40 West in North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: West I-440, Exit 14, East US 64, East US 264, Wilson, Rocky Mount, 1/2 Mile, Exit 15, Poole Rd Taken on Outer/West I-440 in Raleigh, North Carolina. [Closer View]
I-440 Outer Beltline Taken near Raleigh, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Cliff Benson Beltline Taken on I-440 in Raleigh, North Carolina. [Closer View]
I-440 shield Taken in Raleigh, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 1 North, Wake Forest, Henderson, US 401 North, Rolesville, Louisburg Taken on US 1 North near Raleigh, North Carolina. [Closer View]
North US 1 shield Taken near Wake Forest, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Overheads: US 1 North, Wake Forest, Lane Ends 1/2 Mile, West I-540, To US 70, To West I-40, Durham Taken on US 1 North near Wake Forest, North Carolina. [Closer View]
Welcome to Virginia Taken on US 1 North.